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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2024 in Posts

  1. After introductions and some ice breaking, we started with light drinks and finger food on the terrace. Two of my friends had claimed exclusive access to the kitchen, and they did an awesome job of preparing and serving solid and liquid fuel all night long. As I wrote on top of this topic, I had decided that one of my guests, a professional actress, would read an erotic novel in font of everybody, as an opener. She knew it in advance, but she would discover the text while reading it. The novel was about a man and a woman, both having low-level student jobs in a factory, who have to deal w
    6 points
  2. I am an industrial electrician. We've all been out an about and not been close to the facilities when the need arises. For the most part I have been able to get to a port-a-john but once in a while, one is forced to sneak behind a truck or an out of the way shed. I was discussing peeing in random places with a co-worker and he told a story of when he was working at one of the refineries in Fort Mac. He was at the top of a fin fan structure. He needed to pee and didn't want to climb down. He said he got close to a steel column and pissed down it. Not long after he was done peeing
    6 points
  3. My husband and I make love on average 3-4 times a week and I am a very satisfied woman. I do masturbate occasionally but that's because I enjoy it, not because I desire more. Sex with my husband is always amazing, very pleasurable, very loving. Different times, different places. We like to mix it up and keep it fresh. Not "Oh it's 9pm on a Wednesday, want to fuck?" I don't have a single complaint!
    5 points
  4. It has been a great night so far! I have pissed at least 5 times tonight already and I'm currently desperate watching piss porn holding my crotch playing with my nipples. So my toilet for tonight was my couch. I put a trash bag on top to protect it and then I laid some comfy covers on top. So I started off just using the seat as my toilet. I would pause my show, take my pants off and puss into this pile of covers. Once I was done I would wipe my pussy off and then put my pants on and continue on as regular. I did this at least four more times. It was so hot treating this naughty piss like its
    4 points
  5. On the floor of the toilet at work. In my car. At a sleepover with a schoolfriend (who did not know).
    4 points
  6. The first time I ever pissed all over a public toilet floor got me so turned on and my dick so hard i had to rub one out right there and then. Only took a few strokes and there was a load of cum added to the mess.
    4 points
  7. I stayed at the hotel with my college friends when I was 22. But when we arrived there, our room wasn't ready and unfortunately I had a sudden urge to pee...So I had to pee in the potted plants in the long hotel corridor. So embarrassing lol
    4 points
  8. Morning friends! I finally have an update to my last topic on peeing in the parking garage! I ended up flaking out the Monday before last because I was sick and the parking garage was closed, but last night I finally did it! I peed in a parking garage! I basically had this attitude of it was now or never, because I had hyped this pee up for weeks now and really felt like I needed to try something new and fun. I had the words of @Alfresco in my head the whole time, who had been mentoring and coaching me through this since last semester. That and everyone else who had given
    4 points
  9. I don't know what I'm trying to achieve with this post nor if it's something of any interest for you, but I just need a place to get this out of my chest. It's nothing serious though, it's quite the opposite actually. Yesterday at work, with my (female) colleague, I had one of the best conversations about pee I ever had. We were talking about random stuff as she eventually ended up telling me a little anecdote about how she one time ended up with a bursting bladder in a bus with friends and barely made it to the toilet once she got out. Needles to say, I was fired up after she told me tha
    3 points
  10. I’m heading home from my first piss play experience with a partner, unless you count this one time a guy let me pee in his car and on him without making sexual contact. I’ve never been interested in anonymous sex, but I’ve always been too self-conscious to bring it up to any of my past partners, so I started entertaining the idea more seriously than ever before. I posted on an app a friend of mine who was into anonymous sex and pee used to talk about, and two hours later I was meeting up with a stranger at a hotel. I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a nice, normal, and attractive
    3 points
  11. Just picking up on @wjimmy's post a little while ago about the pleasures of masturbation, does anyone else have those days where you just want to edge for hours? Maybe not even having an orgasm at all? I can only speak for those of us with a penis here, but when circumstances allow (and I am lucky to have plenty of times when I am home alone with few commitments) I get a huge amount of pleasure from nursing a boner for a few hours - letting it subside from time to time of course (I am older than I was!). Walking round the house, fully or partially clothed, or if it's warm, naked, and stro
    3 points
  12. M can do 6 before she pushes me away, I love the taste and she sleeps like a baby after, lol. And no, I don't get tired.
    3 points
  13. Someone is having a new bathroom fitted as they have dumped their old toilet and washbasin in the back lane just up from me and across the lane. The toilet is side on facing down the lane. Saturday someone was having a party in the club near the top of the lane, (one of the few days it as not rained).About ten at night it started to close down, and about eleven it was quiet until I heard females coming down the lane. So I looked out of my top room window to see three females staggering down the lane. One of them saw the toilet and ran over to it, dropped her jean and in a high squat start
    3 points
  14. I was in a parking lot when I needed to go for a piss and decided I’d hop out of the car and take a leak. I unzipped took out my cock and stood facing the car next to me. I unloaded my stream all over their window and door. It felt so fucking good.
