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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2024 in Posts

  1. I did this in a hotel lobby quite recently actually. We were asked to wait while they were getting the rooms nice and clean for us. I wasnt desperate but the seat cushions were black and so I thought of emptying myself there. I was wearing a short skirt anyway, so I wiggled onto the seat till I was seated perfectly between the two cushions. I started by releasing spurts and then couple seconds long bigger spurts. Seeing that no one was looking, I slowly started peeing steadily into the crack until I was done.
    10 points
  2. Next time I catch you in the chat I'll send a picture on IG. It has text about where I'll pee on it so I don't wanna just send it out of the blue lol. But other than that, what I'm hearing is to park normally, go shopping, then pee on my way out. I should have specified that I don't wanna wet tho because I'll be coming home to a full house and I don't want my family to question why my pants are wet lol. Plus it's always been my preference to move pants out of the way! I usually park closer to the stairwell but I'll still park in that upper left corner, place my target back in the bac
    4 points
  3. My suggestion would be to not drive up onto an empty level and go to the furthest point... If there is anyone watching cameras (which may be unlikely) and they see someone driving up the ramp when the lower level has spaces, that may trigger their interest. And then they'd wonder why you were going for the furthest corner. Instead, and I know I've said this before - just pick a normal parking level where there's other cars. Pick a space with a wall behind it (although not essential) and ideally either in a corner, and reverse into the space leaving enough space to get to open your tru
    4 points
  4. Hello everyone, It feels wonderful to be back but let’s get down to business. As many of my friends on here know my mom is pregnant. What many don’t know is that a month or so after my mom got pregnant I had an oopsie to and now Im pregnant so on this section I will be sharing my pregnant pee adventures and answering any question you guys may have.
    3 points
  5. Mój pęcherz jest pełen siusiu, zdesperowany po 7 długich godzinach bez toalety❤️❤️ Ciśnienie w pęcherzu jest tak duże, What a shock! ? ❤️🥵🥵 How do you like it? Rate by commenting ❤️❤️🥵🥵
    3 points
  6. Has anyone ever told you that you are perfect? I just love the way you think. ❤️‍🔥Yes I would wear a skirt too or pee down through my leggings with legs together because I am modest. And towel on seat is great thinking too. 💚
    3 points
  7. If you're wearing leggings then it's going to be even easier for you since your leggings will soak it all up and the camera won't pick up anything. But this also means that you'll have to drive home wearing that wet leggings. If you're okay with that then - 1. Buy some stuff from target and also take a huge bag with you, with random stuff in it. 2. Place the target bag, in the front seat while you're still standing outside. Then open the back door of the car to take the bigger bag out and release a couple of spurts. Thats going to help you to get over your nerves and the camera
    3 points
  8. This sounds like fun. So, to get to the point:- Behave as normal as possible. Park where you would normally park. Just be normal. Don't worry about the camera, and certainly don't look for the camera. Be normal - you would not normally be looking for a camera. Go and do what you normally do in Target. Be normal. When you get back to your car open the door and pee. This is the bit where you will have to decide what you want to do - I would wear a skirt and just stand and pee either with my feet apart or feet together and down my legs if I want to be super-discreet
    3 points
  9. I thought I might regale you, my lovely friends, on my experiences staying at an island resort. It was a wonderful place, surrounded by a tropical, lush environment made up of clear blue, warm ocean, deep green rainforests, tall coconut palms, white sandy beaches and multi-coloured corals. A natural paradise, just as I imagined it would be. Once I landed at the airport and made my way to the resort, I wasted no time; changing into my bathers to jump in the pool. The pool was large, though fairly shallow, with sparkling, clear, warm water. There was a swim-up bar with s
    2 points
  10. Howdy friends. For months now I have been wanting to pee in a parking garage. The only one I frequent tho is my school's garage every week and I know for a fact that my professors and other school faculty park there and theres cameras that i cant see so I don't want to risk it. I'm graduating this coming December so I need to be on my best behavior 🤣🎓 But, in the next town over from me is a target with a massive parking garage. The upper level is always, *always* empty. 100 percent of the time I've gone up there I've always been the only person up there so I've always thought it woul
