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  1. hi i’m a long time lurker who finally made an account. sorry for my english (it is not my first language) i absolutely love peeing absolutely anywhere and everywhere. especially where i shouldn’t 😉
    5 points
  2. Troughs are the best.
    4 points
  3. This year I was on vacation in the Czech Republic. Wild urination is still common there and on the campsites I regularly saw men standing near a bush. At one campsite there was some kind of family party going on. During the day I saw the children and men walking into the forest to pee. At night I didn't see anyone walking to the toilets, so I guess the women also went into the forest, but unfortunately it was too dark to see anything. Early the next morning I had better luck. I heard the zipper of a tent open and looked out from my own tent. Two ladies in their late 20s came out and walke
    4 points
  4. Sounds like something I'd like to try at least once in my life. I can remember being younger at a water party at church and being covered head to toe in water. The adults wouldn't let me in the building to pee. I really didn't know what to do so I went into the woods and just wet my pants so no one would see me. I remember it being really peaceful and quiet even tho i was by myself. My little brain told me I guess that no one would be able to tell I had wet my pants and the pee would just dry along with the water when we were done lol. I'd imagine it would be the same if I were soak
    3 points
  5. It’s been literally forever since I’ve posted it had any worthwhile, memorable sightings or experiences. A couple times I’ve seen the roadside car doors open to imitate a stall with a female squatting to pee and either doing so or adjusting their jeans after the deed was finished. Just enough to get some blood pumping and an erection, but certainly not exciting enough to document. That was until today. Probably one of the absolute most exhilarating and memorable experiences I’ve ever had was on this day, Sunday 8-20-2023. I had to work which meant the day wasn’t all t
    2 points
  6. Hey people. I wanna tell you a story about last time i was at a concert. It was a hole day concert, where there was differents artist through the day. We was a groupe of: two of my male friends, my GF, gf little sister and there cousins. To the "medina" concert we was standing pretty close to the scene. I have to pee. So i just zip down og pull it out. Pointing at the ground and let it go. My girlfriend is looking and say "you cant do it here" i just laugh. But then! There is this girl who walk by us, and she walk directly into my stream without notice. And then my stream "
    2 points
  7. There is a scene in the X-Streams video "Pissing about in London pt. 2" where Jenni Loveit does a wee at the Notting Hill carnival. As you can see from the screenshot, there are plenty of police about and they don't seem too worried.
    2 points
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ2zphBHl1M Peeing starts from 1:28 when the lady goes around the back of the buoy and then drops her trousers to sit on the wall. Very poor quality for the most part as it is badly lit except when a car goes by. You also see her standing and pulling her trousers up.
    2 points
  9. "What are you on about I'm busy?" "I'm going to pee on the floor, is that OK?" "Sure whatever, just stop bothering me. .................. WAIT NO! STOP! DON'T DO THAT! Why do you always try to trick me when I'm occupied!?!"
    2 points
  10. Oh and not really a true sighting, but yesterday when I was driving home from a day out with the family, I was queuing in slow traffic when I noticed a car stopped in a layby. A lady in pink tight shorts and a crop top was bending into the rear passenger door of her car, I presumed attending to a child in the back. However she then stood up and walked directly from the car into the undergrowth to the side of the road. She disappeared out of sight, but I reckon we know what she was going to do there.
    2 points
  11. I believe my biggest fears are people confronting me/telling me to stop or judging me. My ultimate goal is to be more spontaneous and bold about peeing, basically just going anywhere I want to. But what especially frustrates me is the fear for being judged while if a guy did it people would shrug it off. For example: I'm not bold enough for that yet but if I had taken a piss in that that dark elevator corner maybe some people passing by would have thought it's gross but nothing more. But picture this situation: Some time ago I'm waiting for my train to leave when a big group of footb
    2 points
  12. Been a bit… but… piss explosion on the carpet tonight lol
    2 points
  13. Decided a little bit of time peeing in my bed was a good use of my time
    2 points
  14. I couldn’t help it. I think I’m addicted to peeing on the carpet lol
    2 points
  15. I have posted many of my sightings of girls peeing across different threads in these forums, but I've now decided to follow @Big Bear's example and create a thread where I'll keep adding new posts when I experience a sighting (hoping that there will still be more to come of course!!) - that way, it keeps the forums a bit tidier. I will start with a few sightings I had on a Friday night about 3 weeks ago in a town in North West England: First one has where three girls were sat on a bench having a laugh and drinking. I kept a vague eye on them but didn't always look in their directio
    1 point
  16. I have been getting very adventurous and this weekend I did something really risky. I was at the local pool, and it wasn't too busy because it had been a bit rainy out. After my swim, I sat down on the grass next to the pool and it struck me that I really needed to pee. I was sitting on grass and my swimsuit was wet, so I just started to go. I pissed for probably 40 seconds, legs pressed together with my bladder emptying into the grass below through my tight wet swimsuit. It felt so good and naughty to pee in plain sight of anyone there. I pretended to be on my phone so I wouldn't attrac
    1 point
  17. I've had a pee fetish as long as I (f) can remember. It's mainly centered around men peeing especially publicly and naughtily but each time I witness it in real life I get upset and feel bad about myself. I'm jealous that it seems to be such an easy and widely accepted thing to do for men (at least around here), while I'm afraid I couldn't do the same without people getting mad or being shocked. It's gotten to the point I can't truly enjoy this fetish anymore :( I would really like to start peeing outside as well but I'm just so afraid I'll get caught and confronted about it. Ha
    1 point
  18. You could just do audio and ask people to comment (i guess that is possible, as it usually is), where or on what surface you're peeing.
