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  1. Today a made a year long dream come reality. I was completely by myself in carriage on a long train ride so I drank a lot of water and then walked to a seat in a hidden corner and emptied my full bladder onto the seat. It felt amazing!
    5 points
  2. I am not sure there is a topic for beautiful partly clothed buns, so I hope this is ok here. If not, please move it mods. Thanks!
    4 points
  3. honestly, if i ever find a single room bathroom that does not have stalls i will almost evr se th toilet. floor drain, trash can, sink, all fair game to me. and if its already a mess?? im squatting everywhere
    4 points
  4. Tonight I was walking home and had to pee. I live in the middle of the city, so it's pretty hard to find somewhere without people, lights, or cameras. I walked down some side streets and laneways looking for a spot. I found a place eventually, a few steps leading from a building fire exit. It was hidden behind a tree in partial darkness, had no cameras and it was just off the main street. I could see cars and people, but had a view to see if anyone was coming. I sat down on the top step, ensuring my skirt wasn't underneath me and pulling my panties aside. I adjusted my skirt and slid for
    3 points
  5. So one of my fantasies is that somewhere out there would be a group of girls chatting in a whatsapp group that have all just accepted their pee fetish's and are totally casual about it with each other. Often indulging themselves with naughty fun and exciting stories. Something that would go a little like this for example. Chloe "Hey girls! I just thought I'd share this naughty moment with you all. Jess and I went to get fuel. She was bursting to pee but decided to fill up the car before she went to the toilet. Luckily for me, her poor bladder disagreed and she lost control stood
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. it’s evening here and i’ve had only two breaks so far, my morning pee and one around 2pm. currently needing to pee right now and holding just because.
    2 points
  8. 9 pm and I just had my last pee of the day. Kept tally marks in my notes app. In total I had nine pees, and you can add or subtract two for good measure since I know sometimes I was in a rush and forgot after the fact. I had a shower today too and can't actually remember if I peed 😐 which is why I gave myself a variable of two lmao. That's definitely a lot for me. Today is day two of my period so every time I dumped my cup I let out a little trickle and I counted that as a pee. I may try this again when I'm retaining water and seeing how many times a day I pee too!
    2 points
  9. I thought I would piss on a towel before putting in the washer with some others , a sort of pre wash.
    2 points
  10. The following sketch is the general layout of the vicinity of the sightings. The rectangle marked as Portaloos represents a row of 30 portaloos. Each blue circle in the area marked urinals is one of those freestanding urinals which has four positions around it. There were another 20 portaloos to the left of the entrance to the urinals and another 5 urinal stations to the left of the entrance. The truck behind the portaloos was a service truck which was facing to the left (you will see why that is relevant in a short while. The numbers in square represents the position of each of the lad
    2 points
  11. Not the worst I have been to actually, went to a small cafe that literally had one toilet. For all sexes. There was around 70 people there for a party and they served a lot of wine that night. The poor bank next door had their carelessly unlocked private car park absolutely flooded. Lol. Xxx
    2 points
  12. Met an new acquaintance the other day. Knew her only from her social media until the other day. She posted that she needs a ride. I responded asking where she needed to go. “Anywhere but here”, she responded. Long story short I’d take her somewhere in exchange for her pissing in my car. She laughed, and agreed. I pick her up with her black, patterned tights on, and green sweat shirt type jacket on. She’s a real pretty girl, beautiful actually, petite, mid 20’s. It appeared she had a thong on by the way the black, patterned tights were in her ass. In the car she directs the air condit
    2 points
  13. Just a quick one, so to speak... Out on the lash last night with a couple of friends, awful tiny nightclub that I am shocked has never been closed down. 4 toilets for 200 people, I didn't use the actual loo once, just peed next to it while one or the other of my friends sat on the toilet. I was definitely not the only one doing this. So glad I had heels.on as it was awash. Ha.
