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Everything posted by Peewee123

  1. I wouldn’t worry, I’ve never done it myself but as I have a large bladder and don’t go often I’ve had them check me and my bed to see if I had wet myself and they were laughing and joking about it. No anger or anything. I’m sure they just have cleaned me up and not made a big thing about it.
  2. It seems a natural progression doesn’t it and rude not to 😉
  3. I’ve seen a few videos with happy endings and it does look hot!
  4. I get this often but possibly because I have an internal battle about the pee fetish anyway. I’ve done it at when peeing in a glass, thought I only had a little bit in bladder but under estimated it. So tipped the glass in the sink and refilled glass, again emptied and went again and so on. But each glass was harder to stop to empty it and in the end I just carried on peeing and went all over the floor. Thankfully was a wet room and so it just flowed down the drain and a quick mop of the floor and it was fine.
  5. I’m sure there was a post on here not so long ago along these lines. Maybe using pee as the massage oil. I’ve never done it myself, definitely wouldn’t with a professional but could pee if a partner wanted me to if he was giving me one. It feels like it’d be super relaxing.
  6. 3 mins is a long time. I have had a couple of lees that were so long I thought they’d never end and actually got bored of peeing but didn’t time as they were random and unexpected. Didn’t feel that full but went to the toilet and it just kept coming. However I did time a really full hold recently to the point I was in pain and couldn’t stand up and I think I peed 1.4litres in about 43 seconds (the actual time and amount will be on here somewhere but it definitely wasn’t over a minute)
  7. I think it’s possible as long as you are both on the same page and have boundaries and stick to them!
  8. I haven’t timed but I remember a couple of pees just went on and on and on to the point I got bored or peeing and wondered if they would ever end. I even debated stopping and coming back later as it just seemed never ending. I pushed to go faster to try and finish sooner but still it kept flowing. I do wonder how long those pees took! It was actually a bit embarrassing 🤣
  9. I’d definitely do it at yours seeing as then she can’t come plain too much and she has done it at hers. If you do it before hand you could always just say mind the puddle I’m about to clean it up, or say sorry I just got in and desperate like you were the other day. Depending on your relationship you could always joke and ask if she needed to add to it before you cleaned it up. It’s really hard to comment as I can’t imagine ever having these discussion with my mum but you guys have a very different relationship. I think the door has been opened a bit and you should take the next step.
  10. I’m torn to be honest and would depend on the situation I think
  11. @Starks2010 I’m sure many ladies would be happy to do this for you. I know I would and it’d be a huge turn on too 😉
  12. That sounds like a fun night, not sure how you managed to let him stop though!!
  13. Do all men like hearing about a woman going to the toilet or just pee kink people do you think? I have no issue declaring my need for the toilet but if men like it I might do it more 😂
  14. For me it is 100% sexual. Basically pre does nothing for me normally, I don’t think about it, I just go to the toilet as normal and feel nothing. However when I am turned on, suddenly I have an urge to do all sorts of Lee related things and it turns me on so much I end up having an orgasm really quickly after I do. However the second I have had an orgasm and am no longer turned on I lose that urge and suddenly I am embarrassed and ashamed at what I’ve just done and annoyed by the mess. Lol it’s a weird conflict but I know I’m not the only one on here who is similar to this. But basically pee d
  15. Yes I think they meant rogue, also think they meant NSFW. Assume both were typos. Also you have to answer for having free pee options. There should be a no option
  16. I know what you mean although I think I’d do this. I can be really desperate, but unless I sit on a toilet, it can take me a moment to convince myself I can go where I am.
  17. I agree and disagree with you. As a female that has tiny boobs I have had my fair share of comments. No boys were interested in me when at school as I didn’t have boobs and therefore wasn’t feminine, I got called a boy or Tom boy a lot and joked about if I needed a bra or was I in a training bra still or if I just needed a band aid! I do agree that you don’t need big boobs to have good sex but men often state they wouldn’t enjoy it as they like to have something bigger to grab hold of or use as a pillow so I have been told I wouldn’t be good in bed, but yes sex is mainly about a penis so I do
  18. I’m exactly the same, but I’ve never met anyone else who openly admits it!
  19. Honestly the whole size thing annoys me, it’s only men that care about the size and then I don’t understand why mean are so obsessed with other men’s penises. 🤣 my ex husband was about 8” long and 6.5” girth when erect, he was pretty big when flaccid too. It hurt, sex was painful and not enjoyable for me. I grinned and beared it for his pleasure but was happy when it was done and we could get to playing with hands, toys and oral instead as that was what was enjoyable for me. Big girth can just be too big and cause pain with stretching and the length is pretty pointless as most vaginas ar
  20. You don’t need to be nervous, get in a shower and try peeing on your legs and feet a little. If you like it then maybe try your stomach and chest and if you really like it the just go crazy and let it go anywhere. As you are in the shower it’s easy to wash away and get clean plus you won’t get cold!
  21. Exactly the same with all you said!
  22. Yup undies are made to catch all things in that area and keep our clothes clean. However I have to say I’ve never got pee in my undies unless I’ve chosen to wet, are you sure it was pee?!
  23. @DoctorDoctor when I said naturally I meant when I’m busy and haven’t been to the toilet and have “naturally” held rather than planning it. Then when the urge suddenly hits and you go, the release is such a relief it can feel amazing. I can’t go involuntarily, even when I’ve held to the point I can’t move or it’s agony, I don’t leak a drop. I think I’d cause damage before I had an accident, I just can’t see how an accident could happen (for me). i usually go when I feel the need to go, so urgency I guess. I’ve only got to the painful stage when seeing how much I can hold or when I’ve rea
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