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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2022 in Posts

  1. My high school girlfriend and I had gone to an auto auction to try and find her a first car. This was 1997. They had a warehouse of cars and you can go through and check out the cars prior to the auction. The warehouse was desolate and they had a lot of crappy vehicles. She mentioned to me about having to pee. I saw a bathroom, but didn’t tell her. She made a comment about she should pee in one of those messed up cars. I was immediately turned on, and had an 80’s Dodge Caravan I spotted in mind, but she didn’t do it. She held it and ended up starting her piss behind a high school nex
    6 points
  2. Positions The next most important aspect of a discrete wetting is the body position! This can make all the difference as to whether you are spotted, or whether you get away without being even glanced at! There are 4 main discrete wetting positions. Standing, Sitting, Squatting, and in some rare cases laying down (Think sunbathing on a beach or sun lounger). Standing The most discrete from a physical position point of view, is standing. With the right clothing and a bit of consideration, a standing wetting can be achieved very secretly. Standing wettings can be done when p
    4 points
  3. Since January 1, 2019, when the business closed that sent ladies to, “The Lot” I used to post about weekly, I have been trying to find another sweet spot like that. I found a 7 story parking garage where there is a club/lounge on each side, and parking there is cheaper than one of the club/lounge parking, and the only parking for the other club/lounge. I have posted up there 3 times prior. The garage smells of strong urine and marijuana. During my visits I have only observed men urinating there. Like every vehicle with a male, at least one male gets out and relieves himself before wa
    3 points
  4. some places i love to pee garden standing peeing into the pool in change rooms with no pants shower when the waters not on i love anouncing it to the cleaners in the public pool bathroom i asked do you mind if i take a wizz on the floor im busting also to lifegauds and cleaners at my house gardener at my house pool man at my house it was super hot the cleaner was cleaning my bathroom and i walked in and i was like im so sorry i just have to do a wee wee in the shower that was the secon time the first time i just walked in the bathroom and pissed all o
    3 points
  5. Nice stuff! There is something special about peeing in nature, so peaceful and calming yet somewhat exciting. I like the sublime marking of that table and trying different techniques like squatting. Reminds me of some stuff i did in similar nature areas 😅
    3 points
  6. What like? Like this? I 100% agree. Something super sexy about it!
    3 points
  7. Shoes The next topic I will be covering are shoes! They can make or break a discrete wetting, and can change the whole feeling / aftermath feeling of a soaking, so picking the right type is critical. I will cover this section of the guide by working through from the most convenient and “wetting friendly” shoes to the more braver choices that give a much higher wetting feeling, but can also be less convenient to deal with! Flip Flops! We'll start with the obvious ones! Flip flops make for a fantastic pair of shoes for wetting. They are barely closed meaning that even when fully w
    3 points
  8. I think every drunk girl can relate. We have smaller bladders and longer toilet lines. My friends aren't in to pee but when we are out we will pee on buses, taxis, movie theatres, change rooms ect when we really need to. Not to be naughty but because it's the only option.
    3 points
  9. I think one of the hottest things ever in porn is viewing a woman's labia from behind, peaking between her thighs, when she is bent over. This is a time where large lips are better than thin ones. This also may explain the popularity of the peeing from behind video thread. Thoughts?
    2 points
  10. I was chatting with an online friend the other day and eventually asked him if he had ever tried golden showers. He said not really, but one time on spring break he watched a girl pee beside the bed in his hotel room. Of course I asked him to elaborate, why did she do that? And he said he was making out with her, and because their friends were busy fucking in the bathroom behind closed door and she really needed to go. And she was drunk and said fuck it I need to go, so just popped a squat between the bed and the wall and let it go right on the carpet. When she was done they got to th
    2 points
  11. I wouldn’t be amused at all if this was my airbnb but on the flip side I’d love to get an airbnb and piss all over it. There’s a bit of double standards going on there but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t enjoy renting an airbnb and just pissing all over the place. It’s one of those moral dilemmas I guess.
    2 points
  12. I was referring to canoeing of course. What did you think I meant? 🤣
    2 points
  13. I use cycling to relax and de-stress more than anything else. The fitness is nice but it's not the main reason I do it except for when I'm training for a triathlon or something.
    2 points
  14. I love the illustrations you've chosen for this series of posts 🙂 You have put a lot of time and care into it, and I'm appreciating the results. Thank you!