    2 points
  14. Dear Wet Carpet and Aaron, It sounds like your daughter is having a rebellious streak in response to years of being the perfect child. Now she has come of age, her internal desire for self expression and release are finding a way to be shown. Maybe the first time she peed after her party was out of true desperation and possible through having a little excess alcohol which lowered her inhibitions - especially if she hadn’t been drinking previously? It is possible that this first release felt so good that she wanted to repeat it and you didn’t chastise her, so she thought it was OK to f
    2 points
  15. Jess "We had fun too! Chloe asked me to film her washing her car, then suddenly decided to piss through her sexy shorts! 😍 Casual as anything, zero warning, jet let it flow!" Ellie "I've got to see these pics!" Jess "Here you go! We were like 2 hours from getting to my place as well, so she just sat there next to me for the next 2 hours in the same shorts. They were dry by the time we got home to mine!" Charlotte "Well you just can't beat having a pissy pussy on a long drive! I don't blame her. 😛" Jess "She didn't even stop jet washing, just literal
    2 points
  16. Laura "So, did anyone else have a soaked Saturday?" Jade "Ellie did. 🙈" Laura "Yeah? What happened?" Charlotte "Yeah come on, we need deets and pics! 😂" Jade "Well, we were both doing a live stream of her gaming on twitch. She kept putting it off, and putting it off. Each time a new game started she forced her bladder to hold it. So I hatched a naughty plan." Laura "Go on? 😋" Jade "I hurried off to the bathroom to pee. And then I messed with the lock so it locked from the outside. Then I waited 😈 Suddenly after a game finished sh
    2 points
  17. Laura "Evening girlies! It's Soaked Saturday!! Who's been up to some naughty fun today then?" Lauren "Me!! 🥵 I wet a pair of leggings earlier. I set the tripod up for the pics. Then after I just took my socks off and went back to gaming in my wet leggings. Had to sit on a towel. Been in them for about 3 hours now. They're dry so I'm going to go and get some food from the drive through. First photo is just after the wetting, 2nd is back playing my games, 3rd is about 3 hours later after they've dried, and 4th is me going out to get food in the same leggings."
    2 points
  18. Ellie "Hey girls! Meet Jade! She's a friend from Uni. I'm going to add her to this group after what was a rather sexy drunken walk home from a girls brunch the other day! 😉 She's said I can upload these pics I have. They are screen grabs from a drunken video, hence the poor quality as we were both laughing so hard. 😂 She had to pee so bad and I decided to film it. Bit rude of me, but hey, we were really drunk!" Ellie "She was bursting, so we hurried off the road and found somewhere quiet. She instantly pulled her leggings down and it just errupted out like a fi
    2 points
  19. Lauren "You're not the only girls being kinky Chloe. I made Charlotte wet herself in jeans and Converse today! She kept asking if she could go and pee, and I kept refusing. I didn't realise she was that desperate. 😂" Charlotte "You definitely did!! 😡" Lauren "Calm down, it's only pee!" Ellie "Yeah it's hardly like it's a dirty thing to do Charlotte. We all do it. 😛" Lauren "Here are the pics. She was rushing to the car as I took them so they aren't perfect." Laura "Oh wow!!! What a babe! Charlotte that's one hell of a soaking!
    2 points
  20. This is a story about three women in their late twenties who go wild camping on a cold winter's night and must solve the problem of how to pee in their tent when the weather deteriorates outside. This story contains outdoor peeing and peeing into containers. I hope you enjoy it! Phoebe, Amy and Shannon stepped back, briefly admiring their handy work after they had spent half an hour trying to set up a four man tent in freezing conditions. The three women had come to the mountains of North Wales to do their first ever wild camp in winter, an activity that they had only previously do
    1 point
  21. Same day as my previous post (Pissy Backseat), she was in need of the mobile ladies room. She asked how long. I told her 40 minutes. As I was 8 miles away she messaged me asking how far because she has to pee. Shortly after that I return to where I dropped her off. She gets in with the same outfit on, the black tights with the pattern, and the green sweat shirt type jacket. She says to me in a funny way, “Did you clean back there!?”, meanwhile she’s turning on the flashlight on her phone and shines it back there. I had cleaned it and said to her, I know women like clean bathrooms. We
    1 point
  22. Yellow is great especially when peeing in naughty places, but volume is also impressive so i would say just a little, but noticable tint is perfect. For drinking it clear ist better, so i can swallow more, but i would not turn darker colours😇.
    1 point
  23. The Galician series really captures the Spanish attitude towards peeing anywhere. The girls are just doing what they were taught growing up. Why would they stop?
