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  1. I am in college where bathrooms are very inconveniently placed. The women’s is a floor down. I have not once pissed in those toilets, as it’s so inconvenient. I always piss in either the sink, out the window, or while I’m taking a shower. Also, if I am taking out the trash, I piss in the trash before I take it out. If I use the sink, I just sit on the ledge and piss, then run the water. My suitemate has complained about the sink smelling like piss, but I just blamed it on a piping issue. However, when I use the window, I stand on my desk and piss out the window onto the picnic area b
    8 points
  2. Hello ^^ Last weekend was the LGBT+ parade in my city, a lot of people was in there, most of the time was just people walking, but at the afternoon there was a loot of drunk girls and, yes, a lot of them were peeing in the streets surrounding the main street, that was the center of the parade. I needed to go out to buy my dinner, so I put on my suit and started walking outside of my apartment, but as I was walking to the main door, I started hearing (I have very good ears) a group of girls outside talking about peeing, I was too much excited and also there was a lot of sounds out in
    8 points
  3. I don’t really care much about girl sightings, though I have seen them (I am straight). But plenty of guy sightings. It is NYC after all. I’ve seen a guy piss directly onto the tracks in the subway. I’ve seen guys piss in road grates, on cars. I see college boys piss in the gardens by the commuter lounge, where seats are very close by. Every time I see this, it brings something out of me. I often compulsively rub my clit through my pocket when I see this.
    5 points
  4. I always jump at the opportunity to piss when drunk after parties. I was once on the way back to the dorms with a boy and we both had to piss. It’s NYC so there are no bathrooms. I told him I know a spot and led him into the subway elevator, which already smelled like piss. I told him to turn around while I squatted and starting pissing out the side of shorts. I heard him start pissing and turned around to see him pissing against the door. Another time, a group of friends and I took turns pissing in the area between the subway carts.
    5 points
  5. Includes male and female watersports, private acts in front of a cousin, spitting, and female-on-male domination. The protagonist is a man. The Future I Saw, Part 6 The multilane highway gradually dwindled to a single thoroughfare cutting through a forest, and beneath a violet-red sunset, our self-driving car finally arrived in the town of Cedar Stills at 7:20 in the evening. Despite the trashed state of the vehicle, Adrana didn’t want to defile it any more than we already had, and insisted we hold our bladders until after we arrived. We had both realized we needed to go prett
    4 points
  6. Definitely always just step up on my desk and piss through the side of my underwear out the window. Nobody is ever out there at night and I don’t have to leave the privacy of my room.
    4 points
  7. I think M, my Mrs is getting old timers …… this morning, she peed her knickers, while sitting on potty. She grabbed a handful of toilet paper, hustled the knickers off, had a quick wipe, and tossed the panties into the toilet. It took a bit for her to realise, hurriedly fished them out, and took them to the sink, and started washing them and her hands. I was about to say something, but she cut me off with “Not a word, laddie. Not a fecking word” I left it there, but kept chuckling about it for most of the day.
