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  1. Okay. Well then I'll have to run an experiment lol. I'll drink as much water as I can and hold for as long as I can, and then pee as slowly as I can 🤣 for science of course! Strictly for science!
    4 points
  2. Earlier in the night, I had seen this girl who was clearly seriously the worse for wear waiting outside Pop World. I had hoped she would pee because she was looking like she had imbibed a large amount of alcohol and could hardly stand up without the help of the two guys she was with. She was wearing a one piece green trouser suit and a matching jacket that had a very long back that kept dragging on the floor. She slumped to the floor in the queue and generally didn't look like she was fit for more drinking. I didn't see her pee at that time (but stick with it) and I lost track of her
    4 points
  3. Hello everyone ! Another victim of my girlfriend pee desires. We went out for the afternoon, 4-5h without peeing. She was really happy to come back home to mark again her territory ! Their is approximatly 20-25s seconds of full pressure piss on this couch. What a lovely puddle no ? 😊
    4 points
  4. Hi everyone ! We decided to practice but with limits ! No pee in the coffee machine (or other cooking devices), no pee on electronic devices, no pee in the drawers with clothes or personal stuffs and no pee on bed pillows. But in order to make it fun, also no pee in shower or in toilets 😊 There is a room which we don't have the use, which can be easily ventilated. It's going to be my girlfriend favorite pee room. Their is a couch, a chair and a storage cabinet. So here is a little extract of her first pee, on the chair !
    4 points
  5. Hello, i read this site for a while and now want to write also here. My name is Lena and i am "teen". I have red hair, I'm slim except for my curvy ass and my 32C breast. I love dirty pissing, inside and outside. For a while now I've also started wetting my bed on purpose, it is total addictive. I still live with my parents, my sister too, but they are open minded about pissing. Kinky greetings Lena
    3 points
  6. https://www.erome.com/a/LwZmLtZg This is how I have to urinate when I am naked at home and badly need a pee as there are NO TOILET facilities in my apartment at all nor any public men's room nearby I can use. This leaves me with nothing when my bladder becomes full thus I relieve myself on the carpet instead.
    3 points
  7. Thank sou so much my friends !!! it's a great honor for me !! I will never stop pee ! I swear. Thank you 100 times. Leilawet1
    3 points
  8. I have at least an hours drive to and from work. I leave work at 4 so limit myself on visiting the toilet after lunch. By the time I get in my van I usually need to go but of course I save it. By the time I get home I am usually damp but. If I get stuck in traffic.... Well that's another story I shall save for another day. Any way this was last nights result when I got home.
    3 points
  9. This happened many times when i was younger not so much anymore. We were out drinking and because we were underage we hangend out at our old school. Usually there was quite a lot of people and some of them were girls that i had or had had a crush on or other people's girlfriends or just some random girls. We were usually drinking at this sort of loadingbay area and the place we used as our toilet was around a corner. First when you went around the corner there was this inset (not sure if correct word sorry bad english) which was the pee area for guys. Girls usually went a bit further to the ne
    3 points
  10. yea these videos are very rare here is a playlist with cum and piss vandalism https://www.pornhub.com/playlist/183836112 and here are two videos from eleo and mish https://www.manyvids.com/Video/2076488/sex-in-public-dress-room-cum-dirty-kink/ https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1901501/GF-makes-me-risky-cum-inside-sock/
    2 points
  11. I have no experience of this, but I have a possible answer. Did you ever do Chromatography at school? i.e. you put an ink or a chemical on a filter paper with a solvent (often water) and then watch as the spot spreads along the paper. The ink or chemical separates out into its component colours as different components have different attractions to the paper and solvent and move at different speeds. The result is bands of colours across the paper. It is a process that can be used to test for purity or to separate out chemicals in a solution or colours in an ink to find the components
    2 points
  12. I try - not always possible, but I make notes on my phone so that I have something to refer back to when writing it up so that hopefully I get the detail as accurately as possible.
    2 points
  13. Thanks for sharing and I love how much detail you provide. You always paint a very good mental image of what the girl looks like right down to boob size and pubic hair! Great sightings
    2 points
  14. So, still continuing from that same night, just a few minutes later at about 1:30 and still in the area behind Pop World, I saw a girl in her thirties with wavy blonde hair with streaks. She was wearing loose fitting light blue jeans and a darker blue jacket. She headed behind a parked van, so I followed and found her squatted at the bottom of a set of stairs stairs that went to a fire exit for the theatre: She had passed between the van and the wall of the steps and then squatted with her back to the main wall, right at the foot of the steps. You can see the puddle in the photo
    2 points
  15. It was really the best anniversary ever for me. My husband's always been so shy about even peeing in places like locker rooms and group showers where everyone pees, so for him to do so in a nice hotel room was certain never expected. We both looked at one another and asked each other if we understood her right, she was telling us it's alright to pee in the room, just don't soak the mattress or chairs. Before we left to go out I peed from the bed into the carpet and my husband sprayed it randomly around the sitting room. Again when we arrived back that evening I backed up to a wall mirror and w
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. The picture corresponding to the previous message !
