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  1. A couple of sightings from this evening came from the same place. A few times whilst I was scoping out the crowds and heard people moaning about their need to pee they suggested going to Tesco’s. After a few times of hearing this I was intrigued and whilst wandering around between the different hotspots I found what people were talking about. Along one of the main roads between two of the nightlife spots on the corner of a crossroads was a Tesco’s convenience store and just inside the main entrance was a customer toilet. After checking it out for a while it seemed a lot of people knew about it
    4 points
  2. My most public piss would probably the times I pissed in a craft store. I was getting some supplies for an art project, walking through the aisles as I felt an ache in my bladder. There was a decent amount of people around so I walked to an area were no one would get sprayed, I didn't care who saw me in the act (I never do) but I still didn't want to splatter/splash/spray anyone with my piss. So once I was a reasonable distance from everyone I whipped my dick out and pissed on the floor, leaving a good sized puddle behind as I walked away and continued shopping.
    4 points
  3. Hi all, so I came to the realization that the only porn that can truly get me off these days is pee related stuff, usually solo women or women together. Thing is, every other type of porn is just not doing it for me. I cant cum to the actual sex in porn, just the pee. Is this normal? I’m worried it means I won’t be able to have a normal relationship.
    3 points
  4. Damn. Wanna take me craft shopping? 🥵 Most public place I've ever peed in was either a corn maze or in a fitting room. The fitting room was just a short pee, like a small trickle so idk if it counts. I actually tried to recreate it the other day when I went back but alas: the changing rooms were closed. Probably because someone peed in them lol.
    3 points
  5. I tend to be a bit autistic at times and that results in OCD. The problem's that I like peeing where I should not go and I get "spots" that I want to use often. My need to go actually increases as I get closer to them. There's a space in the stockroom of the grocery store I found when I intentionally turned the wrong way from the bathrooms. Behind the gas station's a small drain pipe with the lid missing. At the front of the hardware store is a "last chance" aisle full of broken items and misshapen wood, that is seldom occupied. Finally, the 2nd hand furniture store has a back room with an aba
    3 points
  6. The next sighting came a little while later. I had been wandering around and checking out different areas where there was nightlife and larger crowds of people. As I wandered around along the main roads I noticed plenty more people arriving on buses which run all through the night with it being the city. It was one of these buses arriving that would bring my next encounter. I was walking along one of the main roads when a bus pulled up at the stop up ahead. A bunch of people got off and headed off in different directions. Amongst them was a group of three girls who got off and headed in t
    3 points
  7. I had a wander up and down the street checking out the different bars and general area all whilst checking out the crowds. It was whilst wandering around that I noticed the differences with scoping out sightings in this environment compared with doing so in my town. The key one being it was much busier, there were crowds of people everywhere I walked which in theory sounded great. More people meant longer queues for bars and more people with filling bladders. However this increase in people also seemed to come with a downfall. With more people around it seemed harder for people to find
    3 points
  8. The closest I came to that situation was when me and two other guys were walking these two girls home from the pub through a country lane. One of them needed a pee and asked the rest of us if she should just do it there right in the middle of the road. I was the one who told her to go right ahead. And she did, peeing in the middle of the quiet road in front of us all. That was over 40 years ago now way back in the summer of 1983 when I was only 18. But the memory remains a treasured one. I suppose if that happened today someone would have taken a pic and it would have ended up on one
    2 points
  9. Note! This is not exactly erotic fan fiction of The Graduate (1967) but an idea that pulls the concepts and dynamics of the movie and adapts it into pee eroticism. I'll update this with chapters in this thread as I go. I may re-edit segments after the fact as well. First Chapter Contains: A man catching a woman peeing. Further chapters will contain a young man being caught peeing by an older woman, him catching her peeing,the two of them peeing together, desperate peeing, drunk peeing, and trans woman peeing. Chapter 1: The Ride Home June 14th 11:30am So, I've had a
    2 points
  10. As I was walking back to my car through my usual parking garage, I saw a car far ahead in the distance with both the front and back doors open, but no visible driver. Still a ways off, I kept walking down the aisle and could see the front and rear doors close. I kept walking down the aisle now approaching the car as the brake lights came on and engine started. I could see a young blonde woman driving. She was looking at me nervously wanting to start backing out. She could have started backing, but I would have been in the way of her turn to leave, so she ended up waiting and immediately l
    2 points
  11. I have been really busy these past few months studying day and night and burrowing myself in books. I am not joking when I say that because of this I am a not so proud member of the raccoon eyes family now. So my friend took it upon herself to drag me out of the house and make an attempt to bring me back to civilisation. Anyway today she surprised me with an impromptu picnic. She probably brought all types of crisps available on planet earth and drinks, mainly fruity drinks and iced peach tea. We went to a nearby park, sat at one of the picnic tables near the trees and gossiped away
    2 points
  12. Completed cancer treatment. The chemo was bad, but necessary. But the radiation truly wrecked some things in my body. I'm temporarily an inpatient due to extremely severe dehydration. I can't eat or drink anything and keep it down. I can barely even speak. I'm looking at possibly getting a feeding tube, but still undecided. I lost a lot of weight. At least my husband finally understands I'm not doing this to try to die.
