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  1. I'm Lucy, a thick, brunette with large tits and a hairy pussy. I am a complete slut who loves teasing her bladder. My ultimate fantasy is to walk around naked in public and pee in front of whoever I find attractive. I'm bi and even though I prefer watching women pee, I prefer to be watched by men. So many guys just don't get my fetish.
    8 points
  2. @Eliminature if any urophile does catch you (and I would love that to be me), you would make their night as so far, the number of ladies I have caught peeing standing is absolutely zero (maybe I should have said “didily squat”). In the mean time, by taking photos and publishing them here, you have the most guaranteed appreciative audience there is - and some of that audience will feed back how appreciative they are. On that point, for all those who simply view people’s posts - if you like something then show the author by giving it a like, love or hot. It takes no time at all but is a
    6 points
  3. I have a fantasy about taking a vacation involving a long cross country road trip, and a challenge to never pee in a toilet. During the trip, rather than stopping at gas station restrooms, we would stop at a hotel and I would simply go in and use a hallway as my toilet. And of course, when we stayed in our destination hotel, I would pee behind the couch or bed on the carpet the entirety of the time. The other day, I got to act out part of this fantasy. Wearing a short black dress with no undies, I went to a hotel in a nearby town. It was about 9:30am and people were busy downstairs ea
    5 points
  4. Also, on the same line as @zorba3189 entering a hotel just to pee, I have down that in a few hotels. One I went in, walked past reception and up the stairs where I sat on the stairs texting on my phone whilst I peed out of the leg of my shorts onto the carpet. Another one I went into and peed in a cleaners closet that had been left open. I took a towel off the rack, put it on the floor, peed all over it and pushed it under the rack on the floor. Same hotel, different day, I walked to the end of a corridor and peed in an alcove which led to two room doors.
    4 points
  5. I feel this. If I could get away with it easily it would be my lifestyle choice to pee anywhere I want to in my own home. But with a husband and kids hanging on me every second of every day obviously that can't happen. On a smaller scale, every so often when I find myself taking a normal pee I get a little excited. Sometimes I'll hold it on the toilet until I get goosebumps and the best kind of pressure between my legs and I just smile to myself. Some people are into thing that they have to go out of their way to do like bondage and fire play or what have you, but I get to do my fav
    4 points
  6. I'd love to be able to upload voice recordings I have of myself peeing.
    3 points
  7. It's my favourite guilty pleasure.... sneaking a glimpse of your puns.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. Loads more filtering and browsing options are definitely on my to do list. I'll be looking at that soon once the initial data entry for TV shows is done.
    3 points
  10. Done the live telephone, hearing my girlfriend pissing for me. It's super sexy. Damn, I miss her...
    3 points
  11. Maybe not all of them are busty, but their bikini look suitable 😉
    3 points
  12. Well, in the last few years, since I've been battling an enlarge prostate, I find I need to pee every 2 or 3 hours. That can make long car journeys 'problematic', particularly if you are driving where there aren't rest areas or gas stations. And when the need to pee hits me, I usually have maybe 15 minutes to answer the call. If I've been drinking coffee, then that 2 to 3 hours quickly becomes every hour. So often, if I'm driving along back roads, I will look for a suitable place to pull over, get out of the car and pee. Sure, I do it because I HAVE to, but it's super exciting, too. Ther
    3 points
  13. I feel one of the most difficult things about talking so someone about this, is that I can never seem to express the magnitude of how much I enjoy pee. I find that time and time again people act like they are open minded about sexual fetishes, but when it becomes more than a "sex thing" they become turned off. Pee play for me isn't just something I use to get off. For me, it's a lifestyle choice. It's Something that I enjoy all the time and in so many ways. It's difficult to find people to understand this. What makes it even more difficult is that people will play a little then quit
    3 points
  14. I've been thinking about writing it for some time. It will happen someday. To give you a hint, it's somewhere they'll have to be quiet.
    3 points
  15. I guess - for me at least - it would depend on her reaction. A lot of people would feel hugely embarrassed at the thought they’d accidentally wet the bed, even more mortified if they’d wet a partner in the process. Bit if there was an element of deliberateness in it then that could make all the difference. For me to enjoy and be excited it has to be an enjoyable experience for them too. Not sure even then though how I’d feel sleeping in the wet bed. Great though how we all enjoy this kink in slightly different ways.