    3 points
  8. Two relevant stories to share: 1.) My wife is a daily shower peer. It's part of her normal routine. One time I asked her where/when the habit began for her. She said "I guess I don't know exactly, but probably in college. The toilets were all the way on the other side of the bathroom. I think I just got up, and went to get in the shower line rather than making a separate stop for the toilet and losing my place in the shower line. I think this is what most people probably did." 2.) When I was in college, in my second year I shared an on-campus apartment with three male roommates. I do
    3 points
  9. I have pissed in my friends’ sinks as well. The only ones that are cool with it are boys because they do it as well. I just make sure I am out of sight
    3 points
  10. Hey, I've been away for a long time but found time for write an Update. Update on my Bedwetting: I reduced my bedwetting because my mattresses always got messed up quickly, my bed has always smelled of piss. So I dump my old mattress and bought a new one. Now I only pee about 4 times a month in my bed. When I'm at a hotel, I piss as often as possible in the bed. I always leave the bed open in the morning so that it dries but most of the time the bed cant dry completely, just too much piss. Strangely enough, the cleaning ladies have never complained Class meeting on W
    2 points
  11. I wouldn't even say this is funny, it's just common sense
    2 points
  12. As much as I keep coming out with new stories and characters I decided to revive an old one and finish some unfinished stories concerning Kim, Jack and their neighbor, Cassandra, as well as introduce a new character and a much beloved setting of mine, school pissing! Story contains wetting (M/F), naughty peeing (M/F), goldenshowers (M/F), piss drinking (M/F) masturbation (F), sex (M/F) and a gloryhole (M/F) --- One hot, early Friday afternoon, Kim was home free for Summer vacation when she got a knock on her door from her neighbor Cassandra. Both women had a secret, they knew wh
    2 points
  13. That is a fantastic situation for you to find yourself in. I wish I lived in such a place or even had the opportunity to visit. I absolutely love seeing girls peeing in public. It was great that they really didn't care and were peeing there with you walking right past them. Even better that they didn't object to you taking pictures. Would love to see the photos and the girls were in a public place so I think that is within the rules. After all, the whole site is full of people peeing. Many of them are girls taken in public places. If you have videos, they would need to be up
    2 points
  14. Of course you can! What I listen to depends on what I am doing and how long the journey will be. For example if I am just nipping to Tesco to pick up a few things but I still want to listen to music on the ride I listen to just whatever is on my phone. Usually the kind of stuff I'd post on here. A bit of Taylor Swift, some Billy Joel, A little Fleetwood Mac. I don't have a specific playlist, I just want some music in the background. If my ride is a little more intense and more of a workout I like to listen to music with a fast tempo. Eye of the Tiger, 2 Unlimited - No Limit, The Final Cou
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I’ve done this too! Well in my own car - once on an 8 hr road-trip (I was alone; and have a post about it on here somewhere with pics). Brought multiple towels and sheets to sit on and whenever I felt like it I just decided to let it go! It felt so amazing it led to me driving naked and masturbating on the highway - both squirting and pissing 🤭 it was unfortunate my seats were material and I soaked the car so I got the interior detailed afterwards and it helped. Haven’t done it since but damn it’s hot!
    2 points
  17. I have said elsewhere on the forum, but I lived in dorms which had male and female floors with sinks in the rooms and a group of three toilets in the corridor. It was common for male and female residents to use their sinks to pee. The sinks were set into countertops which were well supported and quite low. It was quite likely that the designers considered them likely to be used for peeing and made them convenient for such a purpose for both male and female use. Ladies would simply sit on the sink with their hands either side on the counter top. I only saw one girl doing this but I spo
    2 points
  18. Same energy. Seeing a woman piss in public or even just knowing she’s doing it is an immediate turn on. Once I was about to walk into the Lorimer stop after a haircut at like 7 pm and two girls were coming out and I heard one mutter I have to piss right now. 20s, New York accent, one was wearing a leather skirt. I found a reason to pause before going into the station. There were dozens of people around. They went into a tiny open parking lot between buildings and stood looking around for a minute. Then both crouched down out of site. A few minutes later they walked off. Another time my w
    2 points
  19. My roommate is actually a suitemate and doesn’t share the same room as me. But yes, I would never stop doing it, caught or not. Walking all the way downstairs to use a bathroom when I don’t need to is ridiculous.
    2 points
  20. I hooked up with a girl my junior and senior year who loved pissing in naughty places. It was so hot. We dared each other to piss places. She would drop her feet down to the floor in a hotel bed and just casually piss on the rug because she was too lazy to get up
    2 points
  21. No, I spread my vulva and pull up slightly so the stream goes outward. There are videos of this you can find online. It’s not widespread knowledge.