    2 points
  13. Wishing you all the best and hope you make a good recovery. xx
    2 points
  14. My hubby's favourite , ♥️
    2 points
  15. Good to hear from you @Simpfan4, wishing you a speedy recovery.
    2 points
  16. Yes you have to behave as others would regard as normal in situations that secretly turn you on. Clearest example in my life I can think of is an incident I have described before, when I was in the back of a taxi travelling along a street which back then was the main late night drinking area. And all of a sudden, I spotted a young lady squatting and pissing in full view quite openly on the pavement with people walking right past. Taxi driver spotted it as well and insisted on emoting to me about how disgusting this was. So as not to break my cover and clearly because he was expecting some
    2 points
  17. I managed to have a cheeky wee on a night out some time ago while remaining in a conversation with a bystander. I had been stood near a wall by a pub which was part of the beer garden on his side and an alley way on mine, although there was no exit from the pub to the alley. I was on my way home and had nipped into the alley to pee and he was collecting glasses from the now closed pub. We knew each other from nights out in that pub and he sidled over and we chatted for a bit over the wall, which was just high enough to cover my chest. There was a flower bed on his side so he couldnt come
    2 points
  18. When I was in high school snd college, my friend "S" was a real party girl, and would drink a lot, and pee pretty much anywhere. She was thin (athletic build), with shoulder length dark hair, and a big smile. She had a big personality too - kind of a "just one of the guys" type girl, if you know what I mean? Easygoing, fun to be around, and everyone enjoyed her company. So nonchalance kind of went with the territory. If we were drinking, she'd inevitably need to pee, and she rarely ventured too far off to do it. One time she was leaving a party at my house. She was about to get into
    2 points
  19. A bit of a confession here,, im very into water sports and pee play but my husband hates it and refuses to participate so i dont get much pee play. So what ive started to do in the evenings is when i need the toilet at home i go upstairs, close the bathroom door, take my robe off and stand in the bath and just let it flow, ive even started to leave my panties on recently, a quick wash down with the shower head and im back down stairs and hubby is none the wiser. O reckon its only a matter of time before im doing this in the bath😁
    1 point
  20. I’ve been home alone all weekend and i’ve been enjoying having free rein of the house to piss where I want. I’ve walked around the house diapered up and wet myself multiple times throughout the day. I’ve also gone out on my deck naked and just freely pissed even though my neighbors might be looking. Today was the last day I was going to be home alone and I wanted to piss somewhere really naughty. I chugged lots of water and touched myself while I scrolled through this site. I was sooo wet at the thought of releasing my bladder somewhere extra naughty. When the desperation really set
    1 point
  21. I reckon you can do the half then ... 11.6k is almost there! Hope the rest day tomorrow is good. And good news about the foot arch 🙂
    1 point
  22. Thank you sharing this wonderful occasion.
    1 point
  23. Last Friday evening I sat on the toilet in my running vest and shorts, K stripped down to her black knickers and sat on my lap facing me. I put my arms around her beautiful body, stroking her back and bottom while I nuzzled her boobs, and then she relaxed her bladder and wet herself and me. Half way through her wetting, I started to add my flow to hers. By the time we’d finished, 30 seconds or so later, her knickers and my shorts were utterly saturated and while much of the pee had gone into the toilet bowl, there was a sizeable puddle on the bathroom floor. I asked her to lift herself up
    1 point
  24. Mixed feelings about this mornings run. I appeared to be flying along at 4k and felt I could run forever but just hadn't realised I had a tailwind. Fast forward to 8k in a headwind, uphill with my left knee giving me serious pain and struggling home. Later the top of my inner left thigh was niggling. But I did manage 11.6k in 1 hour 9 minutes 12 seconds. First run since 25th July and have barely run all year so to get around at 6 minutes per k is good news. Most importantly my left foot arch issues which are the reason I haven't been running didn't flare up.
