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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi @Bidslongdaddy and welcome to the site. Title of your post grabbed my attention and thought maybe it was a technical question. I can relate to your comment on not having much interaction - there's quite a few reasons for that. One of those being that whilst the site shows 25k members, there's a much smaller proportion active at any one time and many who never interact, but are just here to appreciate -- so would never strike up a conversation with you. Plus it's only been a few days. This isn't one of those sites promising teenage girls who want to chat with you - it's a commu
  2. I know the question was in the distant history of last weekend, but still worth an answer... Firstly for me personally, my ability to hold depends very much what I've drunk. Like a lot of people, caffeine triggers a pretty sudden spasm in my bladder so if I drink a good coffee or something like coke, I can guarantee that in maybe an hour I'll go from nothing to bursting. Also there seems to be a sweetener used in some drinks which has the same effect. So, choosing what to drink is a good part - I'm not a serial holder, but do like to occasionally. Other than that, assuming I'v
  3. Not a movie.... and very tame, but the Netflix series Stranger Things has a moment that made me smile... At the end of Series 3, several of the teen members of the cast are trapped in a large goods elevator. The two males state that they need to piss and do so, the implication being that the girls have to hold it. Later two of the older teens Steve Harrington and Robyn Buckley (played by Maya Hawke, daughter of Ethan Hawke & Uma Thurman) are captured and interrogated. Both are drugged to try and reveal the truth and as a consequence are flying high as kites. After their esca
  4. Pretty much every time I read a Peefans post by <Insert one of many names here>
  5. Ha ha @oliver2 - think you're about right, but no politics please - there's enough of that muppet show in real life everywhere we turn. I agree on the tragic loss that is Tumblr - there were so many great artists used it for their NSFW art - Sabrina Dacos as my favourite example, but many more too. Not just the self publishing artists like her either, but as already said those that went to the time and effort in posting collections of themed pictures too. From a censorship point, I'm all in favour of grossly indecent content - paedophilia, violence and abuse, racism, sexism etc bein
  6. Sounds like a great de-stress technique lol. You weren't able to upload your video because this site doesn't have the capability for user video uploads, only pictures. So you'd have to host it somewhere else and then you could post with a link to it. One very minor point too, there's a dedicated Men Peeing section where you may get more feedback.
  7. In a parallel universe where you didn’t have your significant other and similar on my part we would be both very satisfied. Reality is what it is however.
  8. In the interests of scientific research for you I've just browsed some of my favourite posts.... The first thing I guess about a growing erection is feeling a slight pressure building - so if I'm wearing jeans or tighter pants I'll feel the gradually growing bulge increase in size and press both against my clothes and against my body. With it is a feeling of warmth. Not to the same extent or speed as a wetting yourself spurt warmth, but just a gentle comfortable glow like maybe gripping one of those hand warmer pads. Depending on clothing, as my penis gets more erect it can be a touc
  9. No disagreement with your assessment criteria there at all @Alfresco. For me the smile is a huge factor too - putting no.s 2, 3 & 6 well up the running order. No disagreements on No. 7 either. As you've touched on, all credit to all of them of course. Oh to be so lucky as to have the choice...
  10. Agreed - Great finds. With the numbered cards, my first thought would be it'd be a perfect opportunity for a poll - pick your favourite. Then I realised that apart from ruling out one or two based on personal preferences, there's no way I could pick just one.
  11. I'm not sure how far fetched this fantasy is - sometimes in the past it has seemed closer than other times - but to be in a relationship where all of this, including membership of this site could be out in the open, could be understood and accepted. If we're delving into the more typical realms of fantasy, then being with a willing participant and having them release on my lap, feeling the hot wet flood trickling down and flooding over me would be pretty well up there. I'm a man of fairly simple tastes.
  12. Hi and welcome to the community Tom
  13. I am doing the place something of a dis-service, and a bit unfair of me. It is one of those places that many many people hold a fondness and great memories of, a place with many great residents. Unfortunately it does have its share of social problems - partly some people and their social habits and to a certain extent some of the visitors it attracts.
  14. Love the topic @Paulypeeps - I've got my thinking cap on....
  15. Well, the most prominent time was on a night out... Wife, myself, friend of hers and his boyfriend. A bit of context is that the guy in question was one of those very flamboyant characters, hair like the 80's George Micheal look, sharp dresser and very effeminate mannerisms. Also tagging along was his boyfriend who we'd met a couple of times and was one of those slightly jealous possessive gay men. We'd been to the UK seaside resort of Blackpool which is a curious mix of victorian family seaside resort, knocking shop and slum. Entertainment for the night had been a visit to Funny Gir
  16. That last name.... C.P. Waterman. that sounds like the perfect pseudonym for any watersports guy. (Sorry to lower the intellectual level there)
  17. Hi welcome to the forum and a great community.
  18. Welcome to the community - it's definitely not just you. 25,000 past and present members should confirm that. There's a smaller (more select) audience here typically, but lots to explore - hope you have fun.
  19. Over the weekend I was doing some renovations, this time on the tired old bathroom. A couple of coffees and the need to pee was gradually taking away my ability to concentrate. Eventually it got to the decision point....
  20. Just to add to my previous.... exercising the imagination when it comes to people I know, just as much as an attractive stranger in the street. Yes, if I see an attractive (to me) person in the street then I may get that spark of imagination about them.... But the added factor is that with friends and acquaintances there's more chance of them fuelling the imagination like throwing a bucket of petrol onto that spark. Like for example giving a lift across town to a client's assistant after she'd supervised a cold outdoor photo shoot and her first words on getting into the car were "
  21. What a magnificent beast.... the car I mean 😉
  22. Glad to see I'm not alone.... I'm almost constantly considering the 'what-ifs', what is she wearing under that skirt or jeans, is she shaved, trimmed or fully natural? Does she need to go, what would her attitude be to pee, what would she do as a last resort. All of those questions and many more. Obviously these are always just personal musings. I find it easy to keep these thoughts separate as pure personal fantasy - nothing improper apart from my thoughts.
  23. Ooh, good question- from my perspective there’s two related aspects.... As a teen and adult before realising I completely had a pee fetish I was obsessed with the femal body (ok, still am lol) - and maturing realised that I wasn’t always very subtle about it. That led to me for a long time feeling creepy about what I enjoyed. I’m going to narrow down from this fetish to actually say this site has made me realise two things: - A girl peeing isn’t always a sign of vulnerability for me to feel guilty that I’m somehow taking advantage. Not being exploited and forced to pee for the
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