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  1. does anyone else ever wonder if they get caught making content? teehee. 😇 when i first slid down my leggings i was pretty self conscious; at least about when i took a pic. but by the time i decided to take one inside my opened panties, i didn't really mind if anyone noticed where my camera was pointed.
    6 points
  2. Sorry I don't have pictures of what I'm about to describe. It finally happened. I found a puddle in the fitting room at work. My retail job has a small clothing section and one fitting room. It's in the same hallway as the restroom which makes the puddle even naughtier. This was by choice. They even brought a tissue to leave behind. After I volunteered for cleanup I offered to mop the hall and restroom when my next lucky happenstance occurred. I'm mopping the ladies room with the restroom closed sign out and a cute mid twenties girl comes in. She says it'll only be a minute if I don't mind, th
    6 points
  3. I think that Lily Allen is a good example of how to dress on stage when you are really famous:- If anyone asks when you do it - just say who inspired you!
    5 points
  4. I heard recently about a sales rep girl who stopped at a truck refereshment stall, asking one of the drivers where the loo was he said, no loos here but you can piss behind my Lorry. Realising that a couple of guys had crept round behind her to watch, and pretending she didn't know, she pulled her skirt up, dropped her knickers and bent over with her bum in the air and her back to them, knowing full well that they had a clear view of her bum, and her slit with the piss gushing out. She wiped her pussy for them and then went back among them at the coffee stall, still pretending she didn't know
    3 points
  5. Not fine literature by any means but I wanted to get a story done and this is what I came up with. Like pretty much all my stories, this one contains female outdoor urination and is told from a man's point of view *** This story takes place just a couple of months ago. I was working for a large-ish American real estate company and had been sent out to a local townhouse construction project to do some appraisal work. Long story short, the goal was to figure out the approximate value of a partially constructed row of buildings so that my company could reassess insurance costs. Excrucia
    3 points
  6. Finnish is my native language. I understand English well, but speaking and writing is more difficult because I always think about what I'm going to say in Finnish first. I also know the very basics of German, Spanish and Swedish languages.
    3 points
  7. Hey this is nice to read! Thank you @Justasailor,as some guys here can be hostile to other guys who like to pee in pools. On at least 2 occasions new guys have posted that they love to do this (which excites me) but they've been told "I don't want to swim in your piss." On the 'yellowness in the water' thing I've posted before about being seen by a lifeguard when I peed in a pool as a teenager, I was standing hip deep and peeing through my swimsuit when I saw the lifeguard gazing at my crotch!
    3 points
  8. A lovely girl in a park didn't seem to care or notice showing off her cute cotton panties....again, all candid
    3 points
  9. There is no peeing involved in this Story . But when I was at school "a long time ago" this new teacher started i would say she was in her late 20s I was about 14ish she had lovely long legs and always wore short skirts.when she walked past our desks me or my mate would drop a out pencil on the floor to look up her skirt, we did it so often that she new what we were doing, on 2 occasions when she was sitting at her desk she opened her legs deliberately allowing us to see her panties, but the best time of all was the time we were on the sports field we were lying front down looking up on the ed
    3 points
  10. Continuing the thread, I should have added, or guys have you ever witnessed a girl giving a show like that while pretending not to know? I did see something as blatantly obvious as that with a different type of show. Showing me her knickers . Came across a girl sitting on the floor of a bookstore once, apparently reading but with her short skirt back and legs wide open showing the crutch of her pale yellow knickers, with the big lips camel toed beautifully. She didn't bat an eyelid when I stopped, selected a book to read, and sat on the floor right opposite to enjoy the view. she just carri
    3 points
  11. Took a piss in the backseat of my car for the first time tonight. Have pissed in a handful of rental cars with limited worry due to buying the damage waiver but this was the first time peeing in my own car. Really had to pee and was such a great feeling of relief while hosing down the seat. I had meant to just let out a little for fear of causing long term damage to my car but ended up getting carried away since it was such a turn on I couldnt stop until my bladder was empty. Thought damage would be pretty minimal due to leather but to my brief horror most of the pee drained into the gap where
    2 points
  12. Extra awesome pee day today. Peed on myself twice earlier and just got through pissing my pants, I like when I get important things done on a Sunday.