    2 points
  15. Yes. These days I do. My need for sexual pleasure has diminished a little with advancing years and I get enough. I'm with @Sophie (not physically of course!) on this one, inasmuch as any solo pleasure is fun, not replacing or making up for lack of sex with K. Our sex life is as better now than ever, but that's not just about frequency.
    2 points
  16. If this doesn't make you smile, you haven't got a smile
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. I know I'm a dinosaur, but stockings and suspenders are very, very sexy. Do you think she'd have pissed in her knickers and soaked those stockings, if asked?
    2 points
  19. That is awesome. Great for you😊
    2 points
  20. Unique…well the first one is a clitoral orgasm. The second is vaginal and much stronger. The third is maybe both.
    2 points
  21. @Gotah, thanks for sharing the experience with us. It sounds like you handled the situation very well. It can be a tricky balance to get right in the moment. Keeping the conversation going, not saying too much and playing it cool is hard, especially when it’s so exciting to hear about the other persons pee experiences. Please keep us updated on any future developments. Even if nothing further happens, you now have a new set of your colleagues experiences to keep in mind and recall while getting off.
    2 points
  22. I ride the side of our tub. You may not be getting satisfied because your a masochist woman…like me. A clitoral orgasm just makes me worse off when I can’t get satisfied. On the side of the tub, dildos optional, I ride it with all my weight pushing my vagina into. I rock forward and back, and starting slow and easy, I pound my vulva into it. I work myself up to hard and fast, slamming my vulva into it while standing hunched over. With 1 or 2 dildos, it takes more technique but it gives me the pain I need to have those satisfying orgasms.
    2 points
  23. I have 2 or 3 usually. And each orgasm feels unique.
    2 points
  24. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=65b56151b02dd for me it looks like a hotel room
    2 points
  25. If you aren't trying to have this toilet in our house when we're married then just leave me alone.
    2 points
  26. I regulary pee against cars at is is super convenient and easy. You just stop your car, get out, flip your dick out and soak the car next to yours. I try to focus on the handles and then shoot as high as possible to the roof. I love it dribbling down... One day I found an unlocked one. First I just wanted to hit it but then I opened the door and pretty much soaked the seat, the console and the door pckets. That was real fun but never happened again.
    2 points
  27. hi, been into pee for a long time, just wanted to find some people with the same fetish, nice to meet all of you !!
    1 point
  28. I am way too impatient and hungry for pleasure to do that.😆 And may I just say, fuck that’s a hot vision, Kupar. 💚
    1 point
  29. One thing that wasn't mentioned was the risks associated with consuming.
    1 point
  30. Amazing how many people have answered in the comments and everyone is just giving an answer without saying anything negative about people being into pee.
    1 point
  31. As a kid approximately 10 years old, I sometimes climbed on our roof and peed off the gable end two stories off the ground. Just for doing something different. Also peed on the roof and watched it go down into the gutters. Cheap thrills for a kid.
    1 point
  32. I usually pee in the garden or backyard when I go the parties. But I've used the cats litter box or indoor potted plants as my makeshift toilet several times. They don't care about my behavior because they know I can pee anywhere haha
    1 point
  33. Hi everyone! I know it’s been a while since my last post but I’ve been busy lately. Anyway, I was at the beach a few days ago and I had the greatest piss. I was out with a few of my family at the beach and we were set up with blankets and umbrellas. It was a little busier than usual that day since it was warm out. I was wearing a black two piece swimsuit with a sarong wrapped around my waist. I drank a ton of water since it was sunny out and after about an hour I really needed to pee. I had just come back from enjoying the water and was wet. There were porta potty’s at the beach but it was qui
    1 point
  34. Oh my! Ticking a *lot* of boxes for me 🙂 Thank you!
    1 point
  35. Yeah mate, pretty much every hookup or date I’m on, a bit more than my cum gets left behind 😜. After I’ve fucked her i can never be arsed getting out of bed so it’s nice and easy just to lean over and piss out onto the floor or the wall. A couple have not liked it, but most don’t say anything. With a few its led to a second round pretty fast, they said they weren’t turned on by the piss so much but by the “don’t give a fuck” attitude.
    1 point
  36. While I walk I also love doing it
    1 point
  37. Depends highly on which kind of business and location. I once did it by just pulling one leg of my shorts up and going a bit on the floor in a large supermarket/ warehouse after finding a blindspot. It was just a little for the rush and to answer myself the question 'can i?'. Yes, i can. Flooding as you want to do it would have worked aswell since it was in the beverage section and people would assume something was spilled. If you look out for cctv and make sure no ones looking your way you are basically free to flood. Wearing a skirt will be practical for this purpose. If you want to squ
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I very much like the idea of unisex urinals where both men and women can stand there pissing together. But that's probably just because I am a piss freak, lol.
    1 point
  40. You guessed it! She was clearly pregnant at that time. I confirm that, 'cause I found her recently.
    1 point
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