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  1. To cut it short, I was visiting my friend and I had to pee. (That is quite the intro...) Anyway.. Let's say on a scale of 1 to 10 I was a solid 8 when I got into the lift. So I got in the lift (of my friend's apartment) and just as the door was about to close, it popped open again and a lady stepped in or rather hurriedly jumped in. No sooner did the door close, she goes "I'm really sorry but I've been holding for almost 13 hrs. I hope you don't mind" and drops her pants and squats on the floor releasing a literal flood onto the carpet. The sound of it bouncing off the walls a
    7 points
  2. I missed another dual parking lot pee. Looks like by about 15-20 minutes by the amount of drying. The one on the right obviously had to pee bad.
    6 points
  3. @toiletfloorpee - apologies on behalf of all the decent gentlemen. We’re not all like that.
    4 points
  4. It does depends who it is. I don't usually care who sees me pee, if I have to go then I will, but there have been a few occasions when I wanted to hide away a bit. There was an older guy who used to always talk to me in my local pub when I was at uni, he was in his 60s, and pleasant enough in conversation, but well known as a bit of a idiot when drunk and around young women. A few times he would insist on walking me home and I would use every trick to escape. I let him the first time as I didn't realise and had to stop to wee in a door way en route and he was almost lying on the floo
    4 points
  5. A few years ago I hooked up with a girl I met out in a bar in London. I liked her a lot, genuinely nice, no pretence or messing around. Pretty, glasses, cute body (exceptionally pointy nipples!), red/brown hair and looked after herself. She was witty and super smart. Generally great fun to talk to and be around. We'd been seeing eachother for a little while when she invited me to her new place. It was a house share with two other girls. They had their boyfriends over for some drinking as a low-key house-warming. We had a few drinks and I stayed the night. In the morning I turned over
    4 points
  6. I'm a nurse and my 12 hour shifts often go a lot longer than 12 hours. I was working with EMS and we got a call 3 minutes before shift change. It had been a busy shift and I hadn't peed for 12 hours. The call didn't sound good (car accident with 5 kids on icy roads in the mountains). My partner and I climbed into the ambulance and rushed to the scene that was 30 minutes away. Another ambulance met us there. My partner took various kids into the back of the ambulance to assess them and I just waited on the side of the road for him to finish. But the cold air was getting to me. I had to pee so b
    4 points
  7. Hopefully ongoing story in which a narrator of your preferred gender recalls their memories of their dad peeing publicly or casually. Nothing sexual happens between the two of them. Enjoy! My father is, in his own idiosyncratic ways, a Southern gentleman, if that was ever such a thing that exists. He has always been chivalrous, open-minded, and kind. A pillar of strength, and a warm, friendly figure. But he has his human side, and a fierce independent streak that means he does what he thinks is right, even when it might turn heads. And what he thinks is right tends to be a bit mo
    3 points
  8. Oh my ! It feels weird since I haven't posted here in a such long time or perhaps should I say not as frequently. With all the changes and everything that has been going on in my life, left me with no time for anything else. The question I have is will I remember anyone from here LOLOL I will go catch up on my PM's and take it from there. How's everyone ?
    3 points
  9. Includes desperation, peeing, relief. Tina was a interesting person, she loved nature and the serenity of tranquillity of being at peace a singer at heart. Rob was the guy next door, he loved sports, nature and fun/games. Tina thought it would be a great idea if her and Rob went on a picnic, at the local park by the lake. So they packed up a lunch including many goodies and drinks, then set out. Once there they set up everything and relaxed enjoying the serenity of nature around them, walking on the path enjoying the lake. Until Rob had to pee, he just took his cork
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. I'll sometimes see this when I lead hiking groups., where often there are at least as many women as there are men. Out on the trail for much of a day, most all of us will need to pee at least once. I try to plan stops about every two hours. I suppose more often if I'm the one feeling the need. On these breaks, I'll notice the behaviour of the women, though I try not to obvious. Most walk at least several steps into the woods, some even venturing out of sight of the trail. Then, there's always a few who never take advantage of relief when it's offered. I'm sure some possess a bladder
    3 points
  12. Hey all! Today was a fun day after work. I decided for the first time in a while to go swimming instead of the gym after work. It's at the same place conveniently so it's on my way back from work, but as the weather is getting cooler and more miserable swimming becomes a nicer way to exercise. I drank loads at work, making sure that I had a nice full bladder at the end of my shift, then headed straight to the pool. I hurried into the changing rooms, got changed and pulled on my nice tight swimming jammers. They are basically just tight swim shorts and they look like these.
