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  1. I love to pee in hotel rooms. There’s nothing quite so inviting as a dark coloured super absorbent carpet. I usually make sure any wet patches will dry before I check out or else I’ll move items of furniture, piss on the carpet and then put them back. I love hotel carpets in particular as for a few seconds your puddle will just sit glistening on the surface before it almost entirely absorbs. Whereas anywhere else I’d squat with my back to objects/the wall, in hotels I like to squat facing them so my stream splashes the wall, wets the curtains or goes underneath the bed. I’ve had hotel stays wh
    10 points
  2. I think if it wasn't taboo I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much. Like how much of a thrill do you get from sitting on the toilet like a good girl? If peeing in public became accepted and normal it would probably feel like sitting on the toilet. I like peeing outside or wetting myself because it's different, it's naughty.
    8 points
  3. Well I think I'd still be interested in it. If nothing else than because the mechanism of releasing urine uses the same muscles that are used during orgasm/ejaculation. The tensing and releasing of a full bladder feels good.
    6 points
  4. (I love alliteration) I suffered from pee shyness today! I don't know why because it hasn't happened in quite a while and I have peed in these toilets literally thousands of times. Because of the nice weather today I had been drinking a lot of water and what goes in must come out. I wasn't desperate but I didn't want to wait another hour either so once I finished teaching my first two lessons I left my classroom and went to the staff toilets. They were empty so I locked myself in my usual middle stall, hitched my pencil skirt up around my waist and pulled down my red thong as I sat
    6 points
  5. Wow I had no idea this community existed! I had to immediately make an account once I found my way here. I love all things watersports and love chatting with people who are interested in the same! There's nothing I love more than watching guys piss 🤤🤤🤤. Sadly I have yet to experience any sort of pee play with a partner in real life so I like to share online! You can find me sharing on Reddit or Pornhub under the same name if you're interested in watching 😘. Looking forward to chatting with you! 😊
    5 points
  6. Since joining this site, the thought of peeing on carpet has appealed, just to give it a go and see if it’s as good as everyone says. However I don’t want to ruin my carpet or make it smell and the clean up seems like a hassle. But I had the genius idea to get some carpet samples from a carpet shop that they were chucking out. I put a couple down, stripped off, stood over them, went into a high squat and let it flow! Possibly not quite the same as peeing on a proper carpet but at least I was able to just bin them after and have zero clean up! I will probably do it again with some of the other
    5 points
  7. Sex Bizarre Twelve Another gap in my collection as I am unable to source Issue 11, if anyone out there can provide a link let me know. However not to detract to this publication from 1975 again. As I understand from future releases, the Theander’s published all of their titles quarterly, understandably, given the quality and content of each one. Sex Bizarre 12 features two stories as illustrated on the dual cover. The first story ‘Piss On Me’, features a first from two regular models. It’s also an opportunity to reveal the relationship of fetish clothing, (rubber, leather, PVC and
    4 points
  8. ...and his cock, being shaken dry. I have to upload the images separately because it wouldn't allow me to post them together. Sorry about that.
    4 points
  9. Well I think a major aspect of the sexual interest in peeing is the naughtiness of it, due to the fact of so much being taboo. For example, if it were perfectly normal for everyone to just pee on the nearest carpet or floor, and everyone did it, I probably would not be anywhere near as interested as I am in ladies pissing on floors and carpets. It is the very wrongness of it, the total abnegation and defiance of taboos about how and where to pee properly which makes it so erotic. I think there is a similar imput into other aspects of our fetish besides naughty peeing as well. We are
    3 points
  10. I just want to say thank you @steve25805and @Almanaher for behaving in an adult and civilised manner. It is really nice to see and not something I often see on forums. Thank you!
    3 points
  11. Hope this isn't in the wrong place, but what a delightful slit!
    3 points
  12. Said bottle after he'd filled it...
    3 points
  13. For me I love watching and seeing women wet themselves more than anything. I have peed into bottles before and outside. But just seeing the warm wetness spreading through panties or jeans and leggings is the best thing ever.
    2 points
  14. Short story that I wrote in about two hours. *** This story takes place while I was on a business trip to Los Angeles for a mid-size American bank just a few weeks back. My colleague Hailey and I were attending a human resources conference in the city and had just gone over to pick up a car from one of the rental places just outside of LAX airport. Hailey doesn’t drive and had asked me if I would be willing to ferry her out to the hotel in Riverside that we were supposed to stay at. Said something about avoiding the hassle of getting a hundred-dollar-plus cab fare comped by our compa
    2 points
  15. a recent DM/PM discussion i've had led to an interesting topic. if peeing wasn't stigmatized, or taboo, what would do? like would your mindset, feelings, or actions change? how?
    2 points
  16. I would be wetting myself a lot more openly - no need to be discreet!
    2 points
  17. Using the trash can to piss in today. Placing it on the toilet lid makes it just the right height. Can pee into it hands free Beginning to smell good now.
    2 points
  18. I drank too much water and now I need to pee badly every 20-30 minutes. I've been 4 times in the last hour and a half. Annoyingly I only pee for 5 seconds at best, it doesn't feel worth it!
    2 points
  19. Either in the bushes (festivals are supposed to be eco-friendly, we should be giving our pee back to the parched earth that nourishes us) or, for the shock factor at a Goth/Alternative festival, in the male urinal.
    2 points
  20. Touch my cookies, feel my wrath! I gave you a proper telling off...
    2 points
  21. I agree! It's better not to continue. Likewise!
    2 points
  22. Yeah, at the very least you would have to help yourself to their cookie jar and let their hamsters and gerbils escape from their cages, Oh what a battering I got the day I stole Sophie's last cookie and released gldenwetgoose's gerbil in his bedroom. I'd rather be peed on by an elephant than go through that again.
