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  1. Im clutching myself every chance i get and squeezing my already slightly damp thighs together. I tried to unbuckle my belt but its too tight!
    5 points
  2. I'm not a guy, I'm a girl who stands to pee and yes, I do pee in the sink every day. Though I must admit, I hadn't thought to try it until @Alfresco suggested it to me. I'm an environmentalist as well as a urophile and I love the fact that it saves water. I have only peed in the kitchen sink once and it wasn't so convenient because I needed a step stool to reach. I did enjoy the sound it made, though. Our sink is stainless steel so it sounded like one if those metallic trough urinals. In my univeristy, the sink was a bit too high to reach, but I used the en suite shower as a wall s
    5 points
  3. Ooops I did it again. this time I removed my lower bikini in the jacuzzi and let the jet go straight to my pussy, but although I had to piss I didn’t, I waited until I went in the sauna. Since this spa doesn’t have much people I wasn’t too paranoid about pissing while standing a bit in the water you put on the rocks, and then I completely let my piss flow as I was moving myself from one bench to another but however most of my piss was all over the floor. Luckily no one came while I was in, but about 20 minutes later I saw a man walk in while I was swimming in the pool.
    5 points
  4. Had one of my long time fantasies satisfied today. A woman I see on the side but not serious with just came and met me. She drank a lot of water and peed on me and in my mouth and I drank a lot of it because she wanted me to. It was a bit of a kinky dom sub thing but all in play and it was hot. Our age difference makes it not possible for a relationship. Makes no sense and would present problems with family. We are 28 years apart. But every so often we see each other. Met her when she was doing business project for her last year of college like 5 years ago and we just clicked in other
    4 points
  5. dont worry, that one wasn't as embarrasing as the last one, after i got over the initial embarrasment and got home i was turned on!
    4 points
  6. Currently really have to go at work, but I don't have bathroom access and I get off from work in an hour, but I cant wait that long
    3 points
  7. (ok so it can be taken as humour, but at the same time it’s a mainstream acknowledgment that it’s not totally taboo and under the radar - it happens and is commented on in major movies).
    3 points
  8. I still regularly peeing in places other than toilets, but today I did something a little different which I thought some might appreciate. I woke up a bit early today, so about 6:15am, I decided to go in the hot tub that we have outside. I got out of bed and went downstairs. I needed to pee, having not peed since about 10pm, but as is often the case when I use the hot tub, I decided to pee outside in the garden rather than using the toilet. I made a large mug of tea, grabbed a towel and headed out into the garden. It was still dark, so I didn't bother putting the towel around me,
    3 points
  9. An interesting survey ... I've used every listed spot except behind the tv, in the mini fridge and in the bin. I've also peed on & out of windows, in the hallway, in the lift, in the car park, in the pool, in the gym, in the lobby, in the restaurant, and in the bar ... so, yeah, everywhere except those three. 🤟
    3 points
  10. Well, I'm 63, and for the last 4 or 5 years, I've noticed the effect of an enlarged prostate. I can go maybe 3 hours before I need to pee, the strength of the stream is not as strong as it once was, and it can take a little while to start, and getting my bladder completely empty is difficult. I notice that I can go from 'yeah, I need to pee sometime soon' to 'shit, it's leaking out!' in about 30 seconds.... and the closer I am to the toilet, the more the desperation becomes. Long car trips require frequent stops, either at rest areas, gas stations, or (fairly often) on the side of the road
    3 points
  11. One night I went to a friend's for a girl's evening. To play games and have some drinks. I left my house at probably 5pm to go to my friends house. We spent the evening playing cards against humanity and having some drinks. Mixed drinks as well as doing some twisted shots. It was so much fun. Well I kind of forgot I had to pee as I hadn't really gotten up to move in awhile. My husband messaged me to tell me to have fun and ask when I was ready to come home. Then told me, "Let's have some fun tonight, don't pee." Well now it brought my bladder into attention and I realized oh yeah, I have to pe
    3 points
  12. I'm curious to hear others' experiences with witnessing or hearing about discreet / nonchalant pees in real life among regular / real people (who aren't into our kink). In another thread I told a story about my wife and her friends at a hot tub party, where she peed discreetly through her swimsuit into the grass while walking to the cooler. She mentioned that a few times the women would sit on the edge of the hot tub with their butts over the edge, to "cool off". But she suspected that they were peeing. Another situation came second-hand. In my early 20s I had hosted a party at my
    2 points
  13. Annabelle awoke to a gentle hissing sound rising above that of the room’s air conditioning. Uncertain as to her whereabouts or even wholly to her own identity, she rolled over on the bedsheets to stare outwards to where a squatting, naked Gabriella was busily reliving herself over the carpet. ‘Hello lover,’ she said, the stream of piss leaving her lower lips not abating in the slightest. ‘I will be back with you in just a moment.’ ‘No rush,’ murmured Annabelle. ‘I love watching you pee.’ It was an honest confession as she could not wrest her gaze from the squirting fountain of clea
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. i got my pants, barely. My belt delayed me for a second well...its a bit too late for that lol