    2 points
  15. During lockdown I found that availability to browse and contributing had really benefitted. In large part down to the increased flexibility of working from home - an extra hour in the day of non-commuting time at least. Recently my wife has had a lot more time at home and also very recently I’ve found myself much busier at work with a short term peak of urgent work. Both should return to normal soon. All of that said - I really don’t think my contribution is that big a factor. I definitely don’t have the kind of ego to think that anyway.
    2 points
  16. Yes but it's cause of my period lol. In the days leading up to my period I have to get off two or three times a day and even then sometimes that is not enough for me. Any other time my libido is a little more tame 😙
    2 points
  17. I've been a member for going on four years know and I can attest that sometimes the forums go through quiet periods as members come and go. It will pick up again soon!
    2 points
  18. Peeing in inappropriate places out of convenience is something I find really attractive in girls. I love that they would disregard public conventions or concerns of soiling a place to satisfy their own personal needs and desires. Their is a certain selfishness I find attractive. I’ve had multiple girlfriends that did this. I dated a girl who was rather selfish and indulged in many things for pleasure. When we were out partying she often peed in parking lots, garages or at house parties in yards, sinks, showers etc. We were once at a house party with an amazing modern house in the Hollywoo
    2 points
  19. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a 20 year old student called Melissa who has never written in before, mostly because I can't be doing with long letters. But here's a short one about a pissing adventure I had last night. I was drinking down the pub with a male student my age and we were kind of hitting it off and I ended up going back to his digs with him. By the time we got to his place we were both desperate for a piss - should have done it in the back lane on the way back. His door opened into a kitchen and the place was quite spacious for student digs so I guess his parents had money. But I
    2 points
  20. Found another place which was kinda suitable: Some meadows on a hill with forest all around, apparently intended for dogs to run around in as the sign at the entrance says. It's a lot less hidden, so unfortunately I didn't have the privacy to squat there, but at least I had a great view while relieving myself. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/assuredunkemptwalleye The next day I wanted to go there again and maybe find a more secluded spot in the area, but despite the perpetually abysmal weather here, there were actually people with their dogs there. Now, I would have loved to get on all
    2 points
  21. I've decided to have a go at writing a “How To” style of guide that focusses mainly on the aspect of discrete female wetting. Most of the ideas covered in here are things I've seen in videos of wetting so some might be really helpful, some not so much. It's a bit of a spoof of the “How To” guides I see online quite often, for a topic that is probably extremely niche. It'll be put together in an hour or two so might miss little things here and there. I'll cover various topics; Clothing Shoes Location Body Position Weather Time There are various r
    1 point
  22. So, I have pissed before around hotel rooms alone (in beds, floors, mirrors, bathroom floor...etc) but this is the first time I have actually documented this... its such a turn on watching myself piss..... and others...!
    1 point
  23. This fictional story contains female desperation and peeing in public. The story has quite a long introduction before anything pee related happens. If I'm going to make this into a series it would benefit from the groundwork in this paragraphs, I think. Please comment if you would like me to continue. Have you watched Seinfeld? Well, I have, and I've learned many great things from the show. For example, that the second button makes or breaks the shirt. But let's start this story at the beginning. My name is Caitlin - but you can call my Kate, if you want to. I'm 22 years and
    1 point
  24. I love this series and hope there will be a lot more parts! The pictures really help bring the message across. And while I cannot say that I have learned a lot, I certainly enjoyed the read. This feels like a very well researched WikiHow 😄
    1 point
  25. Not a challenge by any means, well - I suppose it could be a personal challenge. A couple weeks ago I was in Spain for a long weekend with my wife, who doesn’t support any notion of pee kinkiness and has a bladder the size of a camel. Compared to me At least. After a couple of days of doing chores we decided on a day out and I took her to visit a historic palace and gardens in the city. It was about an hour or just over drive and I’d deliberately not had much to drink - if I was on my own would have been a very different story. Eventually we got parked in an underground car p
    1 point
  26. Great sightings, welcome back @Starks2010 Always good read your sightings. The lady driver of the Honda-what was she wearing ?
    1 point
  27. Yes - and in fact it can be sometimes a ‘down time’ of a couple of weeks followed by a horny high again. I still browse here every day, but it’s more a case of looking at content and ‘meh, whatever’ rather than at other times being like a teenager seeing a porn mag for the first time. Also I don’t think it’s a purely biological male cycle (I do think that plays a part) but if I’m anticipating going away on a solo trip where I know I’ll have ‘me time’ my levels always seem to rise in anticipation.