    1 point
  25. Being in a particular fetish that's very much a minority fetish, it's sadly common, I feel happy for couples who share pee play as a common interest
    1 point
  26. My longest was roughly around 5 minutes. A few friends and I were at another friend's house having a small "party", there were only 6 of us so I don't know if we can really call that a party. We spent the night drinking and fucking around playing drinking games which caused me to need to pee quite quickly but I decided to just hold it and go later (I'm really good at holding my piss in for long periods of time, even when drunk). After a few hours I figured I would finally go piss, because even though I didn't feel like I was bursting, I was getting quite drunk and have pissed myself befor
    1 point
  27. That's me when I am writing for school. I'll feel like I'm about to wet my pants, tell myself "just one more sentence!" Cause I don't wanna lose my MOJO, then continue to sit and write 5 more paragraphs 🙃
    1 point
  28. Wow, that's awesome, I wish I was as brave and as confident as you two. I'm kind of at the begining of my pee journey so I'm not nearly as confident as to do that yet. I'm still at the "bushes in the park" stage which I really enjoy. I am doing it more and more these days. The thrill of letting go, the risk of being seen, the fact it's regarded as not an acceptable thing for a woman to do all make it very pleasurable xx
    1 point
  29. And see all all the photos taken by earlier visitors 😲😉
    1 point
  30. I've pissed in the garden section of my local Walmart many times. Very few people are normally back there so it's a very easy spot to piss. I usually wear gym shorts so I can easily get my dick out, either over the waist band or through the leg hole. Sometimes I piss in a potted plant, other times I'll piss on the floor openly in the middle of the aisle either standing in one spot the whole time or I'll walk around while I piss. I've also done it inside the store on multiple occasions, but I like pissing in the garden section because it'll soak into the concrete where as inside it leaves an ob
    1 point
  31. I have that fetish too, and same as you I don't like when the crush is about living creatures. It's a shame that is so hard to find content about that. Other similar fetish for me is when the people is fucking over something and the things falls down.
    1 point
  32. maybe its a little too short to be standing on a balcony. 🫢 especially without panties on. haha, oh well. 🤭
    1 point
  33. You could pee anywhere and blame the dog for what he did, but it must be credible to the owners so they won't blame you. Whenever I take care of a relative's house, I always think of places where he would pee. It goes without saying that I am always naked when I take care of a house
    1 point
  34. I like this nonchalant action just to piss where you were standing. Is your girlfriend also into naughty peeing?
    1 point
  35. On my list would be walking down an empty city street at 3am, whipping my cock left and right, pissing without breaking my stride, as well as once in an elevator, and every once and a while in a cup at the back of a movie theater. I'm not normally the most into wetting but once I very publicly wet my jeans in pouring rain while talking to someone at a bus stop. That was pretty exciting, since nobody could tell and I was desperate.
    1 point
  36. One of the hottest sights I got genuinely by accident happened years ago at home. My mum and stepdad had gone away for the weekend and on the Saturday night my step sister went out for the night with some friends. She had already told me that one of her friends was going to be sleeping over which I said I was fine with as I was going round to my friends house and might end up crashing there like I did quite a lot. Unfortunately my friend had something come up so I just stayed in and enjoyed having the house to myself. Later in the evening I was sat in my room on my xbox and I thought I h
    1 point
  37. Hi, I’m new, and like wet sex and wet and messy, playing with food during the sex is for me fun. Turn me on when you go totally for the sexuel pleasures with peeing that the consequences never minded. Example, that the couch is totally ruined by soaking it with piss, and the high heels make holes in the couch. do things that not allowed, you misbehaving
    1 point
  38. You'll find plenty of girls pissing everywhere by late afternoon / early evening at the V festival :) … but if you want to see 100's of women pee, join the Great north run in Newcastle. At the starting area, there are men and women pissing EVERYWHERE and together :) no-body cares.
    1 point
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