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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2023 in Posts

  1. hi i’m a long time lurker who finally made an account. sorry for my english (it is not my first language) i absolutely love peeing absolutely anywhere and everywhere. especially where i shouldn’t 😉
    5 points
  2. Troughs are the best.
    4 points
  3. This year I was on vacation in the Czech Republic. Wild urination is still common there and on the campsites I regularly saw men standing near a bush. At one campsite there was some kind of family party going on. During the day I saw the children and men walking into the forest to pee. At night I didn't see anyone walking to the toilets, so I guess the women also went into the forest, but unfortunately it was too dark to see anything. Early the next morning I had better luck. I heard the zipper of a tent open and looked out from my own tent. Two ladies in their late 20s came out and walke
    4 points
  4. Sounds like something I'd like to try at least once in my life. I can remember being younger at a water party at church and being covered head to toe in water. The adults wouldn't let me in the building to pee. I really didn't know what to do so I went into the woods and just wet my pants so no one would see me. I remember it being really peaceful and quiet even tho i was by myself. My little brain told me I guess that no one would be able to tell I had wet my pants and the pee would just dry along with the water when we were done lol. I'd imagine it would be the same if I were soak
    3 points
  5. It’s been literally forever since I’ve posted it had any worthwhile, memorable sightings or experiences. A couple times I’ve seen the roadside car doors open to imitate a stall with a female squatting to pee and either doing so or adjusting their jeans after the deed was finished. Just enough to get some blood pumping and an erection, but certainly not exciting enough to document. That was until today. Probably one of the absolute most exhilarating and memorable experiences I’ve ever had was on this day, Sunday 8-20-2023. I had to work which meant the day wasn’t all t
    2 points
  6. Hey people. I wanna tell you a story about last time i was at a concert. It was a hole day concert, where there was differents artist through the day. We was a groupe of: two of my male friends, my GF, gf little sister and there cousins. To the "medina" concert we was standing pretty close to the scene. I have to pee. So i just zip down og pull it out. Pointing at the ground and let it go. My girlfriend is looking and say "you cant do it here" i just laugh. But then! There is this girl who walk by us, and she walk directly into my stream without notice. And then my stream "
    2 points
  7. There is a scene in the X-Streams video "Pissing about in London pt. 2" where Jenni Loveit does a wee at the Notting Hill carnival. As you can see from the screenshot, there are plenty of police about and they don't seem too worried.
    2 points
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ2zphBHl1M Peeing starts from 1:28 when the lady goes around the back of the buoy and then drops her trousers to sit on the wall. Very poor quality for the most part as it is badly lit except when a car goes by. You also see her standing and pulling her trousers up.
    2 points
  9. "What are you on about I'm busy?" "I'm going to pee on the floor, is that OK?" "Sure whatever, just stop bothering me. .................. WAIT NO! STOP! DON'T DO THAT! Why do you always try to trick me when I'm occupied!?!"
    2 points
  10. Oh and not really a true sighting, but yesterday when I was driving home from a day out with the family, I was queuing in slow traffic when I noticed a car stopped in a layby. A lady in pink tight shorts and a crop top was bending into the rear passenger door of her car, I presumed attending to a child in the back. However she then stood up and walked directly from the car into the undergrowth to the side of the road. She disappeared out of sight, but I reckon we know what she was going to do there.
    2 points
  11. I believe my biggest fears are people confronting me/telling me to stop or judging me. My ultimate goal is to be more spontaneous and bold about peeing, basically just going anywhere I want to. But what especially frustrates me is the fear for being judged while if a guy did it people would shrug it off. For example: I'm not bold enough for that yet but if I had taken a piss in that that dark elevator corner maybe some people passing by would have thought it's gross but nothing more. But picture this situation: Some time ago I'm waiting for my train to leave when a big group of footb
    2 points
  12. Been a bit… but… piss explosion on the carpet tonight lol
    2 points
  13. Decided a little bit of time peeing in my bed was a good use of my time
    2 points
  14. I couldn’t help it. I think I’m addicted to peeing on the carpet lol
    2 points
  15. I have posted many of my sightings of girls peeing across different threads in these forums, but I've now decided to follow @Big Bear's example and create a thread where I'll keep adding new posts when I experience a sighting (hoping that there will still be more to come of course!!) - that way, it keeps the forums a bit tidier. I will start with a few sightings I had on a Friday night about 3 weeks ago in a town in North West England: First one has where three girls were sat on a bench having a laugh and drinking. I kept a vague eye on them but didn't always look in their directio
    1 point
  16. i do plan on peeing all over the car that i’m given. just the thought of spraying all over the seats would be so hot to me
    1 point
  17. Personally a room dedicated to naughty peeing would make the peeing not feel naughty.
    1 point
  18. I have a guy I know who I super fucking don't like. I would love to piss on his truck but the paranoid fucker has cameras wired on all sides of the thing. I'd consider a make but he'd most likely still recognize me unless I wore some goof disguise and that is simple a bridge too far. Looking a for cars that are parked poorly and hosing them down would be fun af though. may give that a try.
    1 point
  19. I have heard the same about the Shuttle, too. As for my English: I am learning it for... more then 35 years by now; I learned most of it from Video games and some TV-Series I watched first in German, and then in English (often at the same evening). And without Firefox's autocorrect my written English would be far worse. ^^ But SOME pun's I do get:
    1 point
  20. Aww i really like this idea! The only issue is free users of this app can only post three times a day. I don't use it enough to justify paying for it so this would hinder me on this idea 😔 but otherwise I like it a lot! I just wish peefans had a story feature. I'd totally do this for the whole site lol. 🤩🤩 I like this a lot too!! I may have to give it a try one day when I'm alone lol.
