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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2023 in Posts

  1. There was a last showing of "A Hard Days Night" at a cinema that was closing down in Liverpool which I think was featured in the film. I did not realise it was happening until it was too late unfortunately. While I always wet myself peeing on the seat when I go to the cinema I always do it discreetly, but this being a Beatles film I would have dressed in a nice 1960s outfit with a white skirt and proudly wet myself like the girls in the '60s who went to see the Beatles.
    5 points
  2. Yesterday I tried to pee standing up in the street. When I was desesperate I go to looking for a calmy street to piss. When I found one I stood in front of a brick wall and seeing that nobody be close I pulled down my jeans until my calfs, then I took off my panties and tried to pee in the wall. I pushed my crotch to can pee, I flexed my knee a bit and support my belly in the bricks. After some seconds doing nothing I started to evacuate, when the tap of my bladder was open, my urine first came out as a profuse drip that created a vertical river over the bricks and then as a spray. I woul
    4 points
  3. I love wearing tight clothes 🤭 I am all about leggings and tight shirts that show off my figure. I feel like if I wear looser clothing I look like I'm heavier than I actually am. I love showing off my butt the most cause I know it gets attention 😅 Don't really mind my nipples being shown off tho, but when I can see my camel toe I get a but embarrassed 😬 it's really only in my two pairs of forbidden pants when I pull them up all the way tho. In my jeans and leggings I am safe.
    4 points
  4. As long as it's in an appropriate time and place, I don't mind one either 🤤
    4 points
  5. From my A.I. generated image group. Check out what goose's cousins have been up to!
    4 points
  6. Just completely flooded this hotel staircase. Perfect urinal for all the male hotel guests.
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. On this subject, mine is probably not the typical female comment, but I can assure you all that the sight of a well presented cock, more or less "hidden" inside some garment, is definitely a turn-on!
    4 points
  9. After I headed back down to the churchyard the street was pretty quiet so I sat on the bench and waited for the bars to start kicking out. Eventually the street started to get busy again as people made their way from the bars to get taxis or head to the top side of town. As time passed however it soon got quiet again and I then started to have the internal debate with myself of heading home as it was quiet or staying on the off chance something might happen. The amount of people kept fluctuating making the decision harder but the more time passed the more I was convinced there would be no
    4 points
  10. Hope this is the correct location for such a post. The following is a conversation I recently had on what’s app with a good friend of mine. We were arranging to meet which was the background of the discussion and she was traveling on a bus at the time. I will call her S. We were just talking about meeting up as mentioned when she mentioned needing to pee. I will jump strait to that message and go from there. S, let me know if you are able to make it. I am dying for a wee and still got ages to go. They should have loos on these buses xxx. Me, oh no. There is nothing worse th
    3 points
  11. At my previous job I had a coworker ("A"). "A" and I weren't particularly close, but we were friendly with each other, and would chit chat occasionally. She was about 35 and shapely. Thin, but curvy. Short, with shoulder-length dark hair. One time she and I were chatting, and she said something like "Hold on, I have to pee. I don't think I've peed since I took a shower this morning." Now, I don't know if she meant "I haven't peed since this morning" (a more general statement), or whether she specifically meant that she peed in the shower. I took it to mean the latter. That was super
    3 points
  12. Went for a 90 minute bike ride after work, nowhere in particular and no goals in particular. I was just casually riding around on my hybrid people watching lol. Climbed a few hills too.
    3 points
  13. Sink pissing is great. I'm so used to it now that seeing sinks actively makes me feel like pissing and I can instantly pull it out and piss on one. My best sink piss every was an honest mistake when I was 13-14, I was at summer camp and they had a big metal trough as a sink but I had never seen one before and honestly thought it was a urinal. So there I am dick fully out pissing in the sink and this other kid walks in and is like "Bro your pissing in the sink" I straight up tell him with 100 percent confidence that your supposed to piss in it and I think he actually believed me. " Moral of th
    3 points
  14. If I get hard out in public, I usually try to hide it incase there's kids about. If I'm in a pub, on my bike or out for a run and get hard after a piss, I tend not to shy away from it..especially on my bike. I rather enjoy cycling when hard and if anyone notices it, I'm usually gone by the time they figure out what they saw
    3 points
  15. I think there might be a difference between the braless and the camel toe things. K is happy to show hard nipples through tight thin tops 🙂 but is aghast at showing a hint of cameltoe. She doesn't mind seeing a nice bulge.
    3 points
  16. I had a very similar experience with my dental hygienist, back in the day. I may have reported it previously. so I apologize for the duplication, in advance. She was a very attractive and earthy young lady, and she wore the short uniform dresses that nurses and hygienists wore in the 60's and 70's, so I had fallen in lust with her. I usually made my dental cleaning appointments for the early morning, to avoid interruptions in my work day. So she was still setting up the chair, when I arrived. As she made a final adjustment, she commented, "That's going to piss me off, so let me fix it now."
    3 points
  17. I travel a lot for work, usually 5 jobs a day. Mostly in the same borough. I have a few regular spots to stop and pee. There are a couple of estates where the flats are almost empty. The stairwells make an excellent place to pee. I am certainly not the only one as there are puddles on most of the lower landings. I have also gone into one, and the puddle is still growing where the person had only just finished pissing. Yesterday I opened the door to the stairs, it opens quietly and as I walked into the landing I could hear the familiar sound of splashing. As I looked over the railing, the
    2 points
  18. Is that a baton in your belt, or are you just pleased to see me...? 😂 😂
    2 points
  19. To get the ball rolling I have a few relevant stories. My friend's ex-wife, who was in the military, once told a story about a time when she was driving as part of a funeral procession for a fallen soldier who was a colleague of hers. They had been at a funeral, then meal, then were driving to the burial site. She hadn't used the restroom the entire time, and by the time they were driving, she was desperate. She weighed her options, and decided anything would be better than wetting herself in full military uniform, about to go to a military funeral, and with no change of clothes. So
    2 points
  20. Totally get it, luckily I have a "man bag", always there to swing in the way and defuse and hide the situation 👌
    2 points
  21. Only live performance of this I have ever seen. I just love it.
    2 points
  22. I would feel embarrassed if I was somewhat hard at the time otherwise no. Like @Kupar I have been for a run in tight lycra and plenty of bike rides in lycra as well as going the the pub in tight jeans and it's never bothered me, but then again I don't have a lot too show. And I think you're right, women braless or showing camel toe seems less throwned upto. Maybe that's because it doesn't show arousal like a boner does!
