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  1. It's Friday, the week is over, and it's half term. What is a better way to celebrate that than wetting myself in my work uniform?! I had been planning on doing it all day and I made sure I had a full bladder when I arrived home. I had been drinking a little more water through my last two lessons and I had completely skipped my lunch break toilet visit. When I walked through the door I was rather desperate and if I didn't have other plans I would have ran upstairs to the toilet. I wasn't bursting though and that needed to change. I sat down with my family and enjoyed a cup of coffee, enjo
    9 points
  2. I went for a bike ride yesterday and like always I took a bottle of water with me. What goes in must come out and after a while I was feeling rather desperate for a wee! I was okay while on the saddle and pedalling but if I had to stop for traffic lights or something I felt like I was going to wet myself. It reached the point where I was actually jiggling a little while waiting. I could have found some toilets and used them but my bike is rather nice and I wasn't carrying my lock with me, I didn't want to leave it outside. I took a detour through the park and towards the trees, nature wa
    8 points
  3. I had been standing by the ATM for a while and it was getting to the time where town was starting to get busy with the normal pubs closing and people just arriving in town. There was a constant queue for the ATM but beyond a couple of people mentioning they needed to pee there wasn’t anything too exciting. There was a steady stream of taxi’s arriving and dropping people off and with each new one I checked out who was getting out. A taxi pulled up on the main road and two women got out, both in their mid to late 30’s. After they had paid and the taxi had driven off they crossed the main r
    6 points
  4. Haven’t posted on here for a while so thought I’d add a few. Here’sa nice simple naked pee in my garden… https://www.erome.com/a/q3HZD6OO
    5 points
  5. This is probably going back about 10 years now. In the good old days before I had so many responsibilities I was a bit of an activist and I attended some anti- austerity protests in London. I went with a group of friends that I'd met at university. For a number of reasons the protest got a bit confrontational and the police started kettling the protestors. Kettling is where they confine protestors into groups by surrounding them and not letting them move so that they can be processed easier. I got separated from our group alongside one of the girls who's name I can't actually remembe
    5 points
  6. Another update: my mom facetimed me tonight (we usually do 2-3 times/week to catch up). We were about 30 minutes into the conversation when my mom got up and moved seats, she was originally on the couch in the living room, but she moved to the center of the living room. Then, I heard a familiar sound...I asked what it was. She turned the camera around and showed me a puddle of pee on her coffee table! I told her how proud I am! and then turned my camera around and showed her my pussy as I peed onto my couch!
    5 points
  7. I had made my way into town and when I walked down to the main street I found it quite busy with queues forming outside the bars along the street and a queue at the ATM, helped by the fact that for the past few months there has only been one ATM on the street. The second one midway along has been out of service for ages so now the one at the end of the street outside the shop tends to get busy which is great for witnessing desperation and getting sightings. I went and stood to the side of the shop checking out the people in the ATM queue and the queue outside the bar across the street ch
    5 points
  8. Yep, been married since 2009 and husband is very logical and practical. I have a big imagination full of fantasies and ideas, we have done maybe 10% of them. Maybe as we get older, things will get more adventurous. Or maybe more boring 😂. Who knows. Usually my fun times are by myself or inside my mind and I am happy with that and glad to connect to PeeFans. Every person is different, you can’t force people to do things that don’t come naturally though you may be surprised that your partner might be willing to learn new things. Take it slowly one step at a time. My ex was into it, but he didn’t
    4 points
  9. Epilogue 2 The receiving end "Shit shit shit... fuck. This paain. Right on my head. Why are there jelly fishes in this water. I can barely see." I an straight out of the water until I hit somebody and fell over. Lying on the ground everything happened too fast. First there was a man, who removed a second jellyfish I didn't even noticed. Just moments later a huge crowd was gathered all around me. I don't know exactky what everyone said. But I heard the word 'pee' at least 4 times. The next thing I remember is a red bikini bottom landing next to my head a
    4 points
  10. I did make a video of my cycling shorts wetting but when I went to edit it, I noticed my tattoos were on show and I could remove them so I decided not to upload it, but I did manage to get some photos from the video. I hope I'm not boring anyone, I just enjoy taking photos and videos and then posting them on here. I'm sure I know some of you will like them so here they are
    3 points
  11. Well after biking to work all week in my lovely tight lycra, I decided to reward myself with a slight wetting of my lycra shorts. I wasn't hugely desperate or anything but it was the only chance I had so I took it and really enjoyed it. Rule 32, enjoy the little things
    3 points
  12. So I’ve always been a squirter (pee’er?), the first time I masturbated and actually had an orgasm, I squirted, not like a fountain like you see in porn but a trickle. I was actually hesitant to make myself actually cum the first time because it kept feeling like I had to pee, even when I went pee it would still feel like that, especially if I put a finger inside. So I squirt virtually every session, I don’t squirt every time I cum, but almost every masturbation session I squirt. I’ve messed around with girls before - I’ve had some FWB’s, but I’ve always tried to make sure I never like exp
    3 points
  13. It has been a wonderful bonding experience, for sure! It is also a huge turn on....I love to hear about other couples engaging in breast feeding. I always wonder when I see a new baby in public if daddy is also drinking some of the milk. But yes...peeing while he feeds is such a nice release. Sometimes I will walk around the house without wiping my pee, letting it run down my leg and also let milk drip from my nipples. Such a good feeling!
