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  1. I met a girl at a pub once, we got talking, and as we progressed in level drunkenness, the conversation progressed in dirtyness; talk of fetishes and previous experiences, eventually she looked at me, embarassed, and asked whether I would judge her for having a pee kink, which of course made me very excited. I said that I did too and that I would love to hear more. On that spot, on the bench in the pub garden, she grabbed ahold of my hand, pushed it between her legs and let out a trickle of piss through her panties. I was in heaven and I wanted more, so we decided to leave and head to her hous
    6 points
  2. I really loved this! If I had it my way I'd definitely pee on the floor anywhere out of convenience. Even better if there is carpet! I think anyone should be able to pee wherever they want 😋 Too bad society is not set up like Kaymala over there in the fiction section lol.
    6 points
  3. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a 20 year old student called Melissa who has never written in before, mostly because I can't be doing with long letters. But here's a short one about a pissing adventure I had last night. I was drinking down the pub with a male student my age and we were kind of hitting it off and I ended up going back to his digs with him. By the time we got to his place we were both desperate for a piss - should have done it in the back lane on the way back. His door opened into a kitchen and the place was quite spacious for student digs so I guess his parents had money. But I
    6 points
  4. I think every drunk girl can relate. We have smaller bladders and longer toilet lines. My friends aren't in to pee but when we are out we will pee on buses, taxis, movie theatres, change rooms ect when we really need to. Not to be naughty but because it's the only option.
    6 points
  5. Loving this so far @Broccoli. Brilliant start and I love the backstory an detail. Definitely would love to read more.
    3 points
  6. I forgot all about this one:)
    3 points
  7. I was chatting with an online friend the other day and eventually asked him if he had ever tried golden showers. He said not really, but one time on spring break he watched a girl pee beside the bed in his hotel room. Of course I asked him to elaborate, why did she do that? And he said he was making out with her, and because their friends were busy fucking in the bathroom behind closed door and she really needed to go. And she was drunk and said fuck it I need to go, so just popped a squat between the bed and the wall and let it go right on the carpet. When she was done they got to th
    2 points
  8. This fictional story contains female desperation and peeing in public. The story has quite a long introduction before anything pee related happens. If I'm going to make this into a series it would benefit from the groundwork in this paragraphs, I think. Please comment if you would like me to continue. Have you watched Seinfeld? Well, I have, and I've learned many great things from the show. For example, that the second button makes or breaks the shirt. But let's start this story at the beginning. My name is Caitlin - but you can call my Kate, if you want to. I'm 22 years and
    2 points
  9. Looks like the council are asking for that stairwell to be used as a toilet. There used to be toilets on the opposite side of the road and just along from some bus stops. I always thought that the likelihood was that when the toilets were closed in the evening, drunk people waiting for the buses would go in the stairwell to pee. However, since my last visit, the council have knocked down the toilets and replaced them with another open air car park, so now, even in the day time there are no facilities other than the stairwell. Worse than that, the council haven't removed the sign pointin
    2 points
  10. Well, I was in the vicinity of the place mentioned above for work yesterday and I made a point of stopping there again. I had my own need to take care of and I thought it would be a suitable place as well as wanting to check out the place again to see whether it was still the same and whether it showed signs of recent use. I was not disappointed. Link to my own peeing account and video is at the bottom of this post. I am going to apologise for the quality of the photos as I have had to do several times recently. I've not found out that the camera on my phone is damaged and won't focus pr
    2 points
  11. Apologies if these have featured before, but in the NW of England, this pink marble block of four is quite famous. It's in a very ornate pub. If @Eliminature wants to see the photo of me using one of them she only has to ask and I'll happily post it in the 'Men peeing' section 🙂
    2 points
  12. That was a super hot experience @zorba3189. In a roundabout way it actually makes it more naughty that the girl just pees for convenience and doesn’t care where she pees. That carefree attitude of needing relief, realising there is no standard bathroom option available, so just peeing wherever without worrying about what she is peeing on is naughty and hot. Some girls would hold bang on the bathroom door, some would find a receptacle to pee in and empty later (bin, kettle, ice bucket, mugs would typically be available in a hotel room) others would get dressed or put on a robe and seek a t
    2 points
  13. Sheesh. What does it take to be your girlfriend, huh? Can I put in an application 🤣🤣 Thank you for sharing 😍
    2 points
  14. I also probably play too much golf 😅 But enjoy going for pee while on the course.. Walk to the bushes but always still out a bit so people can watch as go past or playing partners
    2 points
  15. Great story @Broccoli! I hope this does become a series. I would love to see more of these girls.
    2 points
  16. Kinda proud of this 1. Took a bit to get everything right. Adapted from lyrics, read like a Circus Barker: Ladies of all ages, Good evening! The Pee you have Seen is Beyond Believing! Your Bladders will Soon need Relieving, Your Seats may be Wet before Leaving. Hold your Thighs Tightly as the Girls keep Flowing, There's No Way to tell how Long they'll be Going. The Bowls seen Here will be Overflowing, with Urine these Pussies Will Soon be Unloading!!
