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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2020 in Posts

  1. I'm not really a fan of wetting but I thought I'd share a story from last night. I'd returned home from a supermarket shop during which my need to pee had been growing. I wanted to get my shopping home as I had frozen items so I didn't stop to use the toilet in the store. I loaded the bags into the boot and debated squatting beside the car to relieve myself but the car park was still quite busy and I don't live far from the supermarket anyhow. I drove home and rather than go inside straight away to use the toilet I decided to take the shopping inside rather than risk it defrosting - it'd
    4 points
  2. It was during a summer evening a bunch of years ago. I was still a kid and was playing hide and seek with my friends outside. It was my turn to go and look for them. I search all around my house as I saw a tiny wall right in front of me. I approached it and while doing so I noticed all of a sudden a gush of urine shooting from behind the wall down onto the concrete floor. I strated giggling an ran over to see who it was and sure enough it was my female friend taking a leak because she couldn't hold it anymore. She just laughed showing no signs of embarassement (because at that time we pee
    3 points
  3. Inspired by various stories here! Rin, a fox shifter who loves to mark her territory, finds herself at a house party. Since she dislikes humans with a passion, she uses this opportunity to vandalize their property with her piss... *♡* Maybe this was a bad idea. Her sensitive ears are hurting from the loud music and she is surrounded by drunk people which makes her very uncomfortable. This house belongs to some rich guy she doesn't know and it's huge! Which also gives her plenty of opportunities to mark. Rin forces herself to blend in, she even chats with some people, mak
    2 points
  4. Inspired by a post by @gldenwetgoose what is the first pee related item on your post covid bucket list? Something you cannot do at the moment. Here's mine - Meal with my husband at a fancy restaurant, while desperate to pee. I love the idea of having a meal at a fancy restaurant, one with a formal dress code so I get to dress really nicely. Really busy so there is lots of people there. I want to spend ages on my make up, get my hair done, the whole shebang. I also want to need to pee. I want to have to act normal and pretend everything is fine while my body is screaming at me to f
    2 points
  5. Mens day, probably gonna be on my knees for that one lol. Toilet day, probably be grateful that I have a working toilet in my home for when I dont get to have my naughty pees.
    2 points
  6. Love that idea!!... apparently I've already been celebrating it for months now ≧∇≦
    2 points
  7. Men’s room at work when the women’s was closed. It was that or pee everywhere. My bladder was NOT waiting. One of my childhood best friends though decided to pee all over the principals desk in middle school. She stayed late with us after school for tennis tryouts. Well, her and the principal HATED each other and one our other friends dared her to pee in her office thinking she wouldn’t do it. Well, she did it. On the desk. And her office chair. It was epic to watch. (This was prior to me discovering this stuff turned me on)
    2 points
  8. Interesting... Perhaps we'd need to take the two separately. World toilet day, I guess that's quite easy - we already generally love (many of us anyway) peeing near if not in toilets - so perhaps more of a focus today on porcelain peeing. I'll probably post a thread of ladies on the loo pics later.... in the mean time enjoy THIS. As far as International Men's Day - I don't know, perhaps a few more of the ladies could try a bit of standing to pee like a man, just for one day at least. Of course, the other traits including burping, farting, snoring within five minutes of cuming an
    2 points
  9. I found the inspiration to finish the final part, so please enjoy the complete story. As always, any feedback or criticism is appreciated and encouraged 🙂 Picnic with the girls, chapter 3 As Clara walked out of the park into the street, she was washed over by a new wave of desperation. If only she had a boyfriend with her to stand guard, she could maybe just find a secluded corner and pee. Or any friend for that matter! That's when any friends are most useful, to stand guard when one is caught short outside. If only she had known that at that festival a couple of years ago, ma
    2 points
  10. Enjoy the second part. The third and final part might also be finished in the near future. I guess the correct way is to post the parts here in the same topic, these aren't really very functional is standalone stories (or are they?) so new topics seem a bit unnecessary. Although maybe it's a question of taste. I also have a feeling I may be returning to these characters for another story at some point 😉 Picnic with the girls, chapter 2 Clara and Caroline sat down on the blanket, and both opened a can of beer. "How was the line?" asked Emily and took a sip of wine. "Long",
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  11. My funniest memory would be when my ex's sister used to take me horse riding with her. She had several horses kept in a barn she rented in a nearby village. One of the first few times I went with her I found myself increasingly uncomfortable mid way through the day, needing to urinate but there were no facilities. I mentioned to her that I needed to wee. She pointed to the other side of the barn to where some rectangular straw bales were stacked and said "go and sit over there, I'll be back in a few minutes". I assumed she was going to get the car and drive to a McDonald's a few miles away so
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  12. Apparently today is World Toilet Day https://www.worldtoiletday.info/ and International Men's Day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Men's_Day How will you be celebrating?
