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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi and welcome to the forum - lots of virtual people here to get to know and share the love. Just shout up with any questions,
  2. Here comes the rain again - Annie Lennox Why does it always rain on me - Travis Wake me up before you go go - Wham (maybe it is actually a good song to hear when holding...)
  3. Loving the fact that your boyfriend is so chilled, and even more so the fact that your friend is too. I'm guessing you rewarded him with a full account of events.
  4. Don't curse the weather... 2020 is freaky enough without any glacial activity!
  5. Just right now have got Beverly Hills Cop II on in the background whilst browsing and tapping away on here.
  6. Those scenarios are so hot @kalle2020 - the sitting on the grass scenario is right at the top of my list too.
  7. ^ Obviously @Eliminature is infinitely better qualified to give advise on any particular tactics for you than any of us blokes would be. However, just in case you were considering sharing the event with your husband then perhaps the 'one leg on the floor and one raised as high as possible' to almost kneel on the sink top could well work to delight him. Whether it'll get any more wee into the sink is anybody's guess (but only yours to know!)
  8. I think you should - either or both. (If you have access to Sky Arts, it was in the programme 'Icon: Music through the lens (part 2)' on last night, but probably repeated somewhere.
  9. Found it... https://flashbak.com/wonderful-gered-mankowitz-photos-rolling-stones-60073/just-charlie-pissing-in-a-sink-at-the-la-memorial-sports-arena-december-1965/
  10. I see I get the honour of saying how great the sink photos look - I'm guessing you may just have enjoyed that pee a little bit...?
  11. Interesting.... the geek in me has started considering how other forms of the graph may look and the information they would provide. Maybe a graph that starts from the first 7am pee after waking (assuming the bladder is emptied at that point) then some sort of integral graph showing the steadily rising bladder volume as a growth from zero to the volume of pee at say 11am, then climbing from zero again until the volume peed at 12:30 and so on. Against that you could compare the drinks taken - seeing if the bladder volume equals those, whether your kidneys function quicker at different ti
  12. Are we talking about the same thing... I also understood that everyone could upload a still image or gif to a post. I certainly used to before Gold membership. Yesterday I noticed a new(?) icon - or at least I'd never seen it before in the live chat box next to the emoji button - which allows me to select an image from my computer to appear in live chat. Is that new and who has it?
  13. Seemed to work with no issues (837kB JPG ^) ... and a 4.4MB JPG
  14. I've just done an upload test with various jpgs from 4MB down to a 300KB image and all failed to upload (Safari on iMac). Same when trying to add an 80KB jpg on my iPhone.
  15. If you can see this then it’s just worked ok for me (small 142kb gif from iPhone photo library, browsing on safari private mode). As discussed yesterday I have the direct upload button on chat box (gold & mod?)
  16. Please go and read the site rules. Why is it a lady cannot write about an experience without people begging for her to reveal photographs? If the member wanted you to see do you not think she would have done so? The ladies on this site are not objects or employees solely to entertain. Second time in 12 hours I’ve nearly written this... To different people and about different scenarios. End of rant.
  17. I'm not sure anyone's just answered the exam question "when is it a fetish and when is it a preference". I've just google the word 'fetish' and Google rewarded me with the defintion "a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc" So from my own experience, I've got no qualms about peeing outdoors - I'll do it when needed and I'll sometimes create a scenario where it is needed. For example a few weeks ago I drove with my son to an appointment, an hour drive each way and a half hour wait.
  18. So do you have a plan of action.... hold until it gets uncomfortable and then enjoy a delicious gentle tinkle? Something for your husband to partake it? Other plans?
  19. Just been watching a Sky Arts documentary on music Photography (Icon: Music Through The Lens) - featuring various photographers talking about their rock n roll photography. In the part I've just watched, a comment on the dodgy dressing rooms of the 60's - illustrated with a black n white photo (obviously) of Charlie Watts standing on a chair, pissing in a sink. So yes, it happened all the time.... lol
  20. Lancashire, UK here (Seeing two Yorkshires but only one Cumbria thought I'd better equal up for the western side of northern England)
  21. Ok - I was just thinking if you had, say a bus or train journey, you could perhaps do a bit of teasing - standing near a shy looking guy and announcing how you're 'absolutely bursting for a wee and hope you make it' - but maybe that's not your thing Anyway... back to the present - how's it going?
  22. Yes - I'd agree with that. Do you have a long commute home? Any plans, other than not using a toilet?
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