    1 point
  24. Depends. I like it to be real, so a woman who needs relief is fine with me as long as she is real.
    1 point
  25. You and I have to be in the same fb group. Cause I just recently saw this on fb too 🤣
    1 point
  26. Are there any parks? They offer good opportunities, usually with cover of bushes and if you wear a suitable skirt, you can even squat down and pee on any piece of grass whilst pretending to look for something in a bag. Nobody would suspect that you are peeing, you are fully covered by the skirt and you don't even leave a puddle. Whilst you say it is a pedestrian populated city, is it a pedestrianised zone or are there still roads with cars? If there are cars, then other options would include going into a car park and hiding between cars, or if there is a multi-storey car park (parking
    1 point
  27. Not my caption, but I definitely understand the sentiment.
    1 point
  28. The should’ve known. Never piss off someone with a piss kink.
    1 point
  29. I was doing some press ups and thought it would be fun to try peeing while I did them, how hard could it be? The answer, for me anyway, was impossible 😁 So I did a kneeling towel pee instead https://www.erome.com/a/rLW4V1VR
    1 point
  30. Service station pit stop on a long drive https://www.erome.com/a/w7Rl5s9r
    1 point
  31. Exactly! As you certainly have noticed the Cascais beaches are semi-urban, quite busy ones, where huge crowds gather especially on Summer weekends and privacy is difficult to achieve... There behaviours like the one you witnessed are fairly common, if the sea is rough and/or its temperature is freezing.. had you reached more secluded locations your mind would have been blown away by the kind of little shows some women freely offer... hehehe
    1 point
  32. Exactly, very well described! Let me add though that here in Portugal people are in general much less discreet when it comes to peeing... at the nude beach I often go to, it's not uncommon at all that girls, particularly the younger and prettier ones.. , decide to give "a little show"... for example, yesterday afternoon, a blonde skinny tourist which was accompanied by a couple of older girls, perhaps her sisters, at one stage, lifted her nice bum from the huge yellow towel they were all sitting on. walked gingerly a few steps towards the sea and then when it seemed she had made eye-cont
    1 point
  33. In the second room I really enjoyed the cushioned chair. And a relaxing piss in the corner. But my favorite was the plain white mattress, which wasn't that plain white anymore after I left 🤪 Great aborbent fabric though, the full stream soaked in nicely after a short while and the mattress protection perfectly covered my present 😄
    1 point
  34. I recently had the opportunity again to spend some nights in hotels 🤪 In the first room I just started with a decent carpet piss 😄 Later that night the bedframe received a special treatment😝
    1 point
  35. Dear Wet Carpet. My name is Hanna and I am a 38 year old German lady living in Berlin with my husband. I am an actress and I specialise in performance art in the theatre. My husband works for the government. One of my favourite performances was the time I had to pee on the stage whilst naked. And all in front of a rather large audience. Little did they know that I like peeing and enjoyed being an exhibitionist. That show ran for a week so every evening for a week I'd make sure I had a full bladder so as to be ready for that wonderful moment when I got to semi-squat naked and piss all over
    1 point
  36. I also used to be a wimpy guy who was petrified of peeing outside, and even urinals were a challenge for me. Now I'm a more confident woman who's even willing to pee on the side of buildings in busy cities.
    1 point
  37. I did like "naughty pee" a few times as a teenager but completely non sexual. Like i would be on a train without toilets and just go on the floor or out drinking and use an elevator as a private place to go. But it was rare and i mostly used the toilet. Then i started dating a guy and when i told him about some of the times I've peed in public he got really turned on and started getting me to do it more and film it for him. That's how it started.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. In the last 5 years I've never used the toilet ill go on the floor or sink if i need to. But i do avoid public toilets anyway because they are dirty and smell. I usually only go in to make a video. Yes i litter, my worst habit is just throwing rubbish out of the car while driving.
    1 point
  40. It was about the time I got married. Just before or just after. My husband and I had been to the big city for dinner and a show. We stopped for coffee and dessert then headed home. It was about one in the morning. We were on Highway 30 at Cornelius Pass road when I had to pee. There is nothing there and I told my husband I really had to pee. He found a break in the guardrail for a road that went to a field. There was a fence and gate across the road on the other side of the railroad tracks. I went on the track to pee. I hiked my dress up and pulled my pantyhose and panties to my knees.
    1 point
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