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  1. I cannot sleep with a full bladder, but I can with partially full. I don't get anxious. Yes. Loads! If I am tired and go to bed with a full bladder I will not be able to refrain from just letting a little bit out - just enough to feel the warmth and wetness, and then a little while later I will think 'just a little more won't hurt'. Each time I have to pee a little more to over come the coolness of the previous pees. I don't count, but I think by the time I have done my last 'a little bit more won't hurt' and my bladder is empty I have probably peed about fifteen times.
    5 points
  2. 3 points
  3. I’d like to be used for relief by multiple women consecutively. I’d like to be pissed on by a women in business attire who has had multiple cups of coffee. A woman pissing in or on something of mine after eating asparagus, as a form of revenge, not knowing in reality it turns me on. A woman relieving herself in a cup and throwing the cup of warm piss in my face.
    3 points
  4. I do all the time. I work in security, so it's pretty easy as I'm often alone in secluded areas. But it's much more fun pissing with people around tho. I often let out a few jets while I'm checking bags, wether on the floor or the counter partition. Often piss on boxes, coworkers seats too. It's almost like a game. I have to get braver and piss with people around tho, Tyler is still king when it comes to that !
    2 points
  5. All, Here is another story on my sexy MIL. Last Friday she called me at 4:30 pm and asked me if she can use my bathroom before heading out for drinks with her girlfriends. She said her bladder was very full and did not want to use the work or bar toilet. Of course, I said "yes". I think she makes these "bathroom requests" because she knows it turns me on as well it does for her. She arrived at 5 pm and stated I had not peed since 10 am. Immediately I got very aroused. She pranced in with a tight shoet black skirt and blazer with a white tight sleeveless low cut blouse with ruffle dow
    2 points
  6. Plenty of outdoor peeing going on in India, here is a sample of what I received recently from some outdoor festival where ladies are all doing it outside in the open.
    2 points
  7. It was a lovely summer night in the Dominican Republic and my cousin had taken me out along with some friends for a party at a car wash. We were talking, dancing, drinking, having a good time. I’d never been this drunk before, and I could feel my bladder filling up pretty quickly. Soon enough, I was desperate to pee. I hadn’t seen any bathrooms when I’d arrived. I knew we weren’t gonna be leaving anytime soon, and I was afraid but also kind of turned on at the thought of possibly having to pop a squat somewhere. Luckily, I found out there was a single toilet for women. I stumbled over there an
    2 points
  8. That exactly the way I pee when I'm around the my friend's backyard pool. Some might say I can pee in the pool but I prefer to water the grass with my pee. I'm sure the reason why glass around the pool grow better than any other areas in her backyard lol
    2 points
  9. Picture from today's work 😁
    2 points
  10. I would love a women to kneel just above my face just in tights and have small ammounts of liquid gold dripping out overy my face, and then i would rip those tights off and start licking and hoping for a full flow to erupt all over my face. That is my dream
    2 points
  11. 1. Meeting PeeFans from this site for a big, wet, sexy party where anything goes. 2. Being peed on by a group of men (I am a female). 3. Going to dinner in a fancy restaurant and everyone peeing whenever they want in their seats as they eat their meals. 4. Going to a concert where the band pees onstage.
    2 points
  12. Having a very desperate lady sitting on my lap. She is bouncing up and down absolutely bursting, a few seconds later my pants start to feel very warm.
    2 points
  13. I find the removal of clothing to be very erotic especially the pulling down and removal of panties. It's like opening a great gift that's wrapped. That's where so much porn gets it wrong. I'll watch a 10 minute porn video that starts out good. There may be some undressing but then there is an edit and now they are naked and fucking or whatever. Then it's 10 minutes of moaning and various positions. I don't understand why they couldn't have left in 30 seconds of the knickers coming off.
    1 point
  14. Much better then using the toilet
    1 point
  15. Best way to understand what is being said in a Japanese video: speak Japanese
    1 point
  16. @RiversOfBliss - Please accept our apologies that it's not a clear-cut situation on the site as it stands. It is a situation which has arisen on a couple of occasions over the last year or two. A comprehensive solution would be to extend the main topic areas of the site to include a dedicated area for transgender, non-binary etc. However that does require a little 're-engineering' of the site layout. However - please don't let that discourage you from contributing to the site. Please feel free to post as you feel most comfortable, we'd love to see your content.
