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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2019 in Posts

  1. Luke's Story (Short) I'm too old for dance clubs but my therapist told me to try new things. This wasn't what he had in mind, but since The Oranola had just opened down in the city, I said fine, I'll be the twenty-nine year old man among early twenties kids for the sake of new experiences for one night. Parking was a pain, the lot was full since I went late so I had to park two blocks away. Inside the place was nice, tons of people. I sat at the bar alone and had a soda since I had to drive myself home. It felt like a waste of time so after about forty minutes, it was almost ten o'clock a
    3 points
  2. I live just outside a city with lots of bars and clubs which cover quite a small radius.Weekends can be busy and as we have 2 Universities,there are lots of students out during term time. This can lead to some interesting sights as revellers spill out onto the streets.Over the years,I have seen quite a lot of women and men peeing in various places.Some less discrete than others.There are lots of narrow lanes and also a garden area which isn't locked at night.I've seen girls squatting there with there skirts pulled up and knickers down,spraying the grass and paths.It's below street level,so occ
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  3. So the second story is from around the same time. It was a Friday night and we were out at our hang out. We went to the shop and bought our usual rubbish. Sweets, crisps, chocolate and, of course, fizzy juice. We were all having a laugh and being silly. Messing around in general. One of the girls, Angie we'll call her, was standing, wearing a denim skirt that reached halfway to her knee, on the riverbank. She was a bit lower down than everyone else. There's the river, then a bit with pebbles where she was which was about a foot drop from the grassy bit. We were just laughing away a
    3 points
  4. A few nice stats I just noticed and wanted to share with you all... Last month was the highest ever total of posts submitted to PeeFans in a single month. Not only was it the most active month in this site's 5 year history, but we had over 500 brand new pee fans join the site too... Thanks for everyone's contributions, and for making this place such a welcoming community. People may say forums are dead... but we're just getting started! 😉
    2 points
  5. Recently, my husband has been on a kick about peeing on or in random a items. Example, last week, I ended up peeing on a mannequin from a store that was in a storage area. That being said, I am asking for ideas because I have to come up with some items for us to pee on or in. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    2 points
  6. The following week saw a most unexpected event. Suzanne had rushed into the office early, her bladder bursting from all the water she had drunk during her long journey into work. Her boss was off on a training course and her colleague Helen had booked the day off to have her car serviced. It was too good an opportunity to miss! Normally, Suzanne’s daytime toilets would involve using the Ladies’ downstairs loo, selecting either the sink or the floor to relieve her pent up piss. After-hours peeing over the carpet was wHelen acceptable given that all trace would vanish by th
    2 points
  7. This was something I saw in my late teens. It was one of the first times I got a good look at a woman peeing. It was an important memory for me for many years, but then I forgot about it. It resurfaced only very recently. I was a passenger on a long car journey, sitting on the other side from the driver (so staring out of the window, bored, at the pavement and beyond). It was summer, dusk, so late evening, but still light. It was a slow journey. We had to drive through the centre of many towns and cities. We stopped at traffic lights in one. I was not paying much attention to
    2 points
  8. I travel very frequently and I actually used an airplane as the setting for one of my over-the-top fictional stories that I shared on this forum. However, last week I was able to catch a glimpse of some real-world airplane naughtiness. I really couldn't believe it -- I honestly haven't ever caught a stranger in the act, even in areas more suited for the purpose such as alleyways. I was really surprised and couldn't believe my luck. I was flying Economy class in one of the planes that has a 3-4-3 configuration, meaning that there are three seats, an aisle, 4 seats, an aisle, and three more
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  9. I guess my bladder isnt as strong as I let on to be, because it sure failed me this morning. My youngest came running into my room shouting for mommy and daddy. I wasnt fully awake yet, so I just kind of turned over to greet them. They jumped up on the bed and decided right then and there that they wanted to be a wrestler and took a dive for my midsection. I hadn't peed yet, and instantly pain radiated throughout my lower half as my bladder gave in to the pressure. I threw my child off if my as I started peeing into the covers, I couldnt hold it or stop myself unfortunately so all I could
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  10. Ethan's Story When I was a kid, my mom's friend Carrie came over often. I had a serious crush on her. She's Italian. At the time, she was late thirties, and really curvy with dark blonde hair. I'll never forget her loud energetic laugh and that sweet perfume she always wore. To this day, I don't know what it was and I've never known anyone else using it but I'd recognize it instantly. Anyway one summer morning I was up early to play Gears of War. Carrie came over like usual to have a coffee with my mom, who had taken the day off work. I remember hearing them down in the kitchen talking an
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  11. Riley, I don't know you very well and we've only corresponded a couple times but you've come across as a considerate and thoughtful person. We're all here for the same reason, to share our love and interest for our fetish. Like minded people that we will probably never meet. Bonding, sharing, joking and laughing. And yes, sometimes crying. We are more than the sum of our parts. We are individuals. Imperfect, flawed... Yet, we grow better everyday. Things are looking down for you now, but they will improve. They always do. 2 yrs ago, I lost almost all I loved. Or thought I loved. But I had
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  12. 1 point
  13. In answer to @Jayne78's original questions: When you see a women while socialising or even maybe a work colleague do you ever fantasise about them on the toilet. - Yes I do fantasise about girls on the toilet. If I am talking to someone, I will often try and gauge their level of desperation, look for hints that they might need a pee and enjoy developing those thoughts. I also wonder about how they use the toilet; whether they sit or hover, how they adjust their clothes, whether they spray or tinkle, how they wipe and so on. Bit of a fruitless exercise as I don't ever get to find out
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  14. I am wondering whether you are ever alone with ladies and whether they don't bother to close the door or hide from you because they know that you are blind and won't be watching them, but they may not realise that you have a heightened sense of hearing and that you enjoy listening to every intimate detail of their peeing?
