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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2022 in Posts

  1. Is it just me here? Talking to anyone, or around people and you hear those few words? I have to pee I gotta pee I have to pee so bad I'm bursting Am I the only one that can't help being triggered?
    7 points
  2. As a gift to my PFF @Bacardi I decided to do a tribute to her piss art by doing my own. Working with a different brush, my piece is a bit more impressionist than B's but I think it turned out quite nice ☺️. When I was stripping out of my clothes for the day and about to put on my pajamas I still had Bacardi's art on my mind and a large soda in my bladder so that was when I had a thought and picked a spot close to the corner of my bedroom (didn't wanna walk over the wet spot in the middle of the night) At first when I let go I tried to keep it small, squatted low to the ground and o
    7 points
  3. Someone must have busted out the Ole Bacardi voodoo doll again, because every morning like clockwork at 4 am I wake up with a bursting bladder 🙄 Please whoever it is put it back lol. I'm tired!
    5 points
  4. I have wet myself involuntarily three times now: twice when i was laughing (thanks to two lovely men from peefans) and once when one of my children body slammed me first thing in the morning. They were all pretty magical experiences but I don't think they turned me on as much as going out of my way to pee on carpets does.
    5 points
  5. So I posted a couple weeks ago about my girl and I going to a restaurant,and how she peed on the floor right at our table. Well, on Saturday we went back to the same establishment, and she went for the gusto. It was quite packed since it was karaoke night. The patio where we were sitting was empty when we arrived around 6, but an hour or two later,and our entire area was packed. So what! After her 3rd mojito, she started by peeing twice right at our table. Then before her third pee i realized we had a huge empty glass on the table , so i put it under her ass and told her to go. She f
    4 points
  6. Possibly to be able to detect another pee fan and the right moment to communicate. So for instance, I would know that if I said to someone I had detected through my pee-sense, "I could really do with a pee and I thought you might like to join me" (a) it wouldn't get the police called and (b) the response would be a delighted "Really? I need to as well - do you want to watch me while we pee together?" or "Ooh! Can I hold it for you?" or some such.
    4 points
  7. Ability to make pee disappear as soon as I empty it somewhere. Then I could pee anywhere.
    4 points
  8. How many times have you had urine troubles? 😏 If you don't feel like reading an intro, freely skip to paragraph 4. Since I live with my boyfriend now, I didn't have much of a chance for a naughty pee, as he's not very aware of my kink (and I'd like to keep it that way since it's not something I can't live without, but just an entertainment). Anywho, a couple of days ago when I revisited this forum again, I felt naughty. With a full bladder pressing against my tight leggings, I wanted to have some fun. I've just finished my work and I went to the bathroom while my bf finished hi
    3 points
  9. Ammm I'm the one who announces it to see people's reactions 🥺 I love encouraging peers that just say ok let's go pee even if it's not sexual
    3 points
  10. But imagine if we got together and made pee carpet art 🤔 I bet we could cut them out and then auction them off 🤣
    3 points
  11. Only digital. None in real life 😪 I have a lot of people I've grown close to from here chat with me while I hold, update me on when/where they've peed, and i do the same for them too. I'm sure if I met them in real life they would have no problem peeing with me 🤣 @Peenicks would be my number one. Them and I get along so well.
    3 points
  12. Does that make it a royal flush?
    3 points
  13. Everything in the story is 100% real. A woman and I had communicated our needs and wants prior to meeting. Everyone involved was 18+ and everything we did was consensual and planned. We talked about our piss marking fetish on Fetlife and all the things she’s always wanted to try. She was a couple of decades older than me, which really turned me on. She came over one day and things got very wet, very fast. I set the mood in my living room with dim colored lighting, scented candles, tantric music and my favorite piss porn playlist on the tv. After seeing her headlights pull up in my dr
    2 points
  14. Bruh. I saw their comment and said the same thing to myself 🤣
    2 points
  15. I agree. It's particularly bad when it's your rather nice boss on a work call who's saying it!
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. These two together is the ultimate combination one could ever imagine
    2 points
  18. @Kupar @gldenwetgoose that would be perfect for me as I'm rubbish at talking to people in the real world so to be able to just sense another peefan and what we all wanted would be great. I would be a lot less embarrassed
    2 points
  19. To have a super unlimited bladder that I could use to soak myself and others for as long as possible
    2 points
  20. I like to draw, but never though about using pee to draw with......I might have to give it a try
    2 points
  21. No but it does sound nice to have 1, even if it was just online
    2 points
  22. A successful design would likely not be a change to the container, but an attachment or accessory for it. There are good reasons for the container being small and of a simple shape, in terms of the laboratory workers being able to move it around readily on their bench and being easily able to read off the volume of urine inside. Nobody would make a test tube or beaker in the shape of a pan. So that leaves something wide and appropriately shaped to collect the urine from the body, yet with an opening that can channel or empty the liquid into a smaller, lab-practical container. The biggest probl
    2 points
  23. To be fair, with a little engineering experience (non-medical), I have trouble imagining women lining up for a trial of a urine receptical specifically for women. I’m sure the study would be hot, but how would you attract participants?
