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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2023 in Posts

  1. 7 points
  2. Just dropping by to say I could have written this word for word. It took until last year for me to realize that I am a lesbian. My family is homophobic as they are from a culture that demonizes it, and a part of a strict religion. Wanted to say I am proud of you for being able to explore yourself and find out what you liked. It's exciting and it feels like a new chapter in life. I hope one day I can have a similar experience. My DMs are open if you ever want to vent (more of a shoulder to cry on, I clearly have no advice myself lol)
    7 points
  3. Sorry if this a bit too emotional but I've been dealing with a bit of a inner turmoil in the past days that I just feel like I need to confide with someone. So basically, over the past few months I've been dealing with some fleeting doubts about my sexuality (I've gone by straight for the majority of my 25 years long life). Those instances happened from time to time but I've always just brushed it off like innocent curiosity etc. But over time they added up until eventually a week or two ago (and I'll spare you the details to make this tactful) I've had some homoerotic interactions that..
    5 points
  4. While you have not guessed the country (nor the continent lol) the idea is basically the same. A backwards, largely rural country where with the exception of the youngest generations (and even with those there's only really a partial acceptance) the 'average persons' thinks of anyone who is not straight either as a deviant, sick or the basic 'yeah I don't have any issues with you but shut up and don't remind anyone of your existence... and don't even try bringing up civil unions!'. This goes all the way through from the common folk to being really the common stance of all the major politicians
    4 points
  5. Angel Wicky, one of my favourite pee porn performers....
    4 points
  6. Hey, there’s clearly a lot of dudes on the site but I’d love to connect w the girls who are into women. I’m turned on only by desperate girls. Sometimes this fetish makes me feel lonely would love to connect with girls who are into the same.
    3 points
  7. So what a weekend! So in celebration of some great news I decided to give myself a good weekend of piss. I love to piss into absorbent things. Beds, pillow, couches, chairs, carpet, clothes. You name it, I have pissed into it. I only get to piss the bed when I’m in hotels. So to scratch that itch I have been in the habit lately of buying pillows with the sole purpose of ruining them with my piss. So for today I bought a long body pillow which is nice because it will take quite a few pisses to fully drench it. I also came across this beautiful two set of rugs that are are made with soft fur and
    3 points
  8. What was the longest days in a row streak has anyone pissed the bed for before taking a break for another? I once had a record of pissing my bed every night for 2 weeks, before I was forced by my mom to stop as the bed got so soaked and was constantly raining puddles on the floor
    3 points
  9. Hi @avatar - we're all standing shoulder to shoulder with you. At the first moment any of us clicked on this website link in our browsers, we all joined a club, the community or family of those into something 'odd'. We all understand that we've got something within us that others don't understand, wouldn't try to understand and may make lives difficult for us. It's sad that people won't try to understand, but find it far easier to close their minds and judge. And that leads to a pack mentality of course where it's easier to stand silently with the mob than it is to question their lack
    3 points
  10. Thank you for the kind words 🙂 I'll just say, to not paint a bad picture about them, is that my family is actually extremely liberal and tolerant by the standards of our culture, yet the culture itself still left such a strong imprint on me that it took this long to get rid of. So yeah I definitely relate in that sense. Also I'm all the more happy for you and your realization 🙂
    3 points
  11. I've written the following code for quickly grabbing videos off of Eroprofile, and thought I'd share. Simply paste the following code into the console (accessible by pressing ctrl+shift+i) and press enter, and a link to a downloadable version of the video will appear in the top left of the screen let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = $('.pageContentLeftWide source').get()[0].src; a.style="position:fixed;z-index:1000;left:0;top:0;font-size:10rem;color:black;"; a.textContent="link!"; document.body.append(a); Make sure that console is selected once you've pressed ctrl+shift+i to op
    2 points
  12. Thank you so much for the encouraging words ❤️ About the right place and a state of mind... I feel like I'm making a lot of improvement on the state of mind field. On the right place, that will probably not be so easy but hopefully it will work out too.
    2 points
  13. All i can say to that, due to lack of any better advice, is that i really hope you find your path in life and everything works out for you in some way or another. Sorry to hear that opening up in real life seems to be so difficult. After all, just being your pure self is nothing one should be worried about, but sadly it's not always that easy due to many factors. The first step is done, stay strong and eventually life will unexpectedly guide you to the right place or state of mind to deal with this if you follow your intuition.
