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  1. Sorry if this a bit too emotional but I've been dealing with a bit of a inner turmoil in the past days that I just feel like I need to confide with someone. So basically, over the past few months I've been dealing with some fleeting doubts about my sexuality (I've gone by straight for the majority of my 25 years long life). Those instances happened from time to time but I've always just brushed it off like innocent curiosity etc. But over time they added up until eventually a week or two ago (and I'll spare you the details to make this tactful) I've had some homoerotic interactions that..
    6 points
  2. This instance of me pissing wherever I want happened to be.. on myself 😈💦
    6 points
  3. Hey, there’s clearly a lot of dudes on the site but I’d love to connect w the girls who are into women. I’m turned on only by desperate girls. Sometimes this fetish makes me feel lonely would love to connect with girls who are into the same.
    5 points
  4. Good Afternoon All, Sitting here horney as he'll despite sex three times with my girlfriend. Thanks to Viagra I can keep up with a much younger woman. All hot and horney for more since my g/f and her sister stayed over my house after a night out drinking. Those who have read my past posts know I have a tall 29 y/o blonde g/f who has a sister tagging along at times. I don't mind the sister as she is hot as well. Though I will never be allowed to have a threesome I can at least enjoy her sister in the bathroom as she is a free spirit uninhibited girl. This morning like so many sister w
    4 points
  5. I couldnt believe it. Not only had Anabel suggested that we all just piss on her living room carpet for fun but it seemed like she was preparing to lead the way, unfastening and then lowering her jeans and panties, dropping down into a squat. Sara laughed, "Oh my God Anabel, you are not going to actually do it are you?" "Why not? It's fun." Then suddenly she was doing it, a soft hissing and the patter of pee hitting carpet as her golden shower rained down. And she was clearly loving it, and enjoying our reactions of disbelief. We all laughed in amazement at what she was doing.
    4 points
  6. Here’s one for anyone who likes stiff cocks with nice shiny heads peeing with rather wild split streams… https://www.erome.com/a/TJUzxPL7
    4 points
  7. I had a great time @wetwulf! I ended up pissing four times total. 3 times to soak the two rugs and once to piss into the body pillow. Sadly I could not keep the pillow because it’s harder to hide but I did keep the two rugs. Honestly it’s a great setup. I wash them when I’m done and they are nice and fluffy for the next session. Speaking of a new session, I have pissed three times on the rugs and some blankets so far. I feel pretty energized. I could see my surpassing last time and pissing 5-6 times tonight. I love the feeling of pissing into something soft and absorbent. The last fe
    4 points
  8. I prefer to pee in bushes or planted areas than pee on the pavement. But honestly I don't care about leaving the mess so much. I just prefer watering the plants with pee and I'm only a naughtyrosie anyway haha
    4 points
  9. I've written the following code for quickly grabbing videos off of Eroprofile, and thought I'd share. Simply paste the following code into the console (accessible by pressing ctrl+shift+i) and press enter, and a link to a downloadable version of the video will appear in the top left of the screen let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = $('.pageContentLeftWide source').get()[0].src; a.style="position:fixed;z-index:1000;left:0;top:0;font-size:10rem;color:black;"; a.textContent="link!"; document.body.append(a); Make sure that console is selected once you've pressed ctrl+shift+i to op
    3 points
  10. Not soppy at all. Welcome to the club 😊. And huge kudos to you for writing about it here. You know you're among friends. Isn't PeeFans wonderful?
    3 points
  11. Mainstream for us lol MainSTREAM 🤣
    3 points
  12. I'm way out of practice, It's been a decade since I was even on field. My daughters took up the sport and I retired to the stands to cheer them on. Stand at home plate, widen my stance, bend at the knees, I think that is enough practice. Okay, pants down, pussy forward, and push for first base. Round the corner and more force for second, just a bit further, GOT IT. Now cut back the push and get to third, and finish out the the stream back to home. A bit dodgy there at second, but that's a long shot from home to shoot a pee stream after all these years. It looks like I still have the muscle mem
    3 points
  13. "Hey sis, can you give me a hand?" "What's up?" "Mom asked me to rinse all the glasses from dinner before I put them in the dishwasher, but well..... I ran out of pee after just the two cups." "You need to learn to work faster, you just need to fill and slosh it around. Here let me show you" "Oh Okay, I get it now. I just don't have a fast enough stream." "That just takes some practice. I'll do the other glass and then just finish over the other dishes." "Actually, can you just fill that glass? It looks really tasty and I am sort of thirsty." "Sure, no worries."