    2 points
  13. contains female pee vandalism, male/female oral sex Continued from Part 1 After pissing in the stairwell, Katrina and I went our separate ways. I saw her in the hotel lobby after the end of the last session, and she waved at me to come over. "Eric! How are you doing? Got any plans for the evening?" "Oh, uh, well, nothing much. I guess I was going to grab some dinner and then maybe catch up on some emails and stuff before going to bed. So, uh, not really anything, no." She stuck her tongue out at me and laughed. "Wow! Living it up I see. Listen, some vendors are taking me out t
    2 points
  14. I can only agree with @Remi and you @Klaudia99 , I would probaly close the toilet lid and put the box on top, using toiletpaper to touch anything. It would be fun to see whether it holds/absorbs all my piss or starts leaking😇.
    2 points
  15. I had a really noticeable wet spot on my crotch and my red leggings didn't help. I was BURSTING by the time I reached the toilet.
    2 points
  16. I was having a picknick at a river with a friend who shares the fetish. I asked her if she would mind if I did not make an effort to hide. She was taken and I did not want to make her uncofortable. So I ended up just standing next to the blanket with my back to her and peeing into the small bush next to us, even managing to gwt some pee into the river. It was really nice to know that she did aprove of this.
    2 points
  17. My native language is Swedish, but I speak English fluently. I know the basics of Italian and understand and can talk with people from Norway and Denmark. And just some basic words in Finnish. Trying to learn more Finnish but, I’m just too lazy to learn. Then I can some words in Lithuanian, Arabic and so on. And of course, swearwords in polish 😂
    2 points
  18. My favorite pee girl Naomi 🥰 😅
    2 points
  19. I sometimes have a look at the Southernmost Point camera live and a short while ago I was very lucky to catch a girl peeing. I started my screen recorder, but it takes a few seconds so it missed the start of the show, but I did get most of it. A group of six people - three guys, three girls came in from the right hand side. The guys and two girls went to the left of the buoy, but one girl went running to the right of the buoy and was undoing her shorts as she went. Most of the time when you see this, the girl runs right round to the far side and out of camera view, but this time she s
    2 points
  20. I'm fluent in at least six languages, American English, UK English, Australian English, New Zealand English, Canadian English and, what I probably speak best, Southern. 😝
    2 points
  21. Well, with Pisslover40's permission, I will begin to share my somewhat extensive collection of men drinking the piss of other men.
    2 points
  22. This is actually my first post here! My last pee was on the bathroom floor, making a video to send to my best friend 😉 he loves it.
    2 points
  23. My gym has individual shower stalls that are built into the walls, so they're completely enclosed. They don't have any gaps between the next stall or the hallway. The doors are frosted white glass you can't see through. I pee in them every single time after my workout.
    2 points
  24. I get so jaded hearing about this because I have pictures of myself as an infant and my family in front of that thing. 90 miles to Cuba! To think 28 years later I'd be watching videos of people peeing behind it lol.
    2 points
  25. I don’t think I had a particular incident that sparked my interest. I’ve always enjoyed peeing, as long as I can remember. Whenever peeing would be mentioned on a TV show I was intrigued and whenever an ‘acceptable’ reason to pee outside came up I was secretly excited to do so.
    2 points
  26. wow. is this a concert? i'm amazed at how brazen she is performing like that. and to pose on stage too. even when many singers look like they have super short skirts and dresses on, it seems like they're usually in booty shorts or a body suit to prevent accidentally flashing your goods to the paparazzi and audience. like i once got i trouble in cheerleading for not wearing our uniform's 'bloomers' under my skirt, just a pair of panties. lol.