    2 points
  18. I always love reading these type of posts - which start off with a question, and then more people contribute building up a picture of their preferences, beliefs and experiences. When someone asks what is acceptable, or what is 'normal' - well of course pretty much everything we share on this site is outside of vanilla-normal. In a fifty shades of grey context, and using the biblical black as sin metaphor it's not black but it's not virgin white either. So breaking things into steps... my mind makes a rock-solid connection between female pee and arousal. Taking a step back up the tho
    2 points
  19. Hi everyone! Im sorry that i havent been online in a month, just havent had the time. Im currently holding, and have been for over 2 hours now! I want to let my piss out somewhere in my bathroom, but dont know where yet. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great! After posting this, i will be offline for about an hour before returning to have my piss, which i will write about here. While we wait, here is an experience i had last week. My girlfriends and i all wanted to go to the movies, so we planned to go last friday. I wore a skirt and lacy panties, the kind th
    1 point
  20. So this is one I have done a fair few times before, and I thought I'd share it this time round. I had an early finish at work today. I finished at lunch time, and decided to go swimming after work. I took my stuff to work with me to save having to drive back out after. I spent the day drinking absolutely loads of water. I ended up peeing at work 3 times from 7:30 to 13:00 due to how much I was drinking. By the time I got to the swimming pool, I was fairly full again. I changed into my swim shorts, went to the toilet and peed like normal, just enough to relieve the pressure but leave
    1 point
  21. So for those of you who've been following me, I'm a 57 year old married mom of three now grown boys. As you may know I'm quite open-minded about where I pee and also I've always been quite suggestive to my boys, who've become very bold about peeing anywhere. My husband however has never really been very interested in peeing wherever. Now with that said, he's quite reasonable when we're outdoors, hiking, boating, ect, but not at all naughty. A couple years ago he and I along with my mother were driving halfway across the country for a family event. I can't drive for long, so my husband drives a
    1 point
  22. In light of the proliferation of the naughty pee genre, I thought it’d be fun to hand out some awards. Your input would be welcome. Scope should be women who’ve created multiple well known vids in the genre. Naughty pissing MVP: Candie Cane - beautiful, brazen, prolific. Truly amazing. Natural hairy puss a bonus for me. Runner up MVP: Devil Sophie - also gorgeous and prolific. It’s hard to think of something she hasn’t peed on. Dirtiest Diva: MnMTastySweet - has peed into hundreds of hotel couch cushions, unzipped mattress cushions and many other places no
    1 point
  23. Sure if you buy me a brand new measuring cup cause I ain't about to piss in the ones I cook with lmaooo.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Yeah, we are probably all bonkers, but hopefully in a good way! To be fair though, there is a very common misconception that tissues degrade very rapidly and it is great to see the different view points presented here. My personal view is very mixed in that I do like to find a tissue if I think it evidences a woman peeing, but now I know how long they hang around, it does make me think that maybe the evidence isn't always as fresh as I think it is! On the other hand, I abhor litter and defacing of our towns and countryside - so like others have said, it is saddening when you find large
    1 point
  26. Wow @Alfresco thank you very much for your kind explanation! I didn't think about that. So it's clear that it is the residu which is sticky. It makes my experiment a bit more challenging because I do like the sight of the stains a lot but I'm not so fond about the stickiness...
