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Everything posted by Peewee123

  1. I think you could get it for the weekend and maybe do a pee in it early on so it’s dry by the time you return it. I think if you peed lots into it then the smell, stain and wetness would show and you’d be stuck with a large bill!
  2. I have the lelo sona 2 and it does nothing for me on pee hole and never made me feel like I have to pee while using it on clit or anywhere round the area.
  3. The only people I’ve openly Peed in front of are my kids and obviously that didn’t turn me on or do anything like that. It kinda happened naturally, when a baby I’d carry them in with me so I knew they were safe and as they were babies it didn’t feel like they knew what was going on. Then as toddlers they just followed me in and played with the bath toys while I peed or got ready etc, and then as kids they used to sometimes just walk in and ask me something and leave. So it was just natural and normal.
  4. I only pee on surfaces that are easy to clean like the shower tray, bath, tiles and it gets cleaned up straight away as otherwise them smell would offend me. I won’t pee on carpets as you can’t truly clean them. If I don’t want the clean up then I do it outside or on linen that goes straight in the wash.
  5. I’d pick holding and peeing anywhere I wanted when I needed to. The thought of cold wet underwear and then damp trousers doesn’t appeal.
  6. To completion most of the times I did it from memory. I would purposefully stare at my spreadsheet on my screen like I was working something so that my facial expression wasn’t an issue and yes moaning was a worry so I had to try and hold that in or turn it to a cough or hold my breath. No one ever caught me so guess I did ok! 🤣
  7. Maybe just trim to begin with and see if you like it ☺️
  8. Haha yeh it grows super quick. What style you gonna try?
  9. Do what you like, everyone different and everyone beautiful. If you like it unshaven, own it! ☺️
  10. Peewee123


    I always wear low cut trousers and often end up with my crack showing accidentally. I was well known for it at work, my boss used to shout at my to pull my trousers up 🤣 I think he secretly loved it!! 😅
  11. I imagine everyone has farted at some point at work, if I really need to fart I kinda lean to the side like I’m getting something from my trays so it comes out silent 🤣 and yes I have masturbated a few times while at work sat at my desk! 😉
  12. Sink, shower, bath, towels, waste bin, bathroom floor, carpet. If you wanna make a game of it, set the bin in front of the sofa bed, and see how far away you can put it and stilll get your pee in it! Kinda depends what you are into.
  13. Maybe you should go try some clothes on in one! Lol
  14. I’m sure a lot of people on here would love to volunteer!! You’d mKe their day 😉
  15. It’s the alley before the cinema screening room. You usually go through a door into a dark corridor before opening the door to the cinema room. It’s to stop the sound and light from the lobby coming into the screening if someone comes in after the film starts.
  16. Just keep an eye out for video doorbells! 🤣
  17. I don’t want to put you off but I’m pretty sure this is illegal and you could find yourself in a lot of trouble if you picked the wrong person especially with camera phones now. Could you do this with someone you know would like it? Arrange for you both to be going for a walk at same time in a quiet place and then flash and pee when you see him for example.
  18. I think this is basically a BDSM thing really, role playing a scenario where he’s dominant over you etc. If you’re both into it I don’t see an issue as long as you discuss it before hand and have a safe word. Doesn’t have to be planned, you could discuss the rules and boundaries and then he could do it whenever he chose so it’s spontaneous. Not something I’d enjoy but I’m sure there are plenty of men who’d love it.
  19. Well my doctor didn't come back to me today so I am still jiggling and feeling like I need to pee non stop! Just hope it doesn't get too bad overnight. This is definitely the downside to pee!
  20. @InOddPlaces Oh no, that's a shame but plenty of time to fill up and enjoy the diapers and you got a bonus wetting in too. Have they arrived? Have you used one yet? How does it feel?
  21. I have had a fantasy of wetting the bed. For me it's the thought of being warm and cosy in bed and really tired and wanting to go back to sleep but needing to pee. Just relaxing and letting it out and feeling the relief without having to get up or get cold, also feeling the warmth and wetness and falling back to sleep would be nice. However in reality it soon turns cold and wet, it causes a lot of mess that I would never do, and actually I physically cannot pee laying down so could never do it. So for me it will stay as a thought of how it would happen in an ideal world where the mess and wetn
  22. I don't think it is important to me at all really, it is not something I have ever looked for or considered when I am dating. However it would be nice for them to be semi interested in it and want to do it every now and again. Although i would rather he was not into it at all and I just play solo occasionally than if he was into it in a bigger way than me as I think that would be an issue. I wouldn't want it to be the whole of our relationship or take over our sex lives and I wouldn't be happy if he liked to pee around the house or in the car for example.
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