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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2022 in Posts

  1. This happened quite awhile ago. I think i had to have been 20, I really thought I had already shared with you guys to be fully honest. Upon talking to a friend and sharing it with them I realized I definitely had not. This is probably one of my naughtiest experiences I have had to date. I used to be a in home care giver, so I would travel to people's homes to take care of things they needed. Well sometimes this would have me traveling a good half hour or more from my home, I also on some days would have numerous clients through out the day and there was no point to waste the gas to go ho
    10 points
  2. I'm not sure if this counts because it's circumstantial but I thought it's worth sharing. So I was at a sitdown restaurant, facing the 2 unisex single occupant restrooms. The restaurant was pretty busy so the bathrooms were consistently in use, sometimes with a line in front, other times not. One waitress kept going there, sometimes she'd turn away after seeing the line, other times she'd shake the handles of the 2 doors and see they're both locked. This happened a several times in the span of perhaps half an hour. I'm not sure if she wasn't allowed to wait in line or if that was a p
    10 points
  3. I have a few times. When I was a kid, me and my friend would do naughty pees in her room all the time (under her bed, in her bed, in her closet carpet…). I hardly ever used the toilet at her house, whenever I’d have a sleepover and have to pee in the middle of the night I would just slide off my pants and underwear and find a place to go. As an adult I’ve done it a few times, but I am aware of how likely I am to be caught or if I don’t want to make their things pee-soaked lol. I’ve done it at parties where I’d be more anonymous. One time though I was at a friend’s house and she was in the
    4 points
  4. It was really hot. I still can't believe I did that. I could have been caught so easily. It was next to a main road.
    4 points
  5. As a follow up… The other day I told my husband more about my pee kink. I drank too much sake wine… We were discussing porn. I asked if he had seen any watersports videos. He said he didn’t look out for it specifically. I asked him if he would ever try watersports, more than we have. He said maybe. I asked if he wanted to watch a PornHub link … if you are interested it was; https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b7c7080b3be4 He found the video interesting. He was not turned off anyway! He asked me if I pee in the shower. I replied, doesn’t every
    4 points
  6. My ex-wife and her girlfriend were inseparable since childhood and was a bridesmaid at our wedding. Her girlfriend's husband was from the same town as myself and although we were that close growing, the four of us did many things together. Over the years we all grew closer and my ex-wife's friend said one time that she felt so close to us that she felt she could change her pantyhose in front of us without a second thought. Little did I realize at the time that she felt so close to us that if she was caught short she would pee in front of us! The four of us had gone on a picnic at a state park
    4 points
  7. I really like this description. So nice. You are brave. Respect. 💚
    3 points
  8. My mom would host weekly meetings of the local womens club and each week about 10-14 ladies would show up. The bathroom was between my bedroom and the guest room.
    3 points
  9. In the locker room I’m naked so I just piss whenever I need to right on the floor
    3 points
  10. I love manga and hentia and as all af you pee specifically in door peeing I finally found one that has all three elements and I NEED to find more if u guys find some post the links 10 points if it’s indoors, the girls idea and little sex 9 points if it’s indoors little sex and the woman’s idea 8 points if it’s indoors drunk pee 7 points if indoors and wet themselves 6 points if it’s in a car 5points is it’s in a elevator 4points if it’s inside the bathroom 3points if it’s outside 2 points if it’s on the toilet 1 point if no pee Exampl
    2 points
  11. Hi. I read that pee is a fetish that is most often triggered by something specific, even if it's not until years later that you realise where it came from. Interested to know whether you can pinpoint a moment that set you off on this path. Here is my story which I'm sure (alongside another which I have written about previously) led to my fascination. As I said, love to hear your thoughts and your experience - My parents used to have some friends who had kids the same ages as myself and my older sister. Every few months we'd go over to their house. Our parents would g
    2 points
  12. Guy is doing the world a service, knocking out one toilet at a time until we go back to the days of pissing anywhere and everywhere 😂
    2 points
  13. I love this! I bet that felt so naughty! I love that you just got changed after and carried on with your day as if nothing had happened. So casual! 😛 Thanks for sharing! 😄
    2 points
  14. That would be a sensible theory for the spiky ones. And I guess if the flatter ones (they won't be as flat as a hard porcelain surface) give a little they'll dissipate the energy that way. Most have holes in them too, so some pee will go through but won't necessarily be able to bounce back through the same little hole.
    2 points
  15. This is why I have “penis envy”. I have had dreams about this kind of thing! So jealous you can do this!
    2 points
  16. Can happen if the driver has a seizure or a stroke. You can briefly lose control of your muscles, so they lock in one position. It can be an early sign of a brain tumor.