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Closest thing to this what ever happened to me happened in my working place a few months ago, i was in need of relief and headed to our toilet facilities. As i stepped in the facility i immediately saw a cleaner there just mopping the floor as usual, she was employee of a local cleaning company but i didnt know her exactly jus a familiar face i see time to time. She is around 25-30 years of age and quite nice looking lady, but well thats not the case here just a sidenote. I was in need so i just entered in the toilet and put shut the door behind me and let it flow, i was holding it for a
    1 point
  29. I realised that the one thing that I hadn't see was a kebab shop and I figured that at this time of night (now past 2am), some people would probably be looking for food before going home and that they might need to pee after food. So, I asked the guy co-ordinating the taxi rank whether there was a kebab shop or similar. He told me nothing in the immediate vicinity, but to go past Pop World, over a roundabout and then there was one there. So I duly did. As I made my way there, I saw a couple of puddles in alcoves. When I got there, I was just coming up from the subway under the roa
    1 point
  30. I was recently in the army (in my country all guys have to go serve for 6-12 months) and we had these training camps that lasted like a week and there was no chance to use any kind of toilet there. After we had come back from one of these i heard some girls (there was few voluntary girls) talk about how they had been doing their things over that week and it was so hard not to get hard while they told about peeing in the bushes and how they obviously weren't able to clean up their ladyparts properly for a week and i just imagined what that must have smelled like. One of them even said that at o
    1 point
  31. I did like "naughty pee" a few times as a teenager but completely non sexual. Like i would be on a train without toilets and just go on the floor or out drinking and use an elevator as a private place to go. But it was rare and i mostly used the toilet. Then i started dating a guy and when i told him about some of the times I've peed in public he got really turned on and started getting me to do it more and film it for him. That's how it started.
    1 point
  32. I haven't worn panties since i hit puberty. Also not a fan of wetting. I like to keep myself clean and dry. 😇
    1 point
  33. Interesting topic! I'm so fascinated by people who manage too hold their pee a whole Day. I'm pleased If I manage to hold my pee during a movie at the cinema.
    1 point
  34. Sometimes someone will kind of see what im doing but only caught properly 3 times. First was on a train i was peeing on the seat with my friends after drinking all night and a guy came in to our carriage and saw us. He just turned away and walked off. Second was a fluffy toy in a store i put it on the ground and squated over it and a lady walked around the corner and saw me mid stream. I just kicked it under the shelf and walked off. Third was a hotel elevator i was going in and then it stopped on a level and opened up and there was like 5 people waiting who just looked shocked by didn't get o
    1 point
  35. My mental health has been an absolute mess recently, and my heart strings are telling me to post something like this lol. Thank you, everyone, for giving me such a great year on the forums. I feel like 2021 was my most active year on here out of my three years as a member. I've met so many new people and made so many new friends. Thank you, everyone, for making me laugh when it seemed like everything was so serious, for being a shoulder to cry on when I needed it the most, and for giving me so many orgasms when I was feeling needy. I've opened up so much to you guys this year, and I can t
    1 point
  36. Merry Christmas to All!
    1 point
  37. I would say yes, my ability to hold has gotten easier since I got the job. But it also just depends on if my body is retaining water or not. I hate using public bathrooms so I hold till I get home!
    1 point
  38. I'm assuming you wouldn't say this to me unless you would press yourself against the door to hear me pee 🤣🤣 don't worry Goose I'd let you do more than just listen to me pee from the other side of the door.
    1 point
  39. As it gets quite cold here at this time of the year and I lost some weight so the warm clothes of last winter do not fit well anymore I had to go and buy some new warm stuff. While browsing the shops I was thinking of all the people doing naughty pees in stores. Unfortunately I did not have to pee then and I was not ready to be so bold anyway. But it is a huge fantasy of mine to do stuff like that some time. That is why I bought some stuff, that would hopefully make it easier to pee in public without getting caught. Namely I bought a black woolen skirt that reaches my knees, two pairs of
    1 point
  40. Accidentally nicked myself and bled while shaving the bush between my legs that I've been too lazy to take care of 🤣 so when I peed in the shower I had to get creative. Pressed my knee against the shower wall and peed against it. It worked and it was quite an amazing sight to see the waterfall down the wall! No urine in the wound either!
    1 point
  41. I *finally* have something to contribute to posts like these lol. If I'm swimming in the pool I'm gonna pee in it no doubt. If I'm sunbathing I'd be tempted to get in the pool to pee, but it would be cold and I'd have to dry off again, so I'd be more inclined to go to the locker room. Now I've peed out in the open over a drain before and that would definitely be my go to, but if not then I'd go to the showers. If both sections are busy then I guess it's the boring toilet for me lol.
    1 point
  42. Maybe you should have a potted plant or cats litter box in your room haha
    1 point
  43. I'm staying in a nice airbnb for a few nights at the moment. My girlfriend asked me if she should piss in a naughty place. I'm still not sure what to say because it's so wrong and naughty... but it would turn me on so bad 🤔🤔
    1 point
  44. Yeah, I like to see a guy swimming right where I just peed! We're probably not the only ones 🙂
    1 point
  45. You're certainly not alone, many of my friends as well as myself walk over to the pool and relieve ourselves while sitting on the edge. I myself rarely swim when I take the boys to the pool, yet I always relieve myself there. Ironically, my boys spend the whole day in the water, but get out and run into the dressing area as they won't pass up an opportunity to relieve themselves indiscriminately.
    1 point
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