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  1. used to do this quite often. but haven't been out to the movies at all in the past 2 years. definitely a benefit of wearing skirts and dresses. usually i'll just hike the back up and go through my panties. but sometimes pull them aside and try to let it spray out onto the floor. one time i did that, i was so bursting, my stream went between the seats in front of me. haha. thankfully no one was sitting in that row! 😬 i've also done it by pulling down my pants or panties and slid off the seat a bit so my pee would go onto the floor. i don't make a habit of it, but have gone enough times in my li
    11 points
  2. i've been admittedly a little lazy down there lately.
    8 points
  3. while i think it would be fun. maybe even relieving to have a partner who was into it, that's definitely not a deal breaker. my current SO, and most of my previous ones had no, or very little, interest in pee. but, i also am kinda skittish about 'traditional' watersports anyway. i'm more into my own shenanigans. but, it would be kinda nice to not have to hide wet clothes, or make excuses for them in front of my bf.
    7 points
  4. So I’ve always been a squirter (pee’er?), the first time I masturbated and actually had an orgasm, I squirted, not like a fountain like you see in porn but a trickle. I was actually hesitant to make myself actually cum the first time because it kept feeling like I had to pee, even when I went pee it would still feel like that, especially if I put a finger inside. So I squirt virtually every session, I don’t squirt every time I cum, but almost every masturbation session I squirt. I’ve messed around with girls before - I’ve had some FWB’s, but I’ve always tried to make sure I never like exp
    5 points
  5. I’m Philip, an engineer with a renewable energy firm and I’m going to tell you about a totally unexpected and revealing peeing experience with a new colleague the other day. Bear with me its a bit long. Andrea, an early twenties girl, had recently joined the firm as a trainee engineer. She’d spent the first few weeks office based getting to know the remote systems we used to monitor the wind turbines and equipment we managed. I’d been tasked to take her out round some of the sites to carry out the physical inspections that couldn’t be done remotely. The day before we’d gone through all th
    5 points
  6. yes. used to play volleyball, and while it didn't happen in a match, i have during warmups, and on bus rides. still play tennis, and have the occasional accident.
    5 points
  7. for starters, a park is a great place to indulge in these activities. especially if you're new to them. my earliest attempts at both intentionally flashing and peeing in public spaces was in a park near the house i grew up in. even to this day, i prefer being discreet and sneaky more than being obvious. like, i would sometimes swing in a loose skirt or dress; you can be as cheeky as you desire, but the motions of it, and the wind created will almost always make it look accidental. of course i would try to avoid being too obvious with children present, but i've gone down slides, and played on t
    5 points
  8. I know dance isn't a "sport" so not sure if I can chime in here... but it IS athletic so... I am a lifelong ballet practitioner ( and in the past did some teaching.. ) and before every class I change into a new pamper and after every class I am in need of another change. So I tinkle myself all throughout class. Does that count?? Stay wet, Mia 🤗😘💓💕
    4 points
  9. A sample of girls Hockey uniform in the 70's. My girls skirt was orange with matching pantie covers. This is Australia in the summer. Toilets were often locked, too far away or just gross. So my girl Curls did not use them, and would usually wet her panties during the game. sometimes just a trickle when running around or waiting, Sometimes at half time when she would stay a bit apart from the other girls and just stand there and deliberately wet her panties. Her favorite was when she was goal keeper. She would have a nice long pleasurably pee in her panties. She told me it was convenien
    4 points
  10. Generally speaking I am willing to pee on any type of floor anywhere I could get away with it. It's easy to clean up without having to get up close and personal with my fluids so I don't feel as bad. Not that I would ever have the courage to pee anywhere but on my own floor lmao! I won't pee on furniture or clothing or any sort of item, nor will I pee in a car. I cant imagine how difficult it would be to clean furniture, and I mean REALLY clean them. Peeing on my own clothing is okay, and I've done that once before, but it doesn't get me going as much as peeing on carpet does. Peeing on c
    4 points
  11. If it isn’t my property and I’m not having to deal with the cleanup, I’ll literally go anywhere where I’m tucked away out of sight. The naughtier the better.
    4 points
  12. https://www.erome.com/a/9l2j1rv7 Went for a couple of beers this evening and badly needed to piss when I left the bar. Visited my favorite parking garage and unleashed on the stairs. Wow did it feel good! Glad nobody came through that door on the lower landing!
