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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2024 in Posts

  1. Wrote this pretty quickly so not my best writing but I guess it's porn not great literature. Contains female peeing outdoors. *** This story took place at work about a week ago. I’d recently been scheduled out of the evening shifts at the port and had the fortune of being partnered up with Madison for at least a few weeks. Madison is in her late twenties, my age or maybe slightly younger, maybe a bit corporate and definitely a bit of a ladder-climber, although still quite modest and certainly not any kind of ass-kisser. She is also strikingly attractive, with reddish shoulder-length
    4 points
  2. At my new gym, many women pee in the shower. It is not a fully open communal shower, there are dividers between shower heads, but no doors and no curtains, so only limited privacy. There are showers on both sides of the room, so you have a view of the person using the facing shower, and of course also when you walk to / from your shower. This is gender segregated, so no big deal for the poor ladies not used to showering in front of guys :-) I always pee in the shower, because I drink water before and while exercising. I have seen a lot of women do the same. Some do it in full view, j
    4 points
  3. Mild admittedly but I'm a tow driver, as stated in other posts. Was parking truck last night at shop after hours and had to pee after a couple coffees to keep day going. Well apparently I didn't notice the mid 30s girl who was dropping car off for service today - so I went out back of building to pee and she took it as me avoiding her so she came around other side to approach me asking where to put keys. Well she found out real reason I was out there pretty much facing each other about 15 feet apart. She turned red and literally stood there asking about key drop, clearly watching me pee. Weird
    4 points
  4. Good evening friends! Got a story for ya! I've lived in my home (a second story condo) for 3 years now and have never caught sight of anyone peeing anywhere, which is kinda disappointing cause I used to live in a real high class city with a bunch of stuck up old people and would never tolerate anyone peeing anywhere but a toilet. I live in the very last building on the road and directly next to it is another apartment complex. Between the buildings is a small forest, but they aren't very dense because even during the spring I can see straight into the other buildings. Anyway, L
    3 points
  5. Recently I traveled by airplane and I had a long scheduled lay-over. I always request assistance when going through airports to make traveling easier. Often the person who walks with me doesn’t speak English as their first language, sometimes this makes communication challenging. So this trip I felt lucky because the person assisting me asked restroom as we were walking to my transfer flight gate. I said yes figuring that I will take this opportunity since I had a very long wait between planes. No problems at this point, just the annoying challenge of finding things in a unfamiliar multiple pe
    3 points
  6. For me, and I know many others (not all of course), pee is only so strong of a fetish because of the powerful emotions of shame, discomfort, embarrassment, and disgust that bodily functions have in our puritanical society. For a long time I was so embarrassed by my fetish that I was too nervous to tell more than one other person, who I knew also liked it already. I thought I would always just be unfulfilled because I was too ashamed to say anything! And even if I said something to my partner, I was sure they wouldn't be into it and they would just humor me. Do it begrudgingly and I'd feel
    3 points
  7. Needing to pee is such a distraction and it isn’t as though we can avoid it, so it frustrates me when I’m trying to get something done, need to piss, and end up horny and unable to focus. Today, while working,I pissed in a cup at m desk again. It wasn’t anything as thrilling as I wanted it to be and I ended up so bothered that no work was getting done. I needed to scratch that specific itch and my body wouldn’t let me ignore it. I almost immediately needed to piss again, but figure my pussy was just sensitive and not actually in need. But I just couldn’t shake it. I went into a storage area of
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  8. I’ve been pissing in this same spot at work for years
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  9. Doc Hollywood pee scene is the first movie I saw where there was pee. And yes watching Julie Warner pop a squat really did it for me!
    3 points
  10. So my big sis Anna throws this house party as our parents are away for this weekend. And everything was fine until now: I hold my part of the agreement and stayed in my room. But all of a sudden her friend Sarah came in my room without knocking. "You're sister is asking for you. She's in the kitchen, naked and wet." I didn't really understand why, but Sarah threw me out of the room saying: "I need my privacy your room is mine now!". Puzzled I went to hear what my sister completely wet has to say. "So Sarah didn't explain it to you? Some coward couldn't control him
    2 points
  11. I would love a sex toy that would also capture piss so no mess is made. I imagine it to be like a vibrator with a mini wet vac or a suction cup dildo to ride with some sort of silicone reservoir that drains to a bag. I just want to be able to feel piss leaving me any time without the actual piss making it wet, cold, and messy.
    2 points
  12. I’m a bi-curious woman but very straight presenting in my personal life. I love looking at woman peeing but somehow man peeing doesn’t do anything for me or eve irks me a little bit. Men peeing just feel a bit too orthodox and convenient. Maybe it’s because I feel that the type of peeing that I enjoy (outdoor peeing & peeing into containers) is more difficult and challenging for women instead of men because women need to expose themselves more and take more risk.
    2 points
  13. I love it, I all ways piss in my hotel no mattter how nice or cheap it is. This was the Chicago Ohare Marriott.
    2 points
  14. You did the right thing there @BlindListener. You were being respectful of your surroundings and fellow passengers and did what would cause the least mess and had some fun into the bargain. I guess it isn't appropriate to ask the flight attendant to assist with aiming when you can't see the target........
