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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2022 in all areas

  1. Here are some shots of my pussy after I got fucked by my other half when we had some time alone quickly. Cum everywhere.
    7 points
  2. I would just like to let it be known that over the years all my prolific posting of pics was becoming ever more of a chore, with categorizations and all sorts taking me hours. In real life I am struggling financially, and working long hours, so will be posting far fewer pics from now on because that is feeling a bit like too much more work on top. It was getting to be a bit too much like more work when I just need to chill in my free time. I will no doubt still post some pics in the correct categories when I have the time but probably far fewer.
    4 points
  3. I’m not sure if it was one person or multiple people that influenced me, but my pee interests did change over the years, probably mostly because of internet content.. 🤫 I used to skip carpet pissing and similar things for example, because the ‘oh my god you can’t do that!’-feeling they gave me, along with arousal. Aaaaand just last weekend I had my own first hotel carpet pee dribble 😳🤫
    4 points
  4. This one was unexpected and caught me by surprise but that is what made it so enjoyable. I was up by the town square and whilst looking down the main road I saw a young couple slowly walking across towards the church yard. I quickly set off walking down as it looked like a potential sighting and after missing two in similar circumstances during the night I wasn’t going to miss a third one. The first one I missed I was standing up by McDonald’s and I noticed a girl walking across and into the churchyard but by the time I got down to the churchyard she was coming back round and the second
    4 points
  5. British lady here! New, 28 years old from the U.K. down south!
    4 points
  6. To swallow or not to swallow...that is the question. Has anyone noticed that pee can change colour in a mouth and when spat out? I like to see a pool of golden liquid within the mouth before either swallowing or spitting it out... https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Deutsches-Madel-an-der-Strasze-ins-Maul-episst
    3 points
  7. Okay. It is non stop horny time for me and I just noticed something since joining the forum four years ago. 2021 is when I started to actually get close to others on here. I originally joined with one kink, naughty carpet peeing, but 2021 I started adding more to that list. Golden showers. Holding. Peeing over drains. Wetting. Stuff like that. Four years ago I wouldn't have given any of those things a second thought, but opening myself up to so many other people on here I seem to notice my interests are beginning to mesh with my friend's! The newest edition is peeing in cars. I thought I
    3 points
  8. This is probably going back about 10 years now. In the good old days before I had so many responsibilities I was a bit of an activist and I attended some anti- austerity protests in London. I went with a group of friends that I'd met at university. For a number of reasons the protest got a bit confrontational and the police started kettling the protestors. Kettling is where they confine protestors into groups by surrounding them and not letting them move so that they can be processed easier. I got separated from our group alongside one of the girls who's name I can't actually remembe
    3 points
  9. I did the challenge over the weekend The picture shows my mattress on Monday from BELOW, I had pissed so much that the mattress was already slightly dripping. The smell of piss was also clearly noticeable in my room. The weekend was really fun, I made every piss in the bed. Saturday morning, after waking up, we'll pee first, so let everything gush in bed. Every time I had to pee during the day, I went to the bed and lift my ass over it. Then I pissed until I was empty. In the evenings while watching Netflix I always had to pee and did it with relish in the bed. The bed was soak
    3 points
  10. I tend to pee in the bushes or planted area. Recycling beer and watering the plants at the same time😂
    3 points
  11. This next sighting happened late on a Saturday night. It was just after 3 am and two of the bars along the street had just kicked out meaning there were a lot of people moving about either heading for other bars or heading home. I was standing near the taxi office checking out the new people joining the queue when a gorgeous blonde girl caught my attention. She came out of the takeaway next to the taxi office and quickly walked over to the bar just opposite. She spoke to the bouncer and after a few moments of talking to him she turned and walked back towards the takeaway. I would have put
    3 points
  12. I had been standing by the ATM for a while and it was getting to the time where town was starting to get busy with the normal pubs closing and people just arriving in town. There was a constant queue for the ATM but beyond a couple of people mentioning they needed to pee there wasn’t anything too exciting. There was a steady stream of taxi’s arriving and dropping people off and with each new one I checked out who was getting out. A taxi pulled up on the main road and two women got out, both in their mid to late 30’s. After they had paid and the taxi had driven off they crossed the main r
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Haven’t posted on here for a while so thought I’d add a few. Here’sa nice simple naked pee in my garden… https://www.erome.com/a/q3HZD6OO
    2 points
  15. Im very new to this. Ive had an attraction to watching females pee since i was a teen.. ive fought with it off and on since then. Sometimes indulging in it and sometimes being ashamed/embarassed and ignoring it. The woman i am married to now is aware of this and she seems to enjoy allowing me to get enjoyment out of it...
