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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2023 in Posts

  1. I discovered this technique in college. I begin with a bursting full bladder, then masturbate just a little. No erection needed. Then when I start feeling like I’m about to come I let out some pee. What follows is a very intense orgasm where I’m ejaculating pee instead of semen. If I do this with a full fledged erection then both semen and piss will spurt out, sometimes for as little long as 2 minutes. An orgasm that long can actually make you pass out, so be careful when you first try it. Unfortunately, my video of the process was too big to load. The 5MB max was too small to hand
    3 points
  2. Happen to have some extra time off and decided to go camping and visit some old haunts to the south in the high desert. Seems I planned it for the hottest week of year, no body is here. Last night there was one only camper and they were 200 feet or more away. As soon as it got dark I realized the predicament and peeled my shorts off, walking around my side of the campground with my cock out. Had a pretty liberating pee in the middle of the open clearing. This morning they left early and I had a quick pee under the picnic table, just pulling my cock out of one of the legs and aiming
    3 points
  3. Might as well join in.
    3 points
  4. Had some great pee play with a guy this week. Started with us both bursting and we met for coffee in the hotel lobby. We chatted for about 30 mins - issues of safety and consent- until I said I was about to wet myself. I knelt in the shower and he pissed all over me, mostly on my cock but also on my chest and on my face. I swallowed his piss. Then, still kneeling I pissed upwards onto how cock but also into my own mouth. I stood up and finished all over his cock and chest. We had further play but not of the watersports kind. I have done all this with women before but
    2 points
  5. Welcome to the future of workplace design with the Versatile Relief Area (VRA). This innovative device revolutionizes office spaces, providing workers with a dedicated and inclusive solution for attending to their needs without interrupting productivity. The VRA promotes productivity by eliminating the interruptions and restroom trips. Conveniently located within the office, it empowers workers to address their needs seamlessly, staying engaged in meetings and workflow. The VRA accommodates both standing and squatting postions, ensuring all employees feel supported and valued. Enviro
    2 points
  6. Hope this is the correct location for such a post. The following is a conversation I recently had on what’s app with a good friend of mine. We were arranging to meet which was the background of the discussion and she was traveling on a bus at the time. I will call her S. We were just talking about meeting up as mentioned when she mentioned needing to pee. I will jump strait to that message and go from there. S, let me know if you are able to make it. I am dying for a wee and still got ages to go. They should have loos on these buses xxx. Me, oh no. There is nothing worse th
    2 points
  7. The person above me gives wedgies to unsuspecting people on the street.
    2 points
  8. "When small men cast large shadows, the sun is about to set." Chinese proverb.
    2 points
  9. Yesterday I tried to pee standing up in the street. When I was desesperate I go to looking for a calmy street to piss. When I found one I stood in front of a brick wall and seeing that nobody be close I pulled down my jeans until my calfs, then I took off my panties and tried to pee in the wall. I pushed my crotch to can pee, I flexed my knee a bit and support my belly in the bricks. After some seconds doing nothing I started to evacuate, when the tap of my bladder was open, my urine first came out as a profuse drip that created a vertical river over the bricks and then as a spray. I woul
    1 point
  10. but not new to peeing. I'm a drinker at heart but still love to pee where one should't
    1 point
  11. Hi there, I just signed up yesterday after stumbeling into this site while googling for some pee cocktail recipes... I've secretly been a peefan since my early twenties but never had the chance to communicate with anyone like minded. it's great to see that there are other people out there who are into rhe same thing. I read some of the posts in the forum yesterday and was immediately inspired. I am currently sitting at the breakfast table in my slighly wet underwear after an oddly exiting night.
