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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I like your thinking! Loving your answers - and a very clever reasoned answer at that!
  2. It does maybe depends on your mobile... on iPhone iOS the problem isn’t always there. Safari has a browser navigation bar which hides and reappears depending what you’re doing. When it’s hidden the PF page shows up fine, when the Safari bar is visible the PF chat obscures the three dots. So, on iOS that seems ok to me and does allow all chat options (inc 1-2-1).
  3. This was my thought on the subject when it came up a few weeks back:
  4. That’s a good point - and on the main site too the gold ‘rooms’ don’t show on the Live Chat page (Home > Chatbox) which could be a sensible place for them.
  5. Quick question for @Admin - more out of curiousity, I really don't want to create a whole mountain of tech problems... A few people have been discussing the theme choices and that they don't 'stick' if using incognito browsing. I'm ok with that, my choice to go incognito and if that means I can't store a screen preferences cookie then so be it. Really not a big issue for me. However, clearly there is a load of information which is stored in my member profile - for example the list of previously visited posts (I guess) so that the new posts can be displayed, members I follow and the
  6. If I start to post about my current home situation yet again people will start to roll their eyes. The 'sexual' encounter with a stranger seems unlikely too (although there is provision for that in our relationship) but in terms of bringing up the subject, it definitely seems easier to think about with a stranger than with someone who knows me, someone with mutual contacts etc where word could so easily spread. What I mean is, the casual 'Sorry, I'm bursting for a wee' conversations that random strangers mention - it seems much easier to get into a discussion over. Maybe not a discu
  7. I may be the exception - in being one of the subset who use chat - although I do find I don't really use the 'notifications' button on the mobile bar (and it is also available via the top right mobile button too). So speaking solely for myself, having a bottom menu bar of 'Forums Notifications Messages LiveChat - - - ' would work for me. Don't know about anyone else.
  8. I’m at risk of giving a very monotonous answer - similar to Sophie. Lockdown and home working has afforded me the opportunity to check in here multiple times, first thing in the morning, occasionally during the day and often for an hour or so during the night. Much of it for social interactions with friends as much for any horny fulfilment. Apart from that it’s only the main video sites really - Pornhub, Xtube and the similar ones being the main ones - also Imagefapp for still images. Once upon a time my searches and content were steered by Google, Bing and searches of Tumblr b
  9. Welcome to the community - lots to explore and see! Hope you find yourself quickly at home.
  10. I know this doesn't help very much - but the filmed in a cubicle clip is in the Gold Members Video Gallery here. It was a trip to the Harry Potter Studio Tour and the video file on this site at least is titled "BirthdaypeestraddlingtoiletatHarryPotterWorld.mp4" (Doing a search on the web for that filename didn't reveal the clip - just gave results related to Hermione Grainger and Ginevra Weasley - none toilet related, but interesting side thought).
  11. At the end of last week, after the colour scheme change, I tried using the 'Unread Content' in the top right - and found that if I viewed it, clicked and looked at a post on the list, then navigated back, it then took a few seconds to show the revised Unread Content list. I'm guessing that was the time to recompile the unread list - today it seems far quicker and no issue with delay. (Could be a site fix, could be that I've been into around half the topic areas and marked all topics as read).
  12. Great pics... I think I've got a few of this lady peeing - the outfit looks familiar, and a few others of her too. I guess you've got them in your collection too @Ozabot?
  13. And whilst on a roll with my mate Gleison... No backing track, just one man, one guitar and a bunch of pedals.
  14. I'll pretty much guarantee you haven't heard this version yet... of either song...
  15. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - sounds like you're in exactly the right place. If you've got any questions just shout up, but otherwise enjoy browsing about.
  16. As I've posted many times, my wife knows of my interest, but really doesn't get it - so rather than cause awkwardness, it's now no longer really mentioned and to all intents and purposes I believe she considers I've 'grown out of it'. So now any little anecdotes are just innocent comments made more as passing comments than any real significance, as far as she's concerned. One of the best I remember was her telling me about a friend she knew through who owned a mobile catering trailer - a burger / hot sandwich sort of unit. Apparently at the end of one working day she'd let her staff go
  17. And I'm glad you did give the ladies' point of view, or at least your own female perspective. I know I'm sometimes guilty of imposing a man's outlook and most of the posts above seem to be quite critical. I wouldn't say I had a heel fetish by any stretch, but the difference in posture when a lady walks in heels compared to say in flat pumps is incredible - not just in the calves either. In pumps each step can be a careless thud of foot onto floor, just plodding about, whereas in heels almost any lady seems to take on a catwalk like sassy swaying elegance and purpose. (Ok so it may be led
  18. Yes - as said, a big welcome in...
  19. Have to say, about five minutes in and I’m loving the new layout. The option ‘Sticky Author Panel’ for anyone who hasn’t worked it out is on a desktop, when you have a long post (like a thread of pictures) to keep the author’s details visible on the left. Useful. Also loving the quick access bar at the bottom of the mobile screen. One suggestion... on the mobile layout in day mode, when the main menu is visible, the Video Gallery link shows in yellow on white, so not very readable:
  20. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, I hope your readers may enjoy seeing a couple of photos of me from earlier this afternoon - not my finest moment, just one of the joys of being a mummy I guess. Today was one of those non-stop days, from the moment I dropped Abigail at nursery it's been non-stop. Running to the supermarket and trying to do a week's food shopping, then my weekly lunch date with the other mums. I say lunch date, to be honest it's more coffee and cake. After that I dropped the car at home, and walked the ten minutes back to nursery. Collecting Abigail, one of the staff made a
  21. Absolutely sweet as, well... sweet as it can be. And delightful. I seem to recall you having posted about the difficulties of helping with aim(?). Practice makes perfect of course.... That's my recommendation (and no, husband didn't bribe me to say that).
  22. I always love reading your experiences, thank you so much for sharing with us yet again. A perfect tantalising balance as always between respectable modesty and raging inferno levels of hotness. And having been on chat (for at least an hour longer than I intended) whist you were building up to that moment makes it all the more special.
  23. Hi @Davidinharrow and a huge welcome to the site. As you browse around you'll get a feel for who the active members of the community are - spread all around the world. I'm sure you realise we're not a hook up site and don't encourage random strangers to get in touch in person for the obvious safety reasons. But (and a big positive) we hope you'll be able to make some great friendships here. Lots of people sharing exactly the same interests, and who knows, maybe some of the friends you make may be local to you. Welcome and please shout up with anything we can help with.
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