    3 points
  14. Dear Wet Carpet I am a 39 year old English teacher - a long haired blonde, with blue eyes, ample breasts which I am proud of and a curvaceous figure. I could be described as buxom. I am married to a civil servant who works for local government, a well toned guy with a 7 inch penis whom I love to bits. We have two kids, a son and a daughter, both teenagers now but still living at home. Well the kids were asleep in their beds as my husband and I late at night lay naked together in our own bed - as is our custom - browsing the internet on a laptop in search of erotic stories together, a
    3 points
  15. The best part of a hotel stay is peeing on the furniture!
    3 points
  16. My name is Gina and along with my three best friends, Anabel, Sara, and Kate we were enjoying a girls night in at Anabel's place. She has wealthy parents - what do you expect with a posh name like Anabel? - and they had bought her the house. We have all known each other since uni days but are all in our early 30s now. Anyway, we were all sitting together in her spacious living room on armchairs or the sofa, drinking wine and having a laugh and gradually getting ever more tipsy. All of us were single at that moment but we all had the battle scars from previous relationships with past boyf
    3 points
  17. Aw thank you! Yeah it's really a uniquely wonderful place in here 🙂
    2 points
  18. I used to be totally in the closet about the pee fetish itself and can remember the intense nervousness of starting to share for the first time on another forum before this one, so can relate to you on the nervousness front from there. You might live in a shitty homophobic town - the bible belt by any chance? - but there is a big wide world out there and a certain part of it comes here to this forum. I get that you have probably internalised feelings of shame about any homoerotic thoughts due to the environment around you, and this could possibly be the main source of nervousness in
    2 points
  19. The German exchange student wanted to piss on me. So I invited her into my bedroom and laid on the floor and had her squat over my face. Soon, with a soft hissing, a torrent of hot golden piss was cascading onto my face. I opened my mouth so that she was pissing in it. And I was drinking her hot yellow piss. She was loving it as well. Throughout the rest of her stay she took every opportunity to piss in my mouth. Even saving it up all day until I returned home. On those occasions she pissed for fucking ages. I was told there might be a lot of potential benefits to particip
    2 points
  20. Trip to the nudist resort yesterday was a success! No naughty peeing but it was a lot of fun to use a urinal with no privacy barriers that was at a 90 degree angle to the sinks. That meant I would watch myself pee from the sink wall mirror. You’ll never find that anywhere other than a nudist venue. I met a lady who says she pees in random places outside but I didn’t ask for more detail because other people were around.
    2 points
  21. Oh ok yes there is a story! We were out at a party and we were all dressed up and when we left my girlfriend said halfway home I should have went to the bathroom before we left I really need to go. We were on the highway and I asked if I should pull off the exit and find a place and she said no I should be able to wait until we get home. When we got home she rushed into the bathroom and I went into the bedroom to get ready for bed. She came out of the bathroom and said she didn’t quite make it in time I peed my panties and I laughed and said let me take a picture of this and she said ok just d
    2 points
  22. Went out for a bit found a handy stairwell. There were plenty of dried puddles and the smell of piss was clearly present. Things seemed a bit dry so I gave my cock some exercise and pissed on the wall and floor. https://thisvid.com/videos/cock-out-pissing-on-parking-garage-stairs/ https://thisvid.com/videos/casually-pissing-in-the-stairwell/
    2 points
  23. It seems to be called "Champagne Secret." She has a most beautiful face, and is lovely in many other respects also. I love it, and the story text that accompanies the pictures is delightfully sensuous too. Mmmmm, she looks so delicious. 🥰 Thank you for another great review
