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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2024 in all areas

  1. Well I feel better knowing everyone else is having same issue. Thought it was only me. Got the network error page. But in now. Happy things seem to be back to normal.
    3 points
  2. Sneezing. The build up, the desperation, the loss of control, the release. Similar to peeing and orgasm.
    2 points
  3. Past few weeks, I have been consumed with leaving my mark around my work. Before, I had only pissed once, and I think I wrote about it, where i pissed in the conference room. But recently, I have been finding various places around the office where there are no cameras to have a quick piss (it helps that I am IT and I set up the surveillance system so I know the best spots). Lots of unused storage rooms, I sneak into and I piss in the corner, or spray over some storage. There are some corridors that have no cameras at or leading to it and I will walk, quickly pull it out and spray a wall re
    1 point
  4. Thanks to my new job I get to travel a lot, lately mostly with my car. So there I was just pulled off of the Highway into a rest area. Nothing special just a bit of slightly elevated Greenery between the Highway and one row of car parking spots. I was just sitting behind the wheel, treating myself to a Croissant ( bad idea got crumbs all over my seat). When the car door next to my car opened and a Woman got out an walked over to the small strip of Greenery. She was about 5‘5 i guess and black haired. Wearing beige yoga pants and an oversized white t-shirt. She took a f
    1 point
  5. The craziest one I seen non family is at the gym this girl was wearing loose fitting shorts in the sauna and you could she her beautiful pussy lips.
    1 point
  6. A few days ago me and my wife nearly pissed our selves driving. No planning, just pure chance and desperation. We had been driving for about 3 hours, about an hour in I start feeling a need to pee, but being short on time I pushed on, but it was hot, so we was drinking plenty of water. The satnav was telling me I had about an hour to go when the need started getting bad, but I thought I could hold it. I noticed my wife starting to change position a few times so I asked her, "are you ok?" "Erm yeah, I just need to pee and I think my knickers are going to be wet if I dont stop soon" "ok, I
    1 point
  7. Driving to work, I stopped in a car park for a pee. I have a car park I regularly pee in, and early in the morning it’s always empty. Today it wasn’t! I pulled into the car park to see a small white Fiat 500 parked up in the far corner. This is very unusual! I drive a bit closer, and as I do so the drivers door swings open. I can see there are two girls, maybe 18-20 years old, in the car. The driver was a beautiful tall blonde, wearing leggings and a sports top. The passenger was brunette and in a jacket. The driver climbs out, and looks at me parked ab
    1 point
  8. Nothing wrong with being on the safe side when t comes to germs. Yeah, for that very reason, I don't want to use a toilet when I'm out. 😏
    1 point
  9. Both. Although, with others its more auditory than visual, because I'm a bit of a germaphobe. I'm complicated. 🤣
    1 point
  10. Part 3 As the sun set on this fateful Sunday in June, Sharon and Tracey found themselves intertwined in a passionate embrace, their lips locked in a deep kiss that seemed to seal their destinies together. Breaking away, breathless and desiring more, Tracey took Sharon's hand and led her away from the bustling bar district towards her apartment. The night was young, and their secret world was about to become even more intriguing. Tracey's apartment was a cosy haven filled with soft lighting and a distinct feminine touch. Sharon felt a tingle of anticipation as she stepped inside
    1 point
  11. This forum has been inaccessible all day and has only just become available again, a bit too late in the day now due to alcohol consumption for me to post anything. Here's hoping for tomorrow.
    1 point
  12. Hi and welcome. We're a very friendly bunch and I hope you have a good time here.
    1 point
  13. Not technically in the house, but a big yard/garden with tall fences and trees so you can't be seen peeing outside by your neighbors. Of course it would have a pool and hot tub as well.
    1 point
  14. Water bubblers in every room so you don't have to go far for a refill. Water fountains/sound effects for some extra stimulation/motivation/torture when you are trying to hold it.