    1 point
  17. Dear Wet Carpet I've been seeing this girl I met down the gym, a big breasted blonde in her early 30s. The other night we were back at her place, already naked and frolicking around on her sofa, after enjoying a few drinks. At some point she said with a groan that she needed to go to the bathroom and got up off the sofa. But she then flashed me a naughty smirk and said, "I don't think I'll bother." Instead, she lowered herself down into a squat in the middle of the room, saying with a broad smile, " I think I'll just piss on the floor." And seconds later with a loud hissing sound her gold
    1 point
  18. In yesterday's Guardian magazine
    1 point
  19. Yeah she saw everything...lol I didn't care what she might think. I needed to pee and the glass needed to be watered anyway haha
    1 point
  20. She didn't tell us to pee around the pool but she said “Don't pee in the pool!” so I peed just outside the pool haha
    1 point
  21. Yes I do. Got a dedicated set of piss sheets hahaha
    1 point
  22. I don't dump my pee in my garden but I do directly pee in there. Whenever I get a chance, I pee in my garden and even sometimes I pee in my friend's garden too. Every plants and flowers can be watered with my pee. I can make every planted areas my personal toilet haha
    1 point
  23. Not quite an adventure but it was fun. I was with a group of friends and as we were walking towards transportation I could not even walk properly because of how bad it hurt and started nagging my friends and one was like damn okay just piss here. It was like a parking near a street thing idk how to describe, and my friends were standing around me because i started slow at first but then thought it would be funny to add pressure and aim towards my friend’s shoe lmaoo. So i soaked his sneaker and he probably washed them or something and hates me for it now but it was fun to see the reaction
    1 point
  24. I am a female bodied person, but had a male coworker I’d piss with a lot at an old job. We would sneak out back on cigarettes breaks and pee next to the building, the parking lot or the shed. When no one else was there we would piss in rooms of the building. On carpet usually. I watched him hose down an office corner one night, soaking the floor and wall.
    1 point
  25. I was quite desperate while out one night, wearing a suit. I stopped to water the trunk of a tree on the street. A woman was walking her dog on the other side of the street, but crossed all the way over to the side I was on. I pretended not to notice, but turned to give her a better view, pulling back my foreskin to reveal the head. I felt myself getting harder as her eyes were on it. She smiled and looked me in the eye, and continued walking without saying anything.
    1 point
  26. Due to me having to piss anywhere at home as there are no toilets in my apartment, I often do the same whilst away from home too rather than use a men's room. So when I got desperate for a wee at work, I urinated round the back of the building. https://www.erome.com/a/AeUoUZvd
    1 point
  27. If it’s at my place, usually just the actual toilet or the shower. But at my boyfriend’s his bedroom or living room floor, always. Never use the actual bathroom just to pee at his place 😇
    1 point
  28. So I 18f just got into pee recently and today because of the encouragement from you guys I tried a naughty pee. I help it for around 3 hours while drinking a lot of water then I pissed outside on a nearby hiking trail. I know it seems tame but I am trying to work my way up. I'm willing to answer any questions.
    1 point
  29. My biggest pee-related fantasies involve the mixture of nonchalant peeing and sex. For example, when in the midst of good sex, the woman announces "I have to pee," and their partner, not wanting to stop, says "Just go." This happened to me a few times with my ex, but I'd love for it to happen with my wife. I've seen it in a few videos here and there, but it's rare. I've seen it discussed on Reddit too, for example in the r/sex forum. Apparently it's not all that uncommon. One woman said something like (paraphrasing) "I have a weak bladder, and if I'm too focused on it during s
    1 point
  30. I made another wonderful piss in bed tonight! 🥰🥰
    1 point
  31. I would love a women to kneel just above my face just in tights and have small ammounts of liquid gold dripping out overy my face, and then i would rip those tights off and start licking and hoping for a full flow to erupt all over my face. That is my dream
    1 point
  32. To be in a car with a lady who needs to pee but the driver can't stop because we are in traffic. I get to hold the open bottle while she pisses into it to avoid spillage. Even though we try and be discreet the people in the car next to us are able to see.
    1 point
  33. My names Will I've been with my fiance kayla for almost a decade. Pretty early on she knew about my fetish and was willing to do most things. She would send me videos and photos of her peeing in various areas around the house, she was always good at cleaning so her mother wouldn't find out. After I moved in with kayla and her mother the high-jinks continued from time to my fiance would piss on the bedroom carpet either out of desperation or just to put on a show for me. I didn't care much to join her peeing on the carpet so instead I would whip it out and spray all over my fiance she woul
    1 point
  34. I often have non-sexual wees with my husband! I’d say more often than not actually. I mean sure there are times where I will be really sexy and show off for him but a lot of the time it’s just spending time as a couple rather than doing something sexual. I often pee when walking through the woods and I will just squat next to him, or if he is in the bathroom at the time and the toilet is free I will let myself in. Please, allow me to tell you about this morning as an example. It was about 9am and I had been up for a short while, drank two coffees and what goes in must come out! I went ups
    1 point
  35. I have a pee story that I never thought in a million years would happen today. Tonight at work was the first night in months where it’s comfortable outside and not cold, windy or anything falling from the sky. Me and this couple I’m friends with take out lunch out to their car and eat and listen to music. She’s really pregnant and shortly after we get out to their car she says she has to pee. Her boyfriend is like “why didn’t you go while we were inside?” She says she didn’t feel it then, and he replies “well you’ll have to walk back or go between the cars” in a joking tone. She then turned t
    1 point
  36. I may have posted this, in whole or in part, some years ago, but it is perfectly suited to this thread, so I apologize, if I have. It is from the 1970's, my days of wine and roses, at the beach, in California. The gang from the bar decided one Spring that we should try to start a mixed, male and female volleyball team, and play, just for fun, at the beach that Summer. We began meeting at the beach to practice, in late Spring afternoons, during the work week. We all changed at work into our casual clothes, or swimsuits, with casuals on top, before driving to the beach, because the bathroom
    1 point
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