    3 points
  16. I want, more and more, to be caught by a urophile scouting for sightings somewhere. It gets a bit boring performing without an audience.
    3 points
  17. At wine festivals ladies are always peeing in the vineyard regularly. Within hours one can observe ladies leaving their tables as they go into the field between the grapevines. From what I understand, it's a common and accepted activity, one that's basically ignored by the organizers. Many a time I have come across a group of ladies squatted and releasing their fluids. The best part is that none feel threatened and nonchalantly go about their business before they join the tables. The facilities are usually far off and always few in numbers so the urgency prevails. The best sighting was a
    3 points
  18. tl:dr? I did it already (wip) and you can see it here: https://thepml.net/ It's been live for a few weeks now and I'm slowly getting more data in. I've been posting updates on omo.org but just now found this site in my bookmarks and realized that it would likely be of interest here too. The full story? I've been around since the early days. I remember when Patches' Place was a brand new website and I remember the original Pee Movie List well. I loved to browse through it and discover interesting new films to watch. Some I would have never even considered otherwise, but that little ad
    2 points
  19. I feel like it would still be hot, but it might lose part of its lustre... from what I've read when there wasn't a choice but to pee in public it still turned people on. Victorian women used to squat everywhere, French women used to squat everywhere, yet it still had a pornographic interest.
    2 points
  20. Taylor pees swiftly, Carrie pees under the woods (Puns for @Eliminature, aka the pun goddess)
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Oh I did... and the last 45 minutes follow up of more video browsing. Time for lunch now and then back to work !
    2 points
  23. Oops… That’s what happens when the concentration slips.
    2 points
  24. I'm thinking hotel now, and I've got exactly the venue in mind - a formerly gloriously grand hotel in the middle of a city. I say formerly glorious, it's now somewhat run down - but still has a certain charm. I've been quite a regular there over the years so quite familiar with its flea ridden carpeted corridors and leather lounge chairs. I've also spent quite a lot of time 'behind the scenes' and downstairs, behind the facade (let's say I wouldn't eat there) and there are even more opportunities to be had - although I suspect with cameras covering many parts.
    2 points
  25. Loved your hotel pee @zorba3189. The ice machine is a great diversion as you say due to the chances being that anyone that sees a wet patch would expect it to be water. I have done similar in a hotel I was staying in that had a water cooler in the corridor. I left my room wearing only a dressing gown and took my water bottle to the cooler. I crouched down to get level with the dispenser, causing my dressing gown to hang straight down from my bum whilst the front was supported on my knees. That left the area in front of me open and I released my bladder all over the carpet whilst I fil
    2 points
  26. Huge thanks there @Jfhchr for your kind words and support. Very, very much appreciated. Glad to know we can please some of the people, some of the time... 🤣
    2 points
  27. Hahaha! (And who is Euro Phil I wonder?)
    2 points
  28. If it wasn't taboo, I would find it much easier to admit the fact that I have this fetish to prospective partners, but then again it might negatively affect my ability to enjoy it as much as I do. There's a certain naughtiness that comes with having someone consent to you witnessing them in their most private moment, and if it wasn't taboo, it wouldn't be a private moment. It would be run-of-the-mill, which would take all the appeal out of the fetish.
    2 points
  29. I do this for one of my friends from the site on telegram 😄 only because I am so shy I cant/don't want to take videos of myself peeing. It hits different and he seems to enjoy them enough. Not sure that there is a way to upload them to the site tho 😔
    2 points
  30. I had a girlfriend who would call me during the day, and let me hear her pee. They would generally be very long and desperate pees... so hot to hear
    2 points
  31. I'm personally really happy with the moderation you guys do. I like the fact that, despite this being a site with people having a taboo kink, it feels like a safe place and a really wholesome and supportive community. I think if this site would have been more like a dating site, it would only be a matter of when abusive situations would arise, not if. Everyone should remember that it's these moderators and admin that make Peefans what it is. Without them, it could have just as easily been a cesspit of lurkers with no good intentions at all. And to those who really believe meeting up via the i
