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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2023 in Posts

  1. There was a street party at the top of my back lane to the right in a cul-de-sac. As the afternoon went on more and move men and kids came and peed at the top on the lane. A few females came down the lane a little and peed but as the walls are higher at the top of the lane they went out of my view as they squatted down. Around 4pm a female with a kid came down the lane to a surface water drain about three doors up from me were the walls are replaced with driveway gates. She stopped with her back to me and then held the kids bum over the drain, (I think the kid did more the pee) when the k
    6 points
  2. Since it seems there are a few nice readers interested in a little report of some pissing situations which happened during "normal" posing sessions, I've dug into my brilliant memory and found this one: - I had been booked for a Publicity service, which consisted of a series of group-photographs and a short video of the same content. Together with me, other two models of the same Agency had been chosen, one fairly similar to me, just slightly taller and more "breasted", while the other, a black girl of aboriginal origins, definitely didn't match my looks. The Set, in a co
    4 points
  3. Probably in the corner of my bedroom. It was the first pee I ever had on the floor of the first home that I own 😁
    3 points
  4. I’ve given this some thought after two marriages. With my first wife, I confessed my fetish, and she ended up using it against me in some cruel ways. I did not tell my current wife about it until one day, less than two year ago, she made some comment about men who like watching women pee. I shut the bedroom door so our children couldn’t hear and gave her a full discourse on my fetish. I described a time when we were dating when I’d had several cups of coffee and realized I was going to have to piss soon, when she came up and grabbed me and I had the biggest erection of my life. We boned while
    3 points
  5. Best butty in Pee-Town !!! Such a lovely day!!! Difficult not to notice... :)
    3 points
  6. Many of us have passion to pee because it return us to happy childhood, right and pleasure of wetting with Love Care and Warmth... And smell of Mothers pee , warm and Calming... Welcome to you roots. Deep roots of Golden River Land full of pleasant warm rains and adventures Enjoy the Warmth freedom of Relieve... and Pleasure to be at your roots... Cheers!!!
    3 points
  7. The topic of peeing in Chinese culture started in another thread but deserves its own. China has a unique and interesting culture around peeing and bathrooms that is often very different to the west. This thread is to discuss those dynamics including: * The origins of this culture * Chinese openness to public urination seeming from cultural traditions and societal conditions * Urination in popular culture, myths and media * Toilet and bathroom designs * Forward streams in the population and their interpretation * Cross cultural comparisons with the west and other Asian countri
    2 points
  8. Every time I walk on the treadmill (as I'm doing right now) I always have this intrusive thought that tells me to pee on it cause I wanna see if it comes out on the other end lol. Won't ever do it cause I don't wanna short it out. But it's an urge defiantly 🤣
    2 points
  9. Due to other medical issues I am not going to go into, in February I had to come off some of my meds and go on different ones. I have been struggling ever since but I became seriously depressed to the point that I was contemplating the pointlessness of life and the worthlessness of myself. I was hiding this from people and trying to pretend to be happy but felt like crying all the time inside. When I began to feel utterly worthless and that life was pointless I realised that I was spiralling down into a very bad place and sought medical help with time off work. But my meds were increased and I
    2 points
  10. Decided to let loose on a chair, the carpet again, and a very small bit on the basement bedspread
    2 points
  11. I do not know why you want hitech knickers... I would dream of life Sans... where sombodies Love and Passion becomes best protection against cold and moscitous... I would dream of Ticklish Butterfly that would bring pleasure of touch and wings of which would love pee streams...That would be able to nett the ultrastrong tights from spiderlike superstrong invisible thread that would revive freindly good loved partners and repell and bite a wrong person or moscitous away or dissolve them to nourish the Batterfly... We are very close to that Colette...And spiders venomes keeping
    2 points
  12. Following @CON2H4's lead, I thought I'd have a go: A lady who got off a train, Walked home down a dimly lit lane, She needed to pee, Where no one could see, So she hovered right over a drain! A lady who went to a store, Could hold onto her pee no more, The toilets were locked, Which made her feel shocked, So she let loose all over the floor. There was a young lady called Flo Who needed a place she could go She peed on the floor By a seldom used door But she got it all over her toe. There was a young lady called Clare Who
    2 points
  13. teehee. sometimes i'm out here and it just happens. but other times, i totally know there's someone there. do you think he noticed? 😇
    2 points
  14. I have done this...kind of. My then gf tolerated and indulged my fetish to an extent. But also kink shamed me from time to time. After she cheated on, then dumped me, I was devastated. Until she finally took me back four long months later. We'd been reconciled for a few months when I volunteered to help my friend's band load equipment at a small music festival, where I ran into an old friend who I'd long had a flirty relationship with. Now just to be clear, that was just the energy between us. We had never been anything more than friends. Still, I had to basically stop talking to her when my g
