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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2020 in Posts

  1. So, parts of the North East of the UK have entered a period of greater restrictions. The pubs and bars have a curfew of 10pm from tonight. Newcastle particularly is known as having a drinking culture on a Friday and Saturday night and I can't think that people will say that the pubs shut at 10pm so it isn't worth going out. This will surely mean that there will be a load of people exiting pubs at 10pm and spilling onto the streets, all looking for taxis, buses and Metro to get home, or possibly continue their drinking in parks etc. With no chance of re-entering pubs and bars, there is
    5 points
  2. Another one for your files, as it were. In October 2014 (I remember the date because it was a Halloween party), I was attending a gig at a club. Having had two bottles of Guinness Porter, I dashed up the stairs to reach the loos and make room for some more. Unfortunately, I was greeted by the barman locking the door to the ladies. Someone has pulled a sink off the wall and it was flooded. Out of desperation, I made my way into the gents, announcing "Sorry gentlemen, the ladies is all locked up and I really need to go!" A chap was in there but he didn't seem to mind sharing the loo. I qui
    5 points
  3. Just got a random urge before hoping in the shower. Wandered naked into the back yard and took a nice long pee wherever I felt like! It was very freeing to be honest! Sorry for the terrible tan lines lol! Enjoy!
    4 points
  4. (Checks wind direction, compass, pisses as hard as possible towards California)
    4 points
  5. I’m also really into men pissing wherever they want to. It feels really good to pull my cock out and piss in places I’m not supposed to. Sometimes I get too aroused and can’t actually pee! I like watching other guys do it too. I grew up in a rural area and it was normal to piss outside when you needed to. It’s a big fantasy of mine to meet someone who wants me to piss all over their place. I think my favorite thing to piss on is wall to wall carpeting. The fact that it’s so hard to clean up is really arousing for me. I have some videos up on xtube and twitter under the same name as here. I jus
    4 points
  6. Long time lurker who has joined at last. Very nervous, but here goes nothing. I'm a female in England who has finally embraced her urophilia after years of hiding or denying it. My loving husband was astute enough to work it out, though. He has also embraced it with me, which is more than I could have hoped for. He seems to like one particular aspect of my pissing, which is that I relieve myself standing up like a man. Especially when I do this whilst wearing stockings! As my username implies, I love to release my fluid in nature. Though city streets are often just as arousing. Lovel
    3 points
  7. @Eliminature, some hot situations that you have described there. The Motorway services one was particularly daring as it is very rare for motorway services toilets to be empty, so there was always going to be a good chance that you would be caught. Thankfully there are very few men that would be upset by seeing a woman in the gents, surprised - yes, upset - not likely. I have seen plenty of women come into gents toilets, but they always lock themselves away in a cubicle, which I find very unfair when they get to walk past me at the urinal and quite often have a good look, but then th
    3 points
  8. Obviously staying hydrated. That's excellent!;)
    3 points
  9. Thank you, Sophie. I enjoyed reading your detailed descriptions, but you deserve a break. Especially since you're busy with your career. I echo what everyone else says. As much as we enjoy reading, I really wouldn't like you to be put out by this. Only do what is comfortable for you.
    3 points
  10. THURSDAY 07:07 - 30 seconds 08:01 - 11 seconds 11:13 - 29 seconds 13:15 - 33 seconds 16:25 - 28 seconds 17:54 - 33 seconds 19:12 - 17 seconds 21:50 - 22 seconds A lot of weeing today!