    1 point
  19. I had a go at photographing mine, quite difficult with the selfie lens on my phone! Trying to support penis standing up and pressing the shutter, I'll persevere when I'm on 'bonk' again 🙂 I did it! Self timer set to 10 seconds
    1 point
  20. I've seen them here and there online, and I'm sure they exist in many places that I haven't found yet, but documenting a hold on a story is a creative idea. Even though it's an activity done over a long period, you can still go about your day and it just requires an update when you feel it's appropriate. There's one that I've since lost that showed how much a girl drank over the course of the day and then showed how much came out of her by the end. 😳 Incredible stuff!
    1 point
  21. I am out drinking and the toilets here were already quite wet. I added my pee to the left hand corner at the urinals😌.
    1 point
  22. Very nice. How about one when you've got a full bladder and need to go for the sake of comparison.
    1 point
  23. Resurrecting an old thread, but thought I would share this with you. There is a webcam which shows the Southernmost Point of the Continental USA (Although if you look at the map you will see it is not actually at the most Southerly point, but let's not worry about that). There are many people that go there and take photos in the day and often people visiting it even late at night. Some of the late night visitors are a little worse for wear and some do some interesting antics. Also, some decide to pee there. As is typical for these types of cameras, the peeing is not particularly exp
    1 point
  24. Hey, glad you called. What? No, I can't video chat right now. Well, truth is I'm in the bathroom. Uh, haha~ no, no.... I'm not on the toliet, I AM a urinal right now though. Oh... y-you still want to see. O-Kaaayyy..... I guess here we go then.
    1 point
  25. I keep coming back to this one. Not only is she sexy and adorable, I wish I knew the full story. Looks like she's gotta pee, in which case: YUM. Anyone know if there's a video version and where I could find it?
    1 point
  26. I’ve peed off a bridge before but on a completely deserted road. Wouldn’t do it in public. I went to college with a girl who did it once too (not over a highway tho!) on the way home while trying to be discreet. She hiked her skirt up and sat on the edge of a “wall” unaware of the drop below I guess. The sound of her stream falling below was incredible 😍
    1 point
  27. At a pool or water park I’ll pee anywhere. If the area is already wet with water I’ll just go ahead and make it wetter haha. When I pee in the pool I do it a little at a time to be sure nobody notices. The padded beach lounger would be fun, lying out on it while coming out of the pool and my body and suit are still wet and relax. I could put a towel over me so I could flood into the padding through my swim suit without being seen, or not cover up and just let spurts out a little at a time. I’d get some drinks and lie there filling up my bladder and wetting the cushions for a while.
    1 point
  28. The second sighting was by far the best of the evening. There were a group of three adults and a young girl who went across the track to an area behind the market stalls and on the verge of the woods. After a while, one of the ladies, early 40s, dark curly hair, medium build walked along a narrow path into the woods. I thought I was going to have a missed opportunity as there was no chance of walking past the others and I assumed they would stay there as guards, but they walked off, and went between market stalls back into the festivities. I crossed the track and could see that the lady h
    1 point
  29. I actually did it once even if I'm not proud of it... but it was a long time ago so heh. Basically, I was almost constantly bullied at school, one of them being really nasty, always insulting me even if didn't even look in his direction or something, you see the guy. One day he left his locker room open, so I took his backpack, went to the bathroom, went in a stall and pissed a bladderful inside it before leaving the flooded backpack in the stall. I guess he never found out because I never got any trouble because of that.
    1 point
  30. Not my caption, but I definitely understand the sentiment.
    1 point
  31. Grace stretched her legs out in her seat in the jet, eyes fixated on the scenery out the window. The girls were on their annual trip to Izzy’s beach house, Grace had never gotten to go before. Her heart raced out of sheer excitement. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been on a trip, and she knew she’d never gone on one quite as lavish as this. She turned to look at her friends, who seemed entirely nonplussed by the fact they were quite literally sitting in a private jet. She was admittedly nervous, as well. She had never been so far from home, and to make things worse, sh
    1 point
  32. I wanna go gay for this dick!
    1 point
  33. Perfect. Or as close to human perfection as it gets.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I’m finding it hard to sleep tonight, so I started scrolling on here for fun. As soon as I start reading stories and all the talk about peeing on things it gets me so excited. I felt like sitting down and flooding the cushion I pissed on last time in my basement, so I quietly headed downstairs so I didn’t wake anyone else in my house. When I got to the top of the stairs to my basement I looked down and saw the BIGGEST spider on one of the stairs. I am not a spider person at all and so I guess it was fate telling me that wasn’t the spot to go. I was still determined to piss some
    1 point
  36. I piss in the locker room pretty often on the floor and leave it there. I often piss on the floor before I leave a one-night-stands flat after I’ve fucked her.
    1 point
  37. I saw two girls peeing on the pavement in separate positions at different times. I also saw a couple of other puddles.
    1 point
  38. At Work It was 13:00. I had already had 2 coffees and a couple of glasses of water at work. My bladder was quite full, and I could have easily peed a fairly substantial amount. Instead, I chose to ignore it. I only had 1 hour left at work (plus any overtime) and a 30 minute drive home. It was time to see just how strong my bladder was. It was a busy day, there has been a lot to occupy me the last few days (and evenings), so today I decided to have some fun and use my work load to distract me from my bladders desperation. I continued working, 13:15 came and went, my bladder a lit
    1 point
  39. That time that I knew the girl What’s more embarrassing than being caught peeing somewhere you shouldn’t be? Being caught peeing somewhere you shouldn’t be by someone you know. I’m in my usual spot, the carpark next to a popular nightclub that always has a big lineup outside. It’s Saturday night around midnight and it’s been a pretty successful one for me so far. Four different sightings in four different spots and all of them pretty memorable. None however will be as memorable as the fifth sighting of the night. I’ve just returned to my car after observing 2 young women empty
    1 point
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