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  1. I’ve always been a gamer girl when I was 18I use to play a lot of Rainbow Six Siege with my friends and cousins. Me and cousin where playing in a party only voice chat so it was me and 4 boy cousins as it was 1 vs 3 situation I was the one left I decided to empty my while trying to win the match my gaming set up was in our basement so I began peeing since I was naked and one of cousins asked “Abby are you peeing?” I was like “Shhh I’m trying to concentrate.” As I you could her my hissing through my mic
    6 points
  2. teehee. i think someone was saw my panties.🤭
    6 points
  3. when casually massaging your bean is so relaxing that you forget where you are... and then, before you know it, have ended up going all the way. 😇 🤭 haha. i really don't think anyone saw, but becoming a little preoccupied with my self indulgence, i also can't declare that with any certainty. 😳
    6 points
  4. Story contains: female desperation, sighting of outdoor male peeing, female outdoor peeing. — At moments like this, I curse myself for my choice of dorm. I spent the weeks leading up to our preference selections scouring University forums to find out how to get the best experience possible living in the dorms. And this building seemed like the best bet in a number of ways. It was the newest building with the largest rooms, the dining center was the best on campus, and the views were gorgeous. Sure, it was about a 10-15 minute walk off campus, but I liked how that made it feel more li
    4 points
  5. I have been really busy these past few months studying day and night and burrowing myself in books. I am not joking when I say that because of this I am a not so proud member of the raccoon eyes family now. So my friend took it upon herself to drag me out of the house and make an attempt to bring me back to civilisation. Anyway today she surprised me with an impromptu picnic. She probably brought all types of crisps available on planet earth and drinks, mainly fruity drinks and iced peach tea. We went to a nearby park, sat at one of the picnic tables near the trees and gossiped away
    4 points
  6. So I was just playing search with a couple of guys and one of them was drinking a shit ton of beer so he said he was going to take a piss. After a few seconds I heard him pissing with the mic on lmao. He did it in front of the whole game thru game chat and we all just sat there silent. It was a long ass time to cause he really had to go 😂 A few games later we were just sitting in the lobby and all of s sudden we hear someone peeing and I literally said “are you pissing again”? And he was like yeah lol I drank a lot so I piss a lot. I loved hearing him take a leak. Would
    4 points
  7. Some uppies but peed in panties. All originals. Love to see more along this line, from private collections.
    4 points
  8. I peed on the phone with my friend not too long ago. She face timed me while I was sitting on the toilet just when I was about to pee. I told her what was going on and she was excited in a fun kind of way. I ended up peeing and trying to talk to her but all she said was "you pee so loud" lmao. I don't know that she has a piss fetish but she didn't seem to mind hearing me pee.
    4 points
  9. A/N: Quick one-off I thought up. Let me know how you like it. As always, feedback is not only welcome, but appreciated Pushing past the occasional family and other mall shoppers, Christina followed her sister Sophie towards the meeting spot. They stopped near a wall, a corner store to their right and a shoe store down the hall to the left. Behind them was a break in the wall that created a small alleyway towards the bathrooms. Christina didn’t notice her sister’s discreetly crossed legs, the only thought on her mind was hope that her sister would want to visit the restroom too. “Mom
    3 points
  10. Hello all, For my work, I usually rent cars. Yesterday, even I was alone, the rental compagny gave me a big brend new Nissan SUV. A lot of space, what a waste if not used ! I needed to make it profitable. So I phoned my girlfriend in order to know if, perhaps, she had an idea... I take her home to go to the supermarket and here are pictures of her way to use a brend new car with too much space :
    2 points
  11. So I had a thought while popping from one post to another that I'm gunna write down here because I think it's something to be said. This kink has two types. Situational and Fetishistic. Let's start with Fetishistic. The trail blazers, pioneers and single largest consumers of construction grade tarps, Costco sized plastic sheeting rolls, kiddie pools and dry cleaning on earth. Sexual Juggalos with all of the wild personality and none of the make up for obvious reasons. The kind of folk who will give you the shirt off your back but you probably shouldn't take it. Normal folk during bu
    2 points
  12. One pee on my wife in a highway parking lot then I peed myself to wet the paper
    2 points
  13. Love the sound of a woman peeing, never had the pleasure of a real time pee call yet 😁
    2 points
  14. It reminds me when my bff and I when to park and see brought the 4 24 oz beers where drinking them and chatting the beer makes me go so I lower my leggings and piss for a minute straight meanwhile chatting
    2 points
  15. Many of times My mom and I where on a mother and daughter trip only so where going to spa resort fancy resort the only issue was 8 hours away I was bottomless as I am always when driving long distances my mom was sleeping I had drank 2 large Starbucks Teas and 2 water bottles so my bladder was pretty full so I start peeing while driving like nothing is happening my wide thick stream hit the street wheel a couple times my mom woke since she heard hissing as I finish peeing she wipes me
    2 points
  16. Just let it dry 😉 I had the same car attributed for my new business trip. The seats were dry, but the car wasn't only smelling the new this time, but also a nice small smell of pee 😶