    2 points
  15. For me to have a mildly naughty pee like in the bath or sink at the least my husband has to be at work. I can usually distract the kids if I want a sink pee, and if they're asleep I can get away with peeing in the tub. However, this week I actually did something new 😄 I sat and peed in the corner of my bedroom! It wasn't so much; I was just having a few very sexually explicit conversations in the chat and pms and decided I wanted to do something new. So I left a little puddle in the corner where one of the kids had spilled some stuff the night before (the towels were still there cause I was ti
    2 points
  16. I was in a similar situation many years ago (where only the womens toilets were open). Not in a park though, but an indoors area. I was in a cubicle so I wasn’t aware of the situation right away but I think the guy might have asked a lady going in for her help, she checked if the coast was clear, (as far as that is even a thing in the ladies room.. it’s not like we have urinals or anything), he walked in and loudly announced ‘Warning; guy coming in! Mens toilets are closed, I’m sorry!’. I thought it was quite endearing actually :”)
    2 points
  17. Another day, I was in the vicinity of a block of flats that I've used before when I need to find a secluded place to pee. I went into the entrance at the bottom of the stairs, sat on the bottom step and peed onto the ribbed carpet. The pee started to spread before soaking in. You can see that it is not the most well maintained building. The door that you can see to the left is the entrance door from outside (I'm stood in the entrance holding the door open to take the photo) The stairs go up to an open air walkway from which the entrances to each flat are accessed. I would have heard a
    2 points
  18. Thank you for the feed-back or at least a couple of Qs which are quite interesting... What happened then was that I found myself in the middle of a fairly wide meadow, where no decent tree had grown... so, really, peeing there implied the certainty of been watched, and I was totally aware of that. The same must have thought that colleague of mine, while the other avoided the option, probably imagining that by postponing she could have found a more private situation...
    1 point
  19. Can’t believe I’m only just discovering your pee videos but wow! When you go, it is a gusher!! I am amazed at how forcefully you pee and how thick and wide your stream is. Awesome stuff 😁
    1 point
  20. She is aware of my interest in pee, but she is not aware of this particular experience. She has no problem with me peeing outside or in the shower etc or in the garden and she will indulge me with some of that herself, but I think some of the things I do would be beyond her acceptance so I don't tell her.
    1 point
  21. I listened to a podcast once about the "arousal template" (what sexually excites us), and the experts said some of it is genetic, some is how we were raised and what we were exposed to. But it's largely not in our control. I remember getting sexually aroused by peeing at an early age. But it wasn't something anybody had exposed me to, that I'm aware. It seemed to be just ingrained in me. So maybe genetic.
    1 point
  22. I feel exactly the same way >:3 The naughtier and messier the piss vandalism is, the harder I get. Especially if it's in places like fitting rooms, hotels, public toilet floors, etc. I used to feel guilty when I started but now I get off on the nastiness. It's my main vice since I'm otherwise well-mannered in my day-to-day life. I'll piss anywhere though, no matter how good of friends we are, so watch out 😈lol 🤭
    1 point
  23. I've had this talk with my longtime partner, who is not into pee. We are able to discuss it, but although she doesn't want to know details of my fetish behavior, she accepts that it's my fetish and that I do it alone. She would never tolerate me hooking up with someone else to pee. And I wouldn't want to throw away everything we've built together for the sake of temporary pleasure. I don't want to hurt her or damage our relationship. What I do online, or who I talk to online, is acceptable. But no in-person hookups or cheating. And I don't even try. I do feel sad sometimes that
    1 point
  24. I was born in mainland China and lived there during early childhood and first three school years until I was in third grade (I migrated to Hong Kong with my mother when I was in third grade, and came to united states after finish middle school) was I was living in China, there was no toilet inside the house. people peed in kitchen drain. family members saw each other peeing.my mother have five sisters. I saw all my aunts squatting to pee, except my fifth aunt, because my fifth aunt came to the united states very early. I never saw my fifth aunt pee,although i saw her daughter, (which is one of
    1 point
  25. taking my shorts off at the carwash counts as flashing my knickers, right? 🤭 went to clean out my car, and between the vaccums, trash bin, and my going in and out of the car, it seemed secluded enough to not be super obvious 🤫. but also, with a gas station and taco truck across the street, and then walking around my car, i knew i wouldn't really be totally out of sight. teehee and while i did put my shorts back on before getting in to leave (i did have some other errands and things to do), this wasn't the only time i showed them off. 😇 later that night, i realized i had a couple of thing
    1 point
  26. Thank you @gldenwetgoose , I really appreciate you looking out for me. I do know what colour my beautiful butthole is but that is a question too far, and not something I wish to answer. I enjoy being asked and answering questions, and I will answer most things, even about sex or my body, but there is a line (or hole) To anyone still reading this, feel free to ask away! At worst I just won't answer if I am unhappy with the question. Be polite and respectful and it's all good!