    2 points
  13. do you ever look to your left, and then look to your right…and then grin to yourself, because the circumstances are simply perfect for a little naughty piss? to pee, or not to pee? the question is bouncing around in my mind as i type this now. unfortunately, this isn’t a daily dilemma for me, but i can’t help but grow excited when a golden opportunity like this one arises. i’m currently out, and each of the five stalls in this public restroom are vacant. it doesn’t look like anyone will be interrupting for some time. the sleek tiled walls, the reflective dark floors, the glimmering p
    2 points
  14. We just found this site and it’s like a door has opened, with like minded kinksters! My wife and I love watersports with each other and others, although finding other people with the same kink is difficult! We are based in the Midlands, UK and swing on Fab. We love glimpse and hightide videos. We have a few videos we can share of f on m and m on f, if anyone is interested. happy pissing everyone x
    2 points
  15. This will be a series if it is well-received but it is my first attempt at fictional story writing so please leave comments. Contains: lesbian sex, piss drinking, public sex, desperation A Wet Sports Trip I was a senior in high school and my girlfriend, Genevieve, and I both turned 18 in the summer before school started. Both of us were avid volleyball players. We had been together for 2 years but it wasn't known we were together. Everyone thought we were just close friends. It was our first volleyball trip of the year and it was out of state. It was going to be a tourname
    2 points
  16. Yeah haha ! First I was shell shocked, then wowed, then I was panicking for her and internally crying for myself. It was just so random 😂
    2 points
  17. Hello Scott !!! nice to see you! I was not sure if everyone I knew at the time were still here. I am settle in but looking to change areas, like province wise, however, that is something possible in the near future. What I have in store? Just simply encounters and some stories here and there LOL I'm not as, outgoing as I use to be when I was gutsy, i'm more on the behave side, However, wine does have an impact on my decisions LOLOL
    2 points
  18. Weighted balls. I love the feeling!
    2 points
  19. That's a hot idea! i'll include it in my next story
    2 points
  20. This story contains extreme piss vandalism, cum and piss sharing and taboo piss activities on a airplane by a flight attendant , all fictional and this story might not be for everyone butterflies entered Yulia's stomach as her morning alarm woke her from her slumber, she caressed her hard nipples knowing today she was going to be a naughty day at work. Yulia worked as a flight attentent for United, and she had a scheduled flight from JFK to London Heathrow in which she planned to do naughty piss activities the whole flight. she started rubbing her swollen clit and her pussy let out a dri
    2 points
  21. Have to admit, I have never tried eating one with chocolate on it. You never know. 😄
    2 points
  22. https://people.com/ozzy-osbourne-used-to-pee-his-pants-onstage-was-wet-anyway-8363029?utm_campaign=peoplemagazine&utm_content=manual&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_term=65312d1c41ee060001db371e&fbclid=IwAR25fzhZF7REn_6xRfaMNyv-ATzsPvJCXFPorsdnewxT_D2-rgwFIz_lRhU This came across my feed today.