    2 points
  23. @Sophie, The fact that it is in a situation where you don't normally have any issues, and the fact that it was a relatively short pee, maybe your body just didn't think it needed to release? I can sympathise with @ShyPeeMan in that I've had the same situation where I stand at urinals and just can't go and the longer I stand there, the more I think others are thinking it is weird and the more that makes me unable to go, so I have to give up. It doesn't happen often but once in a while it has done. Usually it is when I am going to pee because I know I should because the next opportunity
    2 points
  24. So I just made a huge mess too. I used my work break to go buy something from the pharmacy at the mall, and I already needed to piss really bad as I was leaving work. So I buy what I need and I’m like fuck it I’ll use the mall public toilet. When I walked in it was obvious that it was already cleaned, but however I hovered above the toilet seat. Soon I realized (well I felt) that my pee is actually not going in the toilet at all, and the stream hits the floor directly. So I try to adjust myself a bit, peed into the toilet for few seconds but then I decided why not, might as well let
    2 points
  25. I always say never say never. So maybe one day. But there's some tiny part of me that is terrified of posting documentation of destruction of someone else's property. (I know it's not really destroying to pee on carpet, but it kind of does in a way). I know there's no real chance of getting charges or fined by hotel later, but it's almost a phobia of mine to post myself in any way.
    2 points
  26. Would you ever consider recording yourself without showing your face? I personally do mine like that for privacy purposes, but maybe that could help you not feel so shy??
    2 points
  27. Welkom! Lovely to hear. 🙂 I hope we'll get to hear about your experiences pissing outdoors, indoors and defying the German advice of being ein Sitzpinkler...
    2 points
  28. I'm a jeweller. I specialise in making and repairing necklaces, brooches and earrings. During the pandemic, I was (ironically) a street cleaner.
    2 points
  29. Again, Mr Eliminature pissed in the bin area (garbage area) where we live. He aimed his stream into a beer bottle.
    2 points
  30. That was my thoughts pretty quickly, I knew if I didn't have a wee then, it would be on my mind all the way through my next lesson.
    2 points
  31. No stress 🙂 Just confusion !
    2 points
  32. Dear Wet Carpet. I have recently started seeing this 38 year old barmaid, a buxom blonde who looks great. She never married or had kids - she said she never wanted the ties though it may be that her toilet habits might have had somethingh to do with it. First time I stayed at her place we got naked in her bedroom after a few drinks and had great sex. She was very adventurous in that department. Licking my ass for example. Never known a girl into doing that before. I returned the favour of course. She also seemed to like licking the end of my erect dick in an almost teasing way r
    2 points
  33. Basically, I think Putin is a heartless monster with more blood on his hands than Harold Shipman. It's completely illegal, entirely unprovoked, and I stand in full solidarity with the Ukraine. I know my words on this fetish forum aren't exactly going to reach very far, and they pale into obscurity when you consider the heartache, fear, anger, rage, and destruction involved in this unwanted war. However, my heart goes out to every Ukrainian currently fighting for their country/life. I propose that when Putin dies, we all organise a trip out to Russia for a huge collective disrespectfu
    1 point
  34. It's okay, was only having a laugh.
    1 point
  35. Welcome, this is a great group of people to talk pee with.
    1 point
  36. @MissAutumn I just have to say I have masturbated multiple times watching you pee on hotel carpets. Your husband is a lucky man. Thank you for sharing!
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. What did I do to get called to the principals office? They even did it over the loud speaker. ................ Well that was unexpectedly pleasant, she just wanted me to pee in her coffee pot since her secretary was out. Still not sure why she randomly chose me....
    1 point
  39. Hi and a huge welcome in - glad you have taken that step and great to see you getting involved. As Steve said, everyone does work very had to keep the place friendly and respectful - in fact it's built into site rules, so if anyone were insulting, critical, homophobic etc then they would be breaking site rules. We don't always see everything that goes on, so if you happen to spot something that you feel isn't right please do report it. (Click on 'Report' or on the three dots for find 'Report') and also remember anything received or sent in messages is subject to the same rules. Fin
    1 point
  40. How I dressed while working today (I work from home). I wonder how people would feel if they knew this was how their Tech Support was dressed? ;)
    1 point
  41. Mr Eliminature outdoes me for height! 😄😍
    1 point
  42. feel sorry for those who suffer there is a better future out there somewhere that's all i am sure of. Billy Ocean when the going gets tough bass line in my head
    1 point
  43. Back many years ago when this Sarah McLachlan song was popular, I thought it would be funny to take the part of the first verse where she says "I'll try to hold it in" and rewrite the part around it to be about peeing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDmPcSWE0WU. The tone of her singing is even a bit like moaning in desperation so it would work. It might be fun to listen to while actually desperate to pee and hold with her haha...
    1 point
  44. Well... After a while I got to the pool party which had started in the afternoon but I got there at night and half the guys in that party were trying to make advances with me mentioning how hot, how pretty I was and how big my breasts are, which made me kind of uncomfortable but I was waiting for this guy who I had feelings for. I didn't get in the pool at first because I was on my period but after a while I decided to do it since I was drinking so everything was great and no accidents happened, of course I peed a lot in the pool and later I went to another part of the area to speak with
    1 point
  45. Been holding it for three hours now whilst browsing this site. A few spurts have escaped, but other than that, I'm pretty full-bladdered! Can't wait to release.
    1 point
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