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  2. No she has never mentioned it since. No she didn’t leave the door for me as she would have had no idea that I would choose that time to also go to the toilet and based on her reaction when the door opened, she really was not expecting to be walked in on. No there were no wet trousers. Not really sure why there would be unless you mean due to her jumping, missing the toilet and hitting her trousers. No that didn’t happen.
  3. Yes this is very true. it was an old train with a simple slide bolt so I have no idea why she didn’t slide the bolt when she went in. Newer trains definitely can be confusing with the buttons. They have got more clearly signed with the later models but I have had some cases before now where I have opened an electrically controlled train toilet and seen a lady peeing because they only pressed the close button and not the lock button or quite possibly didn’t even see the buttons and the door closed behind them so they assumed it was locked. The best ones are the toilets with the electri
  4. Absolutely. If she had brought it up then I would happily have brushed it off as an accident and no big deal but as I know her I would have also complemented her cute bum though. It wouldn’t have caused any upset but as it seems she probably either doesn’t know it was me or assumes I don’t know it was her, then I don’t want to cause her any unnecessary embarrassment.
  5. Thanks for all your efforts. Although this morning, initial login took over 20 sec, and each page click is taking anywhere from a couple of seconds up to that sort of time. Once the page starts to load, images etc seem to appear at normal speed. So it seems like time to have my click processed rather than speed of data transfer to build the page - if that makes sense. We're not under a sustained DoS attack are we @Admin
  6. Happy Birthday today @aquavite2 @freakyelf @lovegivingoral @Peefan35 @Argento19 @Peetime04. @Publicpiss
  7. Today
  8. Some full size sex dolls that everyone could pee on 😀 Som in different outfits and some naked
  9. The wife, MIL and SIL do comment on each other's peeing styles. The SIL especially will raz her mother for hissing and tinkling so long and make comments to the wife that she sounds like an elephant when pissing. I am always aroused when around these three. I will write about an interesting story I had with my very horney and sexy MIL very recently. Yes, all the girls wait for each other in the women's toilets. Wife will apply makeup and fluff her hair while the other two continue to drain out.
  10. My girlfriend and some very very close friends I have in fact ruined going to the bathroom for her because now she thinks about me every time she pees.
  11. As someone who doesn’t even use the fly in my underwear, I’m usually an over-the-waistband kind of guy.
  12. I will say this as to leaving it to your imagination… her back is bad so she uses a shower chair. That made for a very kinky night!
  13. I’m so desperate now! Help, what do I do? I should have released more into the blankets!
  14. I cant tell you how relieved (no pun intended) I am to see you guys again lol.
  15. Ever enjoy yourself sneezing with a full bladder? (I'm not sure how one induces themselves to sneeze other than dust).
  16. Okay this was a new experience but super hot! I carried the laundry out to the communal washer by hand (no hamper) just in a big ball held against my body. Secretly I had pulled my dick out through my fly and buried it into the mass of sheets and blankets. As I walked through the apartment complex to the laundry room I released my piss into the bundle! Check out the wet spot below
  17. The site after being unreachable all day now seems to be running really slowly
  18. I just let out my first spurt! While walking to my car I tried to relax enough to let a spurt out into my pants. It took some focus and I had to walk an extra lap as if I “forgot something in the office” since I couldn’t get it out on the short walk. Finally relaxed enough to release a spurt into my pants! It was a much bigger spurt of piss than I intended and immediately soaked through my boxers and I felt it run halfway down my thigh. Thankfully my jeans are black. I can feel the wetness through my jeans if I run my hand along the crotch of my pants and down my inner thigh but you
  19. Yesterday
  20. I’m getting pretty full but not what I would call desperate yet.
  21. Feeling naughty today. Wearing black jeans with boxers underneath. I haven’t been hydrating particularly well so it may be strong and I worry a bit about smell so don’t want to do anything too crazy. I’m at work and open to suggestions from anyone online! If no one has better suggestions I may practice letting out a spurt or two while walking since I love practicing peeing and walking at the same time since nonchalant peeing is a big turn on and I could always use the practice releasing into my pants against my brains instincts.
  22. I’ve seen this issue occasionally but it usually loaded with a refresh. The site was unavailable for about 24 hours this time.
  23. I have been unable to access the site all day today also. Have had issues on and off in the last few days too.
  24. Nothing wrong with being on the safe side when t comes to germs. Yeah, for that very reason, I don't want to use a toilet when I'm out. 😏
  25. I voted “A casual sexual encounter with someone you're unlikely to see again”. discretion is a must because I’m married to a woman, but I’m a closeted bisexual. Having known only one other man personally who was into drinking urine from other men, I’m curious to hear how other likeminded men broach the topic with hookups. I used to bring up the subject with potential playmates as we’d get to know one another’s likes and dislikes, only to have almost everyone reject me when I confided in them. Eventually I tried another tactic of getting what I wanted by just telling them that I love giving blo
  26. wow that is a great first start. have you wanted to make some any perticular place?
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