    2 points
  16. I pulled into their school parking lot while peeing full force and managed to open the door and squat!
    2 points
  17. At least if i pee myself here, its a semi public accident and not another public one, like one i had on sunday. I havent posted that yet
    2 points
  18. well, i wouldn't exactly mind if i lost it 😉 but i still try to hold on as long as possible
    2 points
  19. yup, im currently stuck in traffic
    2 points
  20. I have no idea, but I need to find a place soon. Maybe if i can get to my car in time i can pee between the cars
    2 points
  21. One of my fantasies is to use this bathroom. I love the thought of someone next door or waiting outside being able to see me sitting on the toilet, and me being able to see my neighbour relieving herself.
    2 points
  22. Thanks! Always good to hear that the pools are being pissed in. And, really, “just do it in the water” sounds like encouragement, even if they’d encouraged you to pee before you got in
    2 points
  23. Very surprised it’s not more than 50% of guys
    2 points
  24. Thank you, @Kupar, I was actually quite tired last night, but she was feeling playful and I wanted to give it to her of course. I was looking forward to having her on top of me and feeling her warm pee trickling all over my belly and down my crotch. It feels so relaxing. When I got that, I wanted more 😊 We ended up playing for an hour and a half, with her favourite toy to boost the pleasure. We kept on giving each other a little at a time until our bladders were empty and we were exhausted and very happy and satisfied.
    2 points
  25. Lucky guy! Congratulations!
    2 points
  26. Looks promising! Have fun 🙂
    2 points
  27. Hopefully one day my contribution won't be as boring as it was lol. Last year I managed to have some alone time in a hotel and peed a few times in the little trashcan under the sink. Lots of paper towels were there to absorb the mess, but I couldn't fathom leaving it there for the maids to clean up so I dumped whatever remained in the sink.
    2 points
  28. Wow such exhilarating accounts. So fun and I bet felt amazing!!! Especially that one against the fence.
    2 points
  29. My parents let me pee in the pool any time, wasn't specifically encouragement but if I asked to go to the toilet, they said just do it in the water. Wasn't long before I just peed without asking, initially telling them what I was doing, but then just doing anytime. Now love peeing in the pool! Warmth and naughtiness 😁 I often go to the local leisure centre in the evening, so let pee build up during the day making me desperate by the time I get to the pool. Being in water makes me produce a lot of pee, which pushes me into uncontrollable leaking, whilst stress-incontinence caused
    2 points
  30. its pretty wet also, but they are like soaked soaked
    1 point
  31. i dont think i can, theres not many private places in nyc
    1 point
  32. I find it feels different when it is stimulated to get hard by touching and when it just gets hard with out touching. I find the spontaneous hard ons feel harder and more engorged. The ones like that sometimes wake me up at night awesome. I am older and hadn’t experienced this for a while but since joining sites like this I am one again getting more spontaneous hard ons. Don’t get me wrong they both feel great.
    1 point
  33. okay soooooo.... a while ago me and a old friend went out for a night or drinking, both of us got hammered and got a cab back to my place. We got out early to stop for food and more drinks, on the way back my friend announced she had too pee. (so did I desperately) We were about a ten min walk from my house I turn around to let her know how far we are and she's wondering off into a park. I rush after her trying to keep my own bladder composed, she ran under the slide area and removed both her thong and yanked up her dress. I watched as her stream gushed out causing a hiss while hitting the san
    1 point
  34. I'll share the story of me having to pull over for her. But first, let me describe what Kim looks like. She's 5'4, curvy but healthy, wide hips, very busty. At the time she had long brunette hair draped over her boobs, plenty of cleavage, and she was wearing a tight short skirt. We had been at a family event a couple of hours away and because I don't drink I was doing the driving, my cousin lived literally a 10 minute walk from my house so I was driving her. It was a great day, everyone had lots of fun and there was plenty of alcohol. We left the place about 10pm and Kim and I had a wee t
    1 point
  35. After walking back up to the town square it wasn't long before the next sighting came along with two very sexy girls. I was watching the queue, enjoying the sight of a few people looking squirmy and wondering if they would leave the queue before getting inside. As I was I heard wolf whistling and some cat calling and when I looked round I found why. There were two girls walking up the main road, both looking very sexy and clearly turning a few heads as they walked by. One of them was dressed as an angel in some tight white leggings and a white crop top, complete with big fluffy wings on