    1 point
  27. - Michelle Obama didnt like Barack at first because "his nose was too big" - the income from the sparkling wine tax in germany is supposed to be used to fund the imperial navy... which doesnt exist anymore for over a hundred years, yet ppl are still paying it (especially useless knowledge since i have never touched a drop of alcohol in my life) - the "paradoxical frog" - "Pseudis Paradoxa" is called like that because their tadpoles are the worlds largest, yet the adult frog is just a third of that length and pretty average - some males of the "Argentinian rowing duck" can get er
    1 point
  28. In that situation I would definitely go to / in the bushes. Would be very concerned about having police called on me if I went into the ladies room, and definitely fear being labeled and ending up on "sex offender" list.
    1 point
  29. I'd have said peeing in the bushes, unless there were loads of people around that area seems the most natural and acceptable to me. Peeing in the entrance to the toilet but not actually in it somehow seems naughtier and more like vandalism to me than letting loose in the bushes. I think most ladies wouldn't mind so much if a man rushed in to pee if they had ample warning and knew there was a good reason... a bit like @M.Vixen posted. Most of us are going to be in a cubicle rather than on show like if I was to enter the gents unannounced. Hard to know if that is just my love of pee
    1 point
  30. I think I would pee in the doorway to the gents, in part as a protest to the gents being closed but in reality I hate public toilets so the next choice would be bushes.
    1 point
  31. It's a tricky one. My choice would be bushes, and I think, but don't know, that that would be most acceptable generally. Maybe we could commission a poll of the general public 🙂
    1 point
  32. Just a couple of additions. Yesterday I went the whole day without peeing in a toilet, but I got caught out twice.... I got up about 7am and had to deliver some things for work. I had a mug of tea before I went out, but I avoided taking my morning pee. I was going to stop at some public toilets that are closed and pee in the doorway, but as I was approaching I saw that there was a council park keeper parked there, so I decided not to risk it. I drove past and pulled into a carpark where I stepped out of the car and released my morning pee onto the tarmac. It ran down the slope of
    1 point
  33. Why thank you! Takes a bit of patience. I find the biggest issue is that sometimes my stream splits or causes splatter in which case I can't get clean lettering. That was the best of 3 attempts that day. Sometimes, if I write slowly to help define the letters, I can run out of "ink" before I finish what I'm trying to write. Then I end up leaving the word "hell", which is not the intention! You can see that on this occasion, I had sufficient "ink" left to do a couple of lines underneath just for good measure. Reminds me of a joke: Father looks out the window on a snowy
    1 point
  34. Had a nice walk in the snow on Monday. I peed in the snow several times, but because I had drunk plenty in order to make sure that I could pee a few times, I was very hydrated and the pee was quite clear so it didn't really make yellow snow. However, I did write "hello" a couple of times. Here is one example. One time I was peeing behind a gorse bush and I could hear some ladies talking as they walked past the other side of the bushes. I don't know whether they could hear me splashing the snow, but I would be surprised if they couldn't. Yesterday, in the morning I was doing some wo
    1 point
  35. Another day again and I was driving home and needed to pee. I stopped at a woodland car park and walked into the woods. I found a picnic bench and sat on the table with one foot on the bench. I started peeing onto the ground, but I couldn't resist allowing some of my pee to fall onto the bench seat. It was about 5:50pm and would be dark soon, so I doubt anyone would have wanted to sit there before it dried anyway.
    1 point
  36. Last night, my wife and I went out for a meal, which involved a little alcohol. I had two pints of beer and a glass of water. My wife had a large glass of wine, a glass of water and a glass of lemonade. When we got home, a friend came round for a while and we all had mugs of tea sat in chairs by the open french doors that lead to the patio. I needed to pee, so went to the toilet. My wife still hadn't been to the toilet. About 11:30, the friend went home and as my wife was seeing him out of the front door, she was bouncing about a bit. The friend asked if she was OK and she said "Yes,
    1 point
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