    2 points
  23. Getting pissed on in the garage.
    2 points
  24. So It's already some years ago that I was on holiday and that I was able to actually capture one of my sightings. I was doing some Urbex when I spotted a couple from which the woman somehow gave me the idea that she had to go. And as soon as she separated from her partner and walked into some path I was pretty sure, So I grabbed my phone 😁 I unfortunately I was not quick enough to capture the whole process, so soon after I started filming and had focus the girl was done, pulled up her pants and went back to her partner But it was my first capture ever, So although the quali
    2 points
  25. i love this idea! walking around a park, store, or fast food joint in my little pink skirt but no panties and peeing on benches, chairs, floors, towels, napkins, what have you sounds sooo fun. i’d start my adventure when my bladder is close to exploding (like now! lol) so that i’d have enough in the tank to give every establishment in a 5 mile radius a taste.
    2 points
  26. Even if it does, even I won't recognise myself since I had sunglasses on and a hat So the lift is huge and I was standing at the other side. But her side was pretty drenched.
    1 point
  27. Oh I know, but thankfully unusual over all the years I have been clubbing or pubbing. I am very careful who I have around me now. Xx
    1 point
  28. TFW you write the safe word on a post it but then your definitive wife binds you in darkness
    1 point
  29. i never really considered myself a voyeur but experiencing so many stories here about it kinda made me more aware of that aspect of peeing- whether its to notice someone else, or being caught myself. and so with that in mind, i have always had a penchant for being embarrassed in some situations. not that i'd actively seek those moments out, but that when it happened, they always seemed to make the naughtiness of peeing feel more intense. so like i guess it was just a natural progression when you get caught with your pants down, like literally- or even in a misplaced skirt, too many
    1 point
  30. I started because of the adrenaline rush I would get and I still do occasionally get that feeling. But nowadays it feels freeing to to whip it out and piss as soon as the urge arises. It's a freeing and liberating feeling to relieve myself whenever/wherever I want no matter who's around.
    1 point
  31. does anyone else ever wonder if they get caught making content? teehee. 😇 when i first slid down my leggings i was pretty self conscious; at least about when i took a pic. but by the time i decided to take one inside my opened panties, i didn't really mind if anyone noticed where my camera was pointed.
    1 point
  32. After She celebrated promptly, went outside to the bushes and let go a hissing pee stream that splashed unto the grass below. It continued for 2min and then turned to drips. She wiped with a kleenex she had and put her pants and underwear on, She was feeling herself again and so she went inside. The next day after she found out that nothing was wrong she thought she would go on a day trip to the nearest park and have a picnic lunch before coming home again She packed her lunch and set off on her journey. Being sure things were ok now she brought lots of drinks with her.
    1 point
  33. Hello, I found this site through another, just wanted to see what it's about. I've started exploring how much pee play turns me on. Holding and getting desperate seems to have a pretty high effect on me, as does watching others. I recently started posting on another site anonymously, and it felt good seeing people like my posts. I like talking to other like minded pee play people and what it is about that turns them on, and how they play too 😊
    1 point
  34. I enjoy having my wife sit on my face while she fists my ass. I love sucking up her pussy juices as she fills my ass. Also, I love it when she sounds my cock and stretches my pee hole. I love to drink my pee from a catheter deep inside of me.
    1 point
  35. I’ve just enjoyed a really naughty piss coming back from a night out. A friend of mine has just moved to a small town within a large county in the middle of the country, to take a step back from a busy career and to be closer to where she grew up. I’ve come to spend the weekend with her and we’ve been for a night out. Walking back along the high street to get to her flat I was desperate to piss and she commented she needed to go also, so we were both on the lookout for a park, alleyway or side street etc but we’d already walked for a good ten minutes on a still fairly busy street with no luck.
    1 point
  36. I agree, Naughty Peeing is NOT something you can do at home. Peeing in your own bed is not naughty. Peeing in a motel bed is naughty. Peeing in your own car is not naughty (although it is wonderful). Peeing in the back seat of a police car because you got arrested for peeing openly in public is naughty. You get the idea. 😆😊
    1 point
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