    2 points
  32. I want to cross streams! I've been fingering myself to this and I'm about to do it again.
    2 points
  33. Some of us never get bored with your delightful offerings. 😁
    2 points
  34. This evening, as a fun prelude to sex, K and I peed in a bucket in the kitchen! We’ve done it before and it was great fun, so why not! It was another opportunity to cross streams, and for K to practice her standing wee technique. Bucket positioned, and both of us stripped off (it’s been a warm afternoon here), we stood facing each other and she started. Even pulling upwards on her labia it always starts with a trickle that runs down her legs before she hits her stride and can push the pee out with enough force that it shoots forward. With a bent-knee position, she can readily get the stre
    2 points
  35. I'm fascinated by cultural differences in peeing and had similar experiences with the US vs. EU growing up. I posted this in another thread but its appropriate here also. I grew up splitting time between the US and the EU growing up. Most of the time I lived and went to school in the US (CT, TX and CA) but I had extended family and my parents did work in the EU (Germany, France and Spain). The differences in the places I was encouraged and allowed to pee varied by location. In general I don’t remember my parents encouraging me to pee places very often but they were definitely
    2 points
  36. I have finally got some time away on my own which means chance to go out looking for some sightings. I travelled on Friday evening with the opportunity to stop for a couple of hours in a town in the North West of England. It wasn’t as good as I was hoping because although there were a good number of people about, there were also a lot of bars open with no queues and no door staff, so anyone who needed a pee could just go inside and use the toilets. However, the one place that looked like it had promise was a small dimly lit car park near a fast food takeaway. It had a single width entr
    2 points
  37. My girlfriend and I did do some topless sunbathing at a beach recently though!
    2 points
  38. Hi everyone! Those who know me know that I have an extensive collection of water bottles, including a smart water bottle and several other normal ones. However, I added a new one to my collection: a GIANT water bottle! It's one of those motivational water bottles that have times on the side to keep you going, and it holds a whopping 64 oz! Yesterday was my first successful day in drinking it all, and boy I paid the price for it. Especially in the evening when I chugged the last 14 oz or so in about an hour. It only took twenty minutes or so before my bladder was so full and I peed fo
    2 points
  39. Now that the weather is somewhat warmer, I was drinking at an outdoor beer garden at a "farm" microbrew with friends. The large table next to us that had about 10 women having a bachelorette/hen party. After they all had a couple pints, about 8 of them walked to a long quene at the only restroom, a single-user type. I didn't think much of it. After a few minutes in the slow moving queue, 4 of the young ladies left the queue and walked across the beer garden and around behind a storage building. This raised my interest, because there is only one reason non-employees would go behind this st
    2 points
  40. If it wasn’t taboo, I wonder where the boundaries would be set - would it be like smoking? You can do it in the open air, in your own car or home but not inside offices, shops or on public transport? If that were the case there could be still the fun desperation plus the bonus of seeing much more street peeing - not to mention the discussion of peeing and wetting being more open too. Maybe bars and restaurants would be less inclined to maintain toilet facilities because of course there’s a perfectly good alleyway just outside. If completely taking away the taboo means everyone
    2 points
  41. Got on my bike today and rode to a foresty area where two rivers merge. The land area there is so thin that only one path leads there, meaning that pretty much no other people go there and you can easily squat in a way where you can see anybody coming from far away. I squatted near enough to the joint that anybody on the other shore could still somewhat see the general outline of my ass 😼, but far enough away that they couldn't possibly see any details (the concrete wall that you see in the vid only shields me from the river to the right of me, but not from the one about 40 meters behind me).
    1 point
  42. Whilst I have been unusually active these last few days by recent standards, it has dawned upon me in a sudden realisation, that I have littered some of my posts with flirty comments aimed at you. Mostly it is meant in jest but your lack of reaction to them - comment or icon wise - has made me realise I might have been overdoing it. Apologies if I have been in any way annoying or creepy. I will be a gentleman from now on. Any thoughts involving ladies peeing, which are frequent about lots of ladies when I am here, I will keep to myself insofar as actual members are concerned, unless
    1 point
  43. I'd say it'd still be as hot for me as it is now. Even if it would be "accepted", others would still not know it's a huge turn on for me to watch a woman pee for example. I'd still enjoy peeing myself to turn myself on too I think. I'd definitely do more naughty peeing, like peeing indoors or on myself just to have that indescribable feeling. I guess it would be much easier to tell who's really into it because they'd keep staring despite it being normal haha. Peeing in public would definitely feel much less like a thrill to me though.
    1 point
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