    3 points
  13. There are so many reasons to wet the bed which makes it so irresistible:- 1. Being surrounded by the warmth. When I have just peed in bed I am cocooned in the warm wetness. This feels really nice. 2. The convenience. It is so much more convenient to just pee in bed and let it all soak away in to the mattress rather than get up and use the toilet, or even get up and pee on the floor! 3. Feeling the warmth trickling over my thighs or spraying warm pee on to my feet feels so delicious. 4. Going to bed tired, and thinking that just a little pee won't hurt. A little pee won't hu
    3 points
  14. I’ve done it twice on a festival. I love going nude in public and at this music festival I was nude all the time. Twice I leaned towards a food truck and pissed as I ordered my food.
    3 points
  15. I'm pretty much in the 'If I can get away with it then it is O.K.' camp. I will generally not pee anywhere that will cause damage or inconvenience. I wet myself because it is more convenient than using a toilet so I always avoid peeing anywhere that will require me to clean it up. I am fine with peeing on carpet or upholstery because it will soak away and eventually dry, but I try and avoid peeing where someone is likely to sit straight away, but if I cannot stand and pee because it will make a puddle and someone will get upset I will sit and pee on a chair instead - society prefers
    3 points
  16. It's my ultimate fantasy to be able to flash men and piss in public but in my country there are many security cameras? Where are the best places to indulge this fantasy?
    2 points
  17. This story contains female toilet, male and female outdoor peeing Hi I’m Hanna and thought I share a story of a few lockdown reliefs from a few days ago. A dawn chorus of birdsong had woken me up at the unearthly hour of 4.00 in the morning. After tossing and turning for half an hour, I admitted defeat and decided to get up as with daylight breaking and the sunlight shining into my second floor flat, I knew there was no chance of getting back to sleep. Climbing sleepily out of bed, I made my way across the hall to the bathroom and sliding my knickers down to my knees I sat down on th
    2 points
  18. Peeing outside where people are around but can't quite see what is going on is certainly a thrill for me. My wife and I have enjoyed peeing while; hiking - just off the trail, on the beach - pulling bathing suit aside, stopped along a highway - with both passenger car doors open to provide a bit of a barrier. I recently had a girlfriend give me a hug at a naturist resort and pee discreetly down my leg. Keep up the adventurous spirit...you will find just the right places and situations!
    2 points
  19. Quick reminder of site principles here - let’s keep it positive and supportive, and let’s remember that laws and attitudes vary from country to country. Perhaps the key points of discussion so far are to be aware of the laws in your particular country, to be mindful of how strongly they are enforced and to plan a course of action which carries a reasonably low level of risk. Speaking only for my own country, I guess the laws to be mindful of would be around indecent exposure, outraging public decency and maybe antisocial behaviour. And of course the heading ‘Flashing and peeing
    2 points
  20. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm Emma, a 22 year old blonde lingerie model. This is me.... I have been seeing this older guy in his early 30s, a highly paid accountant. And I know accountants have a reputation for being boring, but this guy is anything but. The sex is fantastic, and he never ceases to surprise me. Well last night we returned to his place from the wine bar and were frollicking naked in the bedroom when I had to pee. I jokingly complained and apologised about the boring interruption, having to go to the bathroom. That's when he told me not to bother. He said I should ju
    2 points
  21. Oh! Sending hugs. This is the sort of thing we love you for @puddyls
    2 points
  22. Dear Wet Carpet. Sue here again relating the account of myself and my two friends Anabel and Amanda and our husbands enjoying a pee party at my place. Well on Saturday morning we all woke up, and did all the the usual stuff in the bathroom. Except peeing of course. We were saving that for downstairs. And we all quickly agreed that we might as well stay naked. It was more erotic that way, plus more fun peeing and especially watching others doing it in the nude. Anyway, we all ended up downstairs in the living room and quite badly needing to go. There were still several large wet
    2 points
  23. All great ideas above - and also for a little inspiration also check out the various posts by our friend @puddyls I'm guessing you're north of the equator, in which case the weather should be getting warmer and perhaps (depending on your fashion preferences) you'll be more inclined to wear shorter, looser skirts meaning that sitting on a bench, the wrong gust of wind or lifting a leg to adjust your shoe strap could easily give someone a well appreciated quick flash. I'd echo all that's been said about most people being sympathetic (and quietly pervy) about a desperate girl trying to
    2 points
  24. Well, I certainly wouldn't complain if I saw a woman do that. I think that most men would be happy to see a woman flash them and pee (not that I'd ever be lucky enough for this to happen to me), but I'm also sure there are enough exceptions to cause trouble, and you don't want to find out the hard way. I'd volunteer, but we're on different continents.