    1 point
  13. So, how many people here track their daily water intake? I’ve recently been doing mine to try and start getting healthier and lose some weight. Anyone else do the same? and of course, does anyone do it for the sensation it gives off?
    1 point
  14. My girl Curls has don this a few times in the past. many years ago in Maccas, she went into the toilet and came straight out as someone had left a large mess in the cubicle. Telling me she needed to go, I said no one will notice, just do it here. After a bit of discussion she slid forward moved her dress around a bit and wet through her panties. Quite gently and controlled, heard a bit of hissing but not much. Got up leaving a moderate sized puddle
    1 point
  15. I was in the shower this morning trying to shoot as high as I can. I think it was not a bad try. It went all the way up to the level of the shower head.😁 I think I will keep practicing. https://www.erome.com/i/p8s3zzEq
    1 point
  16. Just wanted to introduce myself. I’ve been into holding my pee for quite some time. I’ve been around pee communities since probably 2008 but just discovered this one thru a google image search! Not sure what to say so if you have any questions message me and I’ll try to respond asap! Thanks! Sammi
    1 point
  17. Yea... one of the MANY benefits of having a pampered partner! 😊😊
    1 point
  18. In the film The Hunt, the main female character nonchalantly drops her pants and pees in front of a guy.
    1 point
  19. In the world of dating / relationships there are obviously "disqualifying offenses" for a potential partner; for me being a junkie is a good example of a "disqualifying offense". For me, wearing a diaper (sometime or all of the time, by choice or as a matter of necessity) is not in the category of "disqualifying offenses." In fact I'd see it as a positive thing (in the practical sense): a person wearing a diaper doesn't need to stop to pee...
    1 point
  20. haha i seen the exchange in your introduction that's why i said it lol.... yeh well its well worth signing up i have had a few private messages with ppl and its always better to have the option, you can say what you like to ppl in private as long as you not being a dick with them, they can only say not interested or interested if you want to arrange a meet with someone, i would suggest chatting with them publicly first tho and building up a kind of online friendship bfore asking to meet as that's just unlikely to happen if you havnt really spoke much, like i said good luck.
    1 point
  21. I used to cycle to work and back (only about 5 miles each way - not even enough to justify showering when I got to work), during the summer months, along a metalled bridleway that was used by horse-riders, cyclists and walkers. I would sometimes run to work and back too, or cycle in / run home, then run in / cycle home the next day. Once or twice I let go with a sneaky wee en route. As several ladies have pointed out, black is a forgiving colour, for running / cycling tights and shorts. And lycra dries pretty quickly too.
    1 point
  22. The cycle route I followed yesterday is a 'shared space' cycle path and hence popular with joggers, dog walkers and families. It's one that I occasionally use on a commute to work, and does reward with some attractive sights amongst the early morning joggers and dog walkers. Sadly though far to well frequented and probably close enough to home that only a true aficionado would want to pop in a sneaky wee.
