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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Welcome to the site, it's a great place and a great community. Not really a dating site though, more a place to chat and share with a wide audience. Welcome to it!
  2. Had a chat with my son yesterday.... Where we live most agriculture is sheep or dairy - but he's done lots of outdoor activities with scouts, cadets etc with kids from all over. About 20 miles away are coastal plains where all the agriculture is vegetable growing and of course then there are city kids out in the countryside. So the end effect there are kids who've never ever set foot in a field with livestock in it, and freak at the thought of thought of walking through a field with a dairy herd grazing... It's a privileged like enjoying open countryside and fresh air.
  3. Believe me - mine is very, very rarely anything like that exciting. There are members here who would have us believe every woman they meet drops their pants for them. There are members here who enjoy the ability to partake in the hottest of experiences regularly, and I'm forever thrilled by their stories, pictures and videos. Then there's me who considers it a big thing to have caught literally a few milliseconds of a lady by her van.... Does that put into perspective my excitement lol.
  4. Well, I guess Karen could always carry out a 'week 2' appraisal for Jessica and a bit more on-the-job coaching for any aspects she's struggling a bit with. It's no more than any half decent manager would do...
  5. There’s a popular theory that northern folks are much friendlier than Londoners... (not trying to incite an argument)
  6. Loved that.... Great imagery and perfectly described. Also might sound odd me saying this - but really nice too to read of you both sharing such an intimate moment without it all being about rampant sex. Nothing wrong with when it is, but also nice to just enjoy a moment like that before getting back to the day's duties. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Thank you. I did wonder about bringing in a few more of the ladies in the office, but thank you!
  8. Thank you @Dr.P & @Sophie - glad you like it. I wasn't sure if it was a bit to slow and rambling... But it is what it is...
  9. [Fictional story of Jessica the Intern learning to cope with limited office facilities. Desperation, wetting and naughty pee] The door swung open at the end of the office, breaking my concentration. As I looked up across the sea of cubicles I saw Phillipa from personnel walk in followed by a tall slim young lady. That would be Jessica then, the new intern. Sure enough Phillipa made a beeline for my cubicle and introduced the young lady. “So Jessica, let me introduce you to your line manager Karen Watts. Karen this is Jessica, she’s going to be with you for the next twelv
  10. I'd like to think that with my mind generally not far off sewer level that would give me a head start in recognising the relief on your face.... Then again I'd bet you're equally expert at keeping the poker face on. The easy solution would be if we both knew of each other's interest - then just a healthy mutual respect and less need to hide.
  11. Reading it as a fictional letter is one thing @Paulypeeps - but as a true account is unbearable (in a perfectly delicious way). Would love to go for a meal with you... 😉
  12. I'm guessing over the next few days your little bit of the coast is going to get somewhat busier, if it wasn't already...
  13. Not to mention all the beach front pubs, cafes and restaurants all still closed. All the park cafes being locked too.
  14. Great story @Malika - those late night urgent pees are one of my favourite kind to read about or see. Very hot! Also, there is no need to apologise for your English - the translation is excellent and it reads very clearly. In fact when I read it, I imagine it being read in an Eastern European lady's voice which I personally find incredibly sexy... Thanks as always for posting.
  15. I'm 100% absolutely sure you would never intend to offend anybody - and my comment was probably a bit over-reactionary. It's just there's now five pages of discussion on this anecdote - what must the original poster think of us all, with the amount of disection, analysis, questioning and argument which has taken place. Had you said "I've just had an amazing mental picture of a man and lady pissing together in a goldfish bowl", or "as a guy I would have loved to be your friend at the party pissing with you" it would have read somewhat differently. I'm guilty though that my critic
  16. How can you apologise for strange responses and then say "would have been better..." In my personal opinion no it wouldn't - a relative new member has shared a story the way it was, and gets welcomed to the forum initially by a bunch of guys being really weird about it (dealt with admirably by admin). Then with a 'would have been better...' Am I the only person just enjoying the anecdote without feeling the need for a the what if, should have, would have, could have ???
  17. Was that in Malaga too @RogerNL - I'll have to be a bit more observant next time I'm in that direction
  18. Ditto. Was just on chat in pop-up window and noticed it taking a few seconds for messages to appear. Opened the main site and yes, taking a good few seconds to load pages.
  19. Just had a 'wow' moment.... See if you agree. https://nude-gals.com/photoshoot.php?photoshoot_id=11138
  20. Today's finds... Hope you like them!
  21. I'm using Safari 13.1 on my Macbook (OS High Sierra) and iMac (whatever the version after High Sierra is). Chat basically seems to work absolutely fine for me - wasn't causing me any problems this morning either. The cursor placement on clicking a username still seems to exist - but absolutely not a problem worth worrying about.
  22. I'll try on my phone.... Probably my own fault for using one of those funny apple things.
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