    1 point
  21. I had a go at photographing mine, quite difficult with the selfie lens on my phone! Trying to support penis standing up and pressing the shutter, I'll persevere when I'm on 'bonk' again 🙂 I did it! Self timer set to 10 seconds
    1 point
  22. Never invite anyone to pee in my apartment. It's just me who pees anywhere in my apartment, when I'm bored anything becomes my toilet like the floor, the carpet, the sofa. I don't care about anything 🤣
    1 point
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ7ra488Zjw&t=2424s Start at 30:09 (or start at 27:32 if you like girls in tight shorts). This one has two girls who go round the back of the buoy. The first one to go round is wearing a yellow summer dress. The second one is wearing tight shorts and a snug fitting top. The first one disappears round the left side of the buoy and you can just make out her shadow squatting down (I know, sad to spot that). The second one goes to the right and you can see pulling down her shorts then two other girls come into the frame from the left (presumably girls
    1 point
  24. 1. Piss through my shorts, every time 2. If my shorts are wet just piss myself through my shorts, if my shorts are dry either piss myself if no one’s near or get my cock through the leg of my shorts and piss on the lounger 3. Cock out the leg of my shorts and piss on the grass 4. Probably get in the pool and piss there, if no one’s near just piss my shorts 5. Can’t piss while I’m moving so hold it till I’m in the pool and piss there 6. Probably got wet shorts so just piss them, if dry shorts, maybe wait till I’m in the pool 7. Same as 6 8. Would like to think
    1 point
  25. Not the full vid but looks like it went all over the train seat plus wiping https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=64e22e8cf36d8
    1 point
  26. Skinny girl in a fitting room, cum drops on the floor but the camera never shows it sadly https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=64e3dc88bf49d
    1 point
  27. Too focused on hydration, not focused enough on undressing...
    1 point
  28. Dear Wet Carpet. I had what you might call a rather unconventional upbringing. My mum was a heavy drinker and also a bisexual, into ladies as well as men. She would often come home late in the evening when I was a teenager, quite drunk, and with men or women in tow. I saw things I clearly shouldn't have because when my mum was drunk she didn't care and clearly got a buzz out of pissing. Like the time I saw her holding some guys dick as he pissed all over our kitchen floor. Or the time that she and several female friends from the pub were all laughing raucously as they pissed on the l
    1 point
  29. The third sighting came very quickly after the second one, but was nowhere near as good. I saw a lady head into the woods from the track (towards position 3 marked on the plan above). She was a very slim lady, maybe just over 5 feet tall with long dark brown hair. She was wearing black trousers which were split up the sides of the legs to just below the knees and a lightweight jacket. I saw her delicately stepping over the vegetation at the edge of the track to make her way into the woods - there wasn't really a path there. I kept my eye on her and when she moved further into the w
    1 point
  30. Wish I could pee anywhere dogs do and get the same reaction from people
    1 point
  31. This afternoon I revisited this spot... It's been a lovely sunny Sunday, wearing my flirty floral sundress and my roman sandals, with the plan of another brunch with friends. However, this time I'd gone commando, anticipating the opportunity for a public wee. I had a glass of berocca before I left as well to add to the fun. Three mimosas deep and zero wee breaks, I say goodbye to my friends. The familiar alleyway from that winter day was close by. A smirk played on my lips as I remembered that frosty morning. I already felt the desperate need to relieve myself, the pressure building
    1 point
  32. Grace stretched her legs out in her seat in the jet, eyes fixated on the scenery out the window. The girls were on their annual trip to Izzy’s beach house, Grace had never gotten to go before. Her heart raced out of sheer excitement. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been on a trip, and she knew she’d never gone on one quite as lavish as this. She turned to look at her friends, who seemed entirely nonplussed by the fact they were quite literally sitting in a private jet. She was admittedly nervous, as well. She had never been so far from home, and to make things worse, sh
    1 point
  33. Ellie "Hey girls! Meet Jade! She's a friend from Uni. I'm going to add her to this group after what was a rather sexy drunken walk home from a girls brunch the other day! 😉 She's said I can upload these pics I have. They are screen grabs from a drunken video, hence the poor quality as we were both laughing so hard. 😂 She had to pee so bad and I decided to film it. Bit rude of me, but hey, we were really drunk!" Ellie "She was bursting, so we hurried off the road and found somewhere quiet. She instantly pulled her leggings down and it just errupted out like a fi
    1 point
  34. I wanna go gay for this dick!
    1 point
  35. Perfect. Or as close to human perfection as it gets.
    1 point
  36. I saw two girls peeing on the pavement in separate positions at different times. I also saw a couple of other puddles.
    1 point
  37. At Work It was 13:00. I had already had 2 coffees and a couple of glasses of water at work. My bladder was quite full, and I could have easily peed a fairly substantial amount. Instead, I chose to ignore it. I only had 1 hour left at work (plus any overtime) and a 30 minute drive home. It was time to see just how strong my bladder was. It was a busy day, there has been a lot to occupy me the last few days (and evenings), so today I decided to have some fun and use my work load to distract me from my bladders desperation. I continued working, 13:15 came and went, my bladder a lit
    1 point
  38. That time that I knew the girl What’s more embarrassing than being caught peeing somewhere you shouldn’t be? Being caught peeing somewhere you shouldn’t be by someone you know. I’m in my usual spot, the carpark next to a popular nightclub that always has a big lineup outside. It’s Saturday night around midnight and it’s been a pretty successful one for me so far. Four different sightings in four different spots and all of them pretty memorable. None however will be as memorable as the fifth sighting of the night. I’ve just returned to my car after observing 2 young women empty
    1 point
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