    1 point
  23. Today another 10k run - just to get some miles under the belt during quite a busy week, and check the cardiovascular system, ankles, shins, knees and hips are all OK. Next week I think I need to start some interval / speed work. But today was fine: 6.29 mi (10.12 km); 50:56 (8:06 / mile); 21 ft ascent; 183 average bpm; 901 calories. I pushed on a bit in mile 5 by increasing the stride length but not the cadence (7:44 / mile). No photos I'm afraid - not even of my toned, lycra-clad bum and legs 😉 Maybe another time.
    1 point
  24. @Kupar, thanks for the tips. I may give it a go again sometime. And why not. You may as well get some enjoyment out of it. You may be going to the wrong races? I have very rarely attended a race, but my daughter used to do cross country running at school and there was one event that she was entered into which was an open even with different age groups including adults. I saw two women standing behind a hedge and then they dropped down out of sight. I walked through a gap in the hedge and found them squatted down, shorts at their knees and both peeing a good flow into t
    1 point
  25. Yes @Alfresco - I am lucky to live where I do. For running it's good in one way and bad in another ... it's flat as a pancake so straightforward to pace yourself, but with no hill climb challenges at all to push the heart and lungs a bit. Knees can be troublesome if you're not careful. I have some neoprene knee brace things that I use when they get a bit 'twingey', but so far (touch wood) they are holding up. The right shoes make a massive difference. It's well worth going to a specialist who will analyse your gait and recommend the right pair. I have been known to follow a nice lycra-clad fem
    1 point
  26. I haven't done it before, but curiously I have spent the last six days measuring intake and output ... more because I want to try and work out if I my bladder is really small and I need to visit the doctor to ask for a prostate check. Details elsewhere And my wife's been keeping me company for some days, which has made it more fun. Another chart or two coming later today since I've stopped measuring this morning.
    1 point
  27. It could have some affect. I’m 99% what got me into though was myself being quite desperate many time throughout school and seeing others as well. I’m sure that had an impact to some degree but it’s not really a memory that sticks out to me when I think of what started this for me haha
    1 point
  28. I would oblige.... but mine went all shy and hid at the sight of all those impressive samples already posted. 😉😂
    1 point
  29. So I've been working from home part time and part time at a pet store. Well, today we had a mandatory conference. I've been in a mood all week so I figured I would do a small hold to make the time pass. The conference was for the pet store regarding holiday hours, work flow, and of course new COVID rules. Just a bunch of stuff I've heard a hundred times before. The estimated time was no longer than 30 minutes. At that point, why even drive in for it? Anyways, I left about 30 minutes before so I could stop and get a large Cherry Limeade from Sonic. I sat in the drive thru and contemplated
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  30. I only go commando at home in my PJs.
    1 point
  31. I keep a towel in the back seat for when I go places my dogs. That would've been under me if I was fearful I couldn't make it. I live in the city and I WILL NOT expose myself to hundreds of drivers haha. I'd rather suffer and leak into a towel if I couldn't make it.
    1 point
  32. Thank you!! I agree! My feeling about wearing them is if you don't want to see my pamper then don't look at it! 😊
    1 point
  33. Hi everybody, hope you are enjoying your full bladder and being well. I have to say that I am new into this but after having a couple of pee experiences I would say that now I fell in love with this. But sadly having no one to share this lovely fetish I found myself randomly visiting web pages until found this awesome community with awesome people and here I am! (I am so bad at introductions, so fell free to ask whatever you want) I hope to share with you my experiences soon!