    2 points
  27. Pissing while being pissed on.
    2 points
  28. It's that time again. This was about half full after I slept with it in all night!
    2 points
  29. There's a corner of a London park where I sometimes pee in the trees, and I have seen others go in there too. One evening in the summer I went in there but there was a guy there. I was about to turn round and go back out when he said, "it's ok you can wee here, we are having a wee too". I realised there was a woman in there too a bit further back, squatting with her knickers down and in full flow. So I stayed and had a long wee up a tree , with the pair of them weeing a short distance away.
    2 points
  30. Dear Sandy I would not worry too much as the meeting is very unlikely to be about what you think it is about, but I can understand your anxiety. But, just in case it is I would suggest that you might like to prepare for the meeting. Clearly having to toilets out of order is a problem for you, so I think that it is important that you can demonstrate that it is a real problem should the need arise. There is no better way to demonstrate that you have a problem holding your pee than to wet yourself a little. Before you go to the meeting I suggest that you might like to stand up from your
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Yes..... love it! I feel the same way you describe the girl in the story.
    2 points
  33. I've mentioned before, I was a long time member of peesearch. I would visit almost daily. I was so sad to see that their domain now points somewhere else. I hope that they are able to recover their domain. I found this site when I was searching for what happened to peesearch. Y'all have been most welcoming, much like the warmth you feel when you release where you shouldn't.
    1 point
  34. I think it has to do a lot with comfort being a conservative dude and how you carry yourself. I feel like most women don’t mind if you hear them piss if they trust you, obviously she realllllyyy trusted you lol
    1 point
  35. Last time would be literally 10 mins ago. I am on an errands run today and currently shopping for groceries. But before that I had to pee so much that while walking through the car park, I beelined towards this one car infront of me, pulled my shorts to the side and peed a whole flood near the driver's side. After I was almost done I saw this man approaching from afar and I thought that maybe he's the owner (which he was) so I tried to pee as fast as I can and dipped haha.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. My plan to have a “couple” of drinks in the bar fell through and we ended up staying there for quite a while until my work friends said they were going to head off and get a taxi. The birthday girl and her remaining friends also decided to head off and called for a taxi. We all went and stood outside the bar and waited for the taxi to arrive. Once my friend and her group had left we walked up to the main street and headed for the taxi office. My two work friends ordered their taxis and they asked if I was ordering one. I told them I would go to the taxi office by the station as they are the on
    1 point
  38. Some years ago me and my girlfriend were walking around on top of castle walls, looking out at the scenic views, and down into the castle grounds at all the now roofless buildings. When I noticed a female walk away from a group and enter a building right below us, as I watch her she moved away from the doorway and with her back to us she dropped her trousers and knickers and went into a squat and had a piss, once she had stopped pissing she stood up and bend over to her handbag giving me a good clear view of her large bum, as she got a tissue and wiped herself, tossing the tissue into the co
    1 point
  39. Hi :) I do often pee myself even if I don't intend to, when I orgasm. It isn't like squirting something that isn't pee. That I've never been able to do. It is pee, it smells like pee and tastes like pee! I quite simply lose control of my bladder, when I orgasm. Sometimes it could be very embarrassing. For instance when it happens when I'm having sex for the first time with a girl, and she isn't prepared for the unexpected shower. Not every girl is into omorashi... And I remember an other incident that was super-embarrassing! It happened two years ago on a subway train. The train was abso
    1 point
  40. Here is an other true wetting experience story. It's about how crazy I and two of my friends became after having way too much beer and shots at the pub. A pretty embarrassing behaviour by three young women, who should have known better :redface:! What do you think? A nice, mild summer night last August we were three merry and tipsified girls leaving a pub. I must admit that we all had had a couple of too many pints of beer and shots during the evening. Before we left we went to the toilets to pee, but it was a long line of ladies before us, and after a giggly discussion we came to the optim
    1 point
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