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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. In the world of jogging / cycling (etc) it's said 'it doesn't matter how little you do, you're still beating anyone sat on the sofa'. I'm sure the same applies here - it doesn't matter whether you play all the time or never... I'm still in awe of anyone with any musical skills and talent. I firmly don't fall into that camp. I'm sadly well and truly on the sofa. I have lots of musical friends, professional and part time musicians and teachers... and whilst I know some of the theory I'm definitely in awe. A couple of years ago I was photographing a weekend music event for a friend and
  2. Please note that site rules have changed since the original topic was created.... Rule 8 has been clarified regarding using this site to promote off-site communications. For that reason any future discussions will be removed.
  3. Sorry I can't add much value in terms of recommendations. Moderators note though to anyone replying: Please remember the site rules around self promotion. It's ok though to post links to third party sites which you don't profit from.
  4. I seem to have the blank chatbox issue now.... as above, the homepage chat is blank - but corner popup shows a chat from about 3hrs ago. Participants on the corner chat box shows 0 (not even me lol)
  5. For me personally, it's not about the journey - it's about the arrival. That and strange though it may seem, I'm sort of imagining the experience and the feelings of a lady desperately hoping she makes it, or finds somewhere naughty where she can finally pee (irrespective of clothed or not). So it's not like every time I pee, or even every time I'm desperate - it's on the times when I'm already in a naughty state of mind and fancy torturing myself solely for the eventual release - and most likely a session of pleasuring myself afterwards too.
  6. I think it's a great idea in the first instance, as has been noted it really needs some fairly well matched creative writing on both sides to make it read well and flow. Also from experience of a few of those 'write the next para' collective stories, it could be difficult to have multiple people all contributing one character's part of the story - so may work best with one person only writing each character...
  7. 3. A girl wetting herself - drunk on a night out, stuck in a traffic jam, suddenly startled or made to laugh is quite normal, whereas a guy wetting himself would be seen as some sort of social outcast. 4. A guy exposing only his penis to pee in public could be likely to be prosecuted as a sex offender - would the same apply to a girl with all on show peeing?
  8. Based on your stories, it's right that your name is put forward (IMHO). Once @Sophie has got all the nominees in, then it's open to the whole membership to vote on which nominee they would like to win each category.
  9. Can I add a couple more - even though I've already nominated some... Category Four : Best fictional writer We have many fictional story writers here, who do you think is the best writer? @Ppgirl
  10. Hi Brendan - and welcome to the forum. I'm in a similar situation from you, in that this is very much an outlet for me from an otherwise lonely kink. Something not shared in real life. So, lots of like minded people here. Enjoy yourself browsing around, there's certainly a lot to browse through. One point is that we're a little different than some other forums, we're not based around private message chats between individuals, although that's certainly possible. Instead the community is more built on open posting which everyone can share and enjoy. It's a much quicker way for us all to
  11. Nothing wrong with any of that - and a great scenario to discuss. I was conscious of sounding critical which certainly wasn't the intent. It's also a really good point that fantasies can often go much further than we would in real life, so just by thinking and talking about something isn't an admission of guilt by any means.
  12. All of the above really are great nominations, and I've already decided on some of my votes. Of course those aren't the only nominees - the more the better. So without duplicating any in the same categories, and trying to add variety, here are my choices to go into the pool. Footnote.... That was incredibly difficult. There are members who've been huge but now are no longer active, then there are newer members also showing great potential - but are they just a flash in the pan? Trying to think of members who really stand out in each category is so difficult! In other words
  13. I'm only offering personal preference here rather than criticism, if I walked into a public facility that was already in a dire condition and I was in a naughty mood, then I may be tempted to add to flooding already on the floor as an example. I think though that would be the limit of my waywardness. Creating a mess which would affect the next person such as soaking the toilet paper or even leaving a mess on the seat wouldn't be my thing, nor making a mess in a fresh and clean toilet which the next person could report and incur extra work for the cleaner. Not being holier than thou, jus
  14. Hi and welcome. Glad you decided to take the plunge - it is definitely a friendly and very positive place as you'll already know. And a good place to realise that there are a huge number of people sharing the same interest, so you're definitely not alone and no need to feel guilty on that score.
