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Everything posted by Peewee123

  1. No I never drink enough, and thinking about it only had one drink yesterday!
  2. @jmatthews1995 sex often gives me a UTI, I used to have to take an antibiotic after every time just to prevent it as in winter I would get 2-3 infections a month. Not too sure what’s caused this one though, maybe the pee play?
  3. @Paulypeeps I love that feeling of kinda being desperate and letting some out then stopping but wanting to do it again. It feels a bit like edging.
  4. Oh that’s not nice! Thankfully as I get them frequently I recognise the signs really early and treat it before it’s an issue. Actually I’m normally allowed to keep a set of antibiotics at home for when this happens but I used the last lot and forgot to get more!
  5. Pants! I’ve woken up with a UTI brewing, I’ve already sent a request in to my doctor for some antibiotics so hopefully I’ll get those later and they usually work within a few hours thankfully. I suffer quite a bit with them sadly, does anyone else?
  6. I would say I am the same as you. I feel outside is basically fine although I mainly do it in my own garden or the woods, I wouldn’t do it somewhere someone would have to sit or kids play etc. Inside I only do it in my own home and I either protect things before doing it or do it on easily cleanable surfaces like tiles or sinks etc. I don’t think it’s fair to inflict it on others.
  7. Funnily enough I did this yesterday and it felt great. I had been playing with myself watching videos off this site and hadn’t realised how full I was. I got up and between being desperate to pee, horny, and full of ideas off this site I didn’t want to use the bathroom. I have a large thick bath sheet towel which I grabbed off the towel rail, scrunched it up, put it between my legs and started peeing. I was enjoying it too much to stop so just kept going. It felt so good to get that relief and feel the warmth of the towel against my clit etc. I was worried it was going to overflow as I just k
  8. What are you planning? Sounds like you’re having a fun day!
  9. I haven't tried that, perhaps with some practice and time I could manage this.
  10. @MiaDarling Hi. Thankyou for taking the time to explain, it's definitely good to understand these things and see how others enjoy a similar "hobby". The only thing I would say is if you are posting on other posts it might just be worth mentioned it is ABDL even if you don't explain it. I am not sure if it is your partner or someone else but I remember him posting about his little girl and wanting to find fun ways to pee etc. For him, he understood what he meant and the language he used was normal to him but for a lot of us it raised concerns and he got comments about it not being appropriate u
  11. I usually do this as I want to prolong the fun of wetting as it takes so long to fill back up. Doing it in one go makes it over far too quickly!
  12. Faker - put down towels and puppy pads to give it a go and realise I really can’t pee when laying down. Try sitting, nope can’t pee when anything touching me. Try squatting just above it, start going but then panic the bed will get wet so quickly stop and clean up 🤣
  13. I remember being intrigued by it when younger but it was all done in the bathroom. Bending over and watching the pee come out as I sat on the toilet, starting and stopping my flow to see what it felt like, putting my hand under my stream to feel the warmth, peeing with my knickers on while sat on the toilet, standing over the toilet and peeing, and when a bit older peeing in the shower. I only did each thing once or twice but I do think it was related to the fetish and enjoying the feeling and wanting to explore it more.
  14. @BGSB86 oh dear that’s a tricky mix! I have a bladder of steel I think, I have never leaked or had an accident, even through two pregnancies. I think my bladder would rupture before I wet myself, it can be so full it’s seriously painful and I can’t walk and still not a drip leaks. 😅
  15. @MaxWasTaken I can’t pee laying down either!
  16. I don’t really notice who’s in them and don’t like specific people etc but as soon as someone is smoking that video is done for me. It’s a turn off and distracting.
  17. You can find whatever you want on the internet but it’s sorting the real scientific studies from the people who just believe things or want to believe things. I can’t see it would help as it’s a waste product and if you’re poorly could contain that bug too. Plus if your throat is sore it’s more likely to let the bad stuff in so I’d have thought it’d make it worse. I have read about urine therapy and some swear by it but haven’t seen any actual studies to prove it.
  18. I get asked the same as I don’t usually go when I’m out and about as I don’t like public toilets. I only go a few times a day really.
  19. I can see that it could also work against her. If men start to realise she’s naked and enjoy it, the wives may take offence and get upset. Women can be vindictive and could report it or cause a nasty atmosphere for her to live in.
  20. I think it varies. I use two squares for just a pee and I’m bone dry after that (although I am talking about decent thick toilet paper here!). If I didn’t feel quite dry I would get another 2 squares and wipe again however that’s more likely for vaginal wetness rather than pee wetness. Lining of the knickers with paper is more about either menstruation or discharge, I highly doubt it’d be for pee.
  21. I have never really seen a man desperate. I think men seem to just go more frequently to avoid getting to that stage. Plus The men I know are more likely to just go where they are when they need it. My female friends seem to hold it more and more likely to get desperate.
  22. What you was it? The two things for me are totally separate, if I’m turned on then I physically can’t pee!
  23. I agree with you. For me it’s a rare thing I enjoy and if I did it too much it’d not be enjoyable and I’d find it a turn off. I don’t think I’d want another pee fan as a partner as I think it would become too much and ruin the fun. I’d rather have someone not really into it who allowed it or enjoyed it once every now and again. I would talk to him if I were you.
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