    1 point
  12. The small rug in my room, my trash can, the sink, the bathroom floor, and outside
    1 point
  13. I'm set to be home alone this weekend! First time in a year that this happened. Last year, I had a crazy puppy who required my time and did not allow for freely peeing in the house. This year, he should be on better behavior. I hate that my house has real hardwood floors and it always makes me paranoid to pee on it. I can spray the bathroom guilt-free since parents want to remodel it soon. However, idk if pee and the cleaning stuff will make our ant problem worse. I plan on peeing in my bed overnight (mattress protector sadly). Can't see how I could resist spraying my bedroom at least a little
    1 point
  14. Have the girls on site measured their incisions
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. The person above can communicate with alligators through a combination of body movements and gutteral grunts
    1 point
  17. Both of those are great. I especially like the guy pissing on the wall. https://es.thisvid.com/videos/hung-peeing-on-wall/
    1 point
  18. I can't say I regularly use it, however other people do for sure 🥴 It's at the very end of an alley, right before the seaside. There's that little protruding wall that provides perfect cover for anyone coming from the beach for a quick piss, and you can really tell. If you turned back the alley takes a 90° angle so no one can see from behind either. There's some other really good spots in the town, such as the train station/car park that doesn't have a toilet. So the surrounding bushes are always filled with used tissues in the summer. I'm super curious how those pissy st
    1 point
  19. Something about the carpark cock, made me hard.
    1 point
  20. Love these types of vids! Nothing hotter than a guy pissing proudly in public. Both guys have great cocks 🥵
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Looks like you're excited to be seen too. 😉
    1 point
  23. Love her openness about it
    1 point
  24. My wife always pees after sex, and sometimes it takes her a while to get it going. Especially if she has orgasmed. It's not uncommon that she might sit there on the toilet for 3-5 minutes (sometimes more) waiting for the stream to start. I've asked her about it, and she says that when she orgasms, she gets all clenched up down there and it takes a while to relax enough to pee. This is one of the reasons she has told me why she'd never be able to pee during sex. 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  25. Totally get it, luckily I have a "man bag", always there to swing in the way and defuse and hide the situation 👌
    1 point
  26. I always squat down and pee on the floor when the toilet is dirty. I don't think there's anything wrong with that because the toilet still needs cleaning.
    1 point
  27. here's a sneak peek😍 Chapter 3: The Lingering Stain Max awoke from his fitful slumber on the couch, his mind still reeling from the audacious act of his sister Lily. The events of the previous night played on an endless loop in his mind, each replay only intensifying the overwhelming surge of emotions that coursed through him. Groggy and disoriented, Max slowly rose from the couch, his limbs heavy with the weight of a restless night. Max's bleary eyes scanned the room, his gaze fixating on the carpet, now bearing an unfortunate stain and a lingering smell that tainted the r
    1 point
  28. After I headed back down to the churchyard the street was pretty quiet so I sat on the bench and waited for the bars to start kicking out. Eventually the street started to get busy again as people made their way from the bars to get taxis or head to the top side of town. As time passed however it soon got quiet again and I then started to have the internal debate with myself of heading home as it was quiet or staying on the off chance something might happen. The amount of people kept fluctuating making the decision harder but the more time passed the more I was convinced there would be no
    1 point
  29. Watersports Team-1 Paula and Noleta will be taking care of your initiation to the University Watersports Team. Arrive at the address in the map link below at 5pm and make sure you stay hydrated through the day. The Whatsapp message was brief and to the point, but Lena did wonder what was meant by the 'stay hydrated' part. Maybe it was something to do with health and safety around drinking? The uni didn't like initiations, so it was surprising to see a text from the coach endorsing them and clearly helping to arrange them. Even so, she followed the instructions and drank plenty
    1 point
  30. Pee(p)ing Housemate 3 As her messy pee ceased, I leant my head to taste her soaked cunt, but she told me to wait. She got up and laid on the table and said "I want you to piss all over my pussy, I want you to taste my juices mixed with your pee." I stood over her and with a pounding heart and throbbing pussy I began to piss all over her, drenching her slim body in urine. Her glistening pale skin looked perfect beneath my shower and I wanted nothing more than to lick every last drop off. When my stream came to an end I slowly licked up and down her body til I closed in on
    1 point
  31. Pee(p)ing Housemate 2 By 7pm I was bursting, and the nervous anticipation didn't help. I did my makeup and chose some sexy lingerie with no bra. Every pang in my bladder sent a jolt through my body and it took all my willpower to not just go for a wee, but knowing what I hoped we'd get up to later strengthened my resolve. I'd not be peeing in the toilet tonight. A knock on my door signalled that Rebecca was ready. I got up and followed her through. I couldn't deny she looked hot. As soon as she turned she kissed me. I melted into it, realising I was insanely horny, the desperati
    1 point
  32. Pee(p)ing housemate I'm Vanessa, and I've lived in a houseshare with Rebecca for several months now. We were sort-of friends at uni without being close, but a change in work circumstances for both of us a few years after graduating meant we ended up living together to split the bills. We became good friends and often went out drinking together. She was keen to encourage me to go and chat up any boy she thought I'd fancy, but kept slightly reserved herself. She was always the same, straight-laced Rebecca, nice enough but just a little boring. Or so I thought. I came home from work ear
