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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Possibly the world's finest drummer too... at least one of the very best. Not just with Blondie, but also Eurythmics and the Ramones too. Brilliant to see up (very) close too...
  2. A bit off topic I know.... but great to see you back. Welcome again.
  3. Hi and a huge welcome to the forum, glad you found us. Hopefully you will get responses from some of our ladie members - but swapping one-to-one isn't the main sort of way the site works. You'll find various of our ladies post anecdotes with pictures in the Pee Pictures section, and a smaller number posting links in the Pee Videos area. Similarly the Men Peeing area is a good place to share where everyone can appreciate it. (Note that videos have to be hosted somewhere else and then a link can be posted here).
  4. Hi and welcome to the community - enjoy yourself browsing about. For your memories related to ladies peeing, the 'Real Pee Encounters & Experiences' area is a good starting point to share in, do shout up if you have any questions though.
  5. Absolutely correct this site does have a poll facility, however there are no issues with using a third party site to create a more widely accessible poll too. Note that the original address of the Misterpoll has been corrected a little way through this thread, hopefully making it accessible to all now. Also - note that I've just fought off the urge to delete the last couple of posts.... The Strawpoll is fine, but is heading off the topic of this post.
  6. Great fiction from @Paulypeeps - love it. Must admit I'm in the camp of normally making sure I don't drink much before the flight. Last year before everything got grounded I was flying between the UK and Spain at least once every few weeks if not more. Usually I forced out a pee before boarding and then either took the opportunity mid flight or just a slightly desperate pee on landing before the passport queue. What I did though during the flight was mostly closed my eyes, noise cancelling headphones on and let my mind wander - dreaming up some of the scenarios and plots of the fi
  7. A professional photographer helps a young bride build her confidence with a bit of desperation and peeing along the way, and maybe a happy ending too. I have to say, I have absolutely the best job in the world and it’s largely down to my awesome clients. Photography is a tough game and it’s getting tougher year by year. Everyone has a camera in their pocket, but just because everyone has a camera doesn’t make everyone a photographer. People think that professional photographers just spend their Saturdays pitching up at weddings, taking a few photos and having the rest of the wee
  8. Welcome to the community from another local - North West UK. We're definitely a friendly bunch and a great place to browse. Most stuff is organised into posts, feel free to comment and contribute - it's the quickest and easiest way to get to know people. That and just shout up with any questions.
  9. It’s been said that one doesn’t drink coffee, one just ‘borrows’ the liquid (or is that beer?) Either way, today was the first day of my work Christmas hols and chance to finish present shopping. Made a bit more bearable by a ‘grande’ black coffee. Now my body clock is pretty accurate when it comes to coffee - almost exactly a hour. I could have driven home... but decided to enjoy a quick roadside release instead - end enjoy it I did. Definitely!
  10. But at least offer to but the lady supper first maybe... 😉
  11. Absolutely lovely as always @puddyls - amazing and so naughty too. Love it!
  12. Hi and a big welcome to a very friendly, warm and accepting community. It is very much a case that what you get out is affected very much by how much you put in. Do shout up if you've got any questions or need any support.
  13. I was going to dig it out when I'm on the computer
  14. I have a 'dry' photo of two ladies enjoying the moment, but unfortunately not bathing each other which I imaging would be almost instantly orgasmic.
  15. @p1ssputz - Totally agree there... it's all about reality. It's about taking what we know about a person to just one little step further. It's not about any form of 'abuse', not degrading in any way, just about building on what we know about that person. Thinking of a situation they could find themselves in which would be arousing to us. I've done so I'll freely admit. Where a person has hinted, given a clue that we can build on. The female client who announced 'I really need a wee' as innocently as I'd have said I was hungry, the girl from the committee squirming in the portaloo queu
  16. I'm absolutely sure you have your own very well practiced work-flow for the post production, and we all have our favourite methods. The biggest change moment ever in my post production was embracing Adobe Lightroom - in particular the ability to synchronise changes across a whole set of images. What I mean by that (for the benefit of anyone confused) is that I can make a set of adjustments to one photo to get it looking just how I like, then I can copy some or all of those changes to the whole set. So typically I'll be using a manual setting for white balance, to make sure every photo h
  17. Sorry for my very poor humour - it was either going to be a stroke or a heart attack 🤣 (Couldn’t resist)
  18. Can't deny I find it an exciting idea.... that 'just made it' or 'didn't make it' thing.... Not sure if the second clip here is what you had in mind... https://peefans.com/topic/12174-really-desperate-pees/?do=findComment&comment=244514
  19. Hi and a huge welcome to this community. Can completely understand the feeling of being ashamed, but there's definitely no reason to be - you're surrounded by lots of new friends all with the same (or a variety on the same) passion. Looking forward to hearing more from you, but you're definitely in the right place. Welcome in.
  20. Amazing and wonderful - hope you’ve got K something very suitably special for Christmas. She definitely deserves it.
  21. I'm actually trying to think when the last time was when I was swimming at the beach.... many years ago, but it did definitely involve peeing in shorts in the sea. More recently (being from the north of the UK) beaches tend to be places to be in winter coats and jeans. Hence my vote is based around peeing in the sand dunes. Interestingly the same beach, less than 100 yards from a certain photo featured just a bit higher up... Edit - Found a picture the other day whilst looking for something else... pretty much the exact spot of my last pee on a beach, although I was a
  22. From time to time I find myself answering a post with my 'in a parallel universe response', and this is one of these posts. What I mean is, if we were all in a parallel universe, where I weren't in the same loving married relationship as I am, where natural nervousness at meeting a stranger weren't a sensible precaution, where imagination could become reality. In that universe I'd more than happily be that person for you to explore every aspect with. If only...
  23. Great effort @Kupar - well done for just getting out there as much as anything else. Full credit for that!
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