    3 points
  14. I honestly did not think my post would be this well-received! I am so glad you all are into it! Peeing while there are lips on my nipples is almost reflexive at this point....it has been years since we started this, so now when I feel the warmth on my nipples, my bladder automatically releases.
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. Back when I was breastfeeding my daughter, I loved the way my breast pump felt on my nipples. I would get so horny when it was time to pump. A few days in, I started peeing every time I pumped my breasts....my husband loved watching me lactate and pee; so much so, I started breastfeeding him after I weaned my daughter, and I now pee while he is sucking my titties.
    2 points
  17. I know some people seem to particularly enjoy twin pee streams… https://www.erome.com/a/yLqTaVjB
    2 points
  18. Finally! Boyfriend 2 is also into piss and has been working on being less pee shy. He's been doing so well with it. I have some good stories but today I got to hold him and aim while he pissed. The first time I have ever gotten to to that. It was so hot to feel. I aimed his piss all over these dead plants we have in the garage that I pissed on earlier this morning.
    2 points
  19. Got a bit aroused peeing one day recently… https://www.erome.com/a/fuJdqSKC
    2 points
  20. This was a genuine accident. Last year in between lockdowns, some friends and i met up for a little house party. It was held at one of the houses of the group and there was a lot of drinking, eating and party games. We were outside most of the afternoon and I had a quite urgent need to pee. I hurried inside and pretty much burst the door to the toilet and found out there and then thar the lock was not working. Low and behold, the host, only 10 years older than me and quite the mile was sat on the toilet opposite the door. She sat upright in alarm as I stopped dead realising my m
    2 points
  21. The more I browse this forum the more I realize I am into everything to do with piss... It is highly sexual and addictive. The wetting has been more of a solo activity for me. My wife is not really into wetting herself or any clothes. I love to wet my pants or shorts and feel the warmth and wetness on my legs. I don't even mind staying wet for a long period if it is warm enough.
    2 points
  22. *taking copious notes* One day, I want to be as brave as Sophie.
    2 points
  23. Those long bike rides are always great. But, it seems those stops out in nature are always the best part. For me, you giving that little extra hip shake puts it over the top.
    2 points
  24. Oops sorry, I missed this! I wasn't too concerned about it. I get wet but I don't get that wet. I'm not dripping or anything. A bigger concern was my hard nipples showing through my dress.
    2 points
  25. Last weekend my husband and I had a very fun experience. I recently expressed my interest in having a slight sub/dom relationship. So He decided to definitely add that to our fun little kink. 😉 Well we were out and about for a family meal and I thought, for the fun of it, as he gets very socially awkward that I would send him a fun little message. I texted him while we were sitting at the restaurant, "I really have to pee." Of course this definitely got a rise from him he messaged back asking how bad it was. I told him, "bad enough I will definitely need to go soon if we are staying much longe
    2 points
  26. And also ... a turd might be considered a work of art in some galleries 🙂
    2 points
  27. If I were to come to this thread and talk about my Vauxhall Corsa, it would be like going to an art gallery and talking about a turd.
    2 points
  28. I must admit...and this is some admission for anyone on the political left in the UK today as I am...that I don't fully understand the various gender and sexual orientation-related terms that have sprung up over the last decade or two. I can say that under the cloak of anonymity here but if I were to say this on any of the left wing forums I frequent I'd risk being slaughtered. "What!!! How can you not know what Cis means? Are you some sort of crypto-fascist stuck in the 20th century?" Something like that. Fact is, my philosophy is simple in regards to gender and sexual orientations. It c
    2 points
  29. My wife doesn't share my pee fetish, but yesterday something incredible happened. My wife has bad allergies, so lately there has been a lot of sneezing and coughing. She goes into coughing fits, and they have been bad enough that she has had a few small accidents, just enough to either send her rushing to the bathroom or needing to change her panties. Yesterday evening, she decided to wear a pad to keep from having to run to the bathroom every time she goes into a coughing fit. We were sitting together, and then she started coughing. When she stopped, she said, "I just peed myself, b
    2 points
  30. Small to average I guess. Have to pee every couple of hours. My 1.5 hour commute in the car is sometimes a struggle. When I was in Japan I found a sports drink called Pocari Sweat. It enabled me to run around catching bullet trains all day without having to find a toilet. Not sure how it works but I think you sweat it out rather than pee it out 😆 who knows. But yeah, if I am going to be somewhere, on on some transport for 2 hours I research where the toilets are in advance so things don’t get awkward. Things definitely change in the female body after you have kids…
    2 points
  31. Hands free hard-on peeing in a lay-by. It always feels great pissing while I'm hard https://www.erome.com/a/Mi6JgwWB
    2 points
  32. I am very excited for this weekend! I am going to ask permission to pee in my closet and in the living room, and ask if she would like to watch what I used to do in private 🙂
    2 points
  33. That isn't a bad idea! I just don't want to impose on them. I would rather continue peeing on my own, and let them approach me as they have been doing if they're really interested. Aside from only peeing when it is dark, I don't try to hide it. I will usually pee on my steps even if they are outside.