    1 point
  36. I think it’s an experience that’s on a lot of our ‘Dear Santa…’ lists. Alas I must have been too good a boy so far.
    1 point
  37. I was out, sailing with my boat a few weekends ago, and then usually I spend the saturday evening / night in a different place, and sail back home the next day. In each marina where you can stay the night there are toilet buildings of course. This time a shared male/female building. Nothing special, although this time it was for me. On the boat next to us two women, friends it seemed that also stayed the night. I was in the toilet / bathroom building, brushing my teeth, when the door opened, and one of the women of the boat next to me walks in. I guess 40-ish, brunette, nice figure (for m
    1 point
  38. I was initially scheduled front desk by myself at work, and my supervisor comes to inform me that a volunteer will come in to assist me with the other work duties. Shortly after, a mature woman came in, who was rather beautiful for her age, and greeted me. Throughout my shifts, I try to get in 1-1.5 gallons of water in my system since it’s really good for your health, but it’s also good at sending you to the bathroom. After a while, the volunteer and I were engaging in conversation, and I was amazing at how lay-back and open-minded she was toward life as a whole, completely free of any judgmen
    1 point
  39. It was (my wife) K’s turn to set up our Friday early evening ‘us-time’ session today and during the afternoon she surprised and delighted me by telling me there would be some peeing involved. This doesn’t happen very often, so I had a huge smile on my face for an hour or two until it was time to pour the gins, get the snacks ready, and await instructions. I was ordered to strip, put a towel on the base of the bath, climb in and lie back. She took off her tight jeans and knickers and stood over me, with one foot either side on the edge of the bath. I thought she would pee over me as we’d d
    1 point
  40. So we told our friend about our fetish last night, it took a little liquid courage though. LOL. She told us that she had never been a part of any type of watersports but was very intrigued. Told her how much I enjoy watching Mrs R and women in general piss. Watching in the bathroom, outside, in bed, soaking her panties (especially that). She then told us about a situation she had not long ago where she completely soaked herself and the drivers seat of her car, however, in a time of desperation. After she told us about it Mrs R told her that she has no idea how much she had turned me on. It was
    1 point
  41. Thankyou all so much for your lovely comments. Here is a bonus short video of peeing my pants on the bed. https://www.erome.com/a/DE1qeT4R
    1 point
  42. Pretty much what Gee Pee says. Parting the labia minora with both hands and pulling the vulva forward seems to work best for me. Try copying how I do it, if you don't mind studying my photographs. Whether it will work precisely the same for you, I honestly can't say. You may need to experiment. Everyone's anatomy is different. Yes, it might dribble sometimes, but so does a penis, if you watch the videos posted on here. That's why I tend to wear modified leggings or stockings. But trousers are fine if you lower them. If you do get the odd spot on your jeans though, remember that it'
    1 point
  43. A word of advice, try the sink the next time you do this. It's much easier to aim into and less chance that you'll make a mess. Depending on your height, you can try the sink too! Thank you for a lovely, sexy account. I'm pleased that you both enjoyed it! I sometimes help Mr Eliminature aim, but he enjoys doing it handsfree. I hope you can repeat the experience soon and enjoy it just as much. x
    1 point
  44. Wow its been awhile since ive shared am adventure with you. Well last week, I went to a restaurant and I was eating. I felt a pressure start to build on my bladder. At first I thought i could hold it, but after i kept eating, I started to dance in my chair because I couldnt deal with it anymore. I went to the bathroom, but there was a person in there already. I got upset just waiting and i had to just cross my legs hard so i wouldnt piss my pants in the restaurant. When the person finally came out, i went in and i had this want to just piss on the floor and into the drain in the
    1 point
  45. Probably not a great idea but i have actually managed this a very few times,and was kind of nice.Just a drop to lick of a strangers urine,does wonders.Ewwww!😝
    1 point
  46. I went on a walk with some girl friends on a trail through the woods. It was a breezy day but it was silent throughout everywhere. We were about 3 miles down the trail and I had to pee so bad. I tried ignoring it and joking around with my friends. But I felt a little trickling down my leg and I knew I couldn't hold it anymore. Without telling anyone, I ran behind a tree, lifted my leg and peed on tree. It was absolutely silent in the woods so i could hear the pee just streaming outside my pussy down the tree and onto the ground. I couldn't stop myself: I exhaled so deeply that i moaned so loud
    1 point
  47. Although this is part 5, it is not necessary to read any of the other parts. Each is a standalone vignette, although if you enjoy one I hope and believe you would enjoy the others. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Vacation Fun - The World Is Her Toilet part 5 Betty loved vacationing at the beach. Every day of her trip had been perfect so far. During the days, she and her friends enjoyed laying out on the warm white sands under a nearly-cloudless sky. And during the nights, they partied in the seaside town's bars and clubs. Betty had vowed to never pee in a toilet during h
    1 point
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