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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2023 in Posts

  1. Completed cancer treatment. The chemo was bad, but necessary. But the radiation truly wrecked some things in my body. I'm temporarily an inpatient due to extremely severe dehydration. I can't eat or drink anything and keep it down. I can barely even speak. I'm looking at possibly getting a feeding tube, but still undecided. I lost a lot of weight. At least my husband finally understands I'm not doing this to try to die.
    13 points
  2. I had a wander up and down the street checking out the different bars and general area all whilst checking out the crowds. It was whilst wandering around that I noticed the differences with scoping out sightings in this environment compared with doing so in my town. The key one being it was much busier, there were crowds of people everywhere I walked which in theory sounded great. More people meant longer queues for bars and more people with filling bladders. However this increase in people also seemed to come with a downfall. With more people around it seemed harder for people to find
    7 points
  3. Yep. That's me. Squatted in the corner, pulling my panties to the side, curling in on myself, and peeing as fast as I could on the floor of the Radford Center building at my university. You're probably wondering how I got here, right? Well. I would be happy to tell you! My University is in the heart of my State's busiest city. Everyone hates city driving I know, but luckily for me it would be my last week driving through the gridlock because at the time of this incident I was due to take my final exam for my final class. I couldn't wait to get my degree handed to me. Leyla Archer. Bachel
    5 points
  4. I have the perfect video for this topic. Hoping the mods are okay with a video link here given how relevant it is to this thread. Wanna see how female cops pee? Here it is. https://thisvid.com/videos/portapotty-spy-lady-cop/
    4 points
  5. The curse part is getting turned on around those you know are probably not into it and having to remain normal after the fact.
    4 points
  6. I'll piss anywhere and everywhere without a care of who's around. I've posted many times about my experience pissing in hotels and elevators. There have been times I was on a public bus and had to piss, so I just whipped it out and pissed off my seat, I've done the same in public trains. Another time at subway station the train was taking a long time to arrive so I went to the back wall stood parallel to it and pissed on the floor. Not like into the corner, just openly. Anytime I'm at the mall or a store I'll either piss as I'm walking, stop and piss in the open, piss near a wa
    3 points
  7. Dear Wet Carpet & Alfresco, Aaron, here probably for the last time since I feel the issue is resolved today in the morning after reading your review and thinking about it for a month. I felt confident I could resolve the issue. So I walk to her room, but I see the restroom wide open. There in her whole naked beauty was my daughter brushing her teeth and using the sink as her urinal. I don’t tell her anything since I sometimes pee in the sink as well. Her strong morning stream caused a splashback adoring the white sink in yellow droplets. She spits out the toothpaste
    3 points
  8. Great to hear from you. I know I speak for all your fans (aka The Simps) here in wishing you a speedy and full recovery.
    3 points
  9. Walking home this evening I was bursting for a piss, so I walked off the sidewalk a bit and went to the back door of the local movie theater, by the dumpsters. I was surprised to find the door open a crack - some of my piss may have splashed inside as I thoroughly hosed down the doorway. I just wish a cute theater employee would have walked out to put some trash away while I was standing there...
