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  1. Yeah. Most of the time when I dream I'm peeing I get real horny in my sleep, which shouldn't be a surprise. I've been know to orgasm in my sleep sometimes 🤭 wake up a hot, sticky mess and wonder why and when I remember it all makes sense lol. Just the other night I had a dream about a girl peeing in a library I think, but that time I actually woke up and made a conscious decision to log into the site and get off. It was a good decision. I was happy for the rest of the day.
    8 points
  2. The past few days each presented me with two incredible opportunities to enjoy the aromas of two women following their use of a toilet. The second one just happened a few hours ago as I type this and involves a former teacher from high school, so I'm glad I didn't already post the first one. First Story... Friday (2/25) I visited an orthopedist a colleague recommended. It was early morning and I was the only patient in the waiting room at the time. The receptionist came out and escorted me back to the exam room, where I waited for over 30 minutes until the doctor arrived. Ironically,
    7 points
  3. Do you ever have a dream about pissing? Like your pissing in your dream and then you feel like your actually pissing as well but your really not.
    4 points
  4. I wish. My dreams usually involve something bad happening. My brain doesn’t lemme have fun 😭
    4 points
  5. More like do I ever have a dream when I don't? 🤣 It seems like a lot of my friends from here are in them. 😁
    4 points
  6. So here we are. Slowly I got used to the smell while I got to know more and more girls at the party. And I've seen 1, 2... 3 pussies. Tonight was the first time I saw one in person. I'm not complaining, but I wondered how everyone was so open about peeing in front of me. Probably it was the alcohol. This alcohol also fills their bladders quite fast. So it was not suprising at all that only half an hour after Sarah's and Anna's first visit in my room they came in again. This time my sister didn't care about her brother watching. She took the trash bin under my desk, pulled down her
    4 points
  7. So my big sis Anna throws this house party as our parents are away for this weekend. And everything was fine until now: I hold my part of the agreement and stayed in my room. But all of a sudden her friend Sarah came in my room without knocking. "You're sis asks for you. She's in the kitchen." I didn't really understand why but Sarah threw me out of the room saying "I need my privacy". Puzzled I went to hear what my sister has to say. "So didn't Sarah explain it to you? Some coward couldn't control himself and destroyed the bathroom door and our toilet. Don't worry, we already thee
    3 points
  8. Second last weekend on Saturday morning, after drinking two coffees I felt some pressure in my bladder, and for some reason I started to feel pretty horny. I spontaneously decided to make some use of the pee that had accumulated in my bladder over night and in the morning. A couple of weeks ago, I tried to use my new action cam outside at night, and I was not completely satisfied with the image quality that I got in the dark. Therefore, I wanted to try some tests under not so good light conditions. Because people seem to like powerpissing, I decided that I'd try to pee as high as possi
    2 points
  9. This is the third part of a series. You can find part one here and part two here. Contains female peeing as well as some male peeing. No wetting, holding or vandalism this time. In my last year of highschool our biology teacher decided it would be a fun addition to her class to make all students pair up for a photo project of the local flora. While I didn't oppose the idea in general, I thought it was a great injustice of her to pair us up in random groups of two instead of letting us choose our partners on our own. That I was mistaken, and the random pairing brought me in som
    2 points
  10. I have been playing around with self pee for a while. I am overweight and didn’t think I could self pee right on myself. At the suggestion of another enthusiast I began peeing into a container and pouring it over my head. I did it a few times opening my mouth a bit more each time. I enjoyed it but I wanted to feel the fresh stream on my body. It has taken a while but I needed to try it. So I got my bladder as full as I could and got into the bathtub. I positioned my self the best I could. I was not optimistic about it working, was I wrong. It was the most incredible pee experience I have had
    2 points
  11. Jokes on her, she never got the panties back. (Doesn't really matter at this point but a victory is a victory :D). Very nice story. Im super curious where all of this goes. And i pray for the pc and any other electronics to survive this evening. :x Thats were i would draw the line in that situation. I would also steal some booze because the protagonist clearly needs it at this point xD. Lets try to get Sarah to stay at his room. Seems like she could be convinced to have more fun.
    2 points
  12. Im with you. My dreams are mostly nightmares or sleep paralysis stuff xD. But once in a while a i have a naughty dream as well, which confuses the hell out of me when it happens because im not used to it. They were also always connected to things happening to me at that time which makes it extra sad when you wake up and realise that your crush is still your crush because everything you experienced in the last day was just a dream xD. I think i stick to nightmares or not dreaming at all xD.
    2 points
  13. I have occasionally had dreams where I am very much in need of a pee, and then I wake up and go and have a pee in the toilet. I have on a very few occasions, had the same dream, but I don't wake and I then dream I am enjoying the sweet relief of peeing ... and wake to find that yes, I am indeed enjoying that sweet relief, but I didn't really want to (I am not a pee in the bed person). Lovely dreams though!
