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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. You know that thing where urgency comes and goes in waves... I think with the next big wave I may stop trying to swim...
  2. Now I know where the coffee and juice are at. Definitely closer to a 10 than 9 now. Just bent down to the fridge and may have had the tiniest dribble escape.
  3. Well, I think the jeans have won - currently lounging around in blue slim fit jeans and a Pink Floyd T shirt. Last time I pee'd was about 3 hours ago and had a mug of black coffee and some juice too since. Thought that may have filtered through quicker - coffee normally does. So currently at probably an 8.5 - could most definitely cope with a pee, but not affording myself that luxury yet. (Oh, and maybe not to everybody's taste - but may just happen to have tried a little bit of cross-dressing under the jeans).
  4. Having a chilled out day to myself, just finished writing a story which has left me 'in the mood'... Question is what to do... Moderately full at the moment (7/10) and just about to have another mug of coffee - so I guess multiple options are possible. Thoughts include perhaps jeans, clothing etc which are going in the wash - or perhaps solo in the bath. Wetting carpets, bed or similar aren't options and the weather is pretty lousy outside so I'm tempted to stay indoors. Anyone got any suggestions...?
  5. I'm going to take advice from the real life Sally on that one...
  6. [Story based loosely on a true anecdote - desperation / wetting / golden shower / lesbian themes] “Are you sure this is ok Tricia?” Asked Sally, her voice wavering slightly and giving away her anxiety. “Of course” replied Tricia, stopping and turning to face her best friend “You’ll be perfect at this, have a bit of faith in yourself” “Ha, now your asking the impossible” said Sally with a weak smile. Tricia gave her a hug before turning and pushing open the door into the changing rooms. “Hey everyone, this is my bestie Sally. Remember I said she was going to try
  7. Bit late in saying hi - but a very big welcome to the site, have been loving your content too. Seeing your marker on the map brought back some fond memories of a stay in Louisville a few years ago too - good times!!!
  8. Certainly there are people on the site who've become very close friends and I'd go as far as say have swapped videos, had Skype interactions and the like. I'm not sure the site can claim best man or chief bridesmaid duties but it could happen. As you're all well aware ('cos it seems to have to be mentioned in chat every few weeks) we're not a chat up site - but we are a site for strangers to become friends and for friends to become closer. So never say never. But - to be a member for a fortnight and to hope for meet ups with other members - that'd certainly take an unusual amount of
  9. The cycle route I followed yesterday is a 'shared space' cycle path and hence popular with joggers, dog walkers and families. It's one that I occasionally use on a commute to work, and does reward with some attractive sights amongst the early morning joggers and dog walkers. Sadly though far to well frequented and probably close enough to home that only a true aficionado would want to pop in a sneaky wee.
  10. I would oblige.... but mine went all shy and hid at the sight of all those impressive samples already posted. 😉😂
  11. I wonder if it's possible that you being turned on by 'this stuff' and that following later that your friend peeing over his desk is not just coincidence... Whether more likely that knowing what your friend did, the risk, the naughtiness has fuelled your subconscious to the point of being turned on by such things. I could be over thinking of course...
  12. Just a quick addition here.... I've just posted about this afternoon's cycle ride which found me getting splatted into a very muddy, very wet puddle and then having to ride another hour home... You can read about the ride itself here. By the time I got home the afternoon sun had set, a chill was setting in. I was already a bit damp in a not ideal way from my fall and decided I needed a quick warm up. After all, all my cycling gear was going straight in the washing machine. I had my bib shorts on - they look a bit like a comedy circus strongman outfit - tight lycra shorts with shoul
  13. It seems to have been a while since I've managed to break the Groundhog Day syndrome of working until mid-afternoon when it's starting to go dark. Today I took the opportunity to break my hours and take a bike ride just after lunch. Looking out of the window, reasonably dry roads, clear blue skies an no prospect of rain, sunshine - although I new it was going to be cold. So just before 2pm I managed to get out on my road bike. Today's route is one of the 'go to' rides, although maybe suited to a hybrid more than skinny tyre'd carbon road frame. It's a circular cycle route around the
  14. Thinking about it, we celebrate Mother's Day by, say taking Mum out for a meal so she doesn't have to cook for the family - so perhaps on World Toilet Day we should all give the toilet a day's rest and pee elsewhere instead?
  15. Interesting... Perhaps we'd need to take the two separately. World toilet day, I guess that's quite easy - we already generally love (many of us anyway) peeing near if not in toilets - so perhaps more of a focus today on porcelain peeing. I'll probably post a thread of ladies on the loo pics later.... in the mean time enjoy THIS. As far as International Men's Day - I don't know, perhaps a few more of the ladies could try a bit of standing to pee like a man, just for one day at least. Of course, the other traits including burping, farting, snoring within five minutes of cuming an
  16. I'm going to agree 100% with you on that one - her willingness to talk to the camera naturally and in that British accent just works perfectly for me. And understands too that we always want to see her in a positive and upbeat state of mind (does anyone else find some of the eg- Bound2Burst models a bit 'angry' during their clips?). Certainly meets the 'would I want to sit and have a drink with this girl' criteria. Another favourite of mine based on two clips with plenty of dialogue is Becky LeSabre - a great slow burning inferno of a clip, with a breathless interview following. Perfect.
  17. I'm sure I sound like a broken record when I say how much better hearing things like this feel - I spent years feeling guilty over my obsession with ladies' peeing and knowing there's ladies too with the same feelings about men makes it so much more balanced. In fact, would go so far as to say 'wish I could oblige for you' - maybe in a parallel universe somewhere.
  18. Hi and welcome to the forum - a very good question. It's hard to tell isn't it just how many people are aware, tolerant and engaging in our little passion - but certainly it seems more visible in the public domain.
  19. I'm at risk of coming across as some sort of stalker, replying within seconds of you posting... I was literally browsing the site as it popped up. WOW.... I have to say I'm definitely not into the idea of humiliation but those few words of 'never felt relief quite like I did' really turned the whole account around. Hoping that euphoria of relief made all the pain and any feelings of embarrassment or worry worthwhile. Can only imagine how good the spreading warmth along with easing the pressure on your bladder felt. Brilliantly written too! Thanks for sharing
  20. Like you've said yourself, here on this forum you're definitely preaching to the converted. But taking a wider view, thinking about the example of any fetish - or not just a fetish but any significantly encompassing hobby. Like perhaps being into a particular movie fandom to the point of obsession... First and foremost I'd be considering YOU as a person, your personality, your warmth, honesty, how much love you give. It's hard to be in a relationship if the other person doesn't have the same morals and values as you. Do I love, or can I fall in love with your soul? Do you have a posit
  21. There's that thing where hearing a song will instantly take you back to a memorable place.... Guess you have mixed feelings there lol.
  22. I must have only half read or glanced over your original post @Sophie - just reading a couple of comments, scrolled up and slowly read your account. As usual you have managed to describe the scenario so amazingly yet straightforwardly - and in such an arousing way. I don't know how you do that but please don't stop lol. Also to pick up the same 'don't stop' theme and answer your question "how do we guys aim", well practice makes perfect - so my recommendation is that you take every possible opportunity to repeat the scenario with your husband. I'm sure he'll appreciate your willingness
  23. That is a great film, nothing wrong with going back to that formula.
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