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Everything posted by Peewee123

  1. You looked like you enjoyed that. Hope the cleanup wasn’t too bad!
  2. I’ve always been slightly intrigued by those banquets where they peed at the dining table in front of everyone. Think they all sat on commodes or had pisspots, I remember seeing a photo aT school and it’s stuck with me. Lol
  3. No. It’s rarely urgent. I usually come in, put stuff away, see pets, etc and then go to the toilet. If I’ve held it ages then it can suddenly become a little urgent and I’d go as soon as I took coat & shoes off and put keys away. In that instant it gets more urgent the closer I get. Lol
  4. @Bacardi I’m the same, I almost never use bathrooms elsewhere. One thing I’ve noticed though is that my bladder is obviously used to peeing whenever I come home, so now even if I only pop out for 10 mins, when I get home I feel like I need to go 🤣
  5. I remember when I was about 18/19, we went to a pub with college friends. I drove as I don’t drink alcohol so that makes me designated driver most of the time! We’d been out all evening, drinking, chatting etc and just enjoying a nice warm evening (lovely pub by the lake that does water sports etc). I don’t often drink too much as one or two cokes in an evening is plenty and as most of you know by now I have have a huge bladder and pelvic floor muscles of a champion lol. Home was only 10-15 mins away, plus dropping off friends on the way I would be a maximum of 30 mins. I wasn’t too desperate
  6. That’s gooD to know it might not have to be done. We are just waiting and seeing right now. Hoping they manage without but if it needs doing then so be it.
  7. @Kupar sadly the latter is probably true 🤣
  8. @Kupar yeh. Both my sons may need a procedure doing as they have tight foreskin.
  9. I’ve never peed in the bath and only in the shower a few times. Lol
  10. I never realised that about Americans and foreskin. In the UK you only have it cut if there is a medical need and I assume Jewish culture still do it. You can probably pay to have it done privately if you really want to but I don’t know if any men who want to have it done here. I have found circumcised men are quite self conscious as it is fairly uncommon here. Personally I don’t have a preference and think both are great!
  11. I have never HAD to pee anywhere, I have a large bladder and strong pelvic floor muscles so can always hold it long enough to get somewhere. So if I pee somewhere else it is always for the experience rather than a necessity.
  12. I’ve never had a dream about pee or anything sexual, never woken up having orgasmed or even turned on. Maybe I’m missing out!
  13. Probably in a supermarket, but only did a small amount so just got my underwear damp and didn’t actually effect anyone else. Other than that a dirt/gravel car park in the woods.
  14. @gldenwetgoose yeh it kinda makes sense. Those who are into naughty peeing possibly have a more daring or exhibitionist side so are more likely to share but those into wetting who do it in the privacy of their own home possibly keep it to themselves. Obviously there are exceptions but it does seem to follow this pattern.
  15. Totally agree, and my wetting usually ends up with me masturbating too. For me the pee thing is a sexual thing so the two are usually combined 😉
  16. Yes I do! The warmth feels amazing and it usually turns me on a lot.
  17. Lots of people enjoy setting on here, I just don’t think they shout it as loud as the naughty pee-ers. I enjoy wetting occasionally.
  18. Yeh! I sit at a large corner desk with partitions up so we can only really see each other’s heads. I sit with my hand in my pocket while reading some work on my screen and scrolling the mouse around occasionally lol. Even if someone walked past I doubt they realised.
  19. Oh that’s a shame but I’m glad it’s not just me it does nothing for! Haha
  20. I don’t like talking but the moaning and relief is a big turn on to me too.
  21. I’ve been embarrassed in work toilet cubicle as the other cubicles were full and people washing hands and chatting etc, but my pee was going on forever. Other people came and went in the cubicle next to me and I was still going. Lol
  22. What would the photos actually be of?
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