    2 points
  25. I think this is basically a BDSM thing really, role playing a scenario where he’s dominant over you etc. If you’re both into it I don’t see an issue as long as you discuss it before hand and have a safe word. Doesn’t have to be planned, you could discuss the rules and boundaries and then he could do it whenever he chose so it’s spontaneous. Not something I’d enjoy but I’m sure there are plenty of men who’d love it.
    2 points
  26. I love that, we need a pee drain in our residency hall so I can meet other likeminded pee’ers
    2 points
  27. This was a first for me but I am hoping to take advantage of more opportunities soon. I spent most of my morning driving ride share, I peed before I left the house but after eating lunch in my car and having a couple drinks by mid day I was desperate to pee. I was busy with rides and kept telling myself I could hold it a bit longer. I finally reached the point after several hours that I knew I could not hold on much longer. The simple solution would have been to run into a store and use the restroom but I had been hoping to find a more enjoyable solution. I frantically started scanni
    1 point
  28. Two stories! The first, I was not so brave, and in the second, I was more brave. First: I was at an unnamed national grocery chain, and had to pee. The toilets were way out of the way, and when I finally found them, quite gross. Let's just say that a little pee on the floor would not have been the worst thing in that bathroom. So I thought what the hell, and decided to try marking up the bathroom just a little. Well as soon as I got ready to go up against a wall in a stall, a person started trying to get into the main room, which required a key code. I could have just sprinkled a lit
    1 point
  29. Went out for a picnic brunch today with my boyfriend, halfway through, I realized I REALLY needed to pee. I kept shifting to try to wake it up a bit, but it just wasn't working. I had to hold it for around 2 hours, and at that point it was taking every ounce of self control I had to hold it in, the pressure was honestly unbearable and I'm not sure why I didn't just say something tbh. By the time we were ready to pack up and leave, I saw my very brief window of opportunity and jumped on it. My bf was taking some of the stuff back to the car, and left me to gather up the rest. I very
    1 point
  30. Do you mean flash someone as a separate situation to peeing? Or do you mean pee where you can be seen and not hiding your pussy and bum from the person who might see you? If you mean flashing as part of peeing, then you can get away with almost anything if you do it late evening on a Friday or Saturday. Pick a corner or alley that is very visible from the Main Street, but is not in direct view of a camera but is reasonably well lit. Wear a short, loose dress with no underwear. Whilst on the Main Street, give off a few signs of desperation, maybe go to a cash machine and Bob up and down
    1 point
  31. I don’t want to put you off but I’m pretty sure this is illegal and you could find yourself in a lot of trouble if you picked the wrong person especially with camera phones now. Could you do this with someone you know would like it? Arrange for you both to be going for a walk at same time in a quiet place and then flash and pee when you see him for example.
    1 point
  32. Yeah I get uti sometimes it’s not nice at all. Normally antibiotics clears it. I don’t know what courses mine. As it random too, it either after if I held for so long or sometimes after I had a hand job. But not had an other for a while.
    1 point
  33. Hi everyone! I just saw @UkPeeFan’s introduction post, and realized I should do the same! So shoutout to you, buddy, because I didn’t even know how to make a post or that there were introduction posts 😂 I’m a fellow pee lover! Idk when it all started exactly, but there is a distinct moment in time maybe 7-8 years ago when I first started seeing pee in porns and I remember being so full of confusion because I was disgusted but turned on more than ever at the same time. I basically lurked at homemade and amateur pee porn for yearssss before accepting it as just another link of mine!
    1 point
  34. I have whipped mine out and started peeing on a girlfriends leg while she was sitting in a chair in the river. There was another couple present and they watched.
    1 point
  35. omg! have any of you guy folk ever done this?! i can't remember where i came across this pic, but it's incredibly naughty. 🙈
    1 point
  36. female, usually fully shaven but slight growth coming back now as its been a few days. Hot tub weekend away for my wedding anniversary this weekend so waiting for it to grow a bit more to shave off for then 😄
    1 point
  37. Went outside to do my daily public wee and found this area. Its a parking lot under a bridge surrounded by a forest. Almost noone seemed to be around, so I decided to pee against one of the supports: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/veneratednavybluebrownbutterfly Three people passed by while I was doing so 😱, but luckily none of them said anything.
    1 point
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