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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi and welcome to the community.
  2. Yes - Guessing the site is having problems again, Members map also disappeared. Hope it's not causing @Admin too much of a headache... I closed down my own website when I chose to wind up my part time business a year ago. Whilst the site was up though, the admin back end was constantly notifying me of the hacking and malicious login attempts. I imagine this site would attract them tenfold.
  3. Forgive me repeating myself, but we're a niche community - it generally feels like we're isolated with the whole world ready to disapprove that one thing that fires us up. The last thing we need is disapproval from within our own community. That's why I totally agree @Bumperking17, @steve25805 and everyone else - the last thing we need is a disapprove icon. (For what it's worth, it's the same reason it irritates me so much when a member starts preaching their preferences as though they're gospel 'women shouldn't do this, men must do that..'.) Build the positives, uplift each other
  4. Sorry for doubling up with another post. Doubling up? What is the multiple term for 11 peaches?
  5. I do wonder whether in 'protest' people adopt the joint traits of feeling that as part of a larger group they are empowered to pee in public - because everybody is in the same situation (like a mass naked parade) - so if one does it then there's no stigma or embarrassment for all to, also even pissing on the establishment as it were by pissing on the street or buildings - almost as a form of graffiti or vandalism.... Or maybe I'm way off...
  6. Good job we're not 'most people' @WendyMarty - you're in good company here.
  7. I guess it wasn’t just me found the site unavailable for a couple of hours this morning? (Home page loading without style sheet, not recognising username & password). Thanks as always @Admin for all your hard work.
  8. Hi - Prepare to be plenty more fascinated- welcome to the community.
  9. Well, I didn't say that there were lots of stories around the very specific fantasy worlds where peeing is normal - but if you widen the search to stories where pee is normalised and takes place without real recriminations. Then that's where there's the wider range of choice. Try: Wet Carpet Magazine (lots of short anecdotes) Jessica the Intern Welcome to Kaymala (series) Grinding Hog Day (series) Lavatria (series) New Season ..... basically loads, try hunting on fiction by Steve25805, Brutus, paulypeeps, Wetwulf, me, Spywareonya...
  10. I think I've already posted, so apologies but the garden centre post reminded me - a couple of weeks ago we went to a cash & carry type warehouse. Standing outside in a socially distanced queue waiting to go in, I was casually admiring the rear that was 2m in front of me - looking like sprayed on very shapely jeans on a mature lady. Her partner appeared from around the side of the building, explaining to us that he'd been the week before, been bursting and the toilets had been closed. I spent the rest of the shopping trip seeing her down various aisles and wondering if she'd wanted
  11. I'd agree with that - I've been out on the bike before heavily hydrated, knowing full well that normally I'd be absolutely bursting to pee. On the bike, I guess it's the pressure of a fairly hard road bike seat - where normally I'd feel the bursting all the way from bladder almost to tip of my penis, on the bike I get the painfully full bladder but no inclination to actually pee, no need to clench etc. Until I stop anyway, and then I'm hit almost immediately by an overwhelming need to pee or wet...
  12. Must admit I'm very tame when it comes to work... keeping this life and professional life very, very separate - I'm not big on scandal and recriminations. If it's a day when I've cycled to work then the shower is my first port of call. Other than that if it's later in the day I'll usually hold and stop somewhere down a country lane on the way home, or if I know I'm arriving home to an empty house (usually Fridays) then I'll try and hold even longer...
  13. I've posted about this somewhere, but a while ago. I'm not sure it was my first time, but definitely my first full bladder. I was staying in student accommodation as freelance staff at a large event - very much 'work hard, play hard', working from noon well into the early hours, and drinking hard too. One night I got particularly drunk and was feeling quite horny too. Lay in the single student bed I felt the urge to release some of the lager I'd been drinking and decided to roll to the edge of the bed just to let out a few spurts of pee - that was the plan. Anyway, the inevitable h
  14. I know the sort of thing you mean. There are a huge amount of stories which gloss over the legality question, by describing freely pissing without too much care. Literally hundreds of examples... The Rugby Girls series is one of my favourites to get you started.
  15. Well, four or five months late replying, but yes another UK guy here with almost exactly the same interests as you. North West UK in my case. Hope you've settle in nicely.
  16. Browsing the inter web thing the other day and came across a photoset of this very attractive young lady. From first glance at the photos I thought I was seeing a well hydrated pee onto the towel, until I noticed the hosepipe. It's a nice thought though.... (Note to @Admin - If these should go into non-Pee please feel free to move...)
  17. You know, I've seen the question quite a few times and I really don't know... the more I think about it the less I think I can put a spot on it. I've said quite a few times, for me I think the seed was sown from a first year infant school experience of seeing a girl sitting on the toilet having a wee. Of course it was nearly ten years before I had any clue what being turned on was, so not going to claim that was it. I became fascinated with the female anatomy before pee, I guess because at a teenage level that's what was 'available' in literature or sneaky glimpses up skirts etc.
  18. Welcome to the forum Wendy.
  19. Maybe a year or so ago now I was listening to UK BBC Radio 2 in my car driving to work, and the presented Zoe Ball was discussing objects to be found in car boots... Various people phoning in talking about wellies, picnic blankets and the like. Then live on air, Ms Ball announced to the whole of the UK about having a 'pee bowl' in her boot, and when the co presenter questioned her she explained that her and her daughter had been caught short whilst broken down, and had both taken it in turns to pee in a carrier bag. Maybe she thought that would be more socially acceptable to a middl
  20. I'm going to jump in with an answer, but I'm dying to know what the other ladies on the forum think, so I hope 'm not going to kill the conversation. Obviously every single guy here has slightly different interests so I can only speak for myself. Firstly I'm going to say that I'm not one of those that get's my kicks from domination, those photos and videos of guys half drowning women on their knees aren't really my thing. I could see myself under some circumstances peeing on a partner, although it would be a very intimate thing and in the right circumstances - upon request in the shower
  21. That gets a huge upvote from me - along with loose skirt and no panties - but the whole idea of just peeing at will under a skirt, sitting on the ground gets me wild every time.
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