    1 point
  15. Excellent. Can’t wait for the next short story!
    1 point
  16. Please send to me too xx ❤️
    1 point
  17. Ehm… not exactly The shape a living being takes depends on a serie of genetical correspondences Two legs is the lesser number of legs to be sure to have enough mobility, more than 2 would clog the brain CPU and is more useful for animals but less for evolved creatures Same for arms, less than two the creature would be clumsy, but more than 2 would be not favourable increse arms/increase brain activity to control them Then, binocular vision is better than anything else, more than 2 eyes, again, would be difficult to be made functioning, and erected stance is be
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  18. They are roughly anthropomorphic, all races, for creatures of our evolutionary level anthropoid form is useful
    1 point
  19. These are two experiences I have seen, or at least partly seen, from when I was about 11 years old. Myself and some friends had a little place we used to go to hang around near a river. When we first started hanging out there we had to make a few rules. Apart from the 'what is said here stays here' rule we decided on a toilet area. Since some of group would be girls I found a plastic tub that sheep would drink out of and placed it in the toilet area. The first story is about a friend's sister. She came with friend. She had blonde hair was about 9 at time a bit of puppy fat, and her
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  20. I hope you get the chance to be proven wrong... there must be some ladies out there willing to help? Even as a matter of education? Strange as it may sound, I love it on this forum when our lady members post about wanting to watch, hold and play with us - without that the whole thing feels a bit 'seedy', but with it far more mutual.
    1 point
  21. UnabashedUser, Thank you for your detailed description of some of the ways that your wife pees. Your descriptions helped give me mental pictures Since I am unable to view such events. Maybe someday I will be fortunate to feel a woman or women peeing. The ultimate tactile experience maybe could be feeling her body moving in to position, explore her intimate places before her stream begins, feel her stream to learn about size and power, and how much gets wet. Now I do realize if I were to be touching her stream near the source, I would be interfering/altering the stream changing the typica
    1 point
  22. I may have posted this story within the last five years but I can’t remember. This happened about 2005. This girl Amber I was dating, we had an on and off five year relationship. We went to the marina one night, I was driving her car that night. She always had to pee, I’m sure that’s why I kept her around. She had been on this liquid diet. So we’re at the marina, sitting in the car and she says she has to pee. She then asked me something like, would I be mad if she just peed. I’m like no, it’s your car. Guess she forgot we were in her car which was one year newer than mine. For the rec
    1 point
  23. Hi Jayne, "Pregnancy definitely changes the way you pee. My stream for one is weaker, it takes me longer to start once I'm sat on the toilet and once in full flow I can no longer stop the stream. That said I have always struggled to stop mid flow even in my teens." That is interesting. Pregnancy can make some minor or major changes, either temporary or permanent, in a woman's peeing. But I don't think my wife had any permanent changes, resulting from one pregnancy. Since you mention the ability to stop in mid flow, I have always been fascinated by the ability that some women hav
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  24. I have been lucky enough at work to be able to listen to women peeing. Of course I love the strong gusher as opposed to a weak pee'r. Imagining her legs spread, getting some relief after standing for hours, unable to leave their job until the opportunity arises. Changing pads and tampons, because I know they do. I see them in the trash. I'd love to clean them when they're done. If anyone ever asked, I probably would. Short story: While in high school I had a job with a large retailer. One of my jobs was cleaning bathrooms. One day while cleaning the women's, one came into the next stall a
    1 point
  25. Jayne78 wrote, "Thank you very much for the compliments with regards my legs I am very flattered." Jayne, you are very, very welcome! I don't think I have words in my vocabulary to describe your lovely legs adequately! 🙂 So glad you like my compliments, and a little bit relieved that you don't find them offensive. Coming from a previous generation, I am sometimes a little bit confused by some of the "new rules" announced by some of the modern women's movements, in the States, which tend to portray compliments to a woman's body as sexual harassment. That has never, ever, been my inten