    2 points
  24. Yes! I had an amazing pee friend! We're still friends but live some distance apart now. We never discussed it, but she's one of the few people I've known over the years who I'm all but certain also has a piss kink. I never brought it up because I was never sure what to do about it. We were usually in relationships and I don't know if piss friends with benefits is a thing. Anyway, back in the Myspace days she was fond of posting about her fondness for peeing in public. And as we were both drunks and ran in the same social circles I suspected we would find ourselves peeing together eventually. A
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. EPILOGUE I passed several slow cars on the near empty freeway. "Leilani, haven't all of the islands in Indonesia been explored?" "I don't know. The one we're going to doesn't even have a name." "And that's where the portal is?" "Yeah up in a cave in the hills. Don't worry I've got a map." "And this futuristic world is not as dangerous as Krog's right?" "I don't know." Leilani smirked. HONKKK!! A black car came barreling up on our bumper. HONK! HONK! The car wildly pulled around on our left side. The window rolled down and Ping stuck her head out and wa
    2 points
  27. I agree with @Sophie that this would probably be of most interest to those in a long-distance relationship, and I can imagine it being fun in that scenario, but it wouldn't suit K and me. I have a remote-control (local remote, not app-based) vibrating butt plug that I haven't used for a long time. Don't know why - it was good fun to give K the control and go out somewhere. She'd hand me the remote control of the equivalent toy she has that fits in her knickers: let the vibrator wars commence! I also have a stainless steel butt plug, and a masturbator / penis sleeve for the big mains-power
    2 points
  28. My fetish actually ruined a great concert for me back in 1986. I went to see Genesis at Dodger Stadium, and there were a few women in the mens' room line and another one already in the stall. A man in line at he urinal was telling us around him about the time he saw a girl pissing in a urinal at a concert. I was really worked up and felt teased. I could no longer enjoy the great music. All I could think a bout was the women peeing in the mens' room, and the frustration that I could not watch them. This was long before pee porn was legal, and I had never seen a woman piss, desp
    1 point
  29. Extend that thought of telepathy a tiny fraction... You're talking about the ability to read someone's mind to know they are 'one of us'. Now if you also had the ability to implant seeds of thought into their subconscious that could be a whole game changer. I'm not talking like hypnotising them into performing or anything like that - but just the very subtle ability to read from them the fact that they enjoy, or at least are open to peeing AND then the ability to non-verbally communicate your willingness and encouragement to them. Implanting the feelings that they can feel safe with
    1 point
  30. That's why I said receptacle rather than container. Actually, those are kind of the same thing aren't they? I meant a device for receiving and directing. Yeah, like a shewee I guess. THIS is yet another reason we need more girls in Stem programs.
    1 point
  31. The leaning back to avoid making noise part was so relatable! Imagining all the times I've peed outside the toilet with the shower going, while holding the totally illogical fear that someone outside the bathroom has the acute hearing to tell the difference between my single pee stream and the multiple streams coming from the shower head.
    1 point
  32. It looks completely amazing to me @Bacardi - absolutely love it. And your description hit the spot too! You're incredible and this place wouldn't be the same without you.
    1 point
  33. Thanks for reading my experience and for making comments. I always answer gladly to questions if I can. Yes, usually I leave the tissue right where I peed, unless there was a bin right close. After all, the tissue is made of very light biodegradable paper. I don't think I contribute to littering with a simple tissue. Your remarks are all correct. I don't like holding pee , it is a nuisance for me. If I can, I relieve myself. And yes, I knew in advance that I would have damaged the plant with my urine, but I also knew that this plant would have done a good job for my needs.
    1 point
  34. One time, I was in high school and this one popular girl got her hands on alcohol and had a party while her parents were on vacation. I didn’t really know my limit at the time so I ended up drinking a bit too much, getting tipsy, and more importantly, having to pee really bad. Unfortunately, there was only one bathroom in the house and it seemed like every girl there was in line for it. What’s even worse was that most girls weren’t peeing, they were going in to fix up their makeup or have sex. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I started leaking. I snuck off into a bedroom and squatted over a tra
    1 point
  35. These are cool urinals for ladies, seemingly called a "Missoir" - at a festival in Germany by the looks of things: Seems like a simple fine mesh on the floor that ladies can straddle, basic privacy from the outside provided by screens with an open door round the corner to avoid viewing unless you go in, but no privacy from the other people using the facility. Much the same as the privacy arrangement for most men's multiple occupancy facilities. Censored photo of it in use, also showing the entrance: Video discussing it (best if you know German, which I don't) is her
    1 point
  36. Went out to dinner with friends. Peed against the walls under the sink in the men's room, with not a drop into the toilet and not a drop into the sink. There was one light, over the sink, so it was very dark (and a black floor) under the sink so not easy to see the puddle.
    1 point
  37. It was a Saturday morning and Abby was bored out of her mind, she'd been working all week but now it got to the weekend she had nothing to do. She knew about an immaculate black Audi S5 that was kept just down the road, she went by this car every day and imagined what fun she could have with it. Abby decided that later on that night she was going to see if there was a way she could take it and have some fun with it, then put it in her garage. A few hours later dressed in a black leather top, leather skirt and black heels she went down to where to car was kept and to her surprise it was un
    1 point
  38. I'm here with a story for y'all. It involves a camping trip, the first I've ever been on but probably not the last. For ease, I'm Helena, my friend is Lauri, and her girlfriend is Jo. Lauri and I have been workmates for years and she is VERY outdoorsy, weekend hiking, regular camping trips, gardening; she does a lot of that stuff. She'd been trying to convince me to join her and Jo on a trip for years and finally wore me down. Since this was probably the only time I'd go, they suggested we go for the most scenic spot and it was a National Park Lauri was quite familiar with, so no chance
    1 point
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