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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2023 in Posts

  1. my jill session this morning wasn't exactly impromptu, though i also didn't exactly plan to masturbate outside. it was just the longer i sat out casually caressing my muffin in between sips of coffee the harder it was to refrain. and before i knew it i'd given myself a mild orgasm. but what was even less planned was that it felt so good that i kept going despite maybe having an audience. 🤭
    10 points
  2. So a couple weekends ago I was talking with a friend who encouraged me why not enjoy the drive home. I was with hubby and mother inlaw. I hadnt been to the restroom about 30 min before this but I also had drank 3 glasses of iced tea at lunch. It really was so hot outside. Plus I drank an entire bottle of water on the way back into town. They wanted to stop at the dairy so I figured why not. I waited in the car and the need to pee was starting to set in strongly. I had decided to wait until I got home. It was so thrilling as it built up worse. About 30 min later they decided to come out and we
    3 points
  3. when casually massaging your bean is so relaxing that you forget where you are... and then, before you know it, have ended up going all the way. 😇 🤭 haha. i really don't think anyone saw, but becoming a little preoccupied with my self indulgence, i also can't declare that with any certainty. 😳
    3 points
  4. I was working away and the then wife and kids came down to stay for a week. The weather was good so they went to the beach most days, kids were only 5 & 3. I would meet them back at the B&B or on the beach. The wife was a blond slim girl around 5’8”. She was wearing a summer dress and a pair of yellow panties, no bra. I gave her a hug and a kiss as I joined them and shouted to the kids who were busy digging for buried treasure or some such thing. The wife looked edgy so I asked if everything was ok, she said no not really I’ve been wanting a piss this last half hour and these won’t com
    2 points
  5. Enjoy refreshing coffee with muffin!!! Every touch for releave... Nice gentle joy of hot day
    2 points
  6. I’ve had my fair share of time in the ladies’ bathrooms. I’ll be happy to share my stories in detail to anyone interested through my personal messenger. In the meantime I will share one here, which happens to be my first time doing this. I was in a hotel and was bored and had time to kill, and clearly must’ve been feeling kinda horny. I went to the lobby and sat down somewhere I was facing the corridor to the bathrooms. After a few minutes without seeing any women walking in or out, I was sure enough the ladies room was vacant, so I walked straight in and went right into a stall. There w
    2 points
  7. I haven't done pee play in literally years, the last time I did I think I Peed down the stairwell four years ago. Today I power pissed off of the island in my kitchen onto the floor into a bowl that lasted about 45 seconds and it was such a huge, messy puddle. The second time it was over my toilet and it splattered all over my legs, the toilet seat and the floor. The third time was outside when I was going for a walk in the park and I've been by a tree took off my shorts squatted down and power pissed all over the grass . It felt really fucking good and I want to piss one more time. Where shou
    2 points
  8. Me!!! I'll find the wet spot 😁 and I'll add to it! You can message me here in the meantime. I saved our original conversation 🥹
    2 points
  9. Im determined to get the world talking about masturbation..EVERYONE at least once in their life,male or female will have done it.Most people probably hundreds,thousands of times.On a site like this,i refuse to believe no-one has become aroused by the topics,or chats etc,and masturbated.Like a "quickie"with yourself i guess! By " impromptu masturbation",i mean like when i saw the girl doing the interview,where she just pisses there and then.Well,my "little fella"became a big uncomfortable fella,pretty instantly,and,had to take care of business..Anyone else seen just something that just ins
    1 point
  10. Like Peefully, I have stood in the area at the back of a theatre that was separated from the seating area where there was a separating wall about four foot tall. I chose a time during the movie when I figured there would not be anyone entering or leaving the seating area, and I extracted my penis through my open fly fully exposing it in the dim light from the strip lighting running along the short carpeted wall and carpeted floor. Anticipating my naughty piss, I had loaded up on liquids at home and during the time coming to the theatre so that my bladder was near to the point of bursting. My p
    1 point
  11. I'm just amazed you still have the presence of mind to record the event. Amazed and delighted you share with us.
    1 point
  12. 😊. Yes, I'm very lucky
    1 point
  13. She’s definitely a leave it till the last minute girl, as soon as she gets in the bathroom and closes the door she lets loose and I get treated to a lovely hissing that varies in tone as the force changes coupled with the splatter as her stream hits the porcelain. Only in the final seconds as her stream subsides does the pee hit the water. I long for the day I get to watch and hopefully more. I’m sure because of the apparent strength of her stream that if I get her to lean back a bit and part her legs I would get a good drenching. Here’s hoping one day I get to test out my theory
    1 point
  14. I love how two sisters can pee so differently, and they don’t seem to mind doing it in your presence. You seem to be intimately familiar with both of them. Your GF’s sister is particularly appealing to me. I’d love to be able to listen to her tinkle her long streams into the toilet with the door open and then watch her come out like nothing happened.