    1 point
  33. Decided to add mine to this thread. This was shortly after I woke up.
    1 point
  34. This story contains clothes pissing indoors, in the car and in public. Also sexual behaviour. By Rikki Bare Part one Julie I soaked my clothes with piss whilst sitting at my computer desk, when my best friend Sandra rang to invite me to come away for the weekend. This might seem an odd thing to do, so let me explain. I’m Julie, and for a living I write technical manuals. I work from home 90% of the time so I don’t see people in the flesh most days. My home office is right at the top of my tall London town house and the toilet is three floors down. I work intensively on my c
    1 point
  35. A week ago I was stopped the cops for “speeding” I was literally only going five over the speed limit. I had a blanket over my legs since I was peeing when he stopped me as he came closer I stopped my stream he asked the usual questions blah blah blah… then he asked what the smell (My pee smelled really strong due to me drinking coffee all day) was I explained to him I was urinating while I was driving and I stopped that’s why I had this blanket over my legs he said “Don’t let me stop you from reliving yourself your cover by your car and blanket so I really can’t do nothing about that since yo
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. My Flatmate the Pornstar-3 Maddie hoped Antonia would arrive soon. She'd been drinking since about 3pm in anticipation of her turning up and could barely hold it. She squeezed her thighs in desperation, her aching bladder pressing down to her pussy. What if she didn't come? What if she thinks I'm just some sick perv? She thought. Her jolt when the door opened nearly caused her to wet herself. Antonia stepped into the room and tutted. "You know, you could have just told me you liked my videos." "I'm sorry Antonia, I didn't know what to say, I thought you'd think I was some
    1 point
  38. Thanks for the recommendations! I'll consider these! I'll absolutely have to do a Britney Spears song at some point. I like the Work Bitch video, but I somehow think it is kinda hard to do a choreography for this song because the chorus is not that different than the in-between parts. Let's see..
    1 point
  39. My Flatmate the Pornstar-Part 2 In my post-orgasm clarity I tried to push these new feelings to one side. Just don't think about it, I told myself. For a few days it was easy enough, I just kept to myself as usual and apart from some small talk with Antonia we barely interacted. She gave no hint as to whether she knew I'd seen her payslip. But then, I heard her go for a wee. As the urine splashed down into the toilet, before I could stop myself, I found the thought forming. What a waste. She shouldn't have to pee in the toilet while I'm here. No sooner had my brain gone down that road, my
    1 point
  40. My Flatmate the Pornstar-1 My name is Maddie, and I recently discovered my flatmate makes piss porn. It was several months into our flatshare when I found out what Antonia did for a living. She was a fine flatmate, kept up with the rent and broadly kept herself to herself. We weren't friends but in the big city flats are expensive so living with someone that didn't kick up a fuss and paid her dues was all I could have hoped for! But one day, I found out what she did out of work, and our flatshare was never the same again. I came home from work early one day and found a payslip o
    1 point
  41. Right around the industrial revolution, I would kidnap the guys responsible for greyhound and ford, transport them here to show them how they fucked with our transportation system, and then kill them so it never happens (assuming time works in a linear way of course, probably doesn't though). I could talk about how much industrial revolution leaders fucked with the united states for hours because I have a DEEP passion for trains as a freight and human transport system. We are missing out on so much technological evolution in that area because a few fuckers thought it'd be nice to make a quick
    1 point
  42. Beautiful! I love the look of a freshly wet carpet! You are a lucky guy
    1 point
  43. Hmmm lets see... tricky one.🙄
    1 point
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