    3 points
  11. That's funny, it wasn't four years ago but I saw a girl on Division Street in a take away, she came out went down the side, pulled her knickers down (short skirt) peed on the pavement and went back inside. I only had a side view but any view counts in my opinion 🙂 I have walked around Devonshire Green umpteen times and never seen a thing despite it being a perfect area. The best sighting I had was next to the underpass on Furnival Gate. I was walking towards the underpass, noticed two girls squatting in a shop doorway so walked down the underpass and got a full on pissing pussy view,
    3 points
  12. Hope reviving this topic is okay. I just wanted to share a few of my own experiences. I've used a urinal quite a few times. My husband enjoys smuggling me into a gents' lavatory so we can go together. The last time was just a few weeks ago. We arrived at a motorway service area in the North Midlands and I asked him to check whether anyone was in the gents'. No one was, so I strode in, chose one of the available urinals (some are sealed off due to the pandemic), raised up my skirt and moved my knickers to one side then relieved myself. One guy did walk in and glance at me sideways, b
    3 points
  13. Today was my first day back at work since the UK went into lockdown so I thought it would be fun to document my toilet visits for the day. Every time I went I took a note of the time and any interesting points. 6:30 - I woke up at 6:30 this morning for my first day back at work. A little earlier than I would have liked but the first day is always the busiest, especially with my daughter starting secondary school. I got out of bed straight away because I was worried about falling back asleep and hopped straight in the shower. As the water flowed over me, the pee flowed down my legs. A perf
    2 points
  14. I looked down at my phone - still no reply. Fuck, how long is she going to keep me waiting? She's the one who scheduled this meeting, she should have let me in by now. Usually I wouldn't mind waiting, enjoying the warm weather outside the math building on the university campus. But right now I was bouncing on my feet, a mounting discomfort causing me to curse Sarah's absence as I stood outside the locked door. Two stone pillars flanked the entrance, giving me some cover as I absentmindedly squeezed at my crotch, hoping that an erection could stave off the need to pee for just a little lo
    2 points
  15. https://www.erome.com/a/EauIbvxw the first vid is nice and long, about 4.5 mins and I had so much fun filming it. I made quite the mess but it was well worth it. Credit to @Sweets for the inspiration. I had to go pretty bad and so I let it all out in my underwear on my bathroom floor then as if that wasn’t enough abuse for this underwear I put it in the pee puddle and beat off into it. Hope you enjoy!
    2 points
  16. Well this evening I had a very unusual experience. I go for a walk most evenings and on the way back I felt a growing need to pee which reached the point I couldn't ignore it and I knew I wouldn't make it home. There's a row of garages I often pop behind on my usual route so I took a detour. I was just getting in position to squat in the corner with my back to the wall when a well dressed lady a little older than me rounded the corner. "Are you having a wee there?!" She asked. I've never been caught in the act (well almost) before so I apologised hastily and went to pull my knickers and leggin
    2 points
  17. One of my favourite pastimes is naughty peeing, as I'm sure everyone who's seen me around the forums can guess lol. I definitely fit into the category of 'Men who piss wherever they want'. Here are a few screenshots from videos I've uploaded here: Let me know your thoughts, my fellow naughty pee loving guys and gals 🤗
    2 points
  18. I always pee in the auditorium when I go to the cinema, so I am sure that you will be able to give it a try. I dress to wet in a black skirt mostly so that I can just sit and pee through my skirt and enjoy sitting in a warm and wet seat. It is quite a luxurious feeling and I love the freedom of not having to go to the ladies to pee. I go to the last house so my seat should dry before anyone else sits there, and I drink a lot before I go and while I am watching the film so my pee is nice and dilute. I find that peeing in the cinema really enhances my film-watching experience, and I am
    2 points
  19. FRIDAY 7:09 - 27 seconds 8:13 - 15 seconds 11:15 - 30 seconds 13:20 - 23 seconds 16:29 - 17 seconds 18:18 - 19 seconds 20:11 - 32 seconds 22:36 - 24 seconds
    1 point
  20. Nice and wrong, everything is covered haha.
    1 point
  21. I've posted an account of using a plaskrul and a photograph (not very explicit, but I thought I'd share it anyway). Go have a look if it interests you. 🙂👍🏻
    1 point
  22. Another one: The husband and I like to visit the Netherlands. There aren't too many public lavatories around, but there are a great number of historical cast iron urinals - often known as plaskrullen, or piss curl. I think my ambition is to water every one of them if I possibly can! My first experience with one of these was in the city of Amsterdam. My husband and I both needed to go and we queued up for the urinal just by the Oudekerk, close to the Red Light district. It was busy, so we queued for a few minutes. I let my husband go first and finally, it was my turn - I think some people
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  23. 1 point
  24. I can't think of any videos like that on any of them. They are mostly in toilets or showers, or just on the ground outside. And most of the time they're not willing to do customs without large extra fees. What you get on onlyfans is mainly just going to be whatever has previously been posted to their feed, but you might be able to get additional stuff every once in a while, and if you're really lucky it won't be any extra fee. But it's really a roll of the dice.
    1 point
  25. I've done both of those! I'll certainly be sharing my experiences. If it's allowed, I'll take some pics and share those too.
    1 point
  26. It's a pretty good theory, I'd say. Either that or women can squat, face each other and carry on talking while they pee. Men would be wise not to try peeing face-to-face (unless their tastes run that way, of course...)
    1 point
  27. Dude that’s an amazing pee!nice stream and cock! I’m jealous you get to walk into the woods in nothing but your birthday suit and pee wherever you want. Did You walk out of the house like that?