    2 points
  14. I don't dream a lot, or at least I don't often remember them, but I do have a recurring dream where I'm walking around some incongruous place like an office or a pub with no clothes on looking for a toilet and they're all blocked or overflowing. I usually end up peeing in the dream, but have never actually peed myself. I do wonder though, as I become more accustomed to deliberately having a pee in my bed, if at some point I might pee in my sleep. 😃
    2 points
  15. Claire Age 19 Natural blonde hair, slim body, small breasts and round face Allie Age 19 Sandy blonde wavy hair, perfectly fit, medium breasts and round face Claire and Allie arrive to the pool Allie "Claire let's put our bags on these two chairs" Claire and Allie put their pool bags down and head into the pool. Claire swims up to a pool wall and stands in the water which goes up to her chest. Claire "I really need to pee". Claire concentrates and presses on her bladder. Claire sighs in relief while her pussy unleashes her pee in the public swimming pool warming the w
    1 point
  16. A bit of a confession here,, im very into water sports and pee play but my husband hates it and refuses to participate so i dont get much pee play. So what ive started to do in the evenings is when i need the toilet at home i go upstairs, close the bathroom door, take my robe off and stand in the bath and just let it flow, ive even started to leave my panties on recently, a quick wash down with the shower head and im back down stairs and hubby is none the wiser. O reckon its only a matter of time before im doing this in the bath😁
    1 point
  17. A brief(ish) story about a guy's exciting ride home with the desperate mother of his best friend. The story will feature female desperation, wetting and peeing .... My best friend Maggie called me the other day with a suspiciously distressed tone in her voice that got me worried. After I asked what was wrong she said: “Samy, could you please, please, PLEASE, do me and my mom a big favor tomorrow?” Relieved that nobody had died I sighed and then, of course, I wanted to know what this favour was about. “My mother is coming back from her business trip tomorrow evenin
    1 point
  18. Hey ya'll! I'm a 21 year old bi girl from the US! Outside of kink I love baking, reading, and painting. Kink wise I love being dominated, lots of toys, bondage, degradation, and piss play! I'm especially into men pissing, piss drinking, and piss marking! I'm really excited to be here and get more into the community! Let me know if you guys have any questions!
    1 point
  19. Happy 1st March Birthday - @Pifam @Theo @tomatefrito @RainmakerPM
    1 point
  20. This afternoon was possibly the last training run before a half-marathon race on Sunday. Reasonably pleased with the pace of 8:00 mins / mile over 10k, so I reckon I might make my target finish time of about 1:50 (which would be 8:23 / mile for just over twice the 10k distance). Knees are OK (yay!), but anyone got any tips for easing sore hip flexors?
    1 point
  21. Looks like this is it? Not a sex shop any more 😀
    1 point
  22. From the sign on the building behind, I reckon it's Leeds. Quarry Mount is an area of Leeds north of the city centre and not far from where I went to school (at about the same time, judging by the car in the background!) And I think the road sign says Christopher Road, which would be right.
    1 point
  23. Absolutely right. Men don't have to adopt the accepted standard position of standing facing a wall/tree to pee. It is particularly easy when wearing suitable shorts in the summer. I have sometimes knelt down on grass on one knee and peed out of the leg of my shorts whilst looking in a bag or tying my shoe lace on the other foot. I've done this with people close by and they haven't batted an eyelid, which brings me onto This is totally right. If you don't look like you are peeing then most people won't notice what you are doing. Only yesterday I desperately needed to pee so
    1 point
  24. Have you thought about getting some water resistent/proof clothes ? That way you could pee freely without leaving any "residue" on your clothes. I have some shorts for example which don't really absorb liquid when i pee in them. They just "reflect the liquid out of the "leg holes" (is there a better word for this ?). There are some leggings which act similar. You could also get a leather skirt or something like that. If you would pee in something like this while taking the trash out or staying in the bathtub you could easily come back in to the house without needing to change clothes.
    1 point
  25. wow really impressive! Thanks for sharing those!