    2 points
  17. Hairdresser for me too. In my younger days when my hair was longer I used to have it cut and styled at a women's salon. I was quite surprised at first to discover that they would frequently press their breasts against my arms and shoulders while cutting my hair. I've no idea if they were doing it on purpose or not, but I did find it very pleasurable.
    2 points
  18. Just as @gldenwetgoose I also enjoy the fine craft of photography. It's been a hobby of mine ever since I was a teenager. I mostly take landscape photos since I grew up (and still live) in the alps. Beautiful nature all around, how can you not take pictures of that? And speaking of nature, I also like to spend my time hiking and doing outdoor activities in general (rock climbing, slacklining or just chilling on a meadow up high in the mountains). Other hobbies are drawing, which might not be much of a surprise for those who've been following me on this site for the last few years lol
    2 points
  19. Daring... Which makes it hotter. 😉
    2 points
  20. Send your husband a selfie of my pissing cock in your mouth while you’re at it 😉 I can teach you the most basic Swedish such as “I want your cock”, “my pussy is so wet”. But of course you’re not gonna speak that much since my cock will be in your mouth half the time 😈
    2 points
  21. My ex-wife was the oldest of seven children, and because of the large family she was accustomed to seeing everyone in her family naked and using the toilet with the door open, including her mother and even her father. When her sister who was nearly eighteen years younger than her was married my ex was her maid of honor. With so many people getting ready for the wedding and access to only one bathroom it was a crazy day. I entered the bridal dressing room with my ex where the bride and the two other bride's maids were dressing. My ex had on her dress, an azure blue with petticoats and low-cut
    2 points
  22. OK. You asked for it, so - at last - here is ... Part 3 (the last part) contains lesbian sex and female pee I meekly followed Lucy out of the studio, down the corridor to the door marked ‘Bathroom’, trailing little wet footprints behind me as my pee still dripped from the soaked denim of my jeans. Lucy was superbly self-confident of course – she must have been nude in front of hundreds of people at close quarters, and millions through the pages of the lads’ mags, and her confidence had rubbed off on me too. I felt liberated and in control, my boobs swaying pleasingly as I walked.
    2 points
  23. Growing up we didn't have a regular door on our upstairs bathroom, we had a sliding vinyl curtain and you could hear everything. I listened to many Women Guests piss their brains out over the years from my bedroom next door. My Fav was the Neighbor Lady, her bladder was like Niagara Falls. Besides our toilet she peed behind our dog house one time because she was at our pool and didn't want to go in our bathroom in a wet bathing suit, she didn't know I was standing near the dog house and could see her but she was unaware, you'd think with a one piece suit she'd just pull it to the side but nop
    2 points
  24. One for connoisseurs of small-and-neat slits I think
    2 points
  25. Just remind me before I leave for Sweden to leave my divorce paper work on the desk for my husband lol. Gotta brush up on my Swedish. If you are looking for someone who is submissive and obedient, you found the right person 😇 you say the words and I will be there on my knees in front of you. (I am such a simp for Andre and I don't even care 🤣)
    2 points
  26. Working on a bathroom today, I had removed the toilet first thing this morning, and the customer keeps making me tea. So I had just been on lunch and needed to pee pretty bad before I had a large bottle of water, on top of all the tea. I went back to the job now bursting to go forgetting about the toilet being out. As I announced I was back to the customer, she said "ohh great, any chance you could get the loo in, Im close to going in the sink!" It then dawned on me as I watched her cross her legs and bob down a little. Flustered I said "uhh yeah sure, Im bursting too" she replied, "ohh