    2 points
  34. I prefer to sleep in dry bedding, but my husband will usually need to breastfeed in the mornings, and when he latches, I release into the bed. We have a good mattress protector, so I just throw the sheets in the wash while we are at work.
    2 points
  35. @everyone: thank you so much for your support and interest in my journey here! I will for sure provide updates 🙂 I am going home this weekend, so there should be more stories to tell! @Alfresco I think there is a genetic component to it....My mom and myself are quite obviously into free peeing. My daughter has also shown interest in peeing where ever she wants. @MasterDarcy thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed 😉
    2 points
  36. So as I said yesterday I have still been getting out and getting plenty of sightings I just haven't had the time to dedicate to writing them up to post here. Every time I have thought about doing so something has come up or I've ended up doing something else and time goes by way too quick so apologies that it has been a while since this thread was updated. I have written up a few sightings this morning and over the next few days I will continue to do so and try and catch up on some of the noteworthy encounters from the past couple of months. I hope you enjoy reading about them as much as
    2 points
  37. Based on true events. Names have been changed to protect the guilty. Story features: peeing, naughty peeing, pee vandalism, peeing in groups, peeing into things, over things and onto things. Gabriella and Penny had both been desperately waiting for a chance to rush up the attics stairs before finding a suitably naughty place to squat and pee. As the manager finally left the office for his meeting, it was time for the deed in hand. Both rushed for the door, Penny in the lead. With a thud of footsteps, they raced upwards, Gabriella’s eyes firmly fixed on her co-workers firm round b
    2 points
  38. I just had another thought about one of my earlier interactions with my parents about peeing. I had bunk beds which were situated about 30 cm away from the wall so that I could have a shelf the length of the bed a little above the bed. I slept on the top bunk and the bottom bunk was left spare - either for visitors or more usually where I left clothes etc. Anyway, once, I went into the gap and peed onto some trousers because I enjoyed it. Then I left them there and repeated it another day, and left them to dry a bit and I ended up doing it several more times. One evening my Mum and Da
    2 points
  39. Usually once in the morning when we are about to get out of bed to get ready for the day. Then, after we are back home in the evenings, he will nurse every hour to hour and a half. I have stopped wearing shirts around the house so he can nurse whenever he needs to. I love when he nurses me while doing chores like washing dishes or cooking...I will release my pee right onto the floor ❤️
    2 points
  40. It makes me very happy that I have turned you on so 🙂 The decision to nurse is usually his...he needs to so often that I rarely get engorged. I drink quite a bit of water to make sure my milk production is supported, so I usually have to pee when he is ready to nurse. If I have to pee before he latches, I will typically ask him if he needs to nurse before I let go on the floor or go use the sink.
    2 points
  41. So next time I see someone breastfeeding in a library or café I am going to be wondering "Is she peeing now too?"
    2 points
  42. Sometimes on weekends my wife and I will wake up and both pee while we have a cuddle in bed. One of the best ways to wake up honestly!
    2 points
  43. Damn that’s pretty Hot. I’m sure me and her would get along
    2 points
  44. Someone had suggested to me putting an ad on Reddit, which I did in late December. The ad clearly stated that I was looking for real life only, not an internet fantasy relationship. On New Year's Eve, a woman near me (an hour away) contacted me. About 2 weeks ago, a woman about 10 minutes away contacted me. In both cases, as soon as I used the word "meet", they ghosted me. I offered to do everything possible to make the initial meeting comfortable for them, including meeting during the day, meeting for dinner not for sex, and even sending a scan of my driver's license so they could do a b
    2 points
  45. I’m staying at a resort with my partner and I was having some fun in the bathroom right around the time the pool was about to close. I spent the time pissing around the place and masturbating, and I thought that the lock would work, but apparently it didn’t. As I was about to leave, before I could get my clothes back on, someone entered, and I only managed to grab my shirt and hold it over myself. He ran away and I managed to make an escape without running into him again. My partner and I leave tomorrow, but I’m terrified that he might see me again before we get out. I don’t know if he has any
    1 point
  46. Wow! That's such an amazing relief for you after worrying about telling her. Almost as like the relief from a much needed pee! What a great relationship to have with your Mom ❤️. Thanks so much for the update!
    1 point
  47. Not the most exciting one I know, but after holding for 6 hours I was ready to go....
    1 point
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