    2 points
  17. New one 😉 Hope you will enjoy !
    2 points
  18. - Offering someone a drive, and taking a leak in the parking lot after they've gotten into the car. While working with uber as a driver I once had to pick this woman who at shaggy plaza it was dark outside she was the one there no one else come to find she owns the plaza so I had to pee as she got into the car I asked if I could use the restroom but she said their was no restroom since the plaza was getting remodeled and she was using a bucket to pee in. So I asked if could pee in the parking lot she ya and she got to chat meanwhile I was peeing - Knocking on someone's door,
    2 points
  19. On the way back from Chatsworth show on Sunday I approached a Ford Focus in a layby on the opposite side of the road to me with the passenger door open and a pretty bare bum showing below the door. As I passed, Her female companion was blocking/keeping guard to the rear of her on their side but didn't even realise how clear a view I would have. As a nice coincidence, Her pee would have been draining into the river Amber. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.0958502,-1.432374,3a,75y,99.32h,76.51t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sIgqBABgmF8m9kO-fsrI4KQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2
    2 points
  20. Last Friday evening I sat on the toilet in my running vest and shorts, K stripped down to her black knickers and sat on my lap facing me. I put my arms around her beautiful body, stroking her back and bottom while I nuzzled her boobs, and then she relaxed her bladder and wet herself and me. Half way through her wetting, I started to add my flow to hers. By the time we’d finished, 30 seconds or so later, her knickers and my shorts were utterly saturated and while much of the pee had gone into the toilet bowl, there was a sizeable puddle on the bathroom floor. I asked her to lift herself up
    1 point
  21. This is incredibly hot! I had a friend piss whilst on a discord call with a few of us. She announced "I'm just going pee!" To the group, and a few seconds later we all heard her powerful flow hitting the toilet. Don't think anyone else enjoyed it as much as I did 😉
    1 point
  22. A little snippet that K wrote Being stoned is sensational. It's like an enzyme. Enzyme speeds up a reaction...weed is like my enzyme, expect that instead of making me feel things faster, It makes me feel things more intensely. What an intense feeling! I find that it's becoming one of my favourite feels. I love just letting my warm flow wash over my pussy. The warmth kind of makes my clit feel... cozy... like being under a blanket on a cold winters night. The force of which my pee is released at... that's just... amazing! I recall saying that many times to him... I love looking
    1 point
  23. I'll happily share later! Unfortunately we're in a bit of a heat wave and I can't comfortably be outside (I was hospitalized with heat stroke a few years back and I haven't had the same heat resistance since), so I'll have to find a way to have fun inside my apartment. ETA: We're also under a severe thunderstorm warning, so I guess that's another reason not to go outside. 😅 For a while it looked like it wasn't going to rain, but now we've got some serious dark clouds rolling in.
    1 point
  24. I love the idea of nonchalant peeing. I find it really hot when someone is just completely unbothered about what others might think. I wish I was that open myself! There have only been a few times I've been around nonchalant peeing. Once was during college when I was walking with a group of friends to a party. We were cutting through a lawn between two apartment complexes and as we passed by a particularly shadowy part near a tree, one of the guys in the group just said "give me a minute," turned around, and started peeing on the tree. He must have really had to go, because it ended up be
    1 point
  25. Dear Wet Carpet. My wife and I are both professionals in the pharmaceutical industry. We are in our late 40s. My wife has long been in the habit of keeping a large bowl under the bed so she can pee in at at night instead of going to the toilet. Its a habit she got into when the kids were young to avoid waking them up by going to the bathroom. It soon became apparent to both of us that I found the sight of her doing this rather sexy, and she enjoyed me watching her. So the bowl ended up being kept under my side of the bed, and she would come around, squat naked over it - we usually slept n
    1 point
  26. Urinna hunts-2 The pair kissed hungrily as Antia fell further under Vinna's spell. Part of her wondered if she was still dreaming, the other part recoiling at the thought of her husband walking in right now. Vinna unclasped her bra and it broke Anita's train of thought. he broke this kiss, panting that they should stop. Vinna eyed her like a tiger about to eat its dinner, removing her own bra, and the voice in her head came back stronger than ever. You want this. "How are you doing this?" Antia asked nervously. "Simple, I'm a vampire," Vinna said. The matter-of
    1 point
  27. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a married woman with kids, blonde, buxom and blue eyed, in my late 30s and still looking good. My best friend is a divorcee in her early 40s, brunette with hazel eyes and long brown hair. And she still has curves in all the right places and looks good herself. Her only child has grown up and left home and her ex has moved out leaving her the house. Sometimes I go around there for a few drinks, during which we look at entertaining or amusing things on the internet which is connected up to her widescreen TV. Last night was just the same. My husband was at hom
    1 point
  28. Tonight I'd had a few drinks and was chatting with some folks here. I needed to pee already, but I decided to wait just a little longer. I figured maybe I'd record another video of my eventual release. I recently found a FWB who shares my pee kink--like, when I asked what he was specifically interested in, he shrugged and said, "Honesty? It's all pretty erotic to me." So when I told him I was doing a hold, he texted back how hot he found it. I described my desperation to him--was probably close to an 8 at this point. I was sitting in bed grinding against the mattress and squirming to find
    1 point
  29. I was photographing an event a couple of weeks ago and working closely with the organisers' social media specialists. Now, my artform is still photography and I do it well - capturing the atmosphere of the event as a glorious colourful moment in time. The skill of the performers, the architecture and ambience of the venue and the joy of the crowd. All frozen at exactly the right moment. I get a huge amount of kudos for my work and I know I'm delivering what they want. But at the same time, chatting to them I understand what their next generation of subscribers want - quick, snappy
    1 point
  30. Yes, I remember the days when I was young back when VCRs were the new fangled thing. I was forever showing older relatives how to use the damned things when it seemed so easy to me. I never understood what was so difficult about it. Now I sometimes feel like one of those older relatives without a clue, lol.