    2 points
  17. Contains: Desperation and Peeing Outside A few months ago, I was in the middle of moving from California to Missouri. We ended up going by car so we spent an entire week on the road driving from state to state to get to Missouri. I was with my mom and my 2 dogs, and we would frequently take stops to use the bathroom, eat, and walk around. However when we were leaving New Mexico and entering Texas, my mom had her someone call her and we missed the last stop. Thanks to a large Iced Tea I had at McDonalds, I needed to pee, but I didn't want to interrupt her and my need wasn't hu
    2 points
  18. I’ve been a nudist for almost 10 years. And I’ve always enjoyed being nude everywhere I get the chance to. When I had to piss I usually did it discrete but after I saw a couple who just did it openly, I decided that I would not be discrete anymore. So I just went out with quite a few people around, stood up and just pissed handsfree as if nothing was happening. While I pissed I walked a bit back and forth in the middle of the beach. Nobody said anything so I just walked away with a trail of evidence on the sand. This will be my habit from now on. There are no words to how freeing, natural a
    1 point
  19. So the owner will now have to buy a new mattress?
    1 point
  20. I think this is so that threads still make sense to you. If they would just completly hide their posts then you wouldn't know what people respond to. I would think that it is valuable to know that there was a post removed. Do people get notified when they are ignored ? Or is it a shadow ban system ? Im asking because you might not want to show people that they are being ignored because they could just create another account to message you again after they find out. (Not saying that your suggestions are wrong or anything. Just wanted to give some feedback.) I hope that t
    1 point
  21. I'm very, very late in finding Secret Diary Of A Call Girl starring Billie Piper (finally followed @Sophies recommendation). Curious I'd never watched it before, despite having many times expressed my attraction to Ms Piper. In my parallel universe I could imagine easily bankrupting myself with the procurement of Belle's professional services. It was a bit of a disappointment though watching an episode the other night where Belle reeled off the list of what she does and doesn't do, with watersports being off the table. I'd like to think there'd still be the possibility of some st
    1 point
  22. If they have been featured (and I feel they may) then no problem with a refresh. The first ever pub to achieve Grade I listed building status, so those toilets aren't going to get ripped out anytime soon. Quite a unique and magnificent venue in my favourite English city - if Eli or anyone else wants to pop in for a pint I'd happily keep them company.
    1 point
  23. yes, definitely. I have a lot of fun people watching on ships - especially around pool areas. I posted in more detail about a couple of these accounts here: https://peefans.com/topic/21280-hot-tub-pee-etiquette/?do=findComment&comment=290728 one of them is a more detailed account of the girl I mentioned above.
    1 point
  24. Aren't these places privately owned?
    1 point
  25. Yes I agree that if you are having a hard time with someone to report them. The admins care a lot about the person doing the reporting but take everything seriously because it could be being done to other members too. However, I also agree with that you've said lol. The ignore function can only do so much and I'd feel so much better if it were an actual block function. I would much rather some people not see my posts at all but as far as I can tell they still can.
    1 point
  26. I must admit I do prefer the natural look as I find it more of a turn on.
    1 point
  27. Germany, near the Rhine. You know, the place with the weird dialects.
    1 point
  28. Sex Bizarre Eight I have often commented on the ‘natural looks’ of the models in Sex Bizarre. The world was different in 1973, certainly the world of porn was. What do I mean by these natural looks? Time has allowed us to compare, it might be better to describe the contemporary porn model. I hasten to add that not all fit this description. Tattoos, to be honest I’ve never been a fan of them, I don’t have any, for me a mole or blemish is a mark on the skin that I find deeply erotic. Piercings, I don’t have any apart from through my ears, no labia, clitoral studs, belly button or nipples. S
    1 point
  29. HBTY @1234567890 & @2talljj
    1 point
  30. I have never been peed on before. Could be nice trying. I’m more into peeing on you. I’ve done it twice before on the beach. I did it on a sitting girl friend of mine as she played with my cock pointing it towards her boobs and mouth. That was so hot. Yes my cock is large and could be fun to met you someday at a nudist spa or beach 😉
    1 point
  31. It absolutely amazes me that so very many young men and teen boys are terrified to pee outside at home when in fact the vast majority of moms, housewives and women in general see nothing wrong with men doing so and roughly a third would prefer for guys to pee outdoors!