    2 points
  24. Its so great that hotel peeing is becoming mainstream now!
    2 points
  25. The next encounter came from another very carefree lady. It was a while later in the evening and I was making my way back towards the pedestrianised street to see how things were there. By this time there were a lot of people milling around eating food or waiting for taxis and as I was walking along I came across a food truck parked up in a paved courtyard area with lots of people waiting to get food. I was checking out the crowds and amongst them were two older ladies, maybe late 40’s early 50’s. Both clearly drunk and enjoying their night, giggling and laughing and staggering about the place
    2 points
  26. I love soaking hotel rooms with my piss. I once booked a Japanese call girl and we spent the next three hours guzzling bottled water and pissing all over the room and on each other.
    2 points
  27. This next encounter ended in a non visual sighting which was a shame but was worth sacrificing. I had made my way back to the stretch of main road with the numerous bars and was checking out the crowds there waiting for any potential signs of an encounter. For a while it was pretty quiet on that front but I was happy enjoying the atmosphere. I ended up at the furthest bar on the stretch checking out the queue of people and people arriving when a taxi pulled up and three girls got out, all late 20’s. They got out and it became apparent one of them was a little worse for wear. She walked over to
    2 points
  28. Peed a bit in a hotel chair on the way out
    2 points
  29. Walking home this evening I was bursting for a piss, so I walked off the sidewalk a bit and went to the back door of the local movie theater, by the dumpsters. I was surprised to find the door open a crack - some of my piss may have splashed inside as I thoroughly hosed down the doorway. I just wish a cute theater employee would have walked out to put some trash away while I was standing there...
    2 points
  30. While you have not guessed the country (nor the continent lol) the idea is basically the same. A backwards, largely rural country where with the exception of the youngest generations (and even with those there's only really a partial acceptance) the 'average persons' thinks of anyone who is not straight either as a deviant, sick or the basic 'yeah I don't have any issues with you but shut up and don't remind anyone of your existence... and don't even try bringing up civil unions!'. This goes all the way through from the common folk to being really the common stance of all the major politicians
    1 point
  31. This is one of the hottest sighting stories I have ever heard. It also follows my theory that any girl who is getting sick is not likely to be a candidate to pee. Doesn't completely make sense to me, but that has been my experience. 99
    1 point
  32. @Alfresco's comment about sheds in the 'garden center' thread got me thinking about the topic. I used to have a wooden garden shed at my last house and would occasionally pee in it if the need struck me, or if I was feeling frisky. Often when I would do yardwork I would drink a lot of fluids (water, gatorade, etc.), so would often need a pee. It was much more convenient to pee in the shed than to go inside. I'd usually pee in the corner, and try to aim for the small gap between the wall and the floor so it didn't make much of a puddle. Whatever pee went on the wooden floor would just abs
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Chapter 3 A few weeks ago I was sitting in my desk watching some porn and I came across this video of a couple fucking in a forest. I had seen such videos before, this wasn’t the first one but oh god. It was so well made it looked like a movie. It did something with me. I’ve been obsessed ever since. I brought up the idea to Cole and Aurora but they didn’t seem too keen on it. We didn’t know where to go and well, It might be expensive. But It doesn't have to be expensive! I’ve been trying to explain to them that we can just take a train to the countryside and go for a hike in the woods. E
    1 point
  35. Hotel chairs make the best urinals! The best part of staying in a hotel is the freedom to pee on anything and just let it soak in.
    1 point
  36. It seems my stream missed the toilet completely.. we can blame the motion of the train, right? 🤫
    1 point
  37. Ok are you kidding me? I can drink up to two liters without the slightest problem, or better said, a problem, price, you pay I drink, then I piss you watch, than you jerk off to me if you want, I watch, but all of this begins with "You pay" ahahahahah I can go on drinking forever, hangover doesn't scare me, a Witch knows how to brew potions, and I don't throw up, never I swallow In every fucking sense!!!
    1 point
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