    2 points
  22. I was a prolific public pisser in college. I was at a small liberal arts college in New England with a large wooded campus with lots of old buildings. First of all, I pissed everywhere while out partying. Especially roaming with a large group I’d yell hold up I’m pissing, and turn to the side and piss on a wall or a bush or off a curb. The best times were when other people joined in. I also peed on campus during the daytime. Usually somewhere pretty out of the way but a few times I was pretty visible and enjoyed the rush. Definitely in and on the chapel, on public sculptures, out my
    2 points
  23. In the rare case my roommate is in the common room and there are people outside my window in the daytime, I piss in a cup or bottle or something and dump it out.
    2 points
  24. During the summers Kim volunteered to teach a college prep course offered by the high school she taught at. The course was open to all ages and was free, funded by the county, but mostly high schoolers and people in their early twenties took the course since it was during the day and on weekdays. This summer was no different and she even had a former student and swimmer in her class, Melissa. She had graduated three years prior, Kim estimated that she must be 21 by now and remarked how Melissa has kept her sleek swimmer's body. Melissa was quite tall and her long legs had given her ample advan
    2 points
  25. I've always loved big curvy girls. Here are some of my favorites. Feel free to add more big girls if you love them too.
    1 point
  26. We all get confused from time to time! I put my crumpets in the cutlery drawer the other day! OK, maybe slightly different but same principle. I hope M is OK generally, but I absolutely loved her response. I can hear that being said in a Scottish accent.
    1 point
  27. Can I ask you a question? I know you have some bone-conduction headphones so that you can be responsible, careful and situationally aware on your bike. But what do you listen to when you ride? Do you have a special cycling playlist, and if so, is it all "Eye of the Tiger" / "Born to Run"-type motivational songs to get you up those hills? Or more calming and reflective, to suit a relaxed ride in the countryside? Or maybe you listen to podcasts on science and technology topics like "Advanced Python Coding for Chemistry Teachers" or " 101 New Ideas for 3D Printing"?
    1 point
  28. For my first three years in Colorado, we lived in a small 2 bedroom condo. While it was small, we loved the amenities, especially the pool and hot tub! Now, our community consisted of a combination of retired, old folks who didn't want to deal with a big house and yard anymore AND young couples who just got out of college and couldn't afford a house yet. The pool area was directly in front of our building and every unit had a balcony, so the units facing the pool could pretty much see everything that happened down there. The pool technically closed at 10p, but with the number of younger cou
    1 point
  29. Oh, wow! From first principles wanting pussy in your mouth? I distinctly remember my wide-eyed sense of “Oh, you can do that?” when I learned going down on a girl was a thing*, fittingly (for here) with similar energy to seeing someone pissing somewhere unconventional. There seems to be some confusion about what female ejaculation is made of, and a suspicion that it’s urine at least some of the time for some women (because where else would so much fluid come from?) so maybe @nygirl could lean into “I’m a squirter” if “I’m going to deliberately piss in your mouth and have you swallow it” i
    1 point
  30. I've peed in some cars. One was left by the side of the road for several weeks, abandoned. One day I passed by that way on my own, so I stopped and went to check it out. The passenger door was unlocked, so I got in, pulled my trousers down and sat on the passenger seat. I peed all over the seat and enjoyed the warmth as it pooled round my bum and gradually soaked away into the seat. Another one was a van that had been dumped near my house. I opened the driver door and peed into the van, all over the seat, steering wheel, dashboard and floor. I have peed in my own cars many tim
    1 point
  31. Unfortunately, I think I am too shy to ever admit this fetish in real life. I would love to relieve myself in a man’s mouth while he sucks me, but I fear it would tarnish their image of me. There have been times I was so horned up that I couldn’t help it and did it without their consent. Like the aforementioned time above. Another time, I was riding a boy’s face and just couldn’t help but squirt some into his mouth while he sucked my clit. He was naive, though, and thought I squirted. I let him believe that to avoid the truth. Another time, I was in the shower with a boy an
    1 point
  32. Sex Bizarre Forty Four During my visits to London in the 1980’s I noticed that the ancient red telephone boxes were festooned with prostitute calling cards. In the days before mobile phones and the internet, it was the punter’s method of connecting with women who sold sex. In the first story, ‘Pervert’s Thirst’, the first shot depicts a man using such a method, cut to a charming, natural redhead, in a relaxed pose flicking through a high-end fashion magazine taking the call. The man resembles a politician, not too far removed from the Tory minister Grant Schapps! It is a rare event
    1 point
  33. I think it was because of all the alcohol I drank. It felt liberating and really dirty.
    1 point
  34. This has probably been asked before but I cant remember....thats the trouble with a thread nearly 30 pages long. Too much to remember and too much to go back through. But its a simple question. What was your favourite subject at school?