    1 point
  31. Rewatched a bit of Lesbian Vampire Killers recently so decided to revisit Vinna Reed's scenes for vampire peeing ideas! Urinna hunts Anita sighed. Here she was, perfect makeup, sexy lingerie, and her husband was supposed to be home an hour ago. She had been so horny all day and wanted to surprise him, but business always came fucking first. It became clear he'd be gone all night, so she began to drift off to sleep. Lips pressing together, a body against hers. Nails digging into her sides as the lips traced her neck. Breasts rubbing tog- She stirred. Was she fantasisi
    1 point
  32. My wife's ass. I love to lick it anytime!
    1 point
  33. Wow these videos are hot! I know it's naughty but I love your lack of concern for others as you empty your bladder there. So much to enjoy, like seeing the huge puddle of piss you created for instance. Anyone on that staircase over the next few hours will be likely to step in it. Also I love the way you pissed on those handrails. After a few glasses of wine tonight I'm hoping someone will touch them as they climb those stairs 😉
    1 point
  34. Where I live has basically no public toilets so all the alleys and garages serve as free form urinals. I honestly love it, its like a piss amusement park. I wish I could catch someone in the act but no such luck yet.
    1 point
  35. Dear Wet Carpet. My name is Sarah and I am a 25 year old busty blue eyed blonde with long hair, though I am quite short, only just over five feet tall. I have been seeing this slightly older guy and last night for the first time I went back to his place after a few drinks down the pub, where we had a few more drinks. We ended up in his bedroom of course, naked and having sex which was great. After finishing we were laying naked together but I really couldnt ignore my growing need to pee for much longer. I pointed out that I didnt really want to have to get up but I had to choice
    1 point
  36. I was pissing in the bike shelter
    1 point
  37. I want to do that. And if I do, I should probably record it and post it somewhere.
    1 point
  38. I would say, it is all about good preparation. Ideally take an anonymous big hotel in a large city. Criteria for selecting the perfect room: plush carpet, spare cushioned furniture (fabric sofa backrests are very absorbing) and long curtains. For all is true: the darker, the better. Most important: go for two beds in the room 😜 The standard rooms in the houses of the big chains usually offer layouts with two queen size beds. The mattresses need to have a decent hight. Since back in my days in a pee relationship I go by these criteria whenever possible. My gf and I really loved to mess aro
    1 point
  39. Just completely flooded this hotel staircase. Perfect urinal for all the male hotel guests.
    1 point
  40. When I was 18 I was over at my uncle house celebrating my cousins graduation. My uncle and me got into argument that he said girls couldn’t pee farther than guy’s standing so I challenge him in his basement we went down there and my mom was the referee she was a good 15 feet away so my uncle went first he peed 8 feet away. Then it was my turn I my first couple of squirts didn’t go to far until my stream developed fully it touched my mom’s foot I was laughing at mt uncles amused face
    1 point
  41. I’m always terrified I do this accidentally on a work call by forgetting to mute 😳 I’d be mortified. Tho in summer I often work from the deck out back and have been known to pee straight on the ground on zoom calls and no one has a clue 😉
    1 point
  42. Some pics of the aftermath…
    1 point
  43. Thank YOU for showing some interest, unlike other readers who don't bother to comment... To answer your question, the man not only didn't want to be paid for the ride, but insisted to give me a business-card, where his personal phone's number is indicated. I didn't reciprocate, but I'm inclined to give him a call from a public phone or using a different SIM card, and, possibly, we might arrange an encounter, as he suggested more than once...
    1 point
  44. That was a great sounding pee @sd91. Bet there was a decent puddle that you left. This morning, I was out on my bike I passed a row of rented garages and one of them was open and empty. I rode my bike into the garage, leaned it against the wall and peed a sizeable puddle onto the concrete floor.
    1 point
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