    1 point
  32. That's an incredibly, incredibly hot fantasy scenario you've described there. There'd be lots of willing volunteers for that privilege - but of course fantasy is a world away from real expectations.
    1 point
  33. What is not to like about that, sounds wonderful
    1 point
  34. Yeah, other ppl can be the worst. Had similar experiences soooooooooooooooooooooo many times, theres noone around for ages and the moment you find a decent spot to let loose, half the city seems to be converging around your location. Very nice, pissing always feels better when done with pressure and in large quantities. And ofc such a stream is nicer to watch, too, for anybody who might get lucky enough 💗.
    1 point
  35. These are so fine! 😍 I've been at a naturist spa myself and peed in the garden in a similar style. Just parting my legs and letting it flow into the grass. It was also there where I stood over the drain in the steam room and just let it flow. I'm not really into beaches, I have to say. The sand bothers me! Your manhood is nice and large, isn't it? I'd enjoy standing over you whilst you sunbathed, parting my labia and directing my warm stream of pee to tickle your cock and balls. Then we could swap over and you could direct your stream onto my clit.
    1 point
  36. It's great to be a boy!
    1 point
  37. wouldnt it also depend on the size of the vulva to like if the outer lips are bigger and close together and wouldn't it depend on being an innie or outie type
    1 point
  38. Love golf. I have posted this before but I usually start the round without peeing and when I get too desperate off to the bush I go. I played my best round when I couldn’t pee before tee time and the desperation went up had a great round slipped into the bush at the end of 18 and had the best desperation pee I have ever had. That was many years ago and have trouble holding it for 18 but I try. It’s become a bit of a tradition.
    1 point
  39. I still regularly peeing in places other than toilets, but today I did something a little different which I thought some might appreciate. I woke up a bit early today, so about 6:15am, I decided to go in the hot tub that we have outside. I got out of bed and went downstairs. I needed to pee, having not peed since about 10pm, but as is often the case when I use the hot tub, I decided to pee outside in the garden rather than using the toilet. I made a large mug of tea, grabbed a towel and headed out into the garden. It was still dark, so I didn't bother putting the towel around me,
    1 point
  40. Yessssss pleeeeeeaaaaaase! I will be there in a heartbeat 🤩🤩
    1 point
  41. Another one for those who are interested. I went to a park, where the toilets have still not opened since before Covid. The toilet block is at one side of a playing field, but has a path down the back side and the road on another side, so there is no really hidden side, which means that if you find the toilets closed and have the idea to pee behind the block, you don't have the usual discrete hideaway at the back and if you decide to pee against the building, you are visible from one direction or another. Also, there are not any suitable bushes nearby, so you either have the choice of wal
    1 point
  42. A little while ago, I posted in a thread about peeing in phone boxes, which can be found here: More recently, I needed to pee at about 9pm one evening. I was driving along a road where I spotted a phone box - admittedly it wasn't one of the nice red boxes, but one with glass panels on two sides, a fixed panel with the phone on the third side and the fourth side was open (no door). Anyway, it was a convenient option nevertheless, so I parked up and walked over to it. The photo below shows the general location. Houses over the road to the left, a community building and a park to the
    1 point
  43. Swimming pool yes both while in the pool and from the edge. Hottub i don't think so i usual just sit on the edge and pee out of it 😘
    1 point
  44. I have an "innie" vagina so i can but i need to spread my lips pretty wide to get a good stream. I prefer squatting for the convenience.
    1 point
  45. Fantastic sighting and a great description. You were very lucky with your timing and sometimes that is exactly how it works. I've had some great sightings just by chance timing and other times I know that I've just missed a sighting due to timing. You can't be everywhere all the time, but when you are in the right place at the right time, it is brilliant. Loved her reaction - although, as you say, you had nowhere to go and she had no option but to keep peeing. Personally I would have probably engaged her in chat and told her not to panic and just take her time, but I would make it m
    1 point
  46. I finally did it 🙂 the classic "stairwell pee" that so many here (of any gender) have done, and I finally did mine! Feels almost like a rite of passage, in a way. Was going to pick up dinner for the family and the restaurant was on an elevated plateau that held a number of restaurants. Well underneath that plateau was a parking deck, which had signs mentioning surveillance, and I did see one near the elevators, but upon going into the stairwell and looking it up and down and up and down, I saw naught a single one in the stairwell itself. A little detail (or maybe not so little to those like us
    1 point
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