    2 points
  23. Hi Kupar, thanks. Oh my oh my, thoughts are racing, whoa❤️❤️( it's the ridge on show that gets me hot) In my head it's that awkward moment when you think it might not be accepted and you are frowned on. Not to start trouble but I happen to think it would be a hell of a lot more acceptable to show my boobs and lips if I was a woman.
    2 points
  24. I love the sight of a nice bulge (a definite turn on for me), and when I think I can legitimately get away with it - running in just full-length, or half-length tights for instance - I will sometimes show mine off. Trouble is, physical exercise tends to send blood to other areas lol.
    2 points
  25. I've never had the chance to do it, but I want to. I hope to be able to pee on a teddy bear in the near future. I think it will be fun.
    2 points
  26. I was at my local doctors practices yesterday attend appointment. While speak to the doctor, she excused her self and went next door which is a toilet which is females one end of building with the men's the other end. While waiting for her to come back(mid 30 slim, black hair, blue eyes, mum) I could heard her peeing which was was strong and powerful with a hiss. The walls are thin and it not surprising what you can hear from the other rooms. It was not long before I heard the flush and the wash of hands, she came back with a smile and soothing her skirt, smiling. I wonder was it for relief or
    2 points
  27. I am one of the rare women who easily experiences orgasm, whether clitoral, vaginal, or from g-spot stimulation. I might also have the condition where frequent arousal is considered a disorder. Not sure. Sex is absolutely not a 100% priority, as we courted for 14 years without having it, and I was celibate 4 years before ever dating him. So it's been 18 years since I had it. I like having sex. (I already know that he will never give me oral, and there have only been two men in my lifetime who ever made me climax from cunnilingus, one in 1980 and the other in 1997). I would like to have any typ
    2 points
  28. There have been two groups where I have been part of group peeing. One was at University in which case my flat mates and I used to stop and pee together on the way back after a night out. The other was a kayaking club. We used to stop at lunch or after the paddle and often peed together. Guys went one way, girls went the other. In both cases, as far as I know, these were just that everyone needed to pee as a natural need rather than for the specific pee enjoyment. However we did laugh about it and sometimes had competitions to make it more fun/interesting.
    2 points
  29. I was on a pedestrian bridge with my gf of the time and her friend. I had a semi erection and I pissed with my cock well out in both of them. I was talking to both of them while taking a good minute plus long piss. I could see them clearly looking at my cock while I sprayed down the side of the walk way and my piss ran down the ramp. I don't want to get in legal trouble but having people see my dick shamelessly spraying piss is hot af.
    2 points
  30. Bin sheds. An excellent example of a good pee spot
    2 points
  31. Have been with a lady who'd release her pee the instant she began to cum. It was super sexy with her on top drowning me with her spray and vag juices. Needless to say I came instantly adding to the flow.
    2 points
  32. I am a female and have had the pleasure to be pissed on by some men. Naked, clothed, and everything in between. Even my boyfriend, who is not into it, has indulged me twice. I don't enjoy a strong taste, but if the piss is fairly diluted, I'll take it in my mouth and let it flow down. I also specifically love piss on my face, as the skin there is so sensitive to touch. Oh, this comment went on a bit... It's just because I've been surprised at the small amount of GS discussions on this site. I love all the descriptions of naughty pissing and so on, but in real life, my favourite pe
    2 points
  33. So I'm going to Studland beach for my first time in a weeks time and for those of you that don't know Studland beach it's a nudist beach in the UK. I'm a little nervous as it's my first time there, and I was wondering what I do when I need to pee, as far as I can tell there's no loo's nearby. Do I just stand up and pee or do I go brave the freezing water and like everyone that goes in the sea, pretend I'm looking out to sea and unleash
    1 point
  34. Hi folks As a male I like nothing more than a woman wearing tight revealing gym style clothes. Adore pierced nipple's on show and the bulge of a beautiful pussy. On the other hand I also love the look of a guy's bulge(just me). I also like to wear tight gym bottoms with no underwear. These are quite revealing too, do you folks think this acceptable for a guy to have a bulge on show, sometimes makes me feel guilty and wrong.
    1 point
  35. About 10am Monday morning I just glanced out of my living room window to see a male and female sitting on the bottom step of the steps up to the house opposite, I did not think anything about that. A little later I looked again just as a car parked on my side of the road and the mother and daughter who live there got out and went to go up the steps, they spoke to the pair and the mother went up and in but the daughter stayed and then female stood up and move to the edge of the pavement and laid down, after a few moments the daughter went up and in. The female laid there for a minute
    1 point
  36. Thanks to all who responded. This isn't an easy topic for me to admit to. I can't turn on my guy, and everywhere we are, other women are hitting on him. And he keeps telling me about it because he thinks it's amusing. And I'm thinking, "Little do they know... "
    1 point
  37. Absolutely, flooding a stairwell with a few people would turn me on so hard
    1 point
  38. i prefer to do the peeing, but i definitely like aiming a pissing cock at my nipples!
    1 point
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