    1 point
  15. Just relaxing in the hotel room tonight 😇
    1 point
  16. wet herself and undressis is a better choice
    1 point
  17. @toseepee I'm trying to find the opposite side of that equation but I would kill to find a partner who is down to pull my dick out and and do the aiming. Not in a domination way but as a team effort. Dicks are so easy to aim so it only makes sense to share in the fun.
    1 point
  18. My pee stop. Exercise seems to keep the blood elsewhere.....thats my excuse for my size lol
    1 point
  19. Yes this is a correct statement
    1 point
  20. Like if for example if a guy friend invited me to his house and he tells us me to pee anywhere he’s going to get what he wants
    1 point
  21. Yup more if they brought me in to do it.
    1 point
  22. Yeah I'd be down to do it anywhere else other than my own home lmao. I'd agree to pee on anyone else's carpets no questions asked.
    1 point
  23. If it were my house I'd regard it as good news. A sexy lady peeing all over the carpets, floors, tables, furniture and beds. You could spend a whole weekend doing it. I'd regard it as the most sexually stimulating weekend of my life, lol. I'd probably regret the cost of replacing it all afterwards. But it would be worth it.
    1 point
  24. I would go to the place most people spend the most time of their day the living room I would start by pissing all over their couches saving one for me then without stoping my stream I would piss all their kitchen and their clean pots and pan
    1 point
  25. I tend to hover only if I’m not desperate and I’m wearing a skirt/dress. If I’m wearing pants, I’m worried if I hover my stream will clear the front of the toilet (it’s happened before!) and rain down on my pants. If I’m desperate and that happened, there’s no chance of me being able to stop it. So if I’m desperate I’m sitting fully on the seat so I can completely relax my bladder, it feels amazing.
    1 point
  26. really only intended to rub over my panties for a short time. but that escalated quickly. ☺️
    1 point
  27. I went on a short trip and did a thing that I've always want to do, which was to pee where I sit (outdoors) for a whole day. Those places were ~ The upholstery of the bus (I was so nervous tho) The park - wooden benches and the grass Café The bus again Restaurant (Quite literally soaked the floor) ~ The End ~ In all of the aforementioned places (except the restaurant ofcourse), I would release a couple of tiny spurts at best since I was quite nervous that day haha and who knows maybe I'll try something similar again some day !!
    1 point
  28. Have you considered squatting or sitting down whilst you wet your jeans? It would be a different feeling with the pee pooling around your bum and then running through the jeans rather than down your legs. If you stay squatted until most of the drips have stopped then even when you stand, your legs won't be very wet. I'm not saying that it is better than wetting down your legs, just a different experience. Also try some other positions - maybe laid down on your front or your back, maybe lay on your back and lift your knees or even if you are athletic, maybe do a handstand. All va
    1 point
  29. I did the challenge over the weekend The picture shows my mattress on Monday from BELOW, I had pissed so much that the mattress was already slightly dripping. The smell of piss was also clearly noticeable in my room. The weekend was really fun, I made every piss in the bed. Saturday morning, after waking up, we'll pee first, so let everything gush in bed. Every time I had to pee during the day, I went to the bed and lift my ass over it. Then I pissed until I was empty. In the evenings while watching Netflix I always had to pee and did it with relish in the bed. The bed was soak
    1 point
  30. So I was chilling on my couch watching tv. I needed to go, so I pulled my panties down and pissed on the floor. I feel a lot better and now I'm snuggled under a throw blanket.
    1 point
  31. That's awesome you can keep nonchalantly using it. Its really hot you was messaging your friend while peeing.
    1 point
  32. I'm naked and scrolling through my phone while sitting on the edge of my bed. The box spring is about to get replaced anyways, so I took a leak right here. It left a trail on the side and puddled on the carpet. I hope no one from maintenance gets suspicious when I ask them to help me move it in a few days 😂
    1 point
  33. It turned me on so much that I grabbed my vibrator to use. Still haven't mopped up lol
    1 point
  34. Very nice, thanks for sharing your story. Nothing more relaxing than a good pee while watching tv.
    1 point
  35. I always pee in the auditorium when I go to the cinema, so I am sure that you will be able to give it a try. I dress to wet in a black skirt mostly so that I can just sit and pee through my skirt and enjoy sitting in a warm and wet seat. It is quite a luxurious feeling and I love the freedom of not having to go to the ladies to pee. I go to the last house so my seat should dry before anyone else sits there, and I drink a lot before I go and while I am watching the film so my pee is nice and dilute. I find that peeing in the cinema really enhances my film-watching experience, and I am
    1 point
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