    2 points
  11. contains peeing in public, voyeurism, and supernatural elements (MC has the power to freeze time and to also convince people to do things (ie pee in public, etc) John walked around the mall, the hustle and bustle of others gave him calm more than anything else. Plus, it gave him a huge playground to play with. The moment he walked in he froze time, everyone around him in place. It was nice. He took his time walking around, studying them. He walked past the crowds to a food stall, pouring himself a large drink and sipping it as he continued through the mall. He loved look
    2 points
  12. Hi everyone! Just wanted to put my first little picture on here, I really had to pee so I decided the floor would be my urinal today. 😅 My first pee post (pp?) so if y'all like I can do more! Think I'll just put it in this thread, it seems appropriate. 😄
    2 points
  13. Not me, but a girl I dated claimed that she was so frustrated once with a clothing store in the mall that she removed some clothes from the rack, took them to the dressing room, and peed all over them. Then she left the store and never returned. Not sure if she was telling the truth, but it's hot to think about it.
    2 points
  14. How long will this pee puddle take to dry, it's been here like six months now. Yeah, it MIGHT have a chance to go away if one of us was not refreshing the supply every four hours.
    2 points
  15. omg I love this so much!! Did you just go through your underwear? I want to try something like this so bad but I'm not really somebody who wears skirts so I'm not sure how I would go about trying it
    2 points
  16. Right, girl. I have drawn a map too, according to your description. It helped - as I was originally confused because I forgot your steering wheel is on the other side of the car! 😆 I think a plastic drink bottle beats a cup. You could have the lid on it loosely and drop it “accidentally” so it spills on the ground, and your pee puddle would look like spilled water. But do it on departure, not arrival. I think you should chill because carparks are quite messy places generally. Whenever I park in the multi-story carparks in the city they are full of pee puddles as well as various car
    2 points
  17. I have used a squat toilet once before and its a strange experience surely. We three had to pee real bad, so all 3 got into the toilet and squatted on 3 corners to pee into the squat toilet. We couldn't have done those in a normal toilet and given how all 3 of us peed for over a minute, the squat toilet was great for that
    2 points
  18. Recently I've done it yeah. At a Target, me and friend. I told him what I was about to do, he said to me no do that aisle he wanted to look through the shirts here. Lol. Soaked those shirts real good. Pretty sure this one stranger noticed, ain't to sure but he had this look when he saw me.
    2 points
  19. Hotel rooms. You could piss wherever the hell you want and get away with it. So long as you stay within the room you'll be good. I do piss in places outside my room which is a lot more of a risk, but I always choose a low quality hotel so I can piss outside my room. Stay within the room and you're good, especially if you tip the cleaning staff well.
    2 points
  20. Had to piss really badly today so I just entered this dirty staircase and completely flooded it. Felt amazing!
    2 points
  21. I haven't, but I was at a party with a house full of people and one bathroom. My buddy's date got up to go piss but returned and said, "There are way too many people in line for the bathroom." She was obviously drunk, and when she sat back down on the couch and started to hike up her skirt (we all knew she hardly ever wore panties), my buddy asked her what she was doing. "Improvising," she said. She scooted over to the crack between the couch cushions and then sighed and peed right into the crack. She peed for about 45 seconds and then scooted back and pulled her skirt back down.
    2 points
  22. Hi everyone, what would you like to see from PeeFans in 2024? I'm just after your thoughts and opinions about the site in general, things you like, things you don't like, things that could be done better, changes you would like to see. I'm not making any promises or guarantees that any of these changes will be implemented but I do want to know how you feel. Just to get a general vibe, if you know what I mean. Please keep it realistic. I would like to have blackjack tables hosted by naked peeing dealers too but that just isn't going to happen! Thank you Sophie.