    1 point
  15. Ok so let me tell you about my week, I am still in shock this all happened in a 7 day period. So a couple years ago I used to work for this company that set up shop in this old building, it looked like it used to be a factory but then got sold and the equipment was removed. When I worked there, this company was the only one in the building the rest of it look like a giant warehouse full of junk, also the only bathroom was at the far side of the building. I later moved on to another job but keep in touch with the owners in case they ever needed help. So earlier in the week I got a call from the
    1 point
  16. Yesterday Morning i was on the road once again driving home. It was a rainy and unpleasant day. i turnend into a a small rest area. Just a few parking spots a line of dense greenery and a rain shelter. I got out of my car and walked towards the shelter to have a cigarette. There was a a dirt trail leading into the bushes. As i was standing there, just gazing at the cars driving by. A women came out of the greenery. She was tall about 5‘10 blond almost hay like hair. Wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans which she was buttoning up while walking. Her white shoes wear muddy. I was pr
    1 point
  17. So maybe not in big groups, but with just a few people you could just like casually mention you usually pee in the grass, especially if someone asks to run inside. Also, like funny signs, like a yard sign showing the back of a little boy peeing or like my mom just hung on our back deck that says, "no peein off the porch" where the "no" was x ed out like a vandal did it. Either way it's like jokingly way of saying it's okay.
    1 point
  18. pool practice: Like when I would practice I would wear a 2 piece suit and my mom with me and my pussy slip out my mom said “Hey Honey your kitty escaped its cover.
    1 point
  19. Like when I went to visit my grandma in mexico their was this 40 something year old woman in her cell phone tent shop she was sitting down she was wearing loose shorts with her legs wide and you could her hairy pussy
    1 point
  20. I have to tell this story. I was in Schipol airport waitng for a flight and had a lot of time to kill so walked around. I found th 20's something girl walkin determinedly. she was wearing on of thos wide knit dresses with nothing underneath and EVERYTHING was visible, pussy, tits ass. I followed her to her destination hard as a rock
    1 point
  21. My mom was once driving hot humid day and she was unsticking the drenched clothes from her body and did the same for her bottoms and pulled so hard her pussy stay out for the rest of the car ride
    1 point
  22. When it's far less hot than 120ºF (IIRC normal skin mean is ~94; air at/below that is cooling one if it's moving at all), At ~82, in my Element; I'm still (mostly) dry if not exerting. Doing anything physical at 82 or above, "Ahm sweating like a Politician-ah-say-a-Politician 😉 inna Revival-tent!" (had to clean up the tradtional simile to honor my Parents a few decades ago, in their home; Dad got a kick out of that one). (to steer this thread outta the weeds & back up on the road it was on), IMO (at 74) no one rocks a Pussy-Slip like a lady in my age-range in Swimwear with lots o
    1 point
  23. Yes when its hot 120°F or 48°C you can only put on so many layers
    1 point
  24. Loving this thread! I was on holiday a few years ago and while floating around in the pool I noticed a girl, maybe 18-19 years old, getting changed under a towel. She was about 5ft8, very slim athletic built, with beautiful wavy ginger hair in a high pony tail reaching halfway down her back. Absolute perfection in my eyes! I gently floated her direction, and as i got closer she slipped her bikini bottoms down from under the towel. As she was putting her underwear on, the towel slipped, and I got a great view of her neatly trimmed pussy. Beautiful pink lips visible under the sh
    1 point
  25. (Topics for the story include risky pissing, public pissing, being watched, and mutual pissing. Male and female pissing are depicted.) Sage, From Great Distance #5: Engulfed That next day at work was both a total blur and total torture, alternating between hours feeling like seconds and seconds feeling like hours. All I could think about was Sage's statement from the previous night, about how there was some kind of naughty secret fun to be had at the pool after work. Despite our shared interest here, I found no solace in her, as she decided to turn up her oblivious coworker persona
    1 point
  26. A couple years ago I was at target and I was wearing tight nike shorts and no panties the shorts where rubbing against my pussy and I was uncomfortable so I moved it and unknowingly to me I let my taco out to breath I literally walked around the store for 10 minutes until my mom said “Abby put the fish taco back we already have to much at home.”
    1 point
  27. I can think of two that immediately come to mind. The first was when I was younger, perhaps in my late teens. I was on the beach with my family. There were a group of kids a little older than me, perhaps in their early twenties. They were messing around, and one of the boys lifted a girl (in a teal bikini) up over his shoulders, and was carrying her toward the water. As he was lifting/holding her, her bikini bottom wrinkled and came away from her pussy, exposing her lips. As I recall she was "natural" (not shaved), but not very hairy. I was maybe 10-15 feet away, so I couldn't see perfect
    1 point
  28. I had just turned 18 my friend’s step mom picked me up from my house so I could sleepover l let’s call her Ashley. She was around 35 when this happened Ashley had a smoky feminine voice perfect to read books, she black mix with white she has thick black long curly hair, the brightest blue eyes, plump lips, big boobs, she had 6 pack abs, muscular thighs that could possibly crush skulls. She’s is 5’10”and was a former policewoman but she didn’t have a muscular face she had an extremely feminine face like damn she’s beautiful. (The only reason im describing her so much is because she’s in
    1 point
  29. I've seen one at a Railway Station. I was on an escalator heading up when a pretty young thing was coming down the other side. A train arrived, pushing air up the escalator tunnel, and it puffed her skirt up. Totally bare under it, she had shopping in both hands, couldn't do much about it and it was all over before she could. As we passed each other, I smiled, gave her a nod, and got a small rueful smile in return.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. No they live in a hot area so they rarely wear panties and they wear loose fitting clothes