    1 point
  28. Excellent work! Keep it up! Love the pictures.
    1 point
  29. I think for me, over the years the biggest surprise has been the number of different ways ladies pee comes out - sometimes a laser stream, sometimes a messy dribble, sometimes a fan, sometimes high pressure high volume short duration, sometimes low pressure for ages. The angle varies, the sounds vary, so each woman I see peeing is like a new experience as I never quite know what to expect. Another surprising thing is bladder capacity - I see some girls absolutely bursting to pee outside and then they leave a tiny puddle and then others don't seem overly desperate but flood the street.
    1 point
  30. Totally agree on this - the best sightings used to be when all pubs chucked out at 11pm and people then went to join queues for nightclubs or wait for buses and taxis home. There was always a good chance of sightings between about 11pm and midnight as people couldn't get back into the pubs and there were long queues for the clubs. These days, the line between pub/bar/club is very grey and they can open as long as they like, so there is no sudden rush of people leaving pubs at 11pm, people can go in and out of pubs, travel home is spread over a longer period and the sightings window b
    1 point
  31. I have a theory about this actually. It all goes back to the hunter/gatherer days. See, when you're hunting, the whole party can't stop so one person can take a leak. They stay behind to do their business and catch up later. So while they're all alone, genitals on display and back exposed for any carnivores to dig into, it's natural that they'd be on incredibly high alert. That "pee shy" mentality gets passed down as a hunter's instinct for staying safe while doing one's business on a hunt. The gatherers, however, had safety in numbers, and it's not like the plants are going any
    1 point
  32. Goedendag, Marc! Nederland is my favourite European nation to visit. I especially like the the street urinals in the cities! I've raised my skirt and used them myself - much to the shock of American tourists! The Dutch don't seem to mind, though. Lovely to meet you! Hope to get to hear more about your pissing openly!
    1 point
  33. Dear Wet Carpet, In my last letter, I hinted that my discreet wetting came to an end when my husband caught me. It happened so quickly that I wouldn't have even had time to explain myself. I had just put my son down for a nap. I was relaxing in the front room of our house, which is not far from the nursery. I dozed off for maybe fifteen minutes, and then I woke up needing to pee. I stood up, honestly about to make the long walk to the bathroom, but then I looked around the room and had a thought. The floor in the front room was carpeted with a very smooth lightly colored beige carpet, an
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Great stream @CalmBirdSong that looks like it felt good!
    1 point
  36. Sorry for the delay, I fell asleep early last night so didn't get chance to write it. No documentation for today (Saturday) but I will on Sunday if you guys are still interested 🙂 07:07 – I was right, I did need a wee in the morning. I climbed out of bed, grabbed my phone and stumbled into the bathroom. I took off my shorts and sat on the toilet, yawning widely as I started a gentle trickle. I went for 17 seconds and had a shower. 08:10 – About to leave for work. While my daughter was putting on her shoes I quickly nipped upstairs for a wee. I bunched up my skirt, pulled down
    1 point
  37. I must admit having had several close calls while flying The worst was on a very bouncy flight; I had a tight connection so didn't get to relieve myself at the airport, though I already needed it, and then as the plane was ready to take off I thought I'd just wait until we were airborne. This was a major miscalculation on my part, because the entire ride was bouncy that day so passengers were instructed to keep to their seats with seatbelts on. At some point I just moved to the last row of seats despite the sign, earning a polite rebuff from the attendant, to which I replied I was really
    1 point
  38. I just had the most arousing sight while working i work for the town as a care taker/handyman like do whatever the town needs done and there i was mowing the lawn near the roads and these 2 women walk past and first i didn’t pay them any attention but then i turn my head and the other one just pulls down her pants near the bush and goes into a low squat and just starts peeing there while the other one was holding their drinks and smoking she peed for quite a while and i could see the stream everytime i walked past them with the mower and the best thing they didn’t pay any attention to me even
    1 point
  39. Indeed! Too true!! This beauty as well. Last but not least, being a lover of blondes... How incredibly sexy, at least to me. They aren't called "Traps" for nothing. Hope you enjoy these as I do.
    1 point
  40. I regret being utterly hedonistic, caring more about getting drunk and stoned than about progressing in life. I recognise that much as I enjoyed it, cannabis held me back much more than I realised at the time, sapping my energy and destroying my social self confidence. I regret living too much in the day and not thinking enough about the future. I would be far better off today if I had done more of the latter. It is great to have fun, and having fun is something young people especially very much need. We will never talk them out of doing what we did if that is what they want to do. W
    1 point
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