    2 points
  14. Personally I'd congratulate her on a lovely puddle, (scroll down towards the end of the article) - looks like she really needed to go: https://www.lincolnshirelive.co.uk/news/local-news/lincoln-business-owners-dismayed-cctv-5340401 And in other news: https://metro.co.uk/2015/06/19/woman-caught-urinating-on-busy-street-in-broad-daylight-5253710/
    2 points
  15. Love when it is cold and the little thing hides away lol
    2 points
  16. Thanks a lot goose, really appreciate the words! As well this community in general, like you've just described 🙂
    2 points
  17. Yes, you're absolutely right about that, for girls in that situation, aware that guy(s) to whom they are not attracted may be able to hear their sounds. But there is another group, probably more abundant and common, in my generation, who hide their sounds from guys they like, because they have been conditioned to believe their sounds are unattractive. Two of my best g.f.'s were in this group. One ran tap water to cover her sounds, while another peed as quietly as possible, at times in our relationships when they were very attracted to me. I found this out much later, when I discussed it with t
    2 points
  18. Aw thank you! Yeah it's really a uniquely wonderful place in here 🙂
    2 points
  19. I used to be totally in the closet about the pee fetish itself and can remember the intense nervousness of starting to share for the first time on another forum before this one, so can relate to you on the nervousness front from there. You might live in a shitty homophobic town - the bible belt by any chance? - but there is a big wide world out there and a certain part of it comes here to this forum. I get that you have probably internalised feelings of shame about any homoerotic thoughts due to the environment around you, and this could possibly be the main source of nervousness in
    2 points
  20. This instance of me pissing wherever I want happened to be.. on myself 😈💦
    2 points
  21. I had a great time @wetwulf! I ended up pissing four times total. 3 times to soak the two rugs and once to piss into the body pillow. Sadly I could not keep the pillow because it’s harder to hide but I did keep the two rugs. Honestly it’s a great setup. I wash them when I’m done and they are nice and fluffy for the next session. Speaking of a new session, I have pissed three times on the rugs and some blankets so far. I feel pretty energized. I could see my surpassing last time and pissing 5-6 times tonight. I love the feeling of pissing into something soft and absorbent. The last fe
    2 points
  22. Its so great that hotel peeing is becoming mainstream now!
    2 points
  23. Good Afternoon All, Sitting here horney as he'll despite sex three times with my girlfriend. Thanks to Viagra I can keep up with a much younger woman. All hot and horney for more since my g/f and her sister stayed over my house after a night out drinking. Those who have read my past posts know I have a tall 29 y/o blonde g/f who has a sister tagging along at times. I don't mind the sister as she is hot as well. Though I will never be allowed to have a threesome I can at least enjoy her sister in the bathroom as she is a free spirit uninhibited girl. This morning like so many sister w
    1 point
  24. I couldnt believe it. Not only had Anabel suggested that we all just piss on her living room carpet for fun but it seemed like she was preparing to lead the way, unfastening and then lowering her jeans and panties, dropping down into a squat. Sara laughed, "Oh my God Anabel, you are not going to actually do it are you?" "Why not? It's fun." Then suddenly she was doing it, a soft hissing and the patter of pee hitting carpet as her golden shower rained down. And she was clearly loving it, and enjoying our reactions of disbelief. We all laughed in amazement at what she was doing.
    1 point
  25. I just got up and did my morning pee in a laundry basket
    1 point
  26. I’ve definitely peed in a bottle while driving
    1 point
  27. Hi all well, my gf kate is still in plaster but only leg now. As I said in my last story kate mum using a baby potty, she finally came clean about her exploits to me one day over a glass of wine. Kate was in hospital when her mum came clean and her sister emma was looking after her flat for her, so it was just us two. I had bought a nanny cam which was in a teddy bear to see if I could catch her after what kate told me. I would check the footage daily but it was not until Saturday I caught her being naughty. What her mum was doing in just her bra and panties was climbing on to kate
    1 point
  28. Peed into the hotel sink just now :-). Have fun! 100x100https://t1.erome.com/1698/hJqeuoOb/thumbs/ZParJ2Mp.jpg[/img]
    1 point
  29. I was dehydrated but I did make sure to piss down the stairs a few times. The stairs I picked this time are really covered in piss on the lower levels. You can smell it everywhere and most of the walls, doors and floors have a nice wet coat of resent piss. One of the upper levels was dry so I did my part to spray some dark piss on the wall. I could hear it running and falling down the walls. Glad I did my part to keep the stairs properly pissed in. https://thisvid.com/videos/spraying-dark-piss-down-the-walls/ Hope everybody else had some fun too.
    1 point
  30. New one 😉 Hope you will enjoy !
    1 point
  31. https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/30254 Some other erotica were removed from gutenberg but this is still available
    1 point
  32. As promised, here is the story of my mom's first masturbation in front of me 🙂 A few weekends ago, I went over to my mom's house to finish up harvesting what little was left of her garden and to mow her yard. Most everything had dried up and died from the heat, but there were still a few okra left to pick, and her yard was needing some trimming. As you know, we are nudists to the core, so we do our yard work fully nude with good protective shoes. We had both peed multiple times outside that day...on the lawnmower seat, in the garden, once down my leg into my boots. My mom peed on the flo
    1 point
  33. This is probably going back about 10 years now. In the good old days before I had so many responsibilities I was a bit of an activist and I attended some anti- austerity protests in London. I went with a group of friends that I'd met at university. For a number of reasons the protest got a bit confrontational and the police started kettling the protestors. Kettling is where they confine protestors into groups by surrounding them and not letting them move so that they can be processed easier. I got separated from our group alongside one of the girls who's name I can't actually remembe
    1 point
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