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  16. Back to normal levels of BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: Have a great day @HannibalKannibal @very thirsty @tibarary @Big Bladder Carly @affenbaum @ohwell @ROFLguyXD
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  17. Chapter 2 So here we are. Slowly I got used to the smell while I got to know more and more girls at the party. And I've seen 1, 2, 3... pussies. Tonight was the first time I saw so much in the same time. I'm not complaining, but I wondered how everyone was so open about peeing in front of me. Probably it was the alcohol. This alcohol also fills their bladders quite fast. So it was not surprising at all that only half an hour after Sarah's and Anna's first visit in my room they came in again. This time my sister didn't care about her sister watching naked. She took
    2 points
  18. I figured it was only a matter of time before I had a run in with the police, lol. I was driving home from out of town. I really had to piss bad. I could have found a rest stop but I thought it'd be more fun, and quicker for sure, to just pull over. This was sort of like highway road but not an interstate, if that makes sense. Mid afternoon. So I pull over to the shoulder, walk towards the railing and started to piss into the wooded area. My back side is very much still visible to the cars. Don't get me wrong I was a little nervous cause the road was fairly busy but at that point I
    2 points
  19. Hello everyone- not new but usually spend more time reading than saying much- just a guy that likes generally tame pee situations with like minded females- general like sharing bathroom, peeing outside etc- fun, believable situations more than grossly staged stories.. I think a willing and fun pee partner is way more sexy than some of the contrived stories anyway - well here I am and happy to talk to anyone- no offense but definitely prefer females 😜
    2 points
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  21. I actually never hold my at urinals I just let it shoot where ever it wants and hope that it misses
    2 points
  22. Not a train but an international bus. Happened yesterday, I was visiting a neighboring country to buy some things and it was like a 4 hour ride. It was getting dark already, I didn’t really feel like using public toilets and I was getting frustrated because honestly I prefer cars or planes. Anyways, I felt the urge to piss and there were very few people in the bus and most of them were asleep anyway. No one was behind me and it was dark plus I doubt there were cameras so I finally had the opportunity to soak a seat. I was wearing leggings but I didn’t want to wet them, however I didn
    2 points
  23. One movie scene that definitely influenced me during my formative years was The Goonies. There's the scene where Mikey says "Pee break, who's gotta go?" and Andi and Steph (the girls) both say "Me." Then Mikey proceeds to point out the "Little boys room" and "Little girls room" in the caves. That scene always excited me to think about Andi and Steph popping squats in the cave.
    2 points
  24. I'm female and a giver. I love it when a man wants everything I can give them. Never done it with a woman, but would be open for that too.
    2 points
  25. When there is a perfectly fine urinal there but you decide not to pee in it~ This was at a service center along the highway. I peed in the corner between the two urinals and the pee ran down under the urinal on the right. A little went on my shoes as I was peeing but I didn't mind. Wasn't horny or planning for any fun, but decided to just do it for fun. Took the picture after I went into the bathroom a second time just to wash my hands, where I realized I should take a picture.
    2 points
  26. That day I ended up pissing all over things at a western wear store
    2 points
  27. A nurse! 😁 I was in the hospital for a procedure that kept me overnight and I was required to stay in bad. They hadn't given me a urinal, so when I had to pee I rang for assistance. A nurse came in with a steel bedpan and sat me up. She then aimed me while I enjoyed my moment of much-needed relief. I'm sure it would have been a much bigger experience, probably for the both of us, if it wasn't for the fact I was only 7.
    2 points
  28. Excellent sighting @Bacardi. Good timing on the part of your cat to draw you to the window. I wonder if he has peed there other times as well? Maybe you should check regularly for puddles to see if there is any indication of this and maybe worth looking out of the window at a similar time in case he is habitual in the timing of his outdoor peeing. I wish I had seen some lady peeing behind my house, but the best I have seen from my house was when two guys in a BMW parked round the back of the houses and one of them peed into a bush. My wife was with me at the time and she saw him a
    1 point
  29. Thank You thank you thank you for writing this. I must say that the popstar story is the hottest for me. I love all of the scenarios though. They are all fun & delightful.
    1 point
  30. That's a great pretext to approach a man peeing ! I would love to do that, but I don't smoke. I agree that it is a lot easier for a woman. We tend to be easily forgiven when walking in on men, using gents restrooms etc. and we are never seen as a threat. And yes, a smile and a few words are enough to make the situation more comfortable for everybody.
    1 point
  31. No pics as I was trying not to get caught but I've done a few over the past week- On the beach up in the dunes. As I was pissing another dude walked up and started pissing as well. I'm straight, but it was cool to stand there pissing with someone & making small talk at the same time. LOL In the parking lot of a store. They had no restroom and I had been downing tea all afternoon. In the back of a store. Couldn't find the restroom so I went into the stockroom and unleashed a torrent on the floor behind some bins. Another store- had to piss so I acted like I was looking a
    1 point
  32. Yesterday I peed in a private pool for the first time in my life. I was nervous but the hardest thing was trying to get away from people in the pool. I went to the deep end, which was in the shade too. I had been to the loo before getting in so had to wait but after a while I had some, so I released it at the deep end. I could not see the pee in the water. The pee felt incredibly hot compared to the pool water, which was warmed anyway from a hot day. I was talking to people as I released my pee and kept a very straight face. When people got too close, I moved back to the shall
    1 point
  33. I live in this low income apartment building. And you know I've pissed lots of places so lots of neighbors have seen me take a leak. This one neighbor is sorta shy around me. He always looks at the ground when I'm walking by, is quick to move outta my way. I think I intimidate him. I'm 6 foot, athletic guy and he's a smaller man with glasses. I went downstairs to the Laundry room and I see him there at the machine. I decide to fuck with him a bit, so I start up a conversation with him. He's talking to me, bout this and that. And as he's talking I turn away from him, he sees my backside
    1 point
  34. Once with a friend, the toilet was so full that we went into an empty room and peed there on the carpet.
    1 point
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