    2 points
  16. Oh yeah, the mouth pissing itself is the main appeal - but, personally at least, I also love the added filthiness of it also being swallowed! And definitely very much enjoy swallowing it too, seeing how much I can make myself guzzle down.. With regards to the last part, do you mean when she widens her mouth and/or he pulls out slightly to reveal the stream of piss still flowing into her mouth? If so, I totally know what you mean.. 🤤 hot as fuck.
    2 points
  17. I do let out larger spurts on my living room rug every now and then when I’m very aroused and in the right mood.. only after drinking lots of water all day though. And so far it doesn’t have odour either. Second room window would have been fine.. if it wasn’t for the downstairs ‘neighbours’ who had a window in the same place :‘) Which was open. And of course they stayed up late.
    2 points
  18. Well… a little bit more.. maybe 😇 But as hot as the online video’s can be, part of me still feels like it’s not ok not ruin other peoples property. The hotelroom had sliding windows though, and if it wasn’t for me being on the 2nd floor (I’ll ask for a first floor room next time) I could have sat in the window wearing a skirt and let my pee flow along the outside wall onto the flat roof of the ground floor. And maybe spray some after dark.. 😌
    2 points
  19. I often get home too tired to undress and shower before going to bed. Especially after clubbing when I get in at five and have to be up by seven. Going to bed tired is always a bad thing for me because I find it hard to resist the temptation to just do at least a little wee in the bed before I go to sleep. One memorable night which wasn't a clubbing night I had been out for a friday evening soirée at a wine bar wearing my ball gown for a change. It is nice to wear something that is not black when I go out, and my turquoise ball gown which I inherited from my auntie was quite a contra
    2 points
  20. This weekend was 4 days, due to Ascension Day being a bank holiday here in the Netherlands. To celebrate this long weekend, my girl surprised me with a stay in a hotel. We had a wonderful night of sleep. The next morning, we woke up in an intense cuddle. It was lovely, but at a certain point my gf said "I need to pee very badly, please let me go for a few seconds". I said "no, I'm lying so comfortable and I miss you when you're gone!" to which she replied "true that..". I wasn't feeling frisky or in the mood for pee-related thing at all, but I jokingly said "just piss the bed if you need to go
    2 points
  21. exactly what @Paulypeeps said. steve, your dedication and contributions are wonderful. but, you have to take care of yourself first, sweetie. it's understandable that spending time here doing what you do may be a hobby, and maybe even therapeutic, but when it becomes too daunting that it's no longer an escape from reality, it won't hurt us if you need to scale back. i myself, have kinda been to and fro with life outside lately, so totally understand. when you're able, i'm sure we'll still be around to enjoy what you can offer. 💋
    2 points
  22. Thank you @MidoriLemonade85 and @Kupar I'm flattered
    2 points
  23. Please don't let it be a chore. Just do as much as you want, it will still be more than enough. You can focus on what you really really like!