    1 point
  34. One of my funniest pee memories at this current point in time was years ago, back when I was still young and living in Tennessee. We'd been battling field rats that were trying to make our home theirs, (If you've never had the misfortune of encountering one of these things, I recommend doing a Google search) and at the time I was horrified of them. Well, one day I needed to take care of business and stepped into the bathroom before shutting the door and doing what I had to do. Our laundry room was just right outside the bathroom, and that's where we had our trash bags. Well, from the laundry r
    1 point
  35. I'm at risk of coming across as some sort of stalker, replying within seconds of you posting... I was literally browsing the site as it popped up. WOW.... I have to say I'm definitely not into the idea of humiliation but those few words of 'never felt relief quite like I did' really turned the whole account around. Hoping that euphoria of relief made all the pain and any feelings of embarrassment or worry worthwhile. Can only imagine how good the spreading warmth along with easing the pressure on your bladder felt. Brilliantly written too! Thanks for sharing
    1 point
  36. Naughtiest was probably when I peed in the ice recovery tub after soccer practice couple years back in high school😂
    1 point
  37. This is an interesting thing, isn't it? My son and wife can carry on playing after making a mistake, as if nothing had happened, without losing the rhythm; my daughter and I are sufficiently affected by making a mistake that we stutter. I think there's something about how our brains work differently. [Sorry, a bit off topic ...]
    1 point
  38. Pretty much what Gee Pee says. Parting the labia minora with both hands and pulling the vulva forward seems to work best for me. Try copying how I do it, if you don't mind studying my photographs. Whether it will work precisely the same for you, I honestly can't say. You may need to experiment. Everyone's anatomy is different. Yes, it might dribble sometimes, but so does a penis, if you watch the videos posted on here. That's why I tend to wear modified leggings or stockings. But trousers are fine if you lower them. If you do get the odd spot on your jeans though, remember that it'
    1 point
  39. This is my very first story here! English isn't my first language, so mistakes may occur! Rin is a fox shifter and she loves to mark her territory. She isn't a fan of humans, so she also pees on belongings of others out of spite. *** Couch *** Going to Ikea has been on Rin's bucket list for a while now and it's just as big as she imagined. Fortunately, it's a week day, so it's not too crowded. Not only does she hate crowded places, but she also doesn't want to get caught marking and ruining expensive furniture, since she knows this will get her in trouble. Rin makes her
    1 point
  40. Funniest memory has probably been a few times I've been out in Manchester. Piccadilly Gardens used to have the public portable urinals. I always made sure I used them during the day. Countless times I had girls walk past, make a comment and sort of cheer. Funniest time was when I looked round and there was literally a girl stood right next to me watching me piss. I could hear her friends behind us laughing and cheering her on. It seemed like she enjoyed it.
    1 point
  41. I'm a shower person and I pee in the shower regularly. Someone on here posted about peeing in a bath that was occupied at the moment, and I thought that was interesting lol. I would love to be in the bath while someone simply walks in, hovers over me and pees into it. Idk why, but it's so erotic to me.
    1 point
  42. Part II Thanks to Rin, the study has been turned into a bathroom. People were going there to relieve themselves now instead of using the toilet. In fact, most of them apparently prefer using the study since the queue in front of the bathroom has grown significantly shorter. When Rin enters the study, there are at least eight people pissing at once. The room reeks strongly of piss. Five guys are lined next to each other showering the wall with their piss, one is aiming his dick up and down and from side to side to cover as much as possible, the guy next to him laughs and joins him. T
    1 point
  43. Just using a chamber pot in the living room. Seeing it fill up. Then emptying it and filling it up again, everyone using it in front of eachother.
    1 point
  44. I have 3. 1. I still live at home and I often fantasise about going into someone else’s room and secretly peeing in there. Not much. Enough that I can hide it but still know that it’s there 2. Have someone piss inside me. 3. Have someone lay on top of me or I’d lay on top of someone (sitting on each other’s laps would be amazing too) fully clothed and we’d both piss ourself and then frot for hours.
    1 point
  45. UnabashedUser said, "Me too! When I encounter an attractive women of legal age I immediately picture her dropping panties and hovering over a toilet and pissing noisily while I observe on my knees in front of her." @UnabashedUser, That's my favorite fantasy, too! Specter said, "Oh man, honestly, there isn't a single girl I know personally and regard as attractive/desirable that I haven't watched pee in my mind's eye... I've also watched about half of them pee in real life lol. The dynamic I tend to form with my female friends (especially those I meet in my college classes,
    1 point
  46. Whatever happened to the lovely UK models of 'Glimpse-It?'
    1 point
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