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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2023 in Posts

  1. Bit of a messy outdoor pee today, I would have been naked but it wasn’t that warm today unfortunately. https://www.erome.com/a/KiTRViMF
    6 points
  2. Both me and mom are a bit too shy to admit when we need to pee, which has lead to some unfortunate situations for us. I remember once when we were on a long car ride to my grandparents house, which was a few hours away, and she casually asked me if I needed to use the bathroom. I told her I didn’t, even though I really did, and we kept driving. I kept my legs tightly clenched and tried to casually slip my hand into my crotch to hold it. She then asked me if I was sure a few minutes later. She looked worried and looked like she was straining her muscles. She started to bite her lip and leaned e
    6 points
  3. … And had to pee - no matter where!
    5 points
  4. I did this on the beach the other day 😊
    5 points
  5. My naughtiest one… probably on the beach last summer. I was wearing a swimsuit, had gone for a dip in the water and then sat in one of the beach chairs. Was chatting with a couple of my friends who were there too and just released my bladder with little spurts until I eventually lost control near the end and accidentally let out a good long 5 second stream. I was still dripping a ton from the water (long hair was causing some serious drips) and the chair was super low to the sand so no one noticed.
    5 points
  6. Yes when theirs rats as big as Master splinter running around you don’t care where people pee.
    4 points
  7. As an nyc resident, I can confirm. We all have better things to worry about than someone pissing somewhere besides a toilet. I’d say a large portion of nyc residents have relieved themselves in a weird spot before.
    4 points
  8. Couldn't even wait to get it out behind a tree so they had to do it where they were sitting. Must have felt good 😉 Keep this topic up guys, it's super hot.
    4 points
  9. But seeing how I wrote this Jack Kerouac style all in one shot who knows where it will lead.
    4 points
  10. As a lover of Mac and Cheese, I 100 percent need this.
    4 points
  11. As I mentioned in my previous post, along with Emily, I was also pretty desperate for a pee. I'll continue my account of the night from as we pull out of the station after Emily brazenly pissed on the platform in front of a train. Obviously there was a mountain of laughter between the three of us as we rattled our way towards the next station. After a few minutes, Emily quite rightly asked "I thought you also needed to pee?" "I do" I replied, "but I was going to hold till I can find somewhere a bit more private" "Fuck it mate. I clearly don't give a fuck. Just piss out the
    3 points
  12. After a rather eventful night out in London, some friends and I headed to the train station for the last train home. I noticed one of my friends, let's call her Emily, was scanning around as we paced towards the station. I knew what she was looking for. A toilet. Just to prompt something, I exclaimed "I really need to pee!", Which wasn't a lie. I was pretty desperate myself as I hadn't peed for about 2 hours, and had been drinking a fair amount. "Glad it's not just me then!" Emily replied "we can't stop or we'll miss the last train home. Hopefully there's a toilet
    3 points
  13. Yes!! His facial expression definitely proves that he had to do this NOW or otherwise go into his jeans!!
    3 points
  14. Not sure if I want to take it there. This idea came about after a very sexually frustrating period spent living back home and some not so discreet nightly pees out in the open suburbs. Always fantasized about a sexy lady seeing and reciprocating.
    3 points
  15. Mine would have to be a classic squat outside
    2 points
  16. “Ah yes I see its aiming you need training in” -Some giant sewer rat
    2 points
  17. Exactly! The bigger concern is a rat scurrying up to you while you’re peeing.
    2 points
  18. The closest I’ve been to this is peeing on the subway
    2 points
  19. I love squatting outside too, but I’m stuck between that and peeing standing up. It feels more fun to pee standing up like a man, albeit it’s more difficult.
    2 points
  20. I’m here to celebrate piss 🤤 I understand where you are coming from with this perspective. I think it would be seen as unacceptable in either case if there was no valid reason. There is a hierarchy of issues here which, primarily, are the social contract that we use the restroom designated for our sex (or, in progressive areas, gender). Medical necessity, including sanitary conditions and prevention of UTIs, trumps that social contract almost universally. We all know that parasympathetic, really all autonomic, nervous system functions are functions we can only control to a
    2 points
  21. Decided a little bit of time peeing in my bed was a good use of my time
    2 points
  22. So, interestingly, after some research/reading on reddit, this is much more common than I thought! (at least according to reddit users) In r/sex, the topic of squirting is one of the most commonly discussed topics, and there is and endless debate about whether squirt is pee. To me that debate is played out and doesn't really interest me because I'm interested in both squirt and pee. But what's interesting to me is that there are numerous topics about "Learning to squirt," and "How to squirt," and many of them discuss peeing during sex. For example - one woman, who is good at "sq
    2 points
  23. My friends used to take me along to their university bar... They had another mate who drank with them there... after a few beers he would edge closer to the table we were all sitting around, then announce "mind ya feet boys" and flop his cock out and piss right there under the table!
    2 points
  24. Fantastic that he's willing and supportive to give it a try, even if it's not his thing. I guess the most important thing is to consider and discuss exactly what it is that you like most about pee - because there's so many different aspects. For example - do you enjoy holding, wetting? Peeing in unusual, risky or naughty places? Would you like to receive a shower or to give? Do you like to be dominated, or to play the dominant role? And talking together about where you feel your kink originates, what sort of things you fancy trying will hopefully convince him it is a rational
    2 points
  25. I was going to share a little story with you guys but I thought instead of starting a new topic for everything, I would consolidate all my sexy shenanigans into a single topic. Some may feature peeing. This might not be a complete list but it is a start. I will add any new stories in a new post. 31-08-2017 https://peefans.com/topic/8067-peeing-on-clothing-with-husband-watching/?tab=comments#comment-118136 25-05-2019 https://peefans.com/topic/12397-countryside-pee-with-my-husband/?tab=comments#comment-181287 27-07-2020 https://peefans.com/topic/16390-desperate-walk-through-the-wo
    1 point
  26. Have you ever looked back at a situation and thought, "damn, I should have peed there/then!" and regretted not doing it? I always think of good ideas after the moment has passed.