    1 point
  32. My mom side of the family is pretty open.
    1 point
  33. I haven’t counted but I seen many family members slips.
    1 point
  34. Normal Birthday celebrations service is resumed - sorry to anyone disappointed not to get a shout. So Happy Birthday today to: @wgpfan & @MrReaper
    1 point
  35. It's interesting you said non-family. How often do you see a pussy slip with family members
    1 point
  36. I've already written down some of these earlier stories of mine, if I ever get to translating them into English, I'll be sure to post them here... But in the mean time the tldr is that when your best friend repeatedly pees in naughty places and gets away with it, you'll quickly get tired of holding it and just join in 😂 So yeah we definitely regularly peed outside together
    1 point
  37. Later the same day and plenty of miles further down the road. As the day was coming to an end I wanted to have one last smoke break before I arrive at my hotel for the night. So I pulled over into another rest area. A very small one, an U-Shaped parking place with 3 or so trees and a few bushes in the middle. No toilet not even a bench just a few small trash cans. As i parked the car i only saw one other car but nobody around. I stepped out and light myself a cigarette. As i walked a few steps. I heard a female voice saying „Stop dort come any further please“ The same moment a strong hiss
    1 point
  38. The diaper didn't work out however I did still get to have my fun tonight. I got desperate and went out for a walk. There's a quiet street in my neighborhood with a school and a park. The park is full of benches, trees, and dark corners. I walked to the park after dark tonight, and found a spot near the corner of the park with some trees and a rock. I pulled down my leggings and panties, double checking that no one was coming across the park or down the street. I sat on the edge of the rock, letting go and peeing all down the side of the rock and the soil below. I peed for a long time, i
    1 point
  39. I discovered this post on the Pee Movie List recently for a Chilean movie from 2010 called Drama and I really want to check it out, because this scene sounds so hot, but I can't find it anywhere, the title is not very SEO friendly haha, and I can't any find a physical media release, has anyone here seen it?
    1 point
  40. I was just hanging the washing desperate for a piss so pulled down my leggings and squatted in the grass and pushed out a strong powerful stream 🤤
    1 point
  41. The first time I ever pissed all over a public toilet floor got me so turned on and my dick so hard i had to rub one out right there and then. Only took a few strokes and there was a load of cum added to the mess.
    1 point
  42. Im not sure I can answer this question but I have peed of my friends apartment balcony while drunk it landed on some cars below
    1 point
  43. I let my girlfriend know secretly, but other than that i kept it secret The minute our friend headed out for the night i asked my gf to take her clothes off and get in the shower, then i stood over her and immediately started pissing a strong stream all over her cock and belly. She started going too but even after she finished I just kept pissing and it felt like i was in a daze of relief
    1 point
  44. Wearing a diaper to my lab today and planning on drinking water til I can barely hold it. Then I’ll let out spurt after spurt and rub my pussy into the warm, wet mess. After class I’ll get back to my dorm and edge til I cum in my pussy diaper.
    1 point
  45. Yeah we use condoms. At the moment we don't want anymore kids (but we are planning to have one more, number 4 and final lol) next year) and we have to use them because I am not nor have I ever been on birth control. I'm fortunate that my periods are manageable and birth control scares me a lot. With my breeding kink I like the idea of begging someone not to cum in me because I don't want to be pregnant, but they do it anyway lol. Sort of goes hand in hand with my noncon/cnc kink. But the benefit of having a breeding kink is the babies are fantasies that disappear when im done think
    1 point
  46. As well as seeing girls desperate to pee, I find it horny when they need to poo. Holding their bums is so horny and if they lose the battle the lumps are so sexy as their red faces
    1 point
  47. i do plan on peeing all over the car that i’m given. just the thought of spraying all over the seats would be so hot to me
    1 point
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