    1 point
  35. Piss is like a territorial type of kink for me, so I piss each time I enter the pool. I always get the urge to do it the second my pussy hits the water. But sometimes I piss if I’m interacting with a guy, or intentionally piss near a hot guy. I really don’t understand why I have this kink. Growing up, pissing in the pool would always put me in an aroused state. One day after being horny after pissing near a boy at the pool, I got the idea of putting my pussy over the pool jet. I got my first orgasm this way. Now, whenever I’m in a hot tub, I sit directly over the jet on the seats so
    1 point
  36. This one is easy to do with a thin jumper. Her nipples are impressive! Must be cold there. She needs some warming up. I am sure you would help her out. 💖
    1 point
  37. I was driving in an urban area and needed to pee however I could not find anywhere suitable to stop and urinate, especially in my uniform and a branded van! I grew more and more desperate for a piss but I then realised I was driving a van with an easy clean interior and a drainage hole in the floor so I quickly parked up and sought relief in the back of the van- it was either that or wet myself! https://www.erome.com/a/KyrCBHhR
    1 point
  38. Ellie "Hey girls! How's everyone doing? I have some naughty pee fun to share that involves Laura, a lot of drinking, and me being fully in control of her relief!" Charlotte "This sounds like it could be seriously hot! 😋" Jade "Definitely! What did you do to her!" Ellie "Well, here is beautiful Laura, waiting for her meal that I was cooking here. She's doing an excelent job of hiding the fact I hadn't let her pee for about 3 hours, and she was ABSOLUTELY BURSTING in this picture!" Jade "What a cutie!" Charlotte "😍😍😍" Ellie "
    1 point
  39. I pee outdoors a lot, but its funny how when me and my friends go camping, THEY suddenly all become daring outdoor pissers. I don't mind because I love watching my straight friends take a leak. But its just weird, this complete 180. At night by the campfire, like 5 of us sitting there, and sometimes they will just stand up and turn the opposite way and piss, I mean like right beside us, just turned around. Camp ends up smelling like piss, lol. But I am the only one who can walk and piss at the same though, when we are hiking the trail, and I am pissing and walking, them trying to av
    1 point
  40. Well, not as such. If I am with just my freinds and I want to pee I will just pee, and if I am standing I will pee full blast and wet my skirt and legs and feet. More often though there are other people about so I tend to be a bit more discreet and pee gently down my legs or wet my skirt sitting so no one notices.
    1 point
  41. Found one last part on a different word file as I knew I that I had read more of this series but this is all I have and remember reading. I wonder if Leaky_one ever continued on? I he/she did I never saw it. Might be worth someone giving it a shot. A Leaky_One story A Family Affair - Continued 2 Continued in the next episode of “A Family Affair" Down in the kitchen the naked mother and daughter had started to top up their bladders once again whilst giggling like little girls about their exploits so far. “I think I need another wee” Lindsay suddenly announced. N
    1 point
  42. A Leaky_One story.... Trista (part 1) Reaching down to her white knickers Trista slowly drew them down her legs, enjoying in the process the sensation her nudity was giving her. Once her panties where safely kicked away from her parted legs, Trista moved her uncovered vagina up to the waiting sofa. She took a deep breath, then let it out whilst at the same time letting go of the desperate urge in her bladder. Then it happened! Trista’s fanny lips suddenly parted and a wide gushing stream of hot golden pee began to squirt away from her pussy as she commenced her piss over the sofa. Within m
    1 point
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