    1 point
  27. “Masculinity” isn’t toxic. “Toxic masculinity” is toxic.
    1 point
  28. Thank you! He was honestly very open to it as he has some kinks that I’m not as into that I’ve explored with him. I was so nervous bringing it up at all that I was nervous to talk more in depth, but I think it would help him understand!
    1 point
  29. Hey ! Just joined the forum a few minutes ago and saw that they’re wasn’t a lot of baguette eaters here so here I am ! I’m 21 Male from the south of france, mostly straight but who knows, and happy to chat anytime 😉
    1 point
  30. I feel like the way you where raised would also affect this. Theirs some people who think public peeing is very taboo and would never do it they prefer to piss themselves. Then theirs others that would let little John or little Jane pee anywhere the wanted to avoid the mess. Like for my mom’s always told me if you need to go then go never hold that’s terrible. Don’t worry about people or things you worry about reliving yourself.
    1 point
  31. It’s my first shot at this. Dear Wet Carpet, Hello, Wet Carpet readers; I’m Aaron, 45 years old I live with my only daughter, 18. Her name is Aaliyah; her mother, my wife, passed away two years ago in a car accident. Aaliyah and I have been closer than ever; she is an excellent girl. Her grades are immaculate. She’s an honor roll student; after graduating, Aaliyah has an Ivy League scholarship. (Aaliyah's physical description) Aaliyah is 5’7, and her skin color is light skin. Her hair is golden brown, curly down to her lower back. Her eyes are like min
    1 point
  32. In this month's Wet Carpet Magazine we're going to introduce you to Raven, one of our favourite feature girls and winner of our member's choice 'wettest star' award no less than four times. Recently I had the chance to hang out at her modest West Coast home and get to know her a little. Here's what she had to say... "So It's lovely to meet you Raven, you really have become one of the hottest stars of Wet Carpet Magazine in recent years - why do you think that is? Well, I guess if you say so. But I've never really considered myself a star, you know I've just a gal who likes to get
    1 point
  33. My kid is very active in a sport for which there are weekend tournaments all summer long. These outdoor tournaments are a big gathering, and often involve families traveling to attend. The more specific details aren't relevant to this particular incident. At the most recent tournament, last weekend, there were two pee-related incidents that I thought were worthwhile to mention here. One involved my wife, and the other involved another female parent. The first, involving my wife, was at a morning game/match. It was an early start to the day, and my wife and I had been drinking coffee
    1 point
  34. The house we lived in a few years ago had a courtyard with a bathroom/laundry room off it. I would be the last to bed at night and would go put the laundry on and have a shower before bed. One night I was busting for a pee and sat on the floor in front of the washer (it was a front loader) putting the clothes in before I got undressed. I started leaking, I soon gave in and completely soaking myself - it felt fantastic. It worked out perfectly, I could put my wet clothes into the washing machine to be washed, most of the pee run down the drain in the floor and the shower to care of th
    1 point
  35. Mine (D) usually last about 5-10 seconds followed by another 10-15 seconds of rubbing to get that last bit of feeling out of it. K's can past up to 30 seconds per orgasm, but usually gets quicker by the time she gets to her 4th or 5th.
    1 point
  36. When my ex used to pee inside me, it wasn't the sensation that excited me. It was more like, "He's peeing inside me! He couldn't wait. He had to go so bad and didn't want to pull out." It was the knowledge of what he was doing that turned me on. And knowing that I could also start peeing then.
    1 point
  37. A few years ago, I was working on a big refurbishment project in east London. I had got to know the client, Tiffany, very well. She’s very easy on the eye and was pleased with her choice of dress for the meeting on site this particular day, casual kaki dress, cut very short and by what I was treated to, braless as well, topped with black cowboy type boots. She’s very well proportioned, copper coloured hair with a nice big bum. The property had been gutted back to a shell. On this particular day, we had also gutted the last bathroom. Tiffany made a comment Oh Steve, where’s the toilet gon
    1 point
  38. Yeah I would say it's sort of automatic that when I'm in the bath I just pee there and I'm not at all bothered by it. I do the same in the shower lol. I've also squat and peed in the bathtub with no water before when I was in the naughty mood but had nowhere to go. I've put my foot on the side and peed into it while the shower water was warming, and I have done one of the cool fountain pees where I've spread my legs and shot my stream up as high as I could 😁 The possibilities are almost endless!
    1 point
  39. A bit shorter than I’d like but here is the moving image!
    1 point
  40. Peeing in places you shouldn’t! And hopefully one day peeing on or with someone 😛
    1 point
  41. By the way, as a woman I can tell you that in our minds, the difference between a perverted fucker and a dark and sly-yet-fascinating man lies almost only in the way he act, walk, and look. If a man looks like a frothing bastard who hasn't seen a pussy in years 'cause he is so dumb that even girls in porn movies try to escape the computer screen itself we would not appreciate him. But if a man take a look in the toilet with that kind of attitude like "Sorry madame, I was just checking how rude your piss-behavoiur had been, so to understand if you are a wild-fuck or just another one of thos
    1 point
  42. On time when my boyfriend and I were an a private beach, we started to have sex. So like 2 minutes later, we we naked, on laying on the sand. No one was around. My boyfriend did a little moan and said that he had to pee badly. The sex was so good I didn't want to stop so I said just pee on me. So he did and that made me really have to pee so I peed also. Please tell your stories if you have ones like this!
    1 point
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