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  26. I often find that pubic hair can get in the way and divert the flow especially if like me you have a week stream. It has on many occasion diverted along my bottom to drip from my cheeks. Ok if sat on the toilet but if squatting because the e toilet is filthy can lead to issues. Also sometimes diverts onto thighs. And at times randomly an issue again if not sitting this has led on occasions to me wetting my knickers and tights. Very annoying if like me you are accident prone and you get to the toilet ok only to wet yourself anyway. Also you do get lots of drips and the drying time and
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  27. Agree 100%. I love when a woman's stream goes wildly off course and sprays uncontrollably. Years ago I saw a hidden cam video of a woman hovering over a public toilet and her stream splashed the seat like crazy and then missed the toilet entirely and she pissed on the floor. Then she turned around while zipping her pants and looked at her mess and just left it, didn't care at all. It took the fetish to a new level for me. So when I hear a woman's pee sounds leaking from a restroom I'm always wondering if she's making a mess. Then when I cleaned restrooms at my old job I enjoyed seeing the mess
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  28. Guilty as charged..... 😉 In the first instance I'm huge admirer of the whole female anatomy, and based on outfit I'll tend to make guesses on what may be underneath - thong / cotton / lace / sultry or cartoon print.... that sort of thing. That leads on to guessing of shaved / trimmed / full natural, although I'm most probably way off the mark in most instances. In your case @Jayne78 the black short work dress looks great on you, I would have guessed right on the underwear but not on the natural bush. Can't win them all! Toilet wise, I'll find myself wondering what desperati
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  29. Jayne78, Thank you for some very interesting questions. I will do my best to answer them. 1. "When you see a women while socialising or even maybe a work colleague do you ever fantasise about them on the toilet." Yes! Very often, if they are attractive to me. 2. "If so are they doing a normal pee, having an accident changing a pad etc?" They are usually doing a more or less normal pee, in a style they might use in public facilities, or at home. My choice of fantasy styles depends on how well I know the woman, by her body language, her personality, how she sits normally
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  30. Saw this on Twitter ‘Which 4 celebs do you most wish would go into porn?’ So I saw this and thought ‘you mean pee porn’ of course 😀 Here are my 4: Rosario Dawson, Natalie Portman, Mika Kunis and Christina Hendricks. Ideally in a 4 girl piss party, MMM!!
    1 point
  31. This one is great https://celebsroulette.com/videos/41/anna-ammirati-frivolous-lola/
    1 point
  32. I do have a Co worker who like me has a tendency to get engrossed in work and go long periods between pees, she will frequently say I'm going to have an accident if I don't go soon, and will then wait a bit longer before rushing off. I can't help wondering if she's one of us. And I do picture her , she drinks a lot of water and seems very quick in and out of the loo, I think she would be a power pisser!
    1 point
  33. Hi, I haven't explored this site long enough to know if this topic has already been discussed but I though it might be interesting to ask if anyone else has been to a pee cocktail party. I've only ever been to one but would love to try it again. It came about when I met a couple on holiday in Majorca. After several nights in the bar we discovered we had a mutual love of peeing. Both in their thirties, they regularly engaged in pee games and as the days wore on and our trust in each other grew, we gradually got to the point where an expectation arose that we should do something together before
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  34. Have you men ever wondered just what we ladies keep in our handbags. Well I was clearing mine out. Ok so I'm probably not the average women with pads and spare underwear but would be nice to compare
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  35. When it’s a really hot girl/she peeing somewhere naughty, but the camera zooms all the way in on her crotch so you can’t see anything.
    1 point
  36. I know this is weird but sometimes I also enjoy placing my hand around my slit and peeing so that my pe also makes contact with the rest of my slit while I'm peeing.