  15. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - sounds like you're in exactly the right place. There's a lot of people in exactly the same boat, myself included, where 'online' is our only avenue to explore and feel 'normal' about what we enjoy. This community especially is full of those people and it's a very friendly community. In terms of finding your way about, a lot of people seem to expect the forum to work as a message board - based all on one-to-one personal messaging, that is possible but it's not what we're about. Think of us more as the Facebook of pee, except it's everyone that s
  16. I've often used my 'in a parallel universe' to justify my fantasies where I know these are purely flights of fancy, which I can't really imagine I'd be lucky enough to experience. On this one it seems so tangibly close - I have the perfect venue in mind. A private house, on the outskirts of a pretty town with some nice restaurants. Enough bedrooms for a select group, with tiled floors throughout and at least spring time onwards warm enough to allow clothing to be optional (and quick drying of laundry). The other thing on the overall idea is - just like a corporate away day - we're
  17. I wasn't really thinking to try and match the nerve density in a fingertip, more just a single 'actuator' on each finger, so instead of feeling the touch of five fingers on your skin you'd feel five vibrating stimulations wherever those fingertips touched.
  18. The 'simplest' to implement (as everything is relative) to my engineering mind would be some sort of very thin, flexible comfortable panty liner with embedded wires to detect changes in moisture levels. That would be connected to a small processor which can work out from the rate of change whether a dribble or a spurt of pee has occurred - and monitoring over short durations could monitor that leak soaking away or being followed by a longer trickle, flow or flood. Then the processor could be controlled by a phone app to do various things.... to send a message to the wearer's partner's p
  19. Hi and welcome to the community, your absolutely right - we absolutely pride ourselves on politeness and respect for each other. No issues with piss either, who here doesn't absolutely love a loud hissing, bubbling, splattering piss or for that matter feeling the warming flow of their piss. Almost an absolute though is the absence, to the point where it's almost a shock seeing it on other sites, of all the derogatory terms and their connotations. I can't recall the last time I saw reference to "piss loving slut", "milf", "chubby", "whore" or any of those terms so often used in video titl
  20. Perhaps when all this is over, it could be 'fun' if a trusted group of us all signed onto the same experience day. We don't know each other in real life other than a few clues based on rough ages and hints that we've given here - but there'd most likely be other people on the course though completely independently. So the focus would be on the driving, but if someone commented on needing a wee whilst hanging about waiting their turn, could be amusing deciding who was feigning disinterest for real or not lol. (I know such a meet-up would be unlikely lol)
  21. Indeed - and I thank you and all my true PF friends from the bottom of my heart. Actually, no need to worry though - I must admit to a choice of melancholy tunes, I'd been listening to songs like Guns & Roses November Rain, Bryan Adams Heaven and Bruce Hornsby - but was in quite a good relaxed mood. My wife had headed off to bed leaving me with my Friday evening diet of Sky Arts music documentaries. Brian Johnson had met Sting, the third part of Icon* had been on and then the story of the album was playing when I posted it. Amazing how music can evoke emotions, in this case thou
  22. Great account - thanks so much for sharing. I could well be wrong, but I'd guess perhaps your boyfriend's immediate reaction was one of panic and fear - that by him controlling your bladder at that moment that he'd caused a humiliating accident - him imagining that far from turned on you'd be mad at him and blame him for it. Would be interesting to hear how things progressed from there - did you both laugh about it? Did it put him off participating again? Or has your pee-lationship gone from strength to strength?
  23. Fair enough that I should have to answer my own questions... The thing that's moved most up my priority list - that is the thing that's hit me hardest and I'm missing most - freedom to travel. In general the pandemic has been easy on me, I'm incredibly fortunate I've been on full salary throughout, able to be idle at home initially and then to work either from home or office. But for the last twelve months I've been having to travel to Spain regularly. At the start of this year I was there one weekend in every four or five. The reason I need to be there hasn't diminished, yet the last t
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