    3 points
  10. This next handful of sightings will differ from my others as they come from a different location. For context, the club where I work is part of a chain, we have venues up and down the country. Occasionally club's will require extra staff on certain days for example if they have an event on, they are running a promotion or they are simply just short staffed. On these occasions they will reach out to other local clubs to find staff to cover. This happened last weekend. One of our local clubs got in touch with our manager asking if there were any staff that fancied covering on Saturday evening a
    3 points
  11. Dear Wet Carpet. My 31 year old girlfriend, Sara, has been living with me for three years now. My home is a cheap one which amongst other things has no central heating in the bathroom or upstairs landing. On cold days in winter it can be damned cold in there. But it is all I could afford to buy, and was so fed up with renting. Well on a particularly cold January evening some eight or so months ago we were lying together in bed, chatting when she groaned about needing to go to the bathroom for a pee. And moaned about how cold it was going to be. I of course had the naughtiest ide
    3 points
  12. As I was walking back to my car through my usual parking garage, I saw a car far ahead in the distance with both the front and back doors open, but no visible driver. Still a ways off, I kept walking down the aisle and could see the front and rear doors close. I kept walking down the aisle now approaching the car as the brake lights came on and engine started. I could see a young blonde woman driving. She was looking at me nervously wanting to start backing out. She could have started backing, but I would have been in the way of her turn to leave, so she ended up waiting and immediately l
    2 points
  13. Good morning my friends! Now that the school year has started up again I have been enjoying one of my favorite crafts: diamond painting. For those who may not know it's basically paint by number but you use small plastic bits instead of paint and at the end you have a really cool 3D image. Whenever I have the house to myself and can put what I want on TV I can get so into diamond painting that sometimes I simply forget that I have to pee 😬 and the thing about it is it can get incredibly messy if i do try and get up to pee. I've accidentally knocked over the tray of diamonds and had to spe
    2 points
  14. Most of the questions on here lately seem to be asking whether you would do this or that in terms of peeing, @Sophie. And whilst I cannot deny slipping in the occasional such question in myself in the past, nor can I deny having an interest in your answers to such questions for my own pervy reasons (I'm a peefan, what can I say, lol), it does probably get a bit too much after a while. And so I will try and ask something intelligent which has nothing to do with anything remotely sexual. Because, much as you do come across as a very sexy lady around here, it is actually your mind that
    2 points
  15. I’m so happy to hear from you. I know you can do it your very strong.
    2 points
  16. Echoing @gldenwetgoose and @glad1 here @Simpfan4. Take care, and very best wishes for your recovery x
    2 points
  17. One day at a time precious @Simpfan4 - we know you've still got a long uphill road ahead. But fantastic news that part of the treatment is complete, and thanks for letting us know. All best wishes and fingers crossed for getting your strength back soon - onwards and upwards with all your Peefans friends there for you.
    2 points
  18. Funny how seeing a name or a reference to a song can suddenly remind you... and you just have to go and listen to it.
    2 points
  19. something like 3 years, i think. but only because i was quite literally a baby. lol. so if i just count not using one for peeing, my longest streak would be about two weeks before i got caught in a predicament where i had to finally go to a toilet. this would have been in the infancy of my peexploration. somehow a roommate and i had discovered our mutual interest. though, she was a few years older than me, and definitely much more into the fetish side of it. anyways, once there was an awareness that we both enjoyed pee, i found her using the bathroom less and less. and it kinda inspired m
    2 points
  20. Sex Bizarre Forty Two Published in May 1987, the opening story, ‘Golden Games’ is set in a Spanish resort and features one of the most attractive female models from that period. My research has revealed that Peter Theander had fallen out with his brother over the direction of the corporation, as far as I am aware it was Peter that was pushing the publications into more exotic locations and embracing the German publishers and models. Golden Games is a typical Peter Theander production, as the girl is picked up at the airport by two men who take her to a Villa for sex that results in
    2 points
  21. Any politician who says that it is better to be pissed off than pissed on has clearly never campaigned in our little community. And whoever said that it was better to be inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in obviously never had two naked female water sports enthusiasts in his tent.
    2 points
  22. (Male & female desperation, pee and wetting) Hi guys, do you want to hear what naughty fun we got up to the other night ? Of course you do... When I say 'we', that's myself Charlie (it's not Sunday, so we'll lose the Charlotte) and my friend Kat (also not her Sunday name). We met in the uni halls last year, and instantly hit it off - even though we're quite different. Anyway, it was Kat's birthday during the week so us and a couple of the guys we know decided to celebrate. Jake said he had it all planned, and as he's good with stuff like that we let him go for it.