    1 point
  37. Rumble…rumble… rumble… The sounds these trains make is annoying yet somehow hypnotic. The lights flashing like cheap disco strobes… at least at night. Yeah it’s not just night. It’s almost the time when you can’t legally call it night anymore. We sit bouncing, swaying, eager to get home. Me? Cleveland’s the name. My partner here is Tiffany. Husband and wife of oh… 4 years last month. High school sweethearts then separated for different colleges only to meet back up and wind up married and working for the same advertising firm. That’s no accident. We both were go-getters through schoo
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  38. This is my account of the first time I saw someone pee in front of me, in my adult life. It is a much shorter and simpler story, than the one above, from my childhood. She was my fiancee, soon to be my wife. When we were dating, we often talked, drinking endless cups of Chinese jasmine tea, for hours on end, sitting together on a couch in the living room of the house where she lived, with a room mate, and a land lady, who was often away on business. Obviously, the tea made both of us pee, a lot. But at that time, we hadn't slept together, yet, so I couldn't even ask if I could follow her
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  39. So I was feeling a little crafty and I thought of an idea. What if I made panties that would redirect pee into a plastic bag so I could pee myself without actually getting wet. I got to work and created panties where the inside was insulated with duck tape so they wouldn't get wet. The panties then funnled the water into the center where there was a hole where I would attach a Ziploc bag. I felt pretty satisfied and tested them in the shower and everything seemed to work. So to test i filled a glass with water and drank.. a lot. Then I slipped into some grey sweatpants and a t-shir
    1 point
  40. Sometimes it's the small pleasures in life... Yesterday I'd been on a long bike ride, with a couple of coffee stops and a bottle of juice on the go. Despite that I think I was very slightly dehydrated - the urge to pee didn't hit until just as I stripped off to get in the shower. For a few seconds I stood at the far side of the bathtub away from the shower with hands cupped around my dick and balls. Relaxing, I felt the hot flow first against my palm and then trickling over my scrotum and down my legs, an intense golden colour. And yes, I did lick my hand after - a bit bitter th
    1 point
  41. Riley, Thank you so much for your very detailed and insightful answer. It is a total delight to read, and very erotic, too! And it does help me understand much more about women's peeing preferences and motivations. I love and admire your spirit of adventure, enjoying peeing on all positions, just to try them. You must be a lot of fun to be with! 🙂 It's interesting to read that your legs, clothing, or the seat only get wet when you are doing something out of the ordinary, not when you are sitting normally, so you must have reliable control of your stream, in most situations. I love yo
    1 point
  42. As a male watching,i prefer the squatting position.You girls are beautiful.xx
    1 point
  43. Riley said: "Crossing my legs definitely does help me hold it. Being honest anything that can help my put pressure against my urethral opening helps. I'm not sure how much of it is phycological after that however. Crossing my legs definitely does help me hold longer and I'll often do that when I really have to pee. I hope this helped!" Thanks, Riley. You are right, of course. I have a very short little story which supports what you say: Long ago, I took an airplane trip with "Michelle," a long-time girlfriend of mine. We had been together for several years, at the time, and
    1 point
  44. I was on a plane today and kept thinking about it! It really was risky I thought! I couldn't really see any evidence when we began to deplane though to be fair, I was not able to get a good look either because I couldn't hang back when I had a connecting flight to make. With the way she was sprinkling and assuming there were sufficient gaps between her escapades, I think it would evaporate reasonably quickly -- at least far more so than a puddle caused by a steady stream. Hahaha... it makes you wonder. I was thinking about it though and it certainly wasn't her pee
    1 point
  45. @Alfresco @DXR Yes, MrPoll got Amazing stories It's just a sensation of mine or it became a little less intense and aggressive with time? I mean fewer stories posted and so on... Glad to have you around!!! As my pals here already said, this forum is FILLED with awsome stories!!! Check around and have fun!!! And for any doubt, just as the Staff or a senior member… enjoy!! Kisses!!!
    1 point
  46. It had started out as a dare, the two petite blonds squatting in the Technical office after hours, with their bare bums and exposed pussies on display, as they got ready to have a wee. It had been sweet Colette who had gone first, a wavering, slightly yellowed, stream of piss squirting from her semi-shaven slit that pattered down as a golden rain over the office carpet between her parted legs. Her pee stream was just beginning to grow in strength and distance when her Susan had joined in, a stream of clear piss leaping from her pussy slit to form a playing fountain that pattered over the floor
    1 point
  47. Today’s Long Pee Hold Today started like any other. I got up at 8:30 AM, peed had breakfast including two mugs of tea and orange juice. I booted up my computer checked e-mail, paid bills etc.etc.. Before I knew it was 12:30 PM, by this time my bladder felt sort of full, I needed to pee. But now business out of the way it was playtime, so I opened omorashi.com. I had not planned to hold my pee today, but here I was enj
    1 point
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