    2 points
  27. Hair dresser, they always seemed to be large chested and low cut tops that always caught my eye.
    2 points
  28. Penny: story 1 Penny was already outside reading one of her period piece novels under a tree just east of the town cemetery at 7:30am. The sound of the birds chirping through the trees made Penny feel relaxed, like she had a natural place in the greener parts of the world around her. She was used the morning air being slightly colder and brought a blue, light wool jacket with her and a backpack that had some freshly brewed coffee in a thermos. Penny was sipping her coffee and going between getting lost in her imagination, both of the novel and the fields, imagining herself as a caterpill
    2 points
  29. don't judge me. i was kinda drunk. 🙇🏻‍♀️😇
    2 points
  30. Abigail: story 1 Just after 3:00pm, while the sun was still out Abigail wanted to venture to the lake in the mountains to get some peace and solitude. It was a was just warm enough while it was still spring for Abigail to deviate from her usual jeans and jacket outfit and wear a white and green striped skirt with a black tank top, with a pair of white and pink striped panties to match. She also noticed that she had to pee, not desperately but noticeably, and that she'd have to find a spot to relieve herself before she actually reached the lake. Not wasting any time Abigail left her room
    2 points
  31. I wasn't trying to be completely negative. But man, I could write a books worth of nightmare scenarios related to looking for locals who share my interest. And I've previously imagined all the ones you listed as well. Of course the thing that's been blowing my mind for the month I've been a member here is the dare I say it.... wholesomeness? of the site. Being on here feels like wandering into a digital boarding school where all the kids have the same disability I do. I know, that sounds negative, right? But it's like when my grandma told me about her deaf mother getting sent to a boardi
    2 points
  32. Uhhh... hey B, wanna come to my house party? 👀❤️ Yeah, I've got the same fantasies more or less. I've yet to act on any of them tho. It's probably for the best since most of my friends know about my fetish anyway 😂
    1 point
  33. Good point, but you are an incredible writer. And you weave so much beauty and luxury into this immersive story. So, give yourself credit where it is due, lovely Kupar. 💚 (and you would have had a pleasant time writing it too, I am certain. 💖)
    1 point
  34. Oh my god my fucking heart lol. I wish you could see how badly I'm blushing! My husband: "Babe! Your trip to Sweden was supposed to end three weeks ago! Why aren't you back yet?" Me, tied up and still getting dicked down by Andre while covered in his piss: "Jag sitter fast." (I'm stuck)
    1 point
  35. One of the girls in security where my husband works is really curvy and incredibly busty. Like if she was sat down at her desk her boobs would be sat on top of the table. Absolutely gorgeous though, blonde hair always in a ponytail, glasses, beautiful smile, sleeve on her arm. I've only met her once (husband forgot something and I had to drop it off) and I was very surprised when she casually mentioned not being able to go through the security turnstiles sideways because of her boobs. She has to use the gate instead. 😮
    1 point
  36. She’s a ten, but never closes the bathroom door.
    1 point
  37. I helped a friend gradually clean out a house that was unoccupied -- she lived in an assisted living place. About once a month I went there to get a carload of stuff (mostly all trash, they were paper hoarders). I had a key. Tried to plan it so that I'd arrive with a full bladder, which I let loose in lots of places - carpets in most rooms, walls, curtains, stairway. Easy peasy. A couple of times she was there with me and I peed in a room she couldn't see.
    1 point
  38. Awwww 💚💚💚💚💚 hugs to M. 💞 Yes I think my marriage is rare in regards to the level of effort we put in to keep our connection alive. I NEED it though. Human connection fuels and inspires me. I need meaning and I need romance! So many relationships tend to go into autopilot mode. What a waste! Why spend so much energy in the beginning and let things fade away? Love and communication are so important. As are honesty, support, trust, loyalty and respect. And kinks! And friendship! And knowing people change over time.
    1 point
  39. There was a grass field near the beach. Was a pleasure just to walk there naked and piss.
    1 point
  40. Hi everyone! Thought I’d share another couple of experiences. This first one is from a few years back, maybe 2017 or so. I was cat sitting for a friend who was out of town. I went over to her place fed the cat, played for her with a while, but by the time I was getting ready to leave, I definitely needed to pee. I wasn’t ABSOLUTELY bursting yet, but was getting a bit desperate, and I knew the walk home in the cold wouldn’t be good. I likely wasn’t going to make it in that scenario. The only issue is that the bathroom was connected to her bedroom, and that door was locked shut (
    1 point
  41. My ex-wife before our marriage totally fell apart had gone to see a therapist. My wife was living with another man but we thought it would be worth one last try to reconcile. During one of the early session my interest in voyeurism, watching women peeing, and sharing the toilet with my wife when we both needed to pee came up. I was hesitant at first to discuss my interests, but the therapist reminded us that we were all grown ups. The sessions took place approximately place about 75 miles from where we lived and my wife and I would have something to eat before starting home. My wife and I woul
    1 point
  42. Phillip had a rare chance of being away from home over a weekend and took advantage of going out into the city for a late-night walk to enjoy seeing the young ladies walking around in sexy and sometimes quite revealing outfits. He was also hoping that his secret craving to see ladies peeing in public might also be satisfied as it had on some previous occasions. It was always an unpredictable activity and relied very much on being in the right place at the right time. Some evenings would reveal an abundance of revellers who were willing to pee anywhere to relieve the pressure on their achin
    1 point
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