    1 point
  28. @Qwertyboy @humbub - Today’s the day - Happy Birthday to You
    1 point
  29. All the time but pretty inconsistent. Sometimes i can go over a week without any forcing desire for it even though i'm regularly checking the usual sites. Probably to not miss anything good. But it just doesn't sit right at those times. Some other times i can't get enough, i pee outside way more often and i engage online a bit more and actually have to curb my enthusiasm to not go around and share stuff like pics that i know i would later regret especially when i hit a third phase which is just being ashamed and contemplating of everything. I guess that to some extend those mood swi
    1 point
  30. I like to imagine that immediately after that picture was shot one of those girls crouched down, just where she was standing, to squirt a strong jet of piss into the waves. Perhaps the one on far left?
    1 point
  31. Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear @goldenprincess333 @grv @Funner Happy Birthday to You!
    1 point
  32. I really loved this! If I had it my way I'd definitely pee on the floor anywhere out of convenience. Even better if there is carpet! I think anyone should be able to pee wherever they want 😋 Too bad society is not set up like Kaymala over there in the fiction section lol.
    1 point
  33. Found this guy today, he seems to be pissing wherever he wants, too https://xhamster.com/videos/show-my-dick-in-cities-and-start-pissing-in-public-7217156
    1 point
  34. These are so fine! 😍 I've been at a naturist spa myself and peed in the garden in a similar style. Just parting my legs and letting it flow into the grass. It was also there where I stood over the drain in the steam room and just let it flow. I'm not really into beaches, I have to say. The sand bothers me! Your manhood is nice and large, isn't it? I'd enjoy standing over you whilst you sunbathed, parting my labia and directing my warm stream of pee to tickle your cock and balls. Then we could swap over and you could direct your stream onto my clit.
    1 point
  35. "... going everywhere but in the toilet bowl." Oh I like that!
    1 point
  36. My very first experience with this was when I was about 6 and I used to play with the neighbor girl she was the same age. Often times we would be playing and she would never stop and take time to go to the bathroom and would pee in her pants. Her mother used to get so mad at her. There were a couple times I was at her house and we would be playing and all of a sudden she would start squirming and holding herself and a couple times her mom would yell Janie go potty. One time we were sitting in there living room and they were hardwood floors and all of a sudden there was a puddle and her mother
    1 point
  37. Decided to find sth public to mark for a change and went to some historic site in the forest with picnic tables around. Decided to pee against one of the table legs, so that, while I wouldn't directly inconvenience anyone, it would still be clearly visible that a guy decided to tinkle here: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/tanillegalnoddy Also took a pic of the result:
    1 point
  38. I usually pack along a couple large water bottles, so I stay well-hydrated. Why stop at one pee? Isn't nature wonderful?
    1 point
  39. While I wouldn’t go out of my way to revenge piss or anything like that I have been known (semi-regularly) to use the doormat of a former boss who I hated with a passion as a toilet in the dead of night coming back from a night out. It’s a recessed doorway on a corner which isn’t overlooked directly by another house or cameras. The doormat silences any splashing and while it’s undoubtedly a convenient spot for a wee (and I know I’m not the only person as I’ve witnessed a random guy actually weeing up the front door) I do get satisfaction over the fact I’m using a really vile person’s doormat t
    1 point
  40. Another Monday one this time, had a lovely lazy lie in listening to the radio and reading so why not 🙂
    1 point
  41. My fantasy right now is to be caught peeing outside by a urophile. Maybe in a European mainland city - but an English city would do. After drinking plenty of English ale/German beer/Dutch beer/Czech lager, I find a discreet allleyway, car park, park or wherever, lift my skirt and aim a stream against the wall. Just as I get started, who should walk by but one of the longstanding members of this website (either male or female). When they see me, they come over to join me and we talk about our respective needs to pee: maybe they comment on my unusual posture. Our fluid flows together into
    1 point
  42. This is a good question. I think videos have more market appeal than photos (although your pics are wonderful), so if you branched out into making videos as well, then you'd possibly find yourself quite successful. pissplay.com and MoonstoneVixen.com are two of my favorite websites run by “amateur”, home-grown creators who are quite well known, they post both pics and vids and charge money for it all. Try using them as inspiration, set up your own site, and have fun! If you choose to make videos, Clips4Sale is another good option, they have no rules punishing kinky creators as long as it’
    1 point
  43. I love watching a guy piss outside. All the better if he's pissing on something rather than just into the space in front of him.
    1 point
  44. I lost it. I tried to hold on as long as I could but I couldn't hold on. I felt a spurt lesk out and then the flood just tormented out and no matter what I did I couldn't stop it. I just felt pee flowing out of me and the sweet relief that came with it. Now I'm just sitting in the bathtub feeling like I'm in heaven xD
    1 point
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