    2 points
  23. I rather pee outride to
    2 points
  24. So as a teen, and now an adult I always had my room facing my backyard I sleep butt naked always it’s the most comfortable way to sleep. I always peed my morning pees out my bedroom window since I was 14 it all started when I woke up desperate one morning I would usually brush my teeth pee in the sink but particularly morning I didn’t wake up in time I woke up 30 minutes late for school and I was extremely desperate so I open my bedroom window and peed a flood falling on my dad’s pants I sigh in relief use my to wipe myself when I’m finished get dress for school brush my teeth and then walk do
    2 points
  25. New one 😉 Hope you will enjoy !
    2 points
  26. I would love to clap my hands on your ass...
    1 point
  27. Likewise @Simpfan4 all the best for your recovery xx
    1 point
  28. The guy in my avatar is definitely not me. I don't know who the guy in the image is, but the woman is a porn actress named Elsa Jean. I picked the image because it was a really nice gif of an activity that I enjoy doing very much. I love her happy smile of pleasure, and the way she is using her hand behind his head to guide his mouth to her pussy.
    1 point
  29. That’s a nice story. I had one semester where I had a room by myself but unfortunately wasn’t into naughty peeing yet. I watched porn of it and at the time was half disgusted about why I liked it. There was no stopping my pee kink and that’s why I signed up for PeeFans later that year. Put me in that room now and I would spray it every week. Do you pee in the toilet at home now?
    1 point
  30. Haha exactly you just can't help that mental thought in your brain.
    1 point
  31. Love this one. Would like to read more of Christiana and her bladder pride. Maybe mother like daughter?
    1 point
  32. Silence wasn’t always common in the Freeland household, even less so around the dinner table. But for the moment, the two sisters and their mother sat without a word between them. The clinking of silverware and plates had taken over, and each of the present family members enjoyed, or at least tried to enjoy their mothers spaghetti. Rather than sit in silence, the girls mother spoke up “Have you decided what you’re going to do for senior skip day, Jessica?” Jessica finished chewing before answering “No. Not really. I might just hang around here.” “Well that’s not really fun. What
    1 point
  33. Some uppies but peed in panties. All originals. Love to see more along this line, from private collections.
    1 point
  34. I'm curious about that particular pee experience too, Abby. My GF gives me her whole bladder content to quench my thirst regularly, and I simply LOVE it! I slept last night with my head on the towel she peed on yesterday, while she was peeing in my mouth! I had a great night, dreaming about her beautiful peeing pussy. 🥰
    1 point
  35. By request, testing in the garden how easy it might be to pee nonchalantly out of a leg of a pair of shorts. The answer is that it is probably possible to get away with this in public. And running shorts channel the pee very effectively! https://www.erome.com/a/ZDsKn4Q9
    1 point
  36. Sigh. 💚 Everything about this is so beautiful. So simple and understated, but divine and intimate, not to mention wonderfully wet. 💦 I made a list of the things I adore: Your gorgeous wife, and what she does for you, and with you, despite not being a pee-fan herself. Your pee mixing with her pee…I know in real life it is just fluids being pulled down by gravity, but I evolve things into a spiritual notion in my mind, and I think about how those special fluids travelled through the mechanics of your bodies, and you released your waters at just the right time for th
    1 point
  37. Wish I could pee anywhere dogs do and get the same reaction from people
    1 point
  38. yeah, it’s the same for me. Whenever someone tells me they have to pee or that they just went to pee, I always am dying to be like “tell me everything about it and next time can you invite me?” Lol
    1 point
  39. Ya when friends have to go pee and we're at a park or something I have to stay back. Because the sight or sound of them going will turn me on and I dont want a boner in front of them. It still turns me on just knowing their going. Also when I see someone going in public i have to stare. Like my neck locks in to position and I have to fight my self to not be caught. But I love to memorize all the spots I've seen people pee or evidence of it.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Hello everyone ! Another victim of my girlfriend pee desires. We went out for the afternoon, 4-5h without peeing. She was really happy to come back home to mark again her territory ! Their is approximatly 20-25s seconds of full pressure piss on this couch. What a lovely puddle no ? 😊
    1 point
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