    1 point
  23. I will be trying my best to post as much free stuff as i can to a new instagram i set up. It will inevitably get taken down but I'll see what i can get away with before then 🤣 https://www.instagram.com/pcatielee?igsh=YTFpOXk4Z2Vxa25h
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. You look very full
    1 point
  26. I completely take your point, @gldenwetgoose, and I truly appreciate this forum. But I sometimes crave even stronger meat ...
    1 point
  27. Welcome! Excellent username, peeing on carpet fucking rules.
    1 point
  28. Gorgeous & delicious, especially the 2nd one. Sunny days were made for this. 💚 I hope these aren’t your last videos. 😔
    1 point
  29. 🥶 Brrr …I prefer a pool that I can just walk right in without having to adjust to as I get in and then shiver when I get out. Tropics are such a pleasant place to swim.
    1 point
  30. Dear Wet Carpet, I am writing to share an unforgettable experience that my daughters and I recently encountered on a long road trip. As a mother, I have faced many challenges, but this one took the cake – or should I say, the toilet? As the hours ticked by, my daughters and I became increasingly desperate for a restroom. Alas, we found ourselves in a predicament with no public facilities in sight. The tension in the van grew thicker with each passing minute, and it was clear that our bladders could no longer bear the weight of our predicament. In a moment of desperation, one of
    1 point
  31. For me, the worst I've ever had to pee was getting off of an airplane. It was about 15 years ago, so I don't remember all of the specifics. I was on a work trip, and was arriving home. I don't think it was a long flight, perhaps 90 minutes, or similar. I probably had a can of soda on the flight. But I recall feeling like I needed to pee, then not being able to get up and go before they turned on the "fasten seatbelts" sign prior to landing. As I also recall, there might have been some sort of delay between landing and getting to the gate - plane traffic, or whatever. What I do r
    1 point
  32. Its the same for me. I love watching girls piss in each others mouths, imaginening that its me who gets the hot streams all over me. I have dreamt of finding a girl who was also into pissing for many years. I have sadly only tried it at a few times. Two times with a prostitude. That was extremely hot though. Her pussylips was long and soft, and she drink two liters of water before our meeting, thats she pissed down in my mouth. It tastet so dame good, and I swallowed every drop 🤤
    1 point
  33. Hi, anyone caught peeing outdoor? By lady, and had to stop immediately?
    1 point
  34. My First experience watching porn WAS piss porn. Everything else seemed too choreographed and never felt real or satisfying. I randomly came across a video of a woman pissing on a beach and thought to myself "Why would anyone like watching this........Why do I like watching this........why is this turningme on.....do I have a piss fetishor something" (keep in mind I was like 10 years old at the time). I watched a few more piss vids before I came. I started watching them every night and accepted the fact that I have a piss kink/fetish. So I've never actually gotten off to regular porn, it's alw
    1 point
  35. In my case, while pee-stuff has often priority, I try to diversify as much as I can...
    1 point
  36. Many time at the beach, or in forest or so, my back turned towards anyone passing by. funny to see women looking at you then...maybe hopeful to catch a glimpse (in my mind at least :)).
    1 point
  37. I am reminded of a set on my porn site Yanks.com. This particular amateur was answering the question on her masturbation bio that asked how they got started masturbation. This model stated that she needed to Pee badly and found that if she rubbed herself that it lessen the urge to Pee. She continued with this rubbing, and finally there was an explosion. She was hooked.
    1 point
  38. Me and my friend, Justin used to spend the night at each others house sometimes when we were in middle school. His mom was was hot as hell. She was in her early 40's at the time but looked early 30's. To me, she had the perfect female figure. She was a curvy brunette, HUGE ass, big legs, small waist. Decent size breasts, probably B cup. She was half the reason I wanted to go over to his house all the time. Couldn't wait to get a look at her sexy legs and ass walking around the house in her shorts. If she had on jeans, you could tell she had some big labia, they showed through pretty nice and d
    1 point
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