    2 points
  24. WOW, just WOW 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
    2 points
  25. Chapter 4 “So have they responded yet?” Emily said, lounging naked on Sophie’s bed. “Yeah, they responded a while ago. I’m just making sure I get the job,” Sophie replied, sitting in her computer chair in a similar state of undress. “I’m guessing you’re not telling them the real reason we want the job?” Emily said. “No, I’ve been telling them I’m some lonely grandma that’s looking for something to occupy her time.” “If we get this job, I’m sure they’ll be surprised when they get back!” Emily said, smiling As Sophie slowly
    2 points
  26. In pre-school, my mom was frequently called because me and other kids were peeing outside on the playground. My mom was cool about peeing, so she did not care. At home, my mom and I were usually naked. We lived out in the country, so no one could really see us, and both of us hated wearing clothes. My mom would let me pee in the house in sinks and tubs. I ventured on my own and peed on the couch, the corner of the living room, and in my closet multiple times. I made half-assed attempts to cover it up, so I am sure my mom noticed, but she did not say anything. At my dad's house, he
    2 points
  27. Fancied sharing again https://www.erome.com/a/y5L3VwOR
    2 points
  28. Here's my mornings fun, as you can tell I was a little excited https://www.erome.com/a/23M99kzk
    2 points
  29. Sorry to keep spamming you all it's just I've been really horny lately and had this urge to keep sharing. I'm sure it will pass soon
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. @AlfrescoI just wish I went to more events that ball gowns are appropriate. I don't mix in those circles and this was just a fun event. It was lucky that I had the dress - I wouldn't have bought it! Leaving a puddle is probably my biggest worry. Carpet is much more friendly, but there are often places that a puddle can be hidden on hard floors like in a corner or near some furniture where it will run underneath. My shoes get wet. I wear open shoes with a heel so that they drain nicely. I don't like pee sloshing about in my shoes and I think it might be a give away. My friends do
    2 points
  32. Once I had done it a few times I realised peeing down my legs under a dress feels like the natural way to pee. Being instantly rewarded with the warmth on my legs makes it feel so right. At first I would find a quiet corner somewhere out of sight to do it, but I soon realised that when I did it in front of my friends, even when wearing incredibly short skirts, they never noticed. Now I just make sure I am doing something to direct attention elsewhere - usually chatting or checking my phone - and no one expects me to be peeing! There is no need to hurry, feet together and just a gentle trickle
    2 points
  33. Woke up in a sharing mood, got my phone out and managed to get a decent pic for a change. Doesn't happen very often
    1 point
  34. I (27F) live in an RV, and lately, I have been going outside in an oversized t-shirt and no panties and sitting on my door steps to pee instead of using my toilet, sink, or floor. The park is poorly lit, so even if someone passes, they shouldn't be able to tell what is happening as long as my stream is not too strong and making noises. Well... tonight, my neighbor (50-something M) happened to be walking by when I was taking a pee break, and started walking to me midstream to talk. I abruptly stopped peeing, but I was still without bottoms, and there was a decent sized wet patch under me
    1 point
  35. I suppose if wherever you’re sucking you’re able to let it just dribble out of your mouth onto the floor so you can keep sucking…? As long as you’re not making a cleanup nightmare for yourself. And with porn it’ll be as much as anything that if the dick’s in her mouth and she swallows the pee, no pics, and if no pics, did it even happen?
    1 point
  36. Nice commando outfit... Just do it!!!
    1 point
  37. Who says there isn’t though? 😌 I’m going to a large festival next month and I plan on wearing a skirt with nothing underneath. I can pee straight down without making a mess and I don’t need to stand with my feet ridiculously far apart so that’s gonna be a fun evening I think 😈 The friend that’s coming with me also has a huge pee fetish and loves the idea obviously.
    1 point
  38. I'm not sure as I've not been on that site for a couple of years
    1 point
  39. @JDG numerous times I was stuck in a “Stau” and experienced exactly what you are talking about. Shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, my family and I were driving on the Autobahn to Berlin when traffic came completely to standstill for hours with a Stau. I remember climbing around the car, trying to amuse myself and standing on the center console looking out the sunroof. Some men and a few women farther our had ventured into the adjacent field to pee. The car in front of us was an east German family in a light blue Trabant. After about 30 minutes the mother opened the passenger door and l
    1 point
  40. when you've gone out with tights instead of proper leggings, and also decided it'd be ok to wear one of your tiniest pairs of panties. ☺️🤫😇
    1 point
  41. Just back from a very breezy walk, this time I made sure I was well topped up before going out. By the time I approached this bridge the need to pee was urgent and the pee was just starting to leak out, it didn't look as if anyone was coming in either direction so I stopped there and relaxed letting it flood out into my waterproof leggings. The relief felt amazing and the warm sensation down my leg was lovely, then a dog walker appeared not far away so I started walking away while I was still peeing 😃. I walked back to get a pic of the puddle and trail after she'd gone past. https://www.
    1 point
  42. i realized i had to get something out of my car, and had time for one more coffee. didn't let the fact that i still hadn't put on a skirt or blouse stop me. ☺️😇 though, it was kinda chilly, so did slip into a cardigan- not that it covered a lot.
    1 point
  43. I don’t mind the smell when it’s clear pee.
    1 point
  44. I know this is just a headshot I thought I would share🙂
    1 point
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