    1 point
  26. It's just a toilet on rails you need to push from point A to point B
    1 point
  27. Yea i thought so, carpet might be kinda hard if we do "full pees". I guess spraying some onto it is fine
    1 point
  28. Isn't a great feeling to know that some of the things you learned in your early years remain useful for the rest of your life 🤣
    1 point
  29. I have to say, for me it was only a couple of years ago that I for the first time pissed indoors across a room. So for me it does feel invigorating, but in addition to that I also get that kick from doing something naughty, because it is not at all something that I am used to (and I do this rather infrequently, only on "special occasions"). Btw. there are lots of girls / women that can spray their pee across the room much better than I can 😉 Btw. I added another video. It is from around three years ago, when I for the first time in my life pissed indoors just across the room on the floor
    1 point
  30. This area definitely excites me. I’ve had relationships where I have role played with girlfriends explicitly asking for permission to pee and situations where I have pushed boundaries by peeing in front of girls I was flirting with. In terms of asking for permission. I had an ex who knew and played along with my pee fetish. She liked to take a dominant role sometimes so I would play along with that and ask her for permission to pee. This would often happen when we were out partying and she would direct me to a specific place to go as if I was a child. I remember one time we are in a big c
    1 point
  31. Ok ok, it could be worse. At least I am stuck in this elevator with my most beautuful working colleaugue. But this thirst is killing me. I'm cycling to the office everyday and the weather is fucking hot today. The warm elevator doesn't make it better. I noticed how Amanda was pressing her hands in her crotch. "Those firefighter bastards still haven't arrived. I need to pee somewhere, now." But she did not want to mess up her reputation at work. I laughed thinking about it. But she understood it wrong. "Do you think this is funny you-" "No, no. I just thaught about it: I'm
    1 point
  32. Hey it's just as well my hubby is at work and not reading this. Wow, and I mean WOW!
    1 point
  33. The second part was great. I hope they pee in even naughtier places.
    1 point
  34. On days I’m doing laundry I will hold off on going until I’m ready to throw a load of wash into the machine and I’ll lay out a couple towels or a pile of clothes on the basement floor and have a good piss before tossing it all in the washer. Sometimes I’ll even change into a pair of dirty sweatpants and wet them standing over a towel before it all goes in the machine and then just put my clean pants back on before going back upstairs. A great way to have some fun when I am not home alone.
    1 point
  35. So evil, I love it. I've always wanted to go to a party with my dom and slip away to soak a room in our piss
    1 point
  36. I wandered back down to the church steps and sheltered under the archway and then realised I had intended to head home and had come back down to where I started, I should have just continued on to the train station. I stayed a while watching the crowds coming along the street telling myself I should head home. I saw a girl go into the shop opposite and had to do a double take. I waited and a few moments later she reappeared in the doorway and stood there sheltering with her friend. My double take had been for a good reason. The girl I had noticed was wearing a tight one piece black spand
    1 point
  37. I'd have to say unwilling partners. I think the destruction is the hottest part! I wish I was less nervous and did more piss vandalism, it's just sometimes too risky for me but I love watching other people do it. That being said I also do love the idea of having my stuff drenched in piss and would be a very willing victim.
    1 point
  38. Therefore, that day, before going to bed, I decided that I wanted to try to do some better powerpissing video soon. Therefore I drank some water (no crazy amount, but around 1 liter) before going to bed, to ensure that my bladder in the next morning would contain some pee.. 🙂 When I got up in the morning, I indeed felt some pressure in my bladder. However, I thought that this was by far not enough for a "true" powerpissing video, therefore I started to drink coffee. Two hours later, after drinking around four cups of coffee, I felt a bit desperate and thought that this should be good enough fo
    1 point
  39. Thanks for your honesty there @pizzapeople - and I for one completely agree that normalising and removing stigma from pee related activities will allow it to become a more widespread pastime. Whilst many of us hope to normalise our hobby and hence it doesn't have to be a guilty secret for us, and doesn't have to be such a 'last resort' for those in need of bladder relief, it does also seem that the site has an equal community of those who want to use piss as a means of empowerment. Examples would be in the BDSM practices or vandalism which many enjoy. And I'm not condemning either approa
    1 point
  40. Aww I feel your pain! I am in the same situation with my husband. I hate waiting for him to be gone to play alone. Sometimes when I crave it so bad, I pee into my cupped hand on the toilet and then rub my pee on my pussy. I love the warmth of piss against my pussy, and the naughtiness of pulling my pants up to appear like nothing happened. I have wet my panties on occasion too, it is a short term relief.
    1 point
  41. *Pst* you can also go on your knees or pee in a squatting position :P.
    1 point
  42. I have thought about this myself and mentioned it to my lady friends. For a dude, there is an ease of just reeling out and pissing. However, most of the time you can tell he is peeing. Women on the other hand, yeah have to reveal more, but they can duck down beside or behind something. Pants and panties down or skirt or dress hiked up with panties down or moved to one side. A dude standing still for a few seconds or a minute or two, pissing between two cars in a parking lot, you can see him from a distance. A lady on the other hand, squatting beside two cars in a parking lot, you won
    1 point
  43. "This should teach him a lesson" the teacher thought and got on the student's table. She squatted down and a hard stream of yellow piss blasted out of the teacher's skirt hitting the sleeping student right in the face. Torn out of his sleep he ecpected a "Good Morning" but the only thing he heard was "Never dare falling asleep in my class again".
    1 point
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