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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Deal - or at least would love to. Maybe even a three-stream-cross if Mr E is up for it? You’d better give me a head start though, I may struggle on seeing your stream.
  2. Another coffee borrowed... another bit of liquid returned to Mother Nature
  3. I bet you 100% weren't the only person to have done that - but love the scenario. And no point being in discomfort when you could be taking advantage of an opportunity. I'm liking to think your friends knew what you were doing and will try the same themselves next time, if they haven't already.
  4. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - it's a very friendly place and I absolutely guarantee that everyone who comes here with the right intentions will absolutely be treated with respect. It's great to have you on board. Make yourself at home and shout out with any questions.
  5. Have you tried putting it on Peebay. (sorry Dad joke!)
  6. A little @puddyls - but at least there's only a couple of us saw it. (And what an amazing sight, stunning - and love the neatness of the trimming too).
  7. Welcome to the forum - you're definitely in the right place and definitely not alone. Look forward to reading your experiences.
  8. Apparently 1066 calories - or something equivalent in pizza slices.
  9. Well - I'm officially knackered, or perhaps the term is 'goosed'. I've been meaning to get some cycle miles in to up my annual total to a nice round number and this morning I had the perfect excuse - wife wanted to watch Bugsy Malone on TV. At this time of year my riding is virtual, using a smart turbo trainer in the garage - controlled by my laptop I use a riding simulation called Zwift. This creates a 'real' world view including city streets and countryside, other cyclists and a very toned athletic looking me. I was going to ride in a group ride, but had a few minutes delay setting
  10. So - Not only have they scraped an actual real life picture of you, but also the title and your username. Looking at that in isolation it looks quite a convincing shop front, but all a bit bizarre when you look at the related products titles and pictures. A bit scary though that it can be out there masquerading as genuine - and imagine trying to get it shut down. "Yes, this is a copyright image of me peeing myself and it's being used illegally. No they do not have a licence to pictures of me peeing. What - you want me to prove it's me...?"
  11. Like a lot of people have said @MiaDarling - a very honest account. More than that, we're a forum with a quite ranging diversity of different aspects of pee - the one common bond that we're all into some aspect of it. Last night in chat the observation was made that there's relatively little diaper content on the site. Reading your post, it struck me how deeply thought through it is. Over the last few months you've earned a place in our hearts, a sweet, fun, excited young lady with a passion for tinkling in her diapers (and making very tempting offers to share too). It's sometimes be
  12. Now that is a whole lifetime's worth of fantasy...
  13. Well, it's definitely an option - but I'd suggest that joining in with posts and chat is a great way to build up your contact base on the forum and a great way for people to get to know you. My take on it is that we're community based more than some other sites - sometimes people do join with a sense of 'urgency' about them... 'message me', 'looking for wet fun', 'send me nudes' and that sort of thing - and we're more fans of getting to know one another. Lots of people are in committed loving relationships, lots of different aspects of our kink exist side by side. Some people are well
  14. Let's be constructive here.... That story had some great elements - I loved the idea of running out of the house without peeing, then finding out there weren't toilets at the camp. And the idea of the girls all peeing together, especially standing is heaven. If you did break it into two or three paragraphs it would be a little easier to read. Also, when it's in one like that there is the tendency to think it's too long and start cutting short. If it was broken up a little, perhaps there's the opportunity to then add it a little more detail which will build it overall into an absolute
  15. Now @MiaDarling - there isn't an issue, so definitely don't worry yourself about that and your post has definitely not created a problem. You made the post to introduce us to yourself - and yes you did mention it would be nice to pee in someone's mouth. That's definitely a thought that paints a very nice picture in my imagination. The only comment I was making, and I'm pretty sure was Sophie's point too, is that we've all taken a bit of time to get to know each other, to become friends on the site and to work out what all of our mutual connections are. The reference to the pub is w
  16. I have a real dislike of the media behaviour (hatred is a strong word) for example in the way they will take an up and coming figure and create an idol out of them, pushing them to higher and higher levels of adoration simply so that a month or two later they can destroy that same person with their gutter level tactics and hate speech. (Isn't she a fantastic mum to her three darlings and has a career blah, blah - oh look what horrendous stretch marks she has, how can she dare wear a bikini with that tummy...) Sorry, off topic - also I remember the days when journalism meant researching a
  17. Sounds like @Gnome might want to come and join me at the bar for a quiet drink... https://peefans.com/topic/17297-welcome-to-the-peefans-pub/?tab=comments#comment-241677
  18. Cutting to the topic headline, I'll confess I haven't sealed the deal in terms of the masturbation, but just watched a TV prog that definitely stirred things up. Most of the UK members here will remember SM:Tv, the Saturday morning kids programme - if you don't it's perhaps because it was 20 years ago. Anyway I've just sat with my wife and watched a documentary about it, reuniting Ant, Dec and of course Cat Deeley. Now back in the day, Cat was the young twenties thing that I guess a huge proportion of us fancied - very pretty, fun yet elegant and sometimes a little naughty. Now
  19. And what a fantastic gift that is - as long as it's at times when you are able to enjoy it. Really looking forward to maybe reading more about how you're getting on with the new regime and especially some of those naughtiest pees.
  20. What a difference a year makes... and sometimes doesn't make. Was just thinking about this thread after a chat with a friend this morning - comments about Christmas being a tough time. It's now just over twelve months since my original post, since that phone call... and back when I wrote this who could have foreseen the impact 2020 could have had. Everything works for a reason - getting the phone call in early December 2019 threw a huge curved ball into my life - suddenly I was commuting between two different worlds, literally. During those early trips everything was very raw and
  21. And a very Happy Christmas / Boxing Day right back at you... Hope you get a few shorted days to chill before New Year. (Didn't have a Christmas pee pic to hand, hope snow will do instead)
  22. It's Christmas Eve - and with all due respect to Slade - there's only one other song to be singing along to:
  23. So glad you enjoyed it - it was a pretty amazing occurrence, one that doesn't happen more than perhaps once in a career. That wasn't the end of the evening's excitement - if you're interested I may tell you the rest of what happened there. But the reason for this post is just a quick follow up on the images themselves. My workflow is that after any shoot the very first action is to transfer all the image files onto my hard drives, a main working copy and two backups. Then I import all the images into my favourite editing tool - Adobe Lightroom. The main benefit is being able
  24. Two little aeronautical anecdotes, both relatively tame but hopefully will make you smile... The first was something I remember hearing on the radio probably about 20 years ago, where my local commercial radio channel (northern UK) had that trusted breakfast show formula of two male presenter stooges and the 'fall girl' the cute sounding, have a go at anything travel reporter. They came to an arrangement that the traffic news would be bolstered by Jude, the 'eye in the sky waggling her wings'. Basically some sponsored light aircraft which would fly her to the normal traffic jam hotspots
  25. i guess anyone who pees outdoor is going to get caught... sooner or later. Today was the closest I've come to date. I think I got away with it - just. Late morning, a few coffees filtering through and I got a phone call from my jewellers that my necklace was ready to collect from repair. Cockatiels and chains don't mix too well. So I jumped in my car and set off. There's two routes I can take, one being 20 minutes of A-road and the other a similar length of marrow country lanes. With